A random pokemon journey



"You never asked and I would have asked for your aid even if it wasn't humans who woke them so I didn't think it necessary to say." I said honestly. 'I see , well either way I am quite surprised to find you not have fled as you mortals tend to do when I leave you here. Why is that?' Rayquaza asked easily accepting my answer. "First is that I believe in reciprocity and as you requested me to stay after I requested you to solve the clash between Groudon and Kyogre , I did. Second is that I had questions that you may be able to answer." I said with a shrug.-

'Reciprocity? What a large word for a simple concept. You do something for me and I do something for you , a trade of sorts. Though I do believe in this particular scenario what I did is worth more than what you have.' It said amused. "And that's the concept of value. How do we determine what has it and if it does how much? For me what you did was a great and powerful thing but for you it might be little more than a short trip and a bit of posturing so is it truly valuable or not?"-

"For me certainly but for you I doubt it whereas I believe my staying here as you requested to be a terrible risk to myself since I doubt I could have any possibility of even struggling should you choose to take my life." I bantered and the amusement in Rayquaza's eyes deepened. If I had to describe the ancient legendary in a single word I would have to say "Bored". That's right bored , as far as I can tell Rayquaza is merely using me to entertain itself so I felt it prudent to play along with some verbal banter of my own.-

I wasn't bothered by this though as it only made sense if you think about it. Rayquaza had to be ridiculously old and had likely ran out of things to occupy it's time a long time ago. As a result anything that was different from normal was a precious and valuable thing. Rayquaza had already stated that most mortals tended to be timid and skittish with it so what better way to get on it's good side then to be bold and calm?-

To be clear I didn't doubt for a single instant that I was figured out immediately but Rayquaza was bored so it wasn't going to end the fun if it could help it. 'That is true , I have been alive for so long that you could not even begin to comprehend it and I rule over the sky and as such hold power that matches my age. I could snuff you out just as if you were a flame burning upon a wick.' Rayquaza paused dramatically and the corner of it's mouth rose ever so slightly. 'However I am in an excellent mood so I will forgive your presumptuousness just this once. It finished as if it were being gracious.-

"That's is certainly good to hear , I would hate to die before I achieved my ambitions after all." I joked and Rayquaza looked intrigued. 'And what is it you desire? Wealth? Females? or perhaps power like so many others?' It asked curiously. "I want to be remembered as the best that ever was , an eternal legend that will remain for all time. A normally impossible goal but I am uniquely set in such a way that it is actually doable but there is one obstacle that I will always need to overcome to achieve it." I said looking it right in the eyes.-

'Ah! No wonder you didn't flee you aspire to be become divine or at the least eternal. Even more so you know that the biggest challenge to overcome is not some mortal affair but my kin and I whom you mortals consider gods. I can say for certain that you have your work cut out for you little mortal. While I and a few of my kin will not care to stand in your way there are some that will seek to test you if not outright deny your ambitions.' Rayquaza said casually.-

"I know this but I refuse to let this knowledge hold me in place. I will only accept failure when doing otherwise simply isn't an option. In other words I will never stop trying until I die and I have a feeling that will only happen if one of you kill me." I said firmly. 'Such a fierce determination! I have rarely seen such intensity in a mortal but I wonder how long that flame will burn within you?' It asked with a bit of eagerness. "For as long as I feed it." I say seriously.-

'Very well mortal! I shall be the first of my kin to aid you on your journey but I doubt I will be the last!' Rayquaza spoke and instantly it felt as if the weight of the world itself was pressing down on me as it began to glow. I tried to stay conscious but the moment that glow started rushing towards me I lost it and blacked out. When I came to I found myself at the bottom of the tower with Steven looking at me in concern.-

As I looked back at him I knew what Rayquaza had done or at least I thought I did. After I was knocked out the ancient pokemon regenerated my missing right eye or I thought so until I sent some aura to it as it was suspiciously void of the stuff. "ARGH!" I screamed as pain flooded me the instant the energy entered the eye. I could only grit my teeth as the pain throbbed in my eye socket and I felt liquid flow down my face from my eye as I went from blind on my right side to blurry to perfect clarity to superhuman vision.-

Steven watched this happen it a concerned expression but also clear reluctance that I only came to learn was from him seeing I actually had a new eye. I felt super off balance by the time my new eye was done being integrated into my body. That was where the agony came from by the way as the legendary gave me a new eye but it couldn't force my body to accept it for whatever reason. As a result I had to experience what it was like to have every nerve that connected to ones eyes reconnect and start sending signals all at once.-

Getting off the ground I felt horribly off balance as my right eye was CONSIDERABLY more powerful than my left for some reason. 'Is this the aid it was talking about? Better vision? Seems kinda cheap right?' I thought confused. As it turns out I was counting my eggs before they hatched as there was far more to my new eye than I realized at this moment.


Author here, I apologize for the delay but my internet was out for the last two days and I didn't have much choice in the matter.

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