I Want To Lay the Very Best!

121 – Oh No You Didn’t

121 – Oh No You Didn’t

The metal lattice of the Cage thrummed, that low buzzing sound of a ceiling light in a Poké-mart late at night. Hopefully, it was a bit higher tech than that, or Fenny really had been wasting her grant money. It was a low drone, barely loud enough to be heard over her breath, but Brandy noticed because she was more focused than she had been in her entire life.

Sparky's webs had her arms bound behind her back and her legs stuck together, leaving her able to do little but writhe about like a Silicobra, undulating her body against whatever she could touch to straighten herself out or nuzzle up to a caressing arm. It was mainly a lot of rubbing against her partners, who passed her back and forth like a parcel. She was almost entirely at their mercy, and they were having a grand time of it, squeezing and fondling her through the fabric of her clothes. Every touch made a new little noise of pleasure bubble up in her throat, and she found herself rolling her hips back against their fingers, panting and wriggling for more.

"I really want to fuck her," Morgan sighed as she cupped Brandy's chest, pressing her nose up close and taking a deep breath as Brandy pressed herself against Morgan's face. "I don't know how you resist her. She's such a wonderful audience. Eager to participate and hungry for more."

"Not going to stick to the rules?" Calcine said as she braced Brandy's back. Her fingers stroked around the hem of Brandy's skirt as Sparky kissed up her legs, both stopping short of the place in between that Brandy ached for attention. Brandy was tempted to throw the rules out and let them just go at her, so very, painfully tempted. But she resisted because they were all quickly learning ways to make her squirm that didn't involve fucking her senseless. She loved it almost as much as getting pinned down and taken until her mind melted.

"Hear that, Brandy?" Calcine mumbled in Brandy's ear, not nearly low enough that everyone could listen. Her hot breath tickled as it flowed through Brandy, making her spine tingle. "The new girl can't keep her dick in her feathers. Want me to discipline her?"

"I said I wanted to do it," Morgan said sharply before biting Brandy's breast through her shirt. Teeth teasing a nipple between cloth and making Brandy moan in such a high pitch, her voice cracked. "Not that I would. Brandy, it seems your little coal fire doesn't have much flame in her hearth. Should I blow her out and put her to bed?"

"I said, ha-" Brandy struggled to reply; everything felt so good. Sparky's electric kisses on her skin, Calcine's firm hands, and the dig of Morgan's nails. They all had their unique way of firing her up, and she had no favorite; her mind was mush. She just wanted more. "I said you two have to get along."

"Oh, we are," Calcine grinned. "We both want to make this special for you. Don't we, Morgan?"

"Absolutely." Morgan chuckled as she picked her way up Brandy's shirt, stealing a kiss. She had some wind wrapped around her lips that fluttered against Brandy's skin, like kissing a soft breeze. Strange, but all the more thrilling for that strangeness. "I want to hear every cute moan this beautiful redhead can make. I've missed out a lot, and Calcine should sit there and watch how I work."

Brandy kissed back. Morgan was either being a little too serious with her rules by not using her tongue or just building Brandy up to it. Either way, the promise of more was exciting, as was Calcine pressing her back to force her deeper into the kiss with Morgan pressing them both together so tightly Morgan was pushed back.

Then Calcine gave an ecstasy-filled moan rubbing herself hard against Brandy's back, rubbing her face up against Brandy's as heat blossomed off her body. It tipped Brandy right over, sprawling Morgan back and landing atop her with a heavy thump, her red eyes wide with surprise. Then they went even wider as she cried out in pleasure, her deliciously silky feathers brushing over Brandy's skin as she writhed in a moaning heap on the ground.

"You two are getting on my nerves," Sparky huffed as she pulled Calcine's and Morgan's arms up, both panting for air as they tried to regain their senses. From what Brandy could see, Sparky's fangs were gleaming and looked sharper than ever.

"You Bug Bit them!" Brandy said, "Sparky!"

"Not against the rules," Sparky sniggered as she webbed up the front of Calcine's wrist, then moved them over to Morgan and applied some webbing to the front of her wrists. Pressing their wrists together, Calcine and Morgan were forced to hold hands as they tried to pull apart.

"Brandy," Sparky said as she ruffled Calcine's hair and Morgan's tail. "Tell them they can't get out of this."

"No removing webs." Brandy said quickly, "No teleporting our melting them."

She was willing to let Sparky go somewhere with this, trusting she wouldn't worsen the situation. For all her troublemaking, Sparky was a huge team player. She'd earned a chance to do her thing.

"Fuck, Sparky, that move's lethal. It makes every nerve I've got burn." Calcine growled. She'd recovered far quicker than Morgan, who was still breathless. Brandy was in the circle of their arms. If they worked together, they could raise them and push her out, but Calcine was still coming down off the bug bite high, her grip tight.

"Good, isn't it?" Sparky grinned. "I'm going to bite Gamma next time I see her. But focus! You two, make out."

"You mean make up?" Morgan said, shaking her head and adjusting her hat by pressing the brim to Brandy's head. Then, seeing Calcine's orange eyes glowing over Brandy's shoulder, the realization hit. "Oh, no, of course, you don't. I'm not Harper Sparky; I don't find Calcine-"

Morgan's eyes roved over Calcine's body, her firm muscles, a confident stance, and blazing fiery eyes. Morgan chewed her bottom lip. "Attractive."

"Liar," Calcine growled. "Brandy can feel your heart. How's it beating?"

Trapped between them, Brandy was getting squeezed between the pair of them as they puffed up their chests. She'd have complained if it wasn't such a wonderful place to be; both of them had enough chest to squish Brandy pleasantly, and she could feel the roll of heat along Calcine's skin as she got worked up. Morgan's heartbeat was in there, too, a quick tip-tap that was so fast the beats blurred together into a gentle vibration.

"She's fast." Brandy said, "But I'm not just sandwich filling. I think I might be having some effect myself."

Morgan snorted a laugh; the hard press of her cock along Brandy's thigh wasn't exactly something she could hide. "I'm enjoying having a pretty redhead as a trainer quite a lot."

"Shame you can't fuck me right now. You could both do it." Brandy teased, "Press me between you both; let me tuck my legs up around Morgan's waist; Calcine, take the weight, and hold my hips. Just bounce me between you both, touching inside of me."

"Fuck," Sparky groaned. "I need to cause more shit. That sounds good."

"Oh, you'd be taken care of first," Brandy blew a kiss to Sparky. "For good behavior."

Sparky's eyes became thin blue lines as she giddily hugged herself. "That's never been said to a Joltik ever. That's so kinky."

Morgan and Calcine held hands, forced to by Sparky's webs, but they didn't have to flex their fingers and squeeze. Brandy could see them do it, feel their breath quicken as the wonderfully pillowy chests pressed in on her.

"It would be good," Calcine admitted reluctantly. "I suppose I could work with you to fuck her senseless."

"You use those muscles for me, and I'll thump her back hard for you." Morgan agreed, "Every scream we got out of her would make us both feel so good."

The pair turned their stares to Brandy, just devouring her with their eyes. Brandy started to blush and squirm under their gaze. Whining quietly. "Rules though..."

"And I go first." Sparky said, "She said it!"

Calcine and Morgan's heads snapped to look at Sparky. United in mission at last.

"I'd warm her up," Calcine said.

"I'd encourage her to kiss. She can use a little practice on the Bug. You massage her top, and I'll press her ass. We'd have Sparky foaming at the mouth in a few minutes."

"Deal." Calcine nodded, "Should we get started?"

There was a cracking sound, a power snap, and the whirr of a generator, and the gleaming metal of the cage began to dim slightly. Everyone was shaken back to their senses as to where they were.

"Done!" Pix said, "Woof, that was unusual, but I got to say it was good."

"You were watching?" Brandy squeaked in shock, "There are no cameras!"

Pix laughed, and it came from all around. The cage's metal gleamed until two spots were brighter than the rest, two large white moons against glittering silver. Morgan got it first.

"Those are eyes. We're inside her."

"I mean, I am the building! You always were!" Pix laughed.

Brandy squirmed to try to get out of Calcine and Morgan's grip. It was one thing to be in a possessed building. This was way more intimate and embarrassing!"

Sparky patted the ground. "I'm impressed. This is a way better trick than any I've come up with. Did you enjoy it?"

"You're all adorable and welcome inside of me anytime," Pix said, the glowing white eyes bobbing up and down.

"Wait, if you saw it all, then..."

"Brandy!" Fenny's voice came over the tannoy. "If you're not going to make out with your girlfriends more, you can come out. The results are ready."

"Fenny saw it all?" Brandy groaned. "Darn it, Pix, you should have said!"

"Oh, don't worry, she didn't see," Pix said, "But you should be proud of being so close to them all. It shows you're a good Trainer!"

Calcine and Morgan stood up, pressed their bodies together, and picked up Brandy between them. Finally working in concert, to haul her off to her mother in the most embarrassing way possible.

It wasn't fair that Pix was right. She was proud of them all. So she put up with it watching Sparky giving the cage a fist bump on the way out.

"Awww," Fenny said, upside down in Brandy's view as she dangled over Calcine's shoulder. "Scoria loves to tie me up too. You really are your mother's daughter!"

"Nonsense," Morgan said, "She's handling three of us. You could only manage one."

There was a deathly hush. Brandy's blood ran cold. She hadn't just said that. There was no way.

"Damn," Tips said with a puff of icy breath. "And I thought the Rolycoly would be the fiery one."

Brandy dared a peek; Fenny was ... blushing? Her mother never blushed. This was impossible!

"Goodness," Fenny said, turning to a screen. "Quite the team Brandy, come on. See the results."

Morgan gave Brandy's side a comforting pat as they walked over. Brandy was still in shock. The idea anyone could make her mother blush, let alone because of something she'd done.

She really had changed in ways she hadn't even realized. What else was this scan going to show she hadn't picked up on?

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