I Want To Lay the Very Best!

135 – Showered With Praise (18+)

135 – Showered With Praise (18+)

It was the pitter-patter of warm water over her skin that woke Brandy, but slowly. Her eyelids were so heavy she didn't want to open them. Her head laid on something far softer than any mattress. The constant hiss of the water gave away it wasn't rain, but Brandy put off opening her eyes and trying to piece together thoughts to pretend. 

Her Partners surrounded her, huddled together against the beating storm, each comforting her. Calcine's heat and warmth, Morgan's soft feathers and hat for shielding her head, and Sparky's fur, all three of them so fucking huggable it made her giddy. She hoped she gave them as much comfort as they gave her because even in the worst weather, she wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else.

It wasn't a storm though, so she couldn't just huddle and wait it out. There were things to be done, and opening her eyes was the first step. 

Brandy sighed happily and nuzzled into the warm flesh she used as a pillow. Five more minutes of sleep. If it was really important, they'd have woken her up. The drumbeat of rain on her ears made her hearing swim, but as she tried to drift back off, she couldn't help but catch the other sounds around her. Wet slapping, throaty moans, and a deep, bassy purr that made Brandy's spine tingle. 

Maybe a peek was worth the energy. 

As Brandy blinked water out of her eyes, the rest of her body slowly checked in. Every report was the same, heavy with exhaustion, unwilling to take part in any action. Brandy, why do you do this to us? 

She couldn't fault her body for lack of effort. It'd given all it got, and she'd have fallen to a heap on the floor if she wasn't so well supported. Brandy's limbs were wrapped up in the embrace of strong, muscular arms. The feeling of soft skin against hers made struggling against them pleasant, no matter how futile. A warmth rolled in the softness under her cheek that had to be a breast. It was too pliable to be a thigh, and she could hear a heartbeat through it, far louder than any humans. Every thump a muffled explosion that Brandy found weirdly comforting despite the harshness of it. 

"Calcine?" Brandy murmured softly. "That you?"

A hand brushed her hair, slicking back the spikes over and over and trying to keep the water out of her eyes now that she was waking. 

"Of course," Calcine said softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore," Brandy groaned. "Good sore. Delighted sore. Please don't take it as a suggestion to do more sore."

"You sure? I have some ideas."

Brandy groaned, fist beating weakly against Calcine's arm as she laughed and hugged her again. "We dragged you both to the showers. The heat was too much in the Sauna. Needed to cool you off some."

Both? Brandy blinked away the last of the water and tried to focus her vision. The shower was wonderful; not just showerheads, but the entire ceiling seemed to open up and dump a deluge on them. It made sense the Fire Gym needed to go big here. Coming through it with heatstroke wasn't out of the question. It was certainly giving Brandy life, and through the thundering droplets, she tried to pick out what the others were up to.

Morgan was lathering up Cinnamon's tails with soap. Her hat's points held high against the soaking shower and gave her a watery veil to hide in. She occasionally dragged Cinnamon into the water for a sly, hidden kiss as the fox woman purred like a motor engine. Blaze was wrapped in there, sleepily hugging Cinnamon's tails as the soaped-up tails rubbed themselves up to her to clean off her body. It was a fluffy and feathery car wash that Brandy wouldn't have minded jumping into. 

"Morgan and Cinnamon hit it off," Calcine chuckled. The rumble of her body underneath Brandy's made her muscles ache, but Brandy didn't complain. Even through the aches, the press of Calcine's body was worth it. "Cinnamon ran out of ideas after a while, and Morgan helped her come up with some new ones. Blaze is going to be spitting up hairballs for weeks."

The Murkrow winked at Brandy and blew her a kiss through the shower streams, then got back to helping Cinnamon put some scratches on Blaze's back. The Gym Leader mewled weakly with pleasure as dark energy curled over Morgan and Cinnamon's interlaced fingers; their fingernails dug deep into her tanned skin. 

"Did she say if we won?" Brandy said. "If you won, that was all your lead. You did so well."

The heat beneath her rose, and Brandy didn't need to look at Calcine's face to know she'd see a blush. Instead, she picked at the cape that fluttered up by her arm. Calcine was still in her Fire Stone boosted, Carkol form, but it may not last much longer, and then they find out if she'd done enough to make it stick. It wasn't for Brandy to say on that one. Calcine was perfect in her eyes either way. It was up to Calcine's heart to decide if this suited her.

She had to be as tall as Brandy or damn near close enough. That was going to be so weird if this did last.

"Blaze hasn't said anything that's made sense for hours." Calcine laughed. "I made Morgan promise to stop fucking her."

"I didn't promise!" Cinnamon called out, "I'm enjoying this so much."

Good, Brandy hadn't really let the Ninetails do anything to her. She'd been far too enraptured by Calcine and Lixi. The best she'd been able to do was make sure Cinnamon and Blaze didn't go without. Speaking of people who might have missed out...


"Hah," Calcine grinned. "She started comparing Lixi and me, pointing out I was a little bigger and better at fucking you."

"Lixi must have hated that."

"Oh, she did." Calcine turned Brandy's head, shifting it to the other side. Brandy got a nice look along the rolling curves of Calcine's chest as she saw where that slapping noise was coming from. Lixi had Sparky face down against the shower tile, one hand on the back of her head to pin her still as her other hand held Sparky's hip up. She was mercilessly fucking the Joltik's ass, Lixi's dark skin glistening in the water as she trusted her hips to drive the smaller Pokémon into the tiles.

Brandy knew Sparky was incredibly flexible, but Lixi was the first person she'd seen really make use of it. She'd twisted Sparky's spine up so far Sparky's own body was crushing her. From her tightly squeezed, shining eyes and panting tongue, it was clear Sparky was having a wonderful time getting her ass pounded so firmly there was no way she'd be sitting down again today. Brandy had been on the receiving end of Lixi's cock recently, and even though she'd been gentle, Brandy still felt what she'd done every time her hips twitched, the lingering heat making her spine shiver. 

She wasn't being gentle with Sparky, insisting the Joltik keep praising her as she turned Sparky's brains into mush, and the rough domination was curiously arousing. Not just the thought of being under her, though Brandy would gladly be torn to shreds doing that. No, it was the thought of getting Sparky to enjoy herself so much that she panted like a dog. 

"I should get a strap," Brandy said, "For Sparky."

"Make it a surprise," Calcine laughed. "And you might make her evolve on the spot in excitement. You could always practice for Maple."

Brandy snorted. If that happened, there would only be one person wearing a strap, and it wouldn't be Brandy. 

"I loved this, all of it," Calcine said as she pulled Brandy up for a kiss. Brandy didn't have the energy even to kiss back properly, just letting Calcine push her about with her warm, peppery-tasting lips and nuzzling affectionately at her fiery lover. "Everyone did. Spitfire says you owe her as you were clearly too broken for a second round, but even she seemed happy."

"Thanks," Brandy smiled. "I'll make it up to her before we go somehow."

"You worked out the trick with her yet? Her challenge?"

Brandy had an inkling. Throwing a powerful Pokémon up front was a common gym trick from old challenges, and they did it for many reasons. Spitfire's grill was meant to keep Trainer's relaxed, even with the threat, and stop people trying to fight past her. Which meant they only had a few other ways to do it. 

"She always fucks them, doesn't she? You're meant to go into the next fight, all broken. Blaze's part is testing how you can handle partners who want to be intimate, even when you're not able to perform."

"Clever girl," Calcine kissed the top of Brandy's head, and Brandy squirmed with delight at the praise. "I don't think she always fucks them, but they might come through full of food or worn out from a tough fight. Then the bracelet goes on, and they got to dig deep and perform."

"Mine barely beeped." Brandy tapped her hand to Calcine's breast, squeezing her fingers into it. "Look at what I had? Two of you, I was boiling hot the whole time. You could have just talked me into an orgasm."

"You'd have lasted longer," Calcine rumbled, a little guilt in her tone, which Brandy tried to kiss away. Her kissing game was so sloppy that she sucked on the tip of Calcine's nose, the pair of them staring at each other awkwardly before breaking into giggles. "Idiot."

"No way I've got Carkol titty to rest on," Brandy said. "I'm the smartest girl alive."

"I didn't hurt you?" Calcine said, nerves creeping in as she used her cape to hook around the bottom of Brandy's legs and give her a swing on which she could sit without fear of sliding off. "I know you said not to worry, but you screamed a lot."

"You re-arranged my insides and knocked my brain out of my head. Was good screams." Brandy blushed, remembering it. "Real good scream."

"You can handle me?"

"I can handle Mercury. I can handle a cocky Carkol," Brandy said, "Your worry is noted and cute and sexy. Now cut it out. I'll handle you. You know that."

"In your own weird way," Calcine said, finally pressing a hand to Brandy's back and working heat into her aching muscles. Along with the shower water, it was simply divine. Brandy couldn't hold back a content moan. 

"In my own weird way," Brandy repeated. "That's a promise."   

She was just about to try a kiss again when Morgan let out a worried squawk. 

"Brandy, we broke her." 

Brandy leaned to look at Morgan and Cinnamon, both looking guilty as sin as they held Blaze between them, the Gym Leader's head lolling back and fore to rest on their shoulders. Her eyes had gone all glassy, all sensible thought thoroughly fucked out of her head and leaving her just a goofily smiling husk. 

"Fix her?" Cinnamon said, offering her down to Brandy. "Please, I do love her. We got a bit carried away."

Fire and Dark Types, what could she do? Well, there were bits of Brandy that did work. She'd just have to use them. 

"Lay her down on Calcine's cloak. Come on, join our wet cuddle puddle. Sparky, you want in?"

"Ah! Aaaah! Fuck Lixi! You're so big! Fuck!"

Sparky was good where she was.

Calcine fluttered out her fiery cape, the dark coal patches highlighted by glowing molten lines, and Morgan and Cinnamon lowered Blaze into it, the blonde Trainer hugging the warm fabric to her like a comforter as shower water splashed and sizzled around her. 

"Okay, Morgan, use Gust to give her a nice breeze. Cool her off. Get the fluff out of her."

"There's um," Cinnamon tapped her tails together guiltily. "A lot of fluff."

"Use your tongue if you really have to," Brandy giggled. "It'll be fine. Just get her cleaned and cooled off Morgan."

"I'll eat her out for you so nicely, Mistress," Morgan said with a sweeping bow, getting between Blaze's legs as her wind washed the water over her body. 

"Cinnamon, use Safeguard. Massage her like you did me with your tails. Make her feel like she's coming home. Head in your lap. Let your love flow into her."


"Metaphorically, don't make her give you a blowjob," Brandy added. She could see that question coming from the twitch of excitement in Cinnamon's cock. Fire types really were insatiable. "If she wants to lick a little, let her, nothing rough."

"Yes, okay, gentle. I can do that." Cinnamon's fox ears were so cute when they were wiggling in worry. She soon had Blaze wrapped up and massaged like Brandy said, her face strained as she tried not to reach out for Blaze, who was nuzzling up to her cock and giving it soft kisses.

Morgan was clearly good with her tongue, because it didn't take long for Blaze to have a gentle orgasm, breathy and shaking as Cinnamon hugged her tight with all her tails, a little light coming back to the Gym Leader's eyes as she yawned. 

"Cin, I had the best dream," Blaze mumbled, mouth working like she was trying to work something out of her teeth. Then she spat out a small ball of golden fluff. "Cinnamon..."

"You told me to do it. Not my fault." Cinnamon said quickly, rubbing her fingers over Blaze's face and making her Trainer pull faces as she tried to fight them off. 

"Cinnamon!" Blaze drew her name out, making the Fox Lady crouch in on herself even if she was grinning. "You can't Safeguard forever. I will bite you after. I feel like I deep-throated one of your tails!" then Blaze squeaked, her thighs squeezing Morgan's head as her ass wiggled in the air. "Fuck! That's what woke me up? Okay, you're forgiven."

Blaze sniffed and wiped one eye clear, noticing the droplets raining down on her face and looking up at the shower, then to the two women opposite her. 

 Brandy and Calcine waved, giving Blaze a dopey pair of grins. 

"I don't know how to score this," Blaze said, sinking a hand into her soaked blonde hair, the burnt tips clinging to her tanned skin. "I barely remember half of it. Did Cinnamon pin me down and fuck me?"

"I pinned you down. She fucked you." Morgan said, tipping her hat up to smile at Blaze as she paused her pussy eating. "Then we both did it with fingers to see who could make you squirm the most. Then-"

"Okay, okay," Blaze tipped Morgan's hat back down. "Enough of that. I'm remembering bits of it. Fuck, Lixi!" 

"WHAT?" Lixi cried as she spanked Sparky's thigh. She was standing tall, pistoning into Sparky from above and standing on her head with one foot while she did it. Sparky was completely out of it, so love-struck it was a wonder her blue eyes hadn't transformed into hearts. She definitely had to get that strap. Maybe Morgan could help her get a good one? She had a feeling Morgan knew how to accessorize. "I mean, what do you want, Blaze? I'm busy." 

"Don't take that tone with me! I'll get Spitfire in here, and you'll be the one eating shower tile."

Lixi just grinned and gave a thrust that got a wobbly moan out of Sparky, electricity crackling along her fur and tingling in the shower water. "Do it, coward. The little bug makes it sound like a lot of fun."

"Stop thinking with your dick and be a little professional. We have to judge Brandy."

"Eh," Lixi shrugged. "Can't argue that wasn't all high emotion, but it was weird. I think she was more interested in evolving her Rolycoly to focus much on the task. Besides, she wasn't even in charge. Her hot as fuck partner was."

"Oh, right!" Blaze said, "Calcine, you want to explain that?"

"We agreed I could take the lead because I seem to-" she trailed off. 

"Nothing seems to about it," Brandy nudged her to continue. "Say it."

"I love being in charge." Calcine said, "A lot."

"That's sweet." Cinnamon tickled a tail under Blaze's chin. "I learned today I don't mind it now and then either."

Blaze blushed and nibbled on the tail tip thoughtfully. "I'm not used to losing control like that. But I admit it was fun to just let their passions ride."

"Yeah," Brandy smiled, "You have to direct them so they don't get too lost, but they know what they want. It's so good to let them have it isn't it?"

"It was good," Blaze sighed. "I haven't let loose like that in ages. I feel so pumped! I want to drag Spitfire in here and see if she can get fired up about it too. It's such a unique way of doing things."

"Absolutely," Morgan said, tipping her hat up again. "So Blaze, we're willing to award you the Brandy Badge. For getting scrapes on your knees. I'll draw it inside you with my tongue."

Cinnamon slapped a wet tail down on Morgan's hat and pushed her back into Blaze's pussy. Her tail feathers shook as she rolled her hips cockily. 

"Cheeky bird. I thought Unovan's were meant to be polite." Blaze laughed, stretching in Cinnamon's grip. "Calcine, I'm giving you the badge. You did great, led the team well, and showed everyone a good time. Never given a Pokémon a badge before, but you've got a human heart in there, and I'm rarely this impressed. I didn't think there was much new to learn about passion."

"I'm going to give it to Brandy." Calcine said, "She let me do all this. She trusts me deeply."

"Oh no, it's yours. I expect you to keep it. Brandy, I think, needs a proper challenge."

"I think it'll be a week before I can do this again," Brandy groaned. "I may need to come back another time. I'm in the Wandering Whimscott Tournament now, and I need to find out where to be for the first round."

"I didn't say you had to do this again, just that you needed a proper challenge. A finishing test. There's no doubting your love for your Partners and your dedication to their needs. I just need to see some passion, so you'll show it. Rest up. I'll come to find you tomorrow to give Calcine her badge and explain."

Brandy sank her head back against Calcine's chest and looked up. The pride on her face, the beaming, slightly embarrassed grin of someone who'd gotten more than they could ever believe possible. She'd be such a heel to spoil the moment, so she squeezed Calcine's thigh again and kissed her chin when she looked down. 

"First Pokémon with a badge," Brandy smirked. "Going to be in the history books."

"Unofficially," Blaze said. "I mean, technically, I can't actually give you a badge. The rules aren't as bendy as your Joltik, sorry."

"I'm happy with having an Unofficial badass for a Partner," Brandy grinned. "Calcine."

Calcine sniffed. She was trying not to cry. Brandy made an effort to work her aching muscles and pull herself up so she could give Calcine a kiss properly. 

"You did better than I thought possible. Don't ever doubt yourself." Brandy said, "You got this."

"Didn't say you could speak," Calcine's throat was froggy as she spoke in the kiss, her grip tight as she squeezed Brandy close. "Have to train you better."

"You don't want that. I might evolve into my Mom."

"I wouldn't say no," Morgan said, and Calcine took her turn tipping Morgan's hat down. 

"Speaking of Evolution," Calcine smiled. "I think I like this. It suits me. You need someone on your level to keep your head out of the clouds."

"So you're going to stick with it?"

Calcine looked at Sparky and licked her lips. "Might test it out a little more first to ensure it settles right. But if Blaze is going to pin a badge on my chest after Morgan's done with her, I want to give her a big target." 

Brandy looked down. Targets this big Blaze couldn't miss. But she got her face in there to check and make sure they really were suitable for the world's first Pokémon badge. 

She didn't find any faults. 

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