I Want To Lay the Very Best!

120 – Technically Correct

120 – Technically Correct

The side of the Cage in front of them sunk into the ground with a hiss of steam, and a wave of ice-cold air washed out from within. Everyone reflexively stepped closer to Calcine, who spread her arms over their shoulders with a proud smile as they all leeched her warmth. The steam cleared to reveal a slim, light blue-furred woman cradling a pale-skinned beauty in her arms. Waves of blue hair, almost a perfect match for her fur, rolled over her arms as the short-of-breath human shifted to press herself closer to her partner. 

Brandy knew Tips. She'd seen her on her visits when she was younger, though never this naked with a pillowy chest on full display that her partner was trying to snuggle up to and a gentle curve to her hips that looked very huggable. Tips arms were full, so she waved at Brandy with her tail and the two long ribbons of blue hair that she could control as easily as her limbs. Brandy snapped her wandering eyes up to Tips' face, but there was no way the Glaceon hadn't noticed her admiring. Tips eyes were the almost black of the deep sea, a single point of white for pupils, and they could stare right through Brandy. 

"Aren't you all cute," Tips said politely as she stepped out of the Cage. One long ribbon of her blue hair curled around her partner's arm, who was trying to poke at her cheeks. Claire was a lovely lady, but right now, she looked so utterly fucked out of her mind. Brandy didn't think they'd be saying much. "You've done very well for yourself, Brandy."

"She knows it," Morgan said, shamelessly checking out Tips. "I like to think I'm a bit more than cute."

"You are a delight to look at," Tips said as she swanned past. "Do look me up when you evolve. Those feathers could keep my Claire warm while I taught you some tricks."

Morgan's eyes were locked on Tips' butt as she walked over to talk with Fenny. Sparky punched her in the side, a crackle of electricity snapping over her feathers. Morgan, to her credit, didn't buckle but just side-eyed Sparky with a questioning annoyance. 

"Ice makes you all weak, do they?" Sparky grinned. "Does Brandy need to stand tall and step on you?"

"I do like a lady who knows what they want," Morgan said, adjusting her hat. 

"Calcine's right there for that. What I want is for you all to get your butts in the Cage," Brandy poked them forward. "This is going to be embarrassing enough without dragging it out."

There was a bed inside the Cage, but its covers were tossed everywhere, and a few fractal patterns of ice curled over the wooden headboard. Calcine would have to purge it with fire before Brandy even considered jumping on that. Tips might be haughty, but Brandy hadn't met a Pokémon who couldn't make a sticky mess yet. She'd rather not get covered in that. 

"So, how does this work?" Calcine said as she looked around the mesh cage. It wasn't as shiny inside, but the metal walls were still bright enough. It was like being bathed in moonlight. Thankfully the ground had a thick carpet that looked comfy enough that they wouldn't have to deal with Tips' mess. 

"Pix, can you explain and start the process?" Fenny said over the Cage's speakers. Her voice had a tinny echo, making her sound far further away than just a few meters. "I'll go over the results with Tips and Claire."

Brandy had doubts, Fenny wasn't as big a sneak as Scoria, but she was frightfully cunning when she thought it could help. Convincing Brandy she wasn't watching to put her at ease was the sort of trick Fenny would pull. 

"Okay!" Pix sounded over the speakers. "As you've probably noticed, Motostoke is big on mechanical devices, and that's because we've got Pokémon that can make metal. Anything made by Pokémon often has unique properties, and this is no exception. The Cage is made of a metal that we get through steamy methods. I won't go into it right now because Brandy's ears will burn, but the important thing is it's infused with a little bit of bond energy."

"So it's a love cage?" Sparky said, eying up Brandy mischievously. 

"Kind of! A Cage made with Love, it's a long story. The important thing is that when you forge your bonds here, the metal picks up some of that ambient glow. Then Fenny and I take readings from those vibrations and can translate them into something you can all see. It's really neat." 

"So we have to improve our bonds," Calcine said, pushing Sparky into Brandy for a hug. Brandy ruffled her fingers through Sparky's fur as she felt her tease her fangs against Brandy's skin. Not a bite, but the threat of one was enough to get Brandy's heart thumping. 

"Yep! The obvious way you can probably work out is the most popular."

All eyes went to the thoroughly destroyed bed. 

"But you all know your bonds best, anything that makes them really pulse for you is perfect." Pix giggled over the speakers. "Right. I'll scoot and let you get started. Just have fun with it!"

"I'm not comfortable with sex," Brandy said right away before they could jump her, which just got a dismissive snort from Morgan. 

"Obviously, even I can tell you'd be uncomfortable with that right now, and I'm still getting to know you." Morgan drew a finger over Brandy's neck. "And you promised us a date later, so we'll make up for it. How about you set some rules, and then we'll take over?"

Calcine looked annoyed. Anytime one took the lead, the other was seconds from jumping in. Brandy really had to find a proper solution to that, but for now, if she took the lead, they might put aside their rivalry to focus on her. "No sticking anything inside of me, fangs included."

A small muffled 'aw' came from Sparky, who lightly chewed on her forearm.

"No tearing up my clothes or taking them all the way off. Treat it like we're in a cinema and don't want to get kicked out." Brandy felt a little guilty she couldn't give more, all three of them looked hungry, but it wasn't worth a bad experience just to make them happy. 

Morgan waved Calcine over and whispered with her, the pair so close together they almost touched and stood as tall as they could. Morgan was a fair bit taller than Calcine, only a few inches of Brandy's height if you didn't include the hat, but Calcine had such a strong force of personality it didn't seem to matter. It was exciting to watch them puff themselves up, ready to fight over her, even as their conversation got heated and they dragged in Sparky for a few more words. 

Morgan clapped her hands together, wings fluttering as she turned to Brandy, Calcine right by her side as they approached. 

"Brandy," Morgan said, "The others have agreed that if we can't do what we want, we can still put on a show. One I'm going to call, 'What we love about you,' But before we start. I like my audience to be attentive."

Brandy felt a stickiness seep over her wrists as her arms were pulled back. She tried to right herself, but they were quickly stuck as surely as if she'd been handcuffed, with something soft and slightly flexible. Sparky popped her head through the gap under her arm, her hands sliding over Brandy's waist and down over her skirt. Brandy pushed back on her, giving her a playful hip bump as Sparky slid those hands between her legs and gripped her thighs. Sparky webbed them together, the tug on Brandy's skin making her mewl as Sparky nuzzled her head to Brandy's side. 

"You're tying me up?" Brandy tried to move her legs, but they were as stuck as her arms now, and she almost fell before Calcine caught her and held her up.

"Not against your rules," Sparky grinned. "You got to watch Morgan. She's really good with loopholes."

Brandy tested the webbing anyway, flexing her muscles to try to break out of it. It felt doable with a lot of effort; the webbing stretched to a point she felt resistance, and if she really went for it, she thought she could tear it. Calcine ran a hand over Brandy's tense stomach as she did so and pressed her breasts to Brandy's back. 

"The audience is rowdy, Morgan. You best start before they give you a bad review." Calcine chuckled as she traced warm fingers over Brandy's stomach. 

"Well, the honourable and polite thing would be to point out your good qualities. Determination. Courage. Loyalty."

"Improvisation," Sparky nodded, "Eagerness to try new things." 

"The care you have for our feelings," Calcine rumbled as she stood on tip toes to whisper in Brandy's ear as she tugged at Brandy's trapped arms. "And desires."

Fuck. Okay, being tied up was a little strange, but realizing they would play with her made it much more exciting. The small deluge of kind words was also making her blush, she didn't think she was a lousy trainer anymore, but they were making her out to be some kind of legend! 

"Love you all too, Morgan you-"

She was shushed by Morgan before she could reply in kind, a finger pressed firmly to her lips. 

"No audience participation." Morgan leaned in, her red eyes gleaming. "Spanking is not against your rules if you don't behave and listen. I know Calcine would enjoy taking you over her knee."

Brandy really wanted to misbehave now. Clearly, Sparky was rubbing off on her, but she rubbed her legs together as best she could and took a breath to calm herself. 

"That was the polite thing to do, to speak about your higher qualities. But-" Morgan looked to Sparky, who was down on her knees fussing with her webbing at Brandy's ankles. 

"I'm not polite." Sparky grinned and licked Brandy's thigh. "And Calcine's looking like she has some fire in her heart. So fuck higher qualities, let's get down to dirty details."

Calcine took Brandy's hips firmly in hand and squeezed, compressing them as she pulled Brandy back against her body, fitting her against her curves. It wasn't a clean fit, there was a lot of smushing of chest and pressing up against Calcine's tough skin, but that made it better. Calcine had to mold Brandy to make her fit, firmly pressing her into place until Brandy's body curved up neatly against hers. 

"I love your muscles," Calcine said, her hand sliding under Brandy's shirt and across her stomach. "You're fit, and I know you work out in the mornings, wanting to make them firmer. I can't wait to see what they'll become." 

Calcine's fingers were almost too hot to the touch, like burning coals that made Brandy's skin sweat madly. She could handle it, but it was a sizzling sensation that made her insides roll with excitement. The pain wasn't there. She could take the heat, but she had no doubt it could have made someone scream without as much Fire Inheritance. It was very close to making Brandy scream, though for different reasons. She traced those fingers over Brandy's stomach, the very faint lines of her developing abs, and the curve of muscle going down to her legs. She'd have squirmed if she could have moved, but Sparky had done a really good job, so all she could do was pant. 

"I'm all for the thighs," Sparky said as she hugged them, rubbing her cheek up to them as she put all her weight on Brandy's legs. "They're perfect. No notes. I want to be crushed between them."

She'd glued them shut, so she couldn't, but that didn't stop her kissing them madly. "And I love how tall you are! Knowing you can tower over me makes me feel good inside. Wrap me up in hugs. Just so much woman to play with. Love it."

Brandy would have to do that later, just give Sparky a huge squeezing hug to disappear into, but for now, she just enjoyed those jolts of energy that fluttered over her thighs. Pleasant bursts of muscle-twitching energy left behind spots of heightened sensation. Morgan then caressed those spots with a gentle breeze from her fluttering tail, making Brandy shiver in all new ways. Morgan leaned in and grabbed Brandy's collar as she twitched and pulled her close, staring into her eyes as she pressed an arm between her and Calcine. Grabbing a handful of Brandy's ass and just squeezing on down.

Morgan was running the show. No doubt she had some grand speech planned. Brandy was going to try not to blush the entire way through it, but she was already pretty worked up. She'd have to try to endure some more speeches.

"Butt," Morgan growled. "Good." 

Morgan squeezed harder. "Mine."

Well, she was a Dark Type at heart. 

Brandy blushed anyway. Having a good butt was one thing; being told you had one was so much better. 

It wasn't sex, but wrapped up in the shamefully horny love of her partners and literally wrapped up in Sparky's webs, it all made her feel light-headed. Like she could float away if they weren't holding her down. 

She wanted to praise them back, but Morgan had been clear. This was their chance to show their love; she would just have to sit there and take all that love without reply.

Feeling herself burn up at the intensity of it all, Brandy couldn't hold back a dopey smile. Maybe sex would have been less embarrassing after all. 

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