A random pokemon journey



As I found out shortly after that my eye was not even human at all in appearance but rather was the slit reptilian of a dragon types eyes. Even stranger it wasn't blue like my normal eye color but rather yellow like Rayquaza's own eyes. I also couldn't keep it open for very long either as the eye passively drained my aura if I did. According to Steven he felt nervous when I looked at him with the eye as well like if a dragon type was angry.-

The biggest thing however was that when I went to test out if my x-ray vision was fixed the blood vessels in my nose busted from the sheer information overload I got from the eye. It was as if in that one eye alone the ability had been cranked up to a hundred while the other was still at one. I saw MILES away from me in perfect clarity and it was more than I could handle. 'Fuck! Is this a blessing or a curse? I can't use this damn thing at all without suffering for it and even using it like a normal eye is impossible as it drains my energy constantly.' I thought in mild irritation as I put my eyepatch back on.-

I get that I sounded like a spoilt brat but I had a point at least. Having this eye was actually MORE inconvenient for me than when I only had one eye which was bullshit. Pulling up my status I wasn't surprised at all to find that this new eye was actually classified as an ability. [Dragon eye(gift of Rayquaza)] , rather on the nose in terms of names but the system was usually like that so i wasn't surprised. -

Interestingly however the quest was finally over and my new eye wasn't the reward for the last objective but rather I got a guaranteed ability ticket. I was perfectly ok with that too as I knew exactly which one I wanted , Boost. The reason I wanted this particular ability was that I knew exactly what it did since it was one of the abilities recorded by the league. Boost was quite simple and at the same time HIGHLY useful for any pokemon trainer or aura master. The reason was because it gave the person possessing it a HUGE amount of energy innately but that was merely a necessary side effect of it's true purpose.-

Like most abilities Boost was active rather than passive in nature and what it did was burn the users energy again as fuel to supercharge the energy of another temporarily. In other words in exchange for my own energy I could allow my pokemon to jump tiers temporarily which was what made it a very in demand ability. Unfortunately there had only been a single person known to have the ability , Samuel motherfucking Oak. There was a reason the man was so feared and respected after all.-

Using this ability in conjunction with his champion tier pokemon made the good professor the uncontested most powerful person in the world. Many have tried to reach his level of power through sheer training but the old man hadn't just sat on his thumbs while they did so and unlike them he actually had experience of what that level of power felt like so he was able to reach it even without his ability and with it he was a force of nature. It was no exaggeration to say that the old man was the tallest and sturdiest pillar the league had and kept wars from breaking out by his mere presence.-

A example of this was the hostilities between Kanto and Johto that neighbor each other. It was sort of an open secret that the people of both of those regions had quite a bit of bad blood between them from past battles and wars yet are being made to play nice by Oak after he got involved in the last war to put an end to the fighting. Many older folk in those regions wanted the old man to kick the bucket so they can settle their grudges.-

I knew that if I wanted to ever exceed the man I needed his ability so now that i had the option you had better believe that I aim to take it. I love the system really I do but even then I knew that with the selection of abilities being random and extensive the chance of me getting it normally is miniscule. I obviously didn't cash in the ticket immediately because I highly doubted that Steven wouldn't notice that my aura grew by several times suddenly. The rest of the quest rewards were just an added bonus in my opinion at this point.-

Five exp tickets and six item tickets was useful to be sure but they were mostly short term benefits. This was especially true now that my pokemon were starting to enter elite tier. That was where talent stopped meaning almost anything at all as every pokemon that reaches that point is talented. It was no longer a matter of training hard to grow to champion tier , not to say that wasn't a component that is. You needed resources , experience and beyond all else monstrous levels of training. A good example would be the mastery of moves that one needed to reach champion tier being mastered at MINIMUM.-

The fact was that all champions had moves at transcendent if my own secret peek at Stevens team was anything to go by. What a move being transcendent actually meant was beyond me as I had only just achieved mastered with a few moves my pokemon knew. Anyways we left Sky pillar after I got my eye covered and reassured Steven that I was fine. I had him drop me off at the location that used to be Slateport with the excuse that I wanted to search the area for anyone that might be nearby.-

It wasn't a lie since I was intending to do that but it wasn't my main reason for it even if he believed it was. Still we swapped numbers and he took off in the direction of Mauville , likely to help out however he could. Before all else I x-rayed my surroundings to see if there was an underground bunker or hidden observer in the destroyed city. I didn't use the ability at full power though since I couldn't process that amount of information to begin with.-

Still it turned out to be a good idea anyways as I did indeed spot a secret chamber underground though nobody was in it. Well when I say nobody I meant humans as there was a single pokemon there and it was a doozy. A ghost type pokemon that was new born but gave me chills as I knew what it was born from. A pokemon born from the resentment and death of everyone that lived in Slateport bound to a single stone by their grudges , a Spiritomb.

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