I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 277: Seville the Impostor

Chapter 277: Seville the Impostor

The woman who was pretending to be Daniel smirked. She leaped and spun, she was about to launch herself to the crowd but there was a magic suppression chains locked in her wrists.

[[ Seville ]]

Race: Angel

This notification threatened Elliot to the point that he wasn't able to think right. This woman was surely a Fallen Angel if she's on Terra.

"F*ck!" Seville cursed. She slammed her body to the ground and looked around. No matter where she tries to go, there were Adventurers.

"You can't go anywhere now," Miranda said. "You shall go with me and be locked up in the dungeons. Irv, let me borrow that scepter."

The host didn't waste any more time and hovered beside the police officer. He handed her the scepter to which Miranda immediately used, "All Adventurers in this stadium, prepare to engage in a fight. This woman is, in our terms, a Godly-tier Angel."

The crowd was filled with whispers. The Adventurers that were blending with them started to take action, guiding them out of the coliseum as they watched over the woman look out for an escape.

"She is a Fallen Angel that broke from the Infinity Prison," Miranda said. "We may be able to suppress her, but she's still dangerous due to the nature of her abilities. Don't let her wound you and collect your blood or else she will mimick you."

"The game is over, huh?" Seville flattened her lips. "I guess it's time for the rescue operation."

The first civilian was about to exit when a water dome locked them all inside. An Adventurer walked over to it and tried to break the forcefield, only to fail.

"What is this?" Miranda took a dagger and pointed it at the neck of Seville. "Are these your allies?"

"They're not exactly my allies per se," the woman chuckled. "They're more or less my acquaintances."

She then turned to Elliot with a grin on her face, mouthing, "Twilight Bless."

The floor beneath her shook and a pit had opened. Miranda ran to reach her but it was too late, the formation of the pit and her being swallowed inside was too fast for them. Even the Azure Scorch team that tried to reach her failed.

Elizabeth walked over and placed her hands on the floor boards. "I'm too late. I couldn't feel her through the wood."

"That was Gaston," Elliot whispered. "They're together. They both must be Fallen Angels."

They could only look at each other and then at Miranda who was clenching her fists. She was disappointed in herself for letting the prisoner go.

"This is why I don't mess with Angels," Miranda sighed. "Genetically, they are superior. The Demons come second and then Terrans come last. I also saw what she mouthed, Elliot. We are going to talk about it later."

Elliot nodded. They proceeded to wait for the mages to clean up and for the judges to make a decision. An attack like this was a huge breach in security. Even after all the scans and checkup, an impostor was still able to get in.

Miranda interviewed the Vulture Torch Guild members in a suspected allegiance to the Fallen Angels. But in her interview, all of the members had the same response to her questions.

Seville appeared in front of the Vulture Torch members on the day of the second elimination round. She crucified the other members of the team and let Daniel decide their fate.

The deal was that he would let her fight in the competition and let himself submit to her. She needed blood to continue her transformation and he let her crucify him and collect his blood in order to save his guildmates.

"Why didn't you try and sought for help?" Miranda asked Priscilla, the elf girl who was closest to Daniel. "You know the police department is open for everyone. Why didn't you?"

"She was too strong" Priscilla replied. "And she was watching over us every time. She didn't even let us get far from her. She always wants us close."

"So, you mean you're afraid of what might happen to Daniel?" Miranda asked to which Priscilla shook her head to.

"I'm afraid for all of us," she confessed. "She could kill us all and to add up, she will use Daniel's face while doing it."

"She's sick in the head," Miranda sighed. "Well at least now you know you're safe. We will watch over you and your guildmates."

Priscilla shook her head, "You don't understand the impostor is one thing, but she has allies with her."

This caught Miranda's attention. She leaned in on the table and narrowed her eyes at the girl, "You mean the ones who put up the dome and the other who made the pit that she fell to?"

"Yes," Priscilla replied. "But when she was fighting us, her allies were only standing at the back. It was the first time that we saw their powers."

Miranda sighed and nodded. "I see. Thank you for your response. You may go now."

"A-And the guards for us?" Priscilla said with wet eyes. Miranda could tell that the girl was afraid for her life. The look on her face says it all. 

"They are waiting outside," Miranda replied. "They will be with you once you go home."

"Okay," Priscilla breathed out. "Okay. Thank you so much."

The girl left and Ryan walked inside the office where Miranda was interrogating the Vulture Torch Guild members. 

"Are their stories still straight?" Ryan asked, sitting casually on the chair in front of Miranda.

"Straight as a pole," she replied. Miranda reread the information on her clipboard, the answers to her questions all matched with a hundred percent accuracy. "They all have the same answers. This Fallen Angel had attacked them and copied Daniel's appearance."

"And apparently, Seville could copy affinities and skills as well," Ryan added. He clicked his tongue and sat straight, "But she excelled with using the magic. Does this mean she can enhance them as well?"

Miranda grunted and scrunched her face, "I think that is the case. She can copy and then enhance the magic. Now, this is so bothersome."

"But there's something that's been bugging me," Ryan said. "What is their intention by breaching the Championship? If they wanted revenge for Heaven, they can just try and attack them."

"That's the thing," Miranda stood and walked over to the door. "After this incident, we now have a lead as to what their intentions could be."

Ryan stood and watched Miranda opened the door. Elliot stood in front of it, smiling at them flatly. "Hello, Ryan. I'm here to testify."

"And now we wait," the long-haired man from the Gray Lake said. "Your play is done, Seville. You can rest now."

"But I wasn't done," Seville groaned. "I was just starting to play with them. I needed to do something about my boredom."

"Why do the ancients have to lock the Twilight Bless?" Gaston sighed. "We need it now, but they require a time frame for everything."

"People like us are the reason why the ones who locked it placed a time limit to it," the man said. "They wanted to pass down the power to the Terrans who are worthy. And we're neither Terrans nor we're worthy."

"You stayed in Terra for a while," Seville pouted. "Doesn't that count"

A sword made of water passed through her throat. The girl was choking on her own blood, trying to come up for air but no one was helping her. Everyone else watched the woman succumb to death, dying from the hole in her neck.

"Deserved," another woman chuckled, clapping her hands and walked over the cliff. "She was getting annoying, not knowing that she was useless now."

"He's just keeping us while we're still useful," Gaston sighed at the woman. "Now I'm scared for my life. Just tell me if I'm getting useless, and I'll take care of myself."

"Such loyalty," the woman chuckled. "We need you, Gaston. Seville though, she had served her purpose."

"That is enough," the long haired man said. "Our next few days will be filled with waiting. But when we strike, we will take the Twilight Bless, and take APRIL with us."

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