A random pokemon journey



There were pokemon nearby so I had Vulcan hunt a few Pidgey line pokemon for the stew since I doubted they were all that important to the timeline. In fact I was fairly certain I could kill rampantly without effecting the future all that much given that most of the inhabitants of this land at this time were likely doomed to begin with. This also left me with a rather unique oppurtunity as well. I could seek out variants or legendary pokemon from this land at this time to collect DNA samples from for cloning when I went back to my original time.-

Obviously I wasn't going to go on a rampage as that would draw too much attention to myself but the idea was easy to understand. I also planned on seeing if I could get my hands on any rare or extinct resources that were found in this region at this time to take back as well. I was by no means an expert with thousands of resources memorized but I didn't need to be thanks to the fact i could just appraise stuff to find out what was what.-

I was surprised to see that I hadn't gotten some sort of quest from the system despite this situation very much qualifying for one but this wasn't the only time this had happened so there was nothing I could do about it. While the quests tended to have a similar theme to them showing up there were cases where this haven't been followed. One such time was very early in my journey across Hoenn when I got the quest to find the shipwreck from traveling the coast. Unlike normally where I did something to trigger a quest this time it was a matter of proximity to said shipwreck even though I hadn't known about it until the quest popped up.-

A different example of quests not popping up when they probably should was when I decided to become a trainer and collect all the badges. That was a conscious decision on my part and even had a long term goal included within it yet the system remained quiet about it. Perhaps there were some sort of hidden requirements that I didn't fulfil for a quest to pop up or something like that. What I'm getting at here is that quests are weird and confusing to figure out.-

Anyway Rune and Tank arrived within minutes of each other when the sun started to set and reported what they discovered. Let me tell you it wasn't what I was expecting either. First and foremost they both reported that the desert that we were used to didn't exist and instead was forests, plains and fields. The second was that I was bound to stick out like a sore thumb in my current attire as everyone they saw wore cloth robes with either a single strap or two depending on gender that were very rough looking.-

The third thing was that pokemon were free to roam as they wished with the people paying them no mind. Both Rune and Tank spun stories of Rhydon, Kidoking/queen, Pidgey living around and with people and even a group of Eevee playing in a field of wheat as a farmer worked it. It sounded almost too good to be true if I'm being honest. I knew for a fact that by this point in history that pokemon trainers weren't a thing really as there was no way to facilitate a bond between person and pokemon besides time and genuine interaction or aura use.-

Because of this anyone actually possessing a pokemon was either very lucky or an aura master. Yet all these wild pokemon weren't violent or territorial like they were in my time. Thing was however that I wasn't sure if this was because of some cultural thing or because of something else like a legendary making it so. There was no way to find out either without interacting with the people of this time or the legendary responsible. The final thing that I got reported to me was from Rune that flew to the far side of the region, Giratina was here.

I don't mean like metaphorically or theoretically or any other fancy way but very literally. In the center of a massive temple at the center of the region Giratina's massive form could be seen from miles away according to Rune. I suddenly had a VERY bad feeling that I knew exactly what event it was that caused the region to end up like it did if that particular being was still freely roaming around. If I was right fuck investigating anything, I choose life. I am of course referring to Giratina turning full evil going on a killing spree before Arceus banished it to the distortion world.-

I didn't want to be anywhere near that event when it popped off and for good fucking reason too. If anyone ever asked what the most lore terrifying thing to be mentioned in the games was I would without hesitation say that it was Giratina turning evil and going on a rampage. Even in the hierarchy of godly pokemon there was only ever three that were equal to Giratina in power and that was it's siblings and creator. It wasn't stated but I was pretty sure that Giratina was the embodiment of matter to complete the trifecta of space, time and matter.-

The battle that resulted in it getting sealed away had to be damn near apocalyptical in power and I was here at that time. I was right to be concerned with that knowledge and was halfway tempted to just head back into the forest and stay there. One thing stood out to me at the moment however that bothered me, Giratina wasn't evil yet. If it was Rune definitely wouldn't have been able to get anywhere near it without dying. Instead however Giratina was just sort of relaxing in a temple complex clearly built to worship it.-

I won't lie and say that I don't want to know what it was that turned the thing evil or even if it truly was evil to begin with. Lore from the game and myths from this world said it was but what if that was a lie, a deception? What if Giratina was actually a good being but was corrupted somehow? Theres no reason why it shouldn't be possible either as infernal pokemon coming about proved that such absolute corruption was possible.-

It was also entirely possible that Giratina just lost it's mind for no real reason as well but it was hard to believe. Insanity almost always had a reason for manifesting but the question was, what was it? What could push a being like that so far as to go insane? No doubt the Celebi planned to show me for it to bring me to this time. The trick was whether I would survive learning this secret or not and even more dangerous if Giratina would remember me after I got back to my time.


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