A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 101: A Pleasant Trip to Firwood.

Chapter 101: A Pleasant Trip to Firwood.

Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Singing Lv. 10] [Dancing Lv. 9] [Stage Fever Lv. 3] gained

Skill requirement fulfilled. [Synergists Oath Lv. 6] [Enhanced Auditory Sense Lv. 3][Singing Lv. 10], [Dancing Lv. 9], [Musician Lv. 6] merged intounique skill [Idol Lv. 1]

81 humans have become your followers

Total follower count updated. Total followers of [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko]: 127

Follower amount requirement fulfilled. [The Light] proficiency requirement fulfilled

Milestone reward gained: Unique Skill [Sacred Amp]. Next Milestone unlocked: 2500: [Dark Weakness Removal]

[Sacred Amp] merged into [Idol Lv. 1]


A skill given to someone who has become accepted as an Idol by the populace. While the user is performing idol-like actions and others can witness it, all buffs already applied to the user will also affect the audience through the [Music Resonation] buff. The user can share buffs independently, but they will be removed from the user. Depending on the stage, others will only receive a certain percentage: 25%/50%/75%/100%. All acoustic-related attacks will be boosted. Access to the Idol System. The skills combined are: [Sacred Amp][Synergists Oath Lv. 10] [Enhanced Auditory Sense Lv. 10] [Singing Lv. 10] [Dancing Lv. 10] [Musician Lv. 10]

Idol System

A System made specifically for Idols. Enables the user to register their songs into offensive or supportive abilities. The registration slots are determined by: [Idol Lv.] * 2. Aurena: Dont try to cheat, Hestia. Only you can see this

Sneaky, Aurena. Well, she was right that I would try upgrading the skill. Meh.

Well, I dont know what to say, to look at my status updates. I mean, what can I possibly say more than I ACTUALLY GAVE MY FIRST CONCERT, AHHHHH! OMG, my first idol concert and I made it through all three songs as I planned, and I only had an emotional meltdown at the very end of it. Ha ha! What a wonderful way to welcome the new year!

Like I said, today is the very first day of the new year. The 1st of WinterSun in the year 2679, and it would also be my last day in Carine village. As I planned with Lorena and Ellaine, I would travel with them and Ruld to Firwood, where I would not only help out with Lorenas problem, but also finally receive my partys IDs.

After breakfast, Barathan arrived at our house, almost too punctually, to pack up all the furniture I got from Count Helvas. Although they were presents, I gave them back to Ellaine, since our party couldnt use them. We had no real home, and it would be a total waste to leave them in our current house.

He and his group of butlers packed everything onto the train of carriages, and then we then picked up Lorena and Ruld, who finished giving their farewells to both family and friends. Although I never admitted it, I was practically considered a priestess by everybody in the village, and I believe every single villager became my fan when I gave my show. As a way to thank them for attending and being an amazing crowd, I gave them one final sermon and [Prayer] before leaving.

Reaching the 100 fans milestone was already awesome, as it gave me another damage modifier for my holy spells, but hearing the villagers call me the best priestess ever was quite endearing, especially when they told me to return one day and hold another idol concert. I had the suspicion they also wanted the free food, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt.

Once we departed with Barathan as our carriage driver, I instantly shut my eyes, as I had a slight headache from what happened yesterday. It wasnt anything serious, just a bit of fatigue. The whole concert was an emotional rollercoaster for me, and it all climaxed once I performed Promise. Ballads are wonderfully emotional if done right, and the music I chose for it was too overwhelming for me. That song holds a lot of sentimental feelings.

While I wasnt actually sleeping, just resting, I took a chance to review the new skill I got: [Idol Lv. 1]. Although I was excited to have unlocked the [The Light]s [Sacred Amp] milestone, and knowing I could get rid of my dark element weakness with the next, I still found immense gratification from [Idol]. Its like the esteem of getting a medal after you got 1st place in a competition. This skill is a badge of honor to me, proving how I successfully fulfilled the first stage of my long-awaited dream.

Now, aside from the fact that Aurena secretly slipped a message to me, knowing full well I would try using SP to upgrade the skill, I took a look at how the skill actually works. While I havent registered a song or tested it out yet, I can presume from the description that any song I register will probably begin displaying RPG mechanics. It sounds similar to a bard ability, honestly.

I dont have time now, but Ill probably try it out in Firwood or maybe on our way there.

Lady Hestia, please wake up. We have arrived, I heard Barathan say from the coachs seat.

Opening my eyes, I could see Saori packing up teacups and a teapot back into her storage, while Lorena and Ruld began anxiously grooming themselves, making sure nothing was wrong with their appearances. As they were meeting Ellaine, the fief lords daughter, they were wearing their cleanest clothes. Although they knew they werent in trouble, they still trembled as the carriage entered through the gates.

Once in front of the mansions doors, we left the carriage to see butlers and maids loading luggage into clean white wagons. We were let inside the mansion, where Ellaine was sipping tea in our usual meeting room.

Lady Hestia! I am glad you have made it. I hope this beloved LightDay has found you well, Ellaine greeted me with an elegant curtsey as always. I managed to attend your concert yesterday. I must say, your voice was heavenly, and I especially was fond of your second song. You made my heart skip a beat, I must admit.

Is that so? Im pretty sure Saori mentioned you cried during my 3rd song? I wondered, but kept that to myself as it would have been rude to tease her now.

Replying with an equally flawless curtsey, I greeted her with a Korean heart sign by overlapping my thumb with my index finger. Thats great to hear. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Lady Ellaine. As a traveling priestess, I bless you in Goddess Aurenas name.

After giving my greetings, I introduced Lorena and Ruld to her, as they were gonna travel with us, after all. I see. Lorena? Ellaine called Lorena forwards.

Uhm, y-yes, your ladyship! Lorena responded, kneeling before her.

You may rise, Ellaine ordered with the wave of her hand, maintaining a dignified expression. I have heard your plea from Lady Hestia, and, using my authority as the daughter of Lord Count Helvas, I shall grant it. I will revoke your serfdom to Helvas County, making you a free woman now, a yeoman; however, that will also mean you will relinquish any right to call for our houses support. You will no longer be affiliated to House Helvas. Will you accept, Lorena?

Lorena stayed silent for a bit, thinking on it, but raised her head and looked Ellaine directly in the eyes. Yes, my Lady. I accept.

Good. I, Ellaine Fierro Helvas, revoke your status as a subject of House Helvas. You are officially a yeoman now. Once we reach Firwood, do not forget to re-issue your ID from the temple and apply for citizenship if you wish to stay in Firwood, Ellaine informed Lorena with a reserved tone.

I thank you so very much, my Lady. I will remember your mercy for my whole life, Lorena said, bowing deeply before the young noble lady.

I believe Ellaine should be one of the friendlier nobles. The way she is interacting with Lorena should be what I should expect from an interaction between a magnoble and a commoner, although it was likely that this wont always be the case. I guess Ill use this as reference material for the future.

Once Ellaine did her duty as a noble, we all went outside. When I saw the amount of luggage packed into the wagons, it reminded me I had to hand over something to Ellaine. Barathan called over four butlers at my wish and I took out two boxes filled with ripe macula plants for them to place inside the wagons.

Macula plants are plants that need mana in the ground to grow, where their speed of growth is determined by the concentration of mana. If the concentration is high enough, they can grow in just a few seconds, producing high-quality mana water which is used in alchemy. As high mana concentration can randomly spawn strong monsters, its imperative to use these plants to reduce it.

Master Kush gave me two bags full of macula seeds before he left, so I could continue sparring with Saori and Tasianna. We wouldnt want Carine village to be overrun by monsters now. As you might presume, the amount of mana I had to use to fuel the whole concert was insane. I could have done one more song, but even three saturated the ground with enough mana to produce two boxes full of macula plants.

As per the agreement we made at the beginning of our stay here, I could continue training in Helvas County, but I had to hand over all the macula plants to House Helvas. These boxes were the spoils of my concert.

We then began entering the carriages. Lorena and Ruld would enter one of the three servants carriages, while Ellaine, her maid Josine, Saori, Tasianna, and I would ride in House Helvass personal carriage, coached by Barathan. Compared to the one wed been using until now, this one was not only a bit larger, but also more adorned with decorations.

Remembering Barathan was the seneschal, the caretaker of a fief in his or her lords stead, I had to ask him why he was coming with us to Firwood when it should be his duty to stay here to monitor Carine village. He told me Count Helvas ordered him to come with Ellaine to monitor me in Firwood, so another servant was installed as the seneschal.

Once again, everybody from House Helvas was being very forthright about everything to me. Compared to my first meeting with them, if I asked them about something, they would simply answer it. No tricks or lies; any strings would be revealed the moment I questioned them.

Well, whatever they were planning with it, I appreciated it. It makes interacting with them far easier when I dont have to walk through a web of double-speak. Still, if my future will be filled with even more nobles than just Ellaine and her family, then I should probably start learning how to decipher how nobles speak.

Once our carriage began moving, the three servant carriages, the wagons of belongings, and an entourage of knights and soldiers riding equeroches followed directly behind us. It honestly made me feel like a VIP.

As for the carriage itself, it actually felt far better than the previous one. As it was a bit larger, its seats were also more spacious, giving me room to rest my tail comfortably. There also seemed to be retractable tables attached to the carriages inner doors, wide enough to fit a tea set and maybe a few treats.

As everybody made themselves comfortable inside, Josine suddenly produced a sheet of parchment and handed it over to Saori. It is rather unnecessary, but this is the Quest. Please, confirm all the details, Ellaine told us.

Saori read it out loud for everybody to hear. The Quest Ellaine would issue my party was to escort their entourage from Helvas County to Sirius Marchs capital, which means Firwood was governed by a marquess or marchioness, a Greifnoble. This was an F rank quest that required my party to participate in the removal of any obstacles threatening the Helvas retinues safety during the trip. In payment, we would gain 1000 Davi and one F rank point, which I had no idea what it was, but I assumed it has something to do with the rank system inside the adventurer guilds.

The Quest itself was just a pretense for Ellaine to speak with Saori and Tasianna more freely, as it was considered rude of a noble to have an extended conversation with another nobles retainers or servants. Nobles valued appearances, and this was a round-about way to go about it for Ellaine. Getting to know adventurers better wasnt seen as improper, and we would be employed by Ellaine until we fulfilled the Quest.

I accepted the Quest once the formalities were done, and Ellaine dropped her noble persona and returned to the casual one Id recently gotten to know. Excellent, now before we speak, shall we prepare tea? The midday sun hasnt arrived yet and it will be nightfall before we reached the viscounty. Josine, would you please?

The trip to Firwood will take three days with the carriages. Well spend the first night at the mansion of a viscount, whos Count Helvass neighbor. On the second night, we planned to stop at a small village inside the Sirius March, and then finally arrive on the next morning at the capital of the region, Firwood.

If nothing bad happens, we would follow Ellaines schedule to a T. Well, I know Ive just jinxed myself here, but whatever. Come at me, evil lurkers, this idol wont back down! But, before we actually fight, let me finish my tea and cake first.

Josine, Ellaines maid, prepared the tea while Tasianna took care of the cake. A tea party is nothing without cake, right? During the preparations, I had the feeling Tasianna was leering at Josine, slowing her movements down a bit. Although I wasnt sure, I bumped her side with my elbow to remind her to behave. I guess being stuck inside a carriage with two humans for three days will not be a pleasant experience for Tasianna, but I honestly hope she would learn from this and adapt her opinion on humans a bit.

Lady Ellaine, I uttered after taking a sip, finally remembering something important I had to ask her. Would you possibly know an expert on mana paths? A surgeon, maybe?

An expert? she repeated, giving my question some serious thought. Hmm, I am not personally acquainted with them, but I believe either Lady Duchess Morgiana or a noble house in her duchy should have one. The Morgiana duchy is located on the borders of the Elven kingdom, and they had a good history with the elves before the War for the Fairies. House Morgiana are experts in the arcane, as most of their knowledge came from the forests of Saelariel, which also caused their relationshipuhm, pardon me, I nearly let that slip. Please, I ask you to forget what I just said there.

Saying that will just make me even more curiousbut I could already guess its politics related.

From what I could gather from that small amount of info, House Morgiana once had a good relationship with the elven kingdom, Saelariel, but it probably deteriorated after what the humans did to the fairies. Both dwarves and elves then went to war against the human race, and all I know is that the humans lost. I dont know which factions or countries participated in it.

Nevertheless, the elves and fairies have isolated themselves from the humans, blocked the flow of elven goods like yeast to the kingdom of Artorias and restricted any human entry into their forests. If House Morgiana had a good relationship with the elves and then this war came to be, I would guess they would be pretty angry at the ones responsible for it. Did the royal family of Artorias start it? I dont know, but I think I should be wary just in case. Better not get involved in anything political.

Where was I? Concerning a mana surgeon, why do you ask, Lady Hestia?

I had an accident during my stay in the Belzac forest and wasnt able to fix the problem with magic correctly, I told Ellaine, leaving most of the details out.

She widened her eyes in surprise. Well, it shouldnt be surprising. I heard from my father the forest was given a C rank for how dangerous it is, not because of any particularly strong monsters, but because of the wide variety of monsters residing there. Many of them possess abilities to inflict debilitating status effects. Anyway, if you require a surgeon, then wouldnt Miss Tasianna know more? She is a wind elf, after all, Ellaine wondered aloud, before turning her head to Tasianna, watching her with full interest.

Tasianna frowned for a second but quickly recovered. She took a moment to form her words, and then spoke them as if she rehearsed them multiple times inside her head. We had to make a detour into the Kingdom of Artorias, as Lady Hestias safety was more important. I am not an expert on the subject, so we require the talents of a professional.

Ellaine frowned a bit as she noticed the cold reception she received from Tasianna, but didnt say a word about it. Instead, she turned her head to me and asked, Would you require it urgently? Their services are expensive, not to mention most nobles are currently at the kingdoms capital and would be irked if they had to travel now. Of course, once we confirm your [Princess] title, the royal family would gladly provide you our best mana surgeon.

You do know you could use [Identify] on me, right? I wouldnt mind it, honestly. I trust you to not throw the information around too much, I offered as a sign of trust, but instead, Ellaine contorted her face, mortified by my suggestion.

No, no, no, you mustnt even suggest such an outrageous idea, Lady Hestia! she rebuked me. I apologize for raising my voice, but using [Identify] on another noble is considered almost a death wish in the Kingdom of Artorias. It might be different in your country, but the moment somebody notices you use [Identify], not only you but also your whole house might be ostracized by the majority of the respectable noble houses. Look, look at my armlet, Lady Hestia.

Josine immediately started pulling the right sleeve of Ellaines dress up, revealing a thin silver armlet in the shape of a flower. Ellaine pointed at it and continued, This is a [Ring of Identification]. My [Identify] is actually still level one, since it seems my proficiency with it isnt very good, but by wearing this armlet, I am allowed to use [Identify Lv. 5] and [Identity Blocker Lv. 5]. However, what is important is its primary effect. As a mage, you should have [Identify], right, Lady Hestia? Please, take a look.


Ring of Identification

A manatech shaped in an armlet. It enables the user to use [Identify Lv. 5] and [Identity Blocker Lv. 5] by spending their mana. If [Identity Blocker] successfully blocked an outside [Identify], this manatech will use [Identify] to counter the attack, recording the status of the oppositions profile

Nani?! (What?!) C-Counterattack! I thought, faking my bafflement.

Nobody would trust somebody if they used a skill to invade somebodys private information. Spies exist, yes, but every notable noble possesses some version of this manatech, and if you were to be exposed so easily, then that says a lot about your abilities, Ellaine slowly spoke, making sure I understood what she was saying. More influential nobles will have higher tier versions of these armlets. Please, Lady Hestia, if you have ever had this maddening idea, banish it.

Seeing her so angry was certainly a surprise, and her explanation also suddenly validated my concerns of using [Identify] willy-nilly on humans. Apologizing to Ellaine was only a small price for finally knowing a reason to not even think about it.

After the tension quietened down, Ellaine began talking to Saori, finally taking the opportunity to speak to my friends. So, tell me, Miss Saori. Ive heard rumors that you might be the seamstress who produced that wonderful piece of purple mana cloth for my father. Would it be incorrect to presume you also made her beautiful dresses? I especially loved the one Lady Hestia wore to the dinner, and the one for her second song was intriguing. Is that a dress from Loatryx?

Saori smiled proudly, overjoyed to hear she could speak fashion with Ellaine, You are correct, Lady Ellaine. Making Lady Hestias clothes is a joy for me. If I may, could I question your ladyship and Josine about Artorias current fashion trends?

With how dazzling and bewitching Lady Hestia looked, I believe the red dress could possibly start a trend, but I will indulge you if you require my advice. However, first you must answer my question.

Although discussion could spice everything up, we technically didnt have much to talk about Loatryx or Kargryx really. We never were there in the first place. The only thing we could talk about was our experience in the Belzac forest. Ellaine was a mage but until now shes only been gaining levels through small Quests during her stay at the royal academy.

She, and, like most of the other young nobles, had never actually fought or killed a monster. This was reserved for the time they graduate and either join the mages guild or a knights order. Young nobles had to first be educated on how to be proper members of aristocratic society, while also learning how to control their abilities. Until they did, most never needed to fight monsters.

So, Ellaine was ecstatic like a little kid when Saori and I began describing our travels in the Belzac forest. I started with my time at Belzac mountain, omitting the fact Saori and Tasianna werent there and that I was literally just born, and then gave Saori a chance to speak once I reached Saoris first appearance. Time flew by like crazy and we still hadnt made it to the party of the trolls when we reached the viscounty.

The viscount wasnt there, as he was attending the winter balls. There at his mansion, I also learned that Ellaine was considered sick and had to stay at her familys fief during the God Thanking Festival. This was all an excuse, of course, one spread around by her mother to prevent her daughters absence from negatively impacting her social status.

A priest couldve cured her supposed sickness, but I learned that priests, like nobles, usually disliked traveling during the winter. I was being used here to explain why Ellaine was traveling now. As I said, nobles love their round-about ways.

Anyway, to the mansion itself, it was clearly a downgrade compared to House Helvass. Carine Village was considered a rich fief and Count Helvas also had several other businesses where the products he received as tribute from the village were making him a lot of money, enough for him to afford the amount of splendor his mansion had.

About the meals themselves, they were all served by Ellaines chefs. It seems both Tasianna and Saori werent welcomed by the chefs, as they didnt want foreign cooks to enter the kitchen. Ellaine, being a noble, was indifferent to the issue, stating it would be more proper for her to host me. The three of us had to accept it, as we didnt want to cause a fuss.

We spent the night there and continued our trip the following morning. Our storytelling continued until we reached the small village, by which point wed only barely gotten to our first meeting with Rajah, my precious little virigress cub. Ahhh, I honestly hope he and his family are doing well. My fans counter hasnt decreased, so nothing shouldve happened, but I still cant help but worry a bit. I really do miss both him and the lizardmen. I hope Caszcur, Apsala, and Aksmias are all doing fine.

The villages mansion wasnt anything special, as its purpose was to accommodate traveling nobles. For that reason, it was quite large, almost like a hotel mansion. It was decorated like you'd expect a noble's house to be, and the stay there was as comfortable as I expected. Only the toiletwell, when I have the chance Ill speak about it, but not now. For now, I want to forget it.

Morning came, and the third day of our trip started. Despite my thinking Id jinxed it, our trip went by calmly. I did manage to see a few G and F rank monsters, but I just left them alone. They werent threatening our little caravan, and it wasnt worth it to kill them. I mean, would you bother trying to stomp on every single ant? Okay, that might have sounded a bit too arrogant. I guess my sunfang dragon side was showing a bit.

On a more positive note, I finally saw Tasianna interact with somebody aside from us. When Josine was trying to make tea for us this morning, Tasianna quickly stopped her, telling her to just watch how she made our tea. Josine should have seen Tasianna make tea already during the barracuda event, but this time, Tasianna was actively explaining her actions and the whys and hows. Josine was speechless, keeping quiet as she soaked in the knowledge Tasianna was giving. Even Barathan opened the coachs latch to listen to it.

Hie hie, you two better be impressed. This is my super maid here! Tasianna Marina Silverpond, the best tea brewer I will ever know, probably.

The time flew by, and we finally reached the capital of Sirius March, Firwood.

A note from AbyssRaven

Time for the new arc and time for a slow chapter. We're in Firwood next, guys.

If you guys want to support me, Hestia and "A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale" (or just read up to 12 advance chapters + any Patreon-only chapters) please check out my Patreon: Rawr!

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Thank you for reading this chapter.




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1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads

  • Sunday, October 25, 2020 11:22:22 PM
  • Germany
  • [Member of Zard Skwad]

Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.

I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.

Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.

I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.



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