A random pokemon journey

Thoughts and Cypher

Thoughts and Cypher

Harsh but fair I suppose, I did in fact endanger the whole world with my reckless actions there at the end. At the same time though I truly believe that even if it messed up the timeline helping Giratina was the right move. It was hard not to when I saw what it looked like before it went on a rampage after being corrupted. It wasn't perfect but it was so much better than what the present had in the other regions. Pokemon and people lived side by side and it wasn't because the people had been restraining the power of the wild pokemon either.-

The walls around the cities and towns simply weren't needed in that past time unlike today. Speaking of corruption I never did find out what happened in that regard and to be honest I probably won't ever figure it out either. To be honest I'm fine with that too as I more than most understand that some knowledge is truly better left forgotten. How could I not when every time I get a new skill from the system I learn every known usage of that skill up to that moment?-

While incredible and wonderous things can be done with each skill so too does there exist heinous and foul uses as well. Still as I left Agate village for my desert home I couldn't help be a little sad to see the desolate landscape after having experienced it at it's best. Endless desert had replaced the lush plains of grass and trees and almost no remnants of that prosperous civilization I had seen first hand remained beyond a few ruins at the edges of this desert that had been spared the destruction of the rest.-

I know that some of those people survived that event and moved to Sinnoh as there were myths of it there but I doubt any mention the land of Orre as the location it went down. After so much time even those myths had become fragmented and unclear. Perhaps that's why Cyrus seemed so surprised when Giratina interfered with his plan in the game? He clearly knew of Giratina but had seemingly not realized what it represented until it was too late. Considering he even got that far with the fragmented myths of the past was pretty damn impressive so a little error in something like that is to be expected.-

Like his whole plan of recreating the world was based on the myths of old speaking of a hero of old that used a red chain to summon and bind the godly duo who were causing problems. After my experience in the past I even figured out why they were causing problems. See when Giratina was around things were balanced as if Palkia and Dialga got into it as they regularly did it could step in and sooth things immediately. With Giratina gone however that restraining balancing force was now missing and the titans of time and space were free to clash as hard as they wanted.-

My theory was that when Arceus created the trio it had split parts of it's power into them and thus was now slumbering to recover and thus unable to control them itself. That was where the "hero" came in and saved the day with a failsafe that Arceus left for just such an occasion. That was what I believe the red chain was meant to be, a failsafe. A sort of last resort for when shit started to go sideways and needed forceful correction.-

Leaving such a thing in a humans hands was both foolish and incredibly smart at the same time. The reason I say this was that while the chain could bind the two titans and thus chill them the fuck out it was basically a temporary slap on the wrist for the titans due to the fact that humans didn't exactly live super long. By leaving the red chain in a humans hands Arceus got the two titans in line but didn't upset the balance of things for too long at the same time, two birds with one stone.-

This was unfortunately also where the foolishness of this plan came into play as Arceus had clearly never expected a human like Cyrus to force the red chain back into existence by effectively torturing the lake guardians and then dragging the two titans out and binding them despite them not misbehaving. That was why I believe that the present day Giratina had regained it's sanity as it was only when Cyrus went to upset the balance of things that it appeared and fucked up his plans. It was also possible that being a balancing force was so engrained in Giratinas being that it was compelled to act.-

I frowned and cleared my head of these thoughts when we started to get close to the Hub and I saw people outside it trying to get in. 'Why am I not surprised to find these people trying to break into my shit?' i thought with a sigh after identifying them as members of Cypher. "Land so I can release the others." I told Rune and he obeyed. Gaia's sandstorm had ended due to her prolonged absence so the Hub was more or less exposed at the moment. Cypher had apparently decided that that was an open invitation to fuck around and they were about to find out why that was a bad idea.

The red flashes from me releasing my pokemon clearly caught their attention but it was far too late at that point. "Kill all but the leader and any shadow pokemon they have, bring those to me." I spoke calmly and my pokemon moved to obey. The Cypher people tried to fight back and released their pokemon but I saw none above level sixty and thus had nothing to worry about. There was screams of pain, battle and fear for about five minutes before it was over.-

The shadow pokemon were restrained while I returned them to their balls taken from their owners. The leader of this group, a dude in green armor who had a shadow Bayleaf, had been wrapped up by Tank in string and was fearfully awaiting my attention. I wasn't in a hurry though as I took all the belongings of the dead that I wanted before having Vulcan incinerate them. I didn't get much some loose poke, a few potions, their surviving pokemon, an a keycard for some sort of electronic device.-

I walked over to the dude in the green suit and crouched down to look him in the eyes. "Now I'm not like the other two who are currently throwing wrenches in your groups plans. I honestly think people like you lot are best put down at every oppurtunity. That said I am not an unreasonable man and will give mercy to those deserving of it. You alone get to determine how this will go. The first option is to tell me everything you know and I'll hand you over to the local law. The second option is you keep your mouth shut until I let Hades have it's way with you and believe me you'll sing like a Chatot by the time it's done. The final option is that you simply kill yourself, I won't try and stop you either." I said calmly.


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