A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 943 Avgi Invaded (1)

Arriving at Avgi, Ceph's heart ached seeing the carnage at the forest's edge. Most of it was still perfectly fine, but war has clearly made its way to his home. The near kilometer of scorched earth told that story clear enough.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Ceph shouted into the air as he landed in the grove. Erik and Akarui hopping off, looking at the familiar sight with mixed feelings. They were happy to be back, but the tense atmosphere clarified that things were no longer the same.

"Oh, my!" a pure white Alicorn said, appearing from the trees in a rush. She turned into a beautiful woman and rushed to give Ceph a hug. Holding him for a good minute before letting go. Next, she hugged Akarui, who returned the hug with love.

"How have you been?" She asked. Already having asked Ceph the same with telepathy.

"Good! I've started healing people myself!" Akarui replied, puffing out her chest with pride.

"My, what a strong girl you are." Zamia replied, ruffling her hair.

'Why have you come?' Zamia asked Erik. While he still struggled to make the telepathic connection, if someone else created the connection, he could communicate just fine.

'There have been signs that she is in pain. But she is trying to hide it and tough it out,' Erik replied. 'I had hoped everything would be fine...'

Last time they were here, Zamia had taken Akarui into the Ice Lily Caverns to help her learn how to control her mana.

Since then, Akarui has been showing more and more promise in both the fields of apothecary and botany. In fact, Akarui had nearly caught up to Erik, who was currently Tier 5. Akarui was currently Tier 3.

Her mana, shockingly, was already over 400. Her HP, however, wasn't even 60. It was 59, to be exact. Showing just how frail she was. Even after reaching Tier 3 in both Magic and Apothecary. Botany, sadly, didn't have a class other than her hidden one.

Her Tier, and mana, was incredible for a child just slightly over the age of ten. And, considering that it was harder to increase your Tier when having a hidden class, it was even more impressive.

Just like in Eldrian's case, she had to first increase her hidden class before being able to increase any others. Even if she made a potion of a higher Tier, it would not result in her moving up to that Tier until her hidden class does so first.

'I see.' Zamia replied. 'I had hoped it wouldn't happen, but this was always a possibility. If she had been a normal Fysi, last time would be enough. But since she is the higher grade, an Eri Fysi, she might need a special cocktail.'

'Which is why I came.' Erik said. 'I think her body should be able to endure the potion, and I don't want her to live in pain.'

'Yes, we certainly do not want that...' Zamia paused, shifting her gaze to the south.

"What is it, auntie Zamia?" Akarui asked.

"Nothing, child. Remember those caves from last time, with the pretty blue flowers?" Seeing Akarui nod, Zamia asked her to head over there and meditate like last time.

'Erik, you can go with her. Be on guard, we are being attacked.'

'Seriously? What timing...'

'It might be because they saw you enter and hoped it would create an opening. But we've been surrounded for a while. Do not leave the cave until I come to get you. Our enemies are devils. They can shapeshift. I will contact you from outside. Keyword: Cephaphyr and Akarui.'

Erik didn't know if it was a strong keyword, but it was simple enough to remember. Ceph's full name and Akarui's. Nodding, he took Akarui's hand, and the two headed to the nearest cave.

"Mother, what is the situation?" Ceph asked as soon as the two were alone within the grove.

"As you know, we sent everyone who can't fight to a safe place within the empire. Of those who remain, we have lost ten."

It might not sound like a lot, but their family, at its height, had only been close to a thousand. Alicorn, pegasi, and unicorn included. With only the combatants left behind, that number would be closer to three hundred. Losing ten of those numbers was a significant loss.

"I'll help."

Smiling at his reply, Zamia nodded. "Yes, you've grown a lot. I'll ask you to hold down the fort. I think it is about time I give our enemies a personal visit."

Watching from up high, Ceph was directing the others. Yet he wasn't disappointed. From his time fighting with those of Taurus, he knew the importance of a clear communication line.

Keeping everyone disciplined and having the appropriate people fight at the right places was the key to victory.

Even though he had reached Tier 5, Ceph knew he wasn't strong. Not compared to the others fighting for their home. The weakest here was Tier 7. Anyone below that was considered a non-combatant.

As such, their forces were an elite one. The devils assaulting the forest, with their army of monsters and demons, were being slain by the thousands. Sadly, numbers did make a difference.

At times, they would slip past the barriers and fighters, making it to the forest. Where they would lay fire to everything. Slowly working their way through the forest. By now, another hundred meters have been lost. Only scorched earth remaining.

The sight angered Ceph. Yet, he did not lose his cool. 'Nesia, go support Celestia. A group of demons are heading in her direction. Their strongest is Tier 8, and the weapon it is wielding is of cursed black flames. Keep your distance.'

'Izar, there is a group of Nychterninos Tromos trying to sneak around the base of the western mountains. Make sure they don't get past.'

'Dralemus, please strengthen the barrier above the forest. They are launching flaming rocks in the forest.'

Not for nothing, Ceph's ability wasn't that of a normal Tier 5 Alicorn. His time with Eldrian and in the war in Taurus had honed his abilities. One key difference between him and the others was the knowledge he held.

Another, was the vastly different method of thinking players and Eldrian had born into him. Ceph had summoned multiple runic magics to protect focused areas. And he had spread his will, as Mageia, over most of the forest. Allowing him to grasp what was happening almost instantly.

This, naturally, drained him of energy. But he was doing his best for his home.

As Ceph finished the last message, a massive explosion happened off in the distance. Where the enemy's main quarters stood. A barrage of white flames purged the earth, leaving only molten earth in its wake.

'Good job, mom!' Ceph cheered. However, he soon got a terrible feeling running down his back and tingling his wings. 'Dad, be ready to aid mom. I think they might have someone capable of standing against her.'

Just as Ceph thought, someone teleported over. A higher devil. It was massive, probably three meters tall, with a wingspan of five meters. Ugly leathery wings, and some terribly ugly black flames cloaking them.

'Dad, do you know this devil?'

'Zelth'terkt. Xelron's ilk,' Agamemas replied. His wariness growing ten fold. Immediately, the old Alicorn contacted his old friend, Athtar. If Xelron was nearby, they would not stand much of a chance without him.

They could buy time, but they wouldn't be able to protect the forest while they did. The battle would likely reduce it into a wasteland.

'Ceph, be ready to take your friends and run.'


'Only if that old devil is near. It's unlikely. He isn't particularly close to his children, so this one might be here without Xelron's knowledge. But the danger is there.'

At that time, Zamia and the devil started their clash.

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