A random pokemon journey



'Long has it been since one of your kind has visited this place, or perhaps it has been mere moments? Whatever the case you have sought this place out at great risk to yourself and so it would only be right that I show myself to you.' A soft male voice spoke in my head but I knew it's source without looking. Green energy particles came together brightly to reveal a small almost infant looking creature with light green skin and a sort of sprouted onion looking head that had large emerald eyes and a small mouth on it.-

"It seems luck is on my side after all, I had hoped to speak with you but your kind are notoriously hard to find normally." I said with a chuckle. 'Oh? You speak as though we aren't more often than not within our domains. It is you mortals that make it difficult on yourselves with your fear of times touch within them.' The Celebi said teasingly. I shrugged at that though as it wasn't wrong as most people avoid these forests out of fear of potentially getting stranded in a time not their own.-

'Now then, where would a high human come from in your original time frame?' it asked curiously. "My circumstances are unusual to say the least. For starters I was once fully human but due to my unique constitution I changed, evolved I suppose you could say, into what I am now. You can confirm this with Rayquaza himself from my original time as he has witnessed me before and after this change." I said honestly. Obviously I wasn't going to mention the system but even Rayquaza said my body seemed to be in a constant state of flux so why would I make up a lie when I already had a piece of information that could fill in?-

'There is no need as your time scent paints the picture clearly for me. I must say though that you are quite the rude individual. So many times you've spoken roughly to those undeserving of it. Still I can see that your past actions were for the general good of the world so I will give you a pass in this regard but do try and work on that in the future. On to business then, you seek the ancient lost knowledge of this lands history.' the Celebi said casually sending chills down my spine.-

I knew that the species had a special connection with time that allowed them to move through it freely but I hadn't even considered that they could simply peer through the entire history of a person at a glance. I was thankful however to see that the system related things were apparently missing from this ability of it's so it didn't see the system. "I am indeed, though I am mostly interested in why no pokemon tries to make this region their home. What I have understood has left me with more questions than answers." I said honestly.-

'Not surprising given how few witnessed that event and survived to tell of it later. Ah I have the perfect way to satisfy your curiosity, no need to thank me either!' the Celebi said mischievously before vanishing in a flash of green light. "Wait you didn't actually give me an answer!" I called out but there was no response. 'Of course the thing decided to flake out on me out of nowhere, at least I learned that there was indeed some sort of event that caused the current situation in Orre.' I thought with a sigh as I left some berries in the offering bowl out of caution and left for the relic.-

The trip back through the forest was much the same as it was previously but something about it was nagging at the back of my mind yet I couldn't figure out what. That changed when I finally left the forest only to discover that Agate village that should be there was gone or rather never existed in the first place. "Fuck." I muttered once I realized what that last thing the Celebi said meant.-

I had been cast back in time and not by a small amount either but thousands of years most likely. I immediately released all of my team without a word. I had long since gone over a scenario like this with them so they knew precisely what they needed to do. Gaia and Vulcan immediately began to clear out an area around the natural cave leading to the relic so we could set up shop here. Rune and Tank went on recon from the sky while Yani, Hades and the not so little one stayed with me in case I got attacked.-

In the case I got stranded in the past my plan was quite simple really and had four rough steps, reinforce, scout, mingle and return. The basic synopsis of the plan was to set up a sort of base of operations for this time and explore the surroundings. After that I was to approach any people I found as a traveler from afar and try and learn what I could about this time with the end goal being my return to my own time. For now though I was on the first and second parts of the plan with a slight add on in the form of learning about what happened during this time if that Celebi sent me where I think it did.-

If I could trust what it said at the end then this should be the time that whatever event happened which made this both a golden oppurtunity as well as an extreme danger for me. This event destroyed a massive amount of land so I ran the risk of death if I got caught in it but at the same time there really was no better way to discover what happened than to witness it personally.-

It only took Vulcan and Gaia a couple of hours to set up a rough perimeter around the entrance of the cave leading to the relic. It was mostly just a small wall of stone and jagged glass from Vulcan melting the sand Gaia created into the stuff. It wasn't particularly strong but it was enough of an irritation to get through that only things really trying would. This meant anything that tried to breach this blockade was likely an enemy or didn't know how to mind their own business. Rune and Tank likely wouldn't be back for another few hours from scouting the surroundings so I set up my portable kitchen to make us a meal.-

It was going to be a simple stew with water from the river and some wild mushrooms and game from nearby. I was of course going to season the stew as well but there was no telling how far in the past I was so I was going to only be doing so lightly as I wasn't sure how common they would be. Due to this I wanted to use them sparingly in hopes of making it last longer.


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