A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 942 Akarui's Smile

Sighing, Eldrian looked at everyone, unwilling to admit that their fears were very much real. Yet, that was just what he had to do. "I'm afraid... it's possible."

"""""You're kidding!""""" Everyone shouted. Certainly, this was the last thing they wanted to hear.

"Yeah, I'm not. I actually just came back from training with Ziraili. She told me everything." Hearing that, everyone finally understood why Eldrian looked like he did. No, they didn't. Weren't his meetings with her always in his soul?

Why were his scars healed. His right arm was still missing. And the prosthetic wasn't there to replace it. And why wasn't he reachable with the system message?

"What do you mean?" They asked.

So, Eldrian had to explain that she had come physically, and taken him to the core of the entire simulation/universe. Which blew everyone's minds. It took a while for them to get back on topic.

The idea that the universe had a core, however, made them all wonder if Earth was real. As late as the question was.

"What do we do?" Erik asked. Breaking the silence.

Eldrian sadly didn't have an answer to give him. He didn't know whether he should explain everything which Ziraili had told him to them. They were already worried. Hearing that he was basically a waiting sacrifice for the gods won't help him, nor them.

Keeping them in the dark, however, wasn't going to work either. In the end, Eldrian decided to keep the last fact, but explain everything else.

When he was done, everyone had a simple conclusion. They needed to inform Miracle. Yet, they realized that meant Eldrian would be targeted again. Making them hesitate.

"Keeping them in the dark seems... dangerous. But telling them means making Eldrian a prime target for experimentation again..." Erik mumbled. Naturally, he didn't want to place Eldrian in any more danger.

"Can't we just warn them?" Nikki asked.

"Without telling them?" Eldrian asked and nodded. "It might work. I hope Jade's in Fort Phoenix. I am somewhat willing to contact Zaphreal. Hopefully, our contract will work and force him to keep me safe."

"Before that, Eldrian. I came to ask if you want to go to Avgi with us?"

"Huh, what for?" Eldrian asked, and after listening to Erik's story, he felt inclined to go. However, his time was limited. "Sorry, but I think I can't spare the time. However, Ceph should be more than willing to take you."

"Yeah, I already asked him."

"Cool. Well, I'm off." And with that, Eldrian disappeared.

"Anyone know where he went?" Judith asked. They weren't completely satisfied with what they had talked out. Yet, Eldrian was already gone.

"Fort Phoenix, most likely. Not sure if he can teleport all the way over, so likely one of the magic towers first."

'Oh, seems they're here.' Eldrian smiled, noticing that LP wasn't rushing over to him. The two weren't on the wall, however. They were in a little estate within the fort. 'When did this—oh, right! I guess we made some for diplomats to stay in.'

"Anyone home?" Eldrian shouted after knocking on the door. Entering after getting permission.

"Hey Eldrian, rare to see you here." Levana said.

"Guess so? Where's Jade?"

"Jade! Eldrian's looking for you!"

"Oh?" Popping her head out from what Eldrian assumed was the kitchen, she walked over. Dirty apron indicating she was doing some cooking. Likely a cake, given the amount of flour on it. "What's up?"

"Can you get in contact with Zaphreal?"

"Shouldn't you just ask Ziraili to contact Joren?" She asked.

"This is urgent, and I can't risk it leaking."

"Oh?" Looking between Eldrian and Levana (who was stroking LP's flaming feathers) Jade asked, "What's this about?"

"Miracle's new... discoveries." Eldrian answered. Keeping things vague.

"Oh, alright. I'll organize access for you. Mind going to the headquarters?"

"Ugh. I'd prefer if we can meet somewhere neutral."

"Is anywhere really neutral?" Jade asked, and Eldrian had to admit he couldn't really think of anyplace. After all, Miracle had most governments on their side.

"Still, going into your base is a bit much."

"Why not one of the parks nearby?"

"Alright, I guess that'll work." Luckily, no longer a criminal, Eldrian didn't have to run the distance. Sadly, teleportation would be beyond him. Earth simply didn't have enough mana for him to even attempt it. Not over such vast distances.

His current limit in ANW was about fifty kilometers, at around the cost of 5k mana. His teleportation method was miles less efficient compared to that of the magic towers. Though, that was just the benefit of fixing the points of teleportation.

"Alright, let's go then." Ceph said, quickly morphing into his Alicorn form. His black coat and shimmering green feathers were a sight to behold, as always.

Eldrian, naturally, never even took notice of such things. But Akarui always smiled at the sight. And this time, she gathered her courage. "Umm... Uncle Ceph?" She said, hesitating.

"Yes, Akarui?" Ceph replied, forming his words through wind magic.

"M-may I have one of your feathers?"

"My feathers?" Ceph repeated.

"Y-yes! It's so pretty!" Despite her bashfulness as she said this, her words caused Ceph to jolt. He froze, looking at the little girl in complete disbelief.

"P-p-p-p-p... Are they really pretty?" Ceph asked.

"Of course!" Akarui shouted, now filled with energy. "They look just as pretty as an Ice—" realizing what she was about to say, Erik cupped his hand over her mouth.

"Ceph, your feathers really are magnificent."

"T-truly?" The Alicorn did not look convinced. However, he lowered his wing to let Akarui pluck one.

Ceph could weaken their connection and even eject his feathers like missiles if he so wished. It came at a cost, so was generally a last option to Alicorns. But one feather wouldn't bother him. In fact, he needed to shed a few soon.

Carefully, almost fearfully so, Akarui reached out for one of the longer feathers. Shocked at how easily it loosened and entered her hand. As she held it, the biggest smile ever formed on her face. Seeing that, Ceph had to accept that her words weren't lies.

'M-my feathers are pretty... I-I remember Eldrian said similar once... but, I still can't believe it.' With those thoughts spinning in his head, Ceph took flight with the two on his back. Akarui siting in front of Erik, feather and smile in hand.

Erik was making sure she wouldn't do anything stupid and fall. Though, Ceph's magic wouldn't allow that to happen.

The entire flight, Ceph couldn't sort his thoughts out. After all, his entire life, he had been bullied for his black coat and green feathers. Everyone thought of him as the omen of the end of days.

Ceph couldn't even argue with them. For he knew the prophecy was true. His birth had indeed signalled the end of days. Perhaps not as the other Alicorns, Pegasii, and Unicorns had thought, but it was still undeniable that the end of days was approaching.

Ceph had even come to hate his own black coat. Ever since meeting Eldrian, things had gotten better. But he still couldn't see himself as something or someone beautiful.

Yet, he couldn't deny Akarui's smile!

'I-I'm pretty.' This thought made Ceph delighted as he increased their speed. He now wanted to protect the little girl's smile at all costs.

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