A random pokemon journey

Doomed to fail

Doomed to fail

The guy caved immediately, loyalty to the organization meant nothing to him in the face of torture and death. I learned quite a bit about the plans of Cypher and even it's inner workings from the guy as he was pretty high up the hierarchy as a troop leader. In fact there was only four ranks higher than his, commander, admin, vice boss and boss. Only the admins and vice boss knew who the actual boss was but everyone in the organization knew it was someone with a lot of money and big ambitions.-

Despite the guy saying so I didn't think the ambitions were all that grand to be honest as the whole organization was wanting to take over the world with shadow pokemon. The reason being a sort of shared affinity that trainers with shadow pokemon had that made them more likely to listen to other people with a more powerful shadow pokemon. In a way the whole goal was a sort of widespread inception type deal. It was ridiculous if I'm being honest. The plan looked feasible at first if you had limited understanding of what was going on in reality but for me it was clear that this plan was doomed from the start.-

This shared affinity that the entire plan hinged on to work was nothing more than the corruptive nature of the shadow pokemons aura being effected by a sort of spiritual gravity. The more powerful shadow pokemons aura's naturally had a greater "weight" to them and by extension put pressure on those weaker them themselves. But like all forms of weight this pressure was temporary as at some point it would be adapted to and then simply wouldn't have any effect on the weaker party anymore.-

The plan was doomed to fail as a result as while theoretically they could gain control of "whole world" if they spread shadow pokemon well enough. That control would crumble in a very short amount of time, like maybe a couple of years at most. It wouldn't work anyways as if they thought the league would just let them act like they have in Orre elsewhere they had a rude awakening in store. Cypher would stick it's head up arrogantly and get it cut off immediately by the league that was getting VERY close to having a zero tolerance policy on criminal organizations.-

Though if I'm being realistic here Cypher was never going to make it out of Orre anyways if Wes and Rui alone were enough to drive them into a corner. Not saying that Wes wasn't talented as he was extraordinarily talented in truth but his pokemon were only at the ace level and not even close to the elite level either. I had checked and his strongest right now was a level seventy eight with the rest of his team being within four or five levels of that point. Certainly an impressive level for this region that was scarce in resources but in the wider world it was only a normal level of power.-

Ace trainers were everywhere in the league and only by becoming an elite trainer was one considered a cut above the rest. Even then there was a lot of elite level trainers as well and not even that coveted champion rank was the pinnacle. There were at this exact moment nearly a hundred and fifty champion level trainers in the world which was not a lot compared to the billions of people but still not a small number.-

If what this Cypher guy said was true the highest level in the organization was at most barely elite level. Knowing this I was of a mind to kick down their doors like the Kool aid man and figure out why the fuck the system thinks they have something to do with my investigation of the regions mysterious properties. This guy didn't have a clue when I asked him about it so either it was a super secret bit of information or was something they themselves weren't aware of. Wouldn't that be funny? This definitely nefarious organization sitting on possibly groundbreaking information and not even realizing it.-

"Ah well since you've been so forthcoming I suppose I should keep my end of the deal and turn you in to the authorities." I said ever so slightly disappointed that I hadn't been given a reason to cause some suffering. In case it wasn't abundantly clear by this point I REALLY don't like these criminal organization types. They are the worst sort of people with no regard for the suffering they cause others as long as they get what they want. Shaking my head to get rid of these thoughts I pulled out my PDA and contacted Cail to get him to send one of the "cops" in Pyrite to grab this guy.-

While I waited I entered the Hub and busied myself with clearing the small layer of dust that had gathered over the last three weeks. It wasn't much but still needed to be tidied up a little none the less. I also checked the experimental plants cameras recordings and found something interesting, the original plant had produced offspring. Now instead of a single plant there was now four in a close cluster with the offspring being smaller than the parent at the center.-

Otherwise I didn't have any other observations to make about it which was a good thing as it proved that the project had promise for a sustainable future. My garden in the Hub had otherwise gotten overgrown as fuck with the plants having grown, produced offspring and spread in short order as the offspring matured and made more. Yani was left in charge of bringing that back under control while the rest of my team went to do their own things. The not so little one went to play in the pond, Hades zenned out in the middle of the yard, Gaia kicked up her sandstorm again, Tank and Rune just chilled near the house while Vulcan bathed in the sunlight.-

It took about two hours for the rundown hover truck thing driven by one of the cops from Pyrite showed up with Cail himself surprisingly enough. "Nice place you got here, seems cozy." the delinquent said casually as he looked around. Despite him trying to act calm you'd have to be blind not to notice that the guy was nervous as all hell because of all of my pokemon who were out and impossible to miss, except Hades that was acting like a rock.-

Can't say as I blame him considering from his point of view he was surrounded by pokemon that could single handedly wipe him out and every single one of them was watching him. Still no one can say I was a bad host as I provided refreshments and tried not to be needlessly rude. I asked Cail why he came and he shrugged and said he was curious to see the place that had been the subject of so many rumors.


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