I Want To Lay the Very Best!

136 – Puzzle Dungeon

136 – Puzzle Dungeon

Brandy was too tired to walk, but her Partners had her covered. Sparky had wrapped her up in silk, and Calcine was carrying her to their booked rooms. As they walked, Morgan flitted about, trying to sneak kisses in on Brandy's hair and cheeks. Her arms were bound up, so she couldn't fight her off, and Calcine's fiery snorts weren't dissuading her.

"Let me at her. I want to thank her," Morgan trilled.

"Not a chance. You're going to steal her. She's done for the day."

"I would never!" Morgan gasped, a wing over her mouth to hide her shock. "I just want a speedy word."

"Absolutely going to steal," Sparky grinned, flicking sparks Morgan's way and making her dart back. "You've been full of yourself since you ate out Blaze."

"She made such pretty noises, and Cinnamon said I did a good job." Morgan poked her tongue out at Calcine. "I could prove it. Let me have her".

"Calcine and Harper," Brandy mumbled in her web cocoon, rubbing her head against Calcine's arm. Pleasingly firm muscle nursing her head, "You and Cinnamon. Is Sparky going to get a girlfriend?"

Sparky gasped. "Calcine, she's so distracted by your new tits she didn't even see Lixi fucking my brains out. She absolutely destroyed me." Sparky tried to roll her hips and winced, squeezing her legs together. "Crushed. Ouch. You're going to have to be careful with that dick Calcine. You barely know how to use it."

"I'll rope you in for a practice," Calcine snorted. "Both of you behave. It's been a long day. Brandy's done well. She needs some rest."

"Sure thing, Girlfriend," Sparky grinned as she pressed herself up to Calcine's side and gave her underboob a kiss. "But just curious, what you gonna do if we don't? You gonna bend us over your new thick thighs?"

"You going to spank us?" Morgan took the other side, brushing a wing over Calcine's new body. "Going to use that powerful body of yours to pound us into the dirt?"

Was this because Calcine got a badge? Or were they both just horny idiots? Probably the latter, but it was fun to see them fawn over Calcine and the slight curl in Calcine's lips at the attention. She liked it and was much worse at hiding it than she used to be. It was nice to see Calcine get a little in touch with her true feelings.

Only fair Brandy rescued her after all she's done today.

"They're insatiable," Brandy said, "Calcine. Let me down. I'll just have to skip the date I've got planned for tomorrow. They want me now."

"I will call your bluff," Morgan said as Sparky shook her head madly. "I want a teaser of it. Whet my appetite, or I'm going to feast right now."

"She gives a gym leader multiple orgasms, and she thinks she's a pussy eating Legendary," Sparky tugged at Brandy's web-bound arm. "I can't stop her. She hungers. You'll have to give up something to distract her."

Them working together was shameless but lucky for them, Brandy found shamelessness a turnon.

"I've got a game planned. You'll both compete. Calcine will be the judge." Brandy blew Morgan a kiss. "And you can't cheat at this one."

"Rules?" Morgan said, her competitive edge coming out like a drawn knife, staring past her at Sparky.

"Find out tomorrow, but I have to wear a short skirt." Brandy tried to wiggle her hips, bound up as she was; her caterpillar wiggles made Calcine grip tighter. Which wasn't so bad. The feeling of Calcine's fingers pressing into her skin made Brandy melt a little.

"How short?" Sparky said. "You already have short skirts."


"I'm so in." Sparky's eyes were all lit up as she bounced on her heel. "I've already won. I'll forfeit, if you want Morgan, as long as I get to slap her thighs."

"No deal, win fairly." Morgan waved her hand, and a light slap of hardened air hit the back of Brandy's thighs. She mewled. She couldn't help it, rolling in the silk as she felt the sting prickle over the back of her legs. "It is fun, though."

"She's. Resting." Calcine growled, her voice deepening to the warning rumble of a volcano. Morgan and Sparky's backs stiffened like ramrods springing them straight to attention. Calcine gave a nod. "I like being a Carkol. Gives me presence."

Brandy saw the pair staring at Calcine's ass as she walked and rolled her eyes. "It gives you something all right. It suits you, though, being tall as me."


"You wish," Brandy bumped her head against Calcine's arm. "You're only as tall as me, and you know it. Maybe next time."

"Next time," Sparky licked her lips. "Once her Fire Stone is all charged up again, we can see what Coalossal Calcine looks like."

"Big, I imagine," Morgan said, "So for you, Sparky, no difference."

"Wow! You say that when you're the smallest here, Morgan." Sparky said. "Such nerve."

"I'm almost as tall as Brandy. Don't be foolish."

"I wasn't talking height," Sparky grinned.

"I can sit on them when I become a Coalossal," Calcine whispered to Brandy as the pair scratched at each other. "Might shut them up."

"Don't give them what they want," Brandy said. "That's my job. Once I've got some rest. A long, long rest."

And maybe a few ice packs.


Brandy had forgotten how weird the place they were staying at was. Cogs clinked against the saw-toothed runners of the giant bank vault door fitted to the side of the house. The mechanical bird outside had spoken to them last time, and then the place had opened a slot to eat their backpacks. Which, on reflection, they'd been more trusting about than they ought to have been.

"Hey, house bird!" Brandy yelled from Calcine's arms. "Can we come in now?"

The mechanical bird above the door took a few moments to come to life before it bent down its head and fluttered its metal wings. The metal feathers sounded like chimes as they clinked together.

"Absolutely. Are you ready for the riddle?" the bird chirped back. "I've come up with some good ones."

"No," Brandy groaned. "I'm sleepy, achy, and all tied up. Can we skip them?"

"Tied up? That's the secret answer, hold on, hold on."

The group looked at each other in confusion as the door made a series of clicks, a cog running up the saw-toothed runner and pulling the door out of the wall before it rolled to the side with a loud, mechanical grinding.

"The neighbors must hate these people so much," Sparky said, hands over her ears. "If they leave early for work, I'd say people are allowed to murder them."

Brandy wasn't against the idea. It was a really loud mechanism.

The door rolled back to reveal a short but curvy woman with long, brown hair that hung in curly waves down one shoulder. She stared at them with her big brown eyes but didn't speak, mainly because she had a white cloth gag in her mouth, the edges of her lips curled up in a smile around it. She stood tall with her hands behind her back, dressed in a form-fitting red strapless dress made of some shiny material that looked like it'd squeak when she moved. It was laced up down the middle with what looked like a leather cord, strung through metal buttons fitted into the dress, and tied off with an engraved padlock.

"Woof," Sparky said after a stunned silence. "That's a look."

She bobbed her head back and fore and muffled out what might have been a hello. Brandy wasn't sure. She was too busy staring at everything to think too hard.

The room she was in was just as surprising as their greeter, all plush red leather furniture around stone fittings, a few hidden purple lights illuminating the doors and stairs leading out of the hallway. The doors had locks on them, the windows had bars and locks, and pretty much anything that looked like a container had a padlock on it too. All pretty ones, but it was still an insane thing to take in.

"Is this legal?" Calcine said quietly. "Should we call the police?"

"Prudes," Morgan said with a smirk as she stepped through the entrance and paced around the woman waiting for them. She reached out to grab something behind her, then pulled her back. Her arms were bound up too. The straps of her outfit went round to her back and ran back and fore over her arms until they were tied fast.

"All wrapped up like a present," Morgan said as she trailed a finger over the woman's neck. She looked up with a blush, bounding on her heels to reach high enough to kiss Morgan, but she was far too short. Morgan stopped her with a finger under the chin, making her throat bubble with a gag-stuffed groan. Morgan lifted the lock tying her outfit together, and looked at it.

"It's engraved," Morgan said, "It says, 'Welcome guests. Anything of Trinkets is yours. If you can find the right keys."

"You got a key for us?" Sparky said, zipping past Calcine to join Morgan, pawing at the bound-up woman's side. "You're hot. We're hungry. This is perfect."

"How are you still horny," Brandy groaned, "That was exhausting!"

"I'm Electric, and Morgan didn't actually fuck anyone. We're starving!" Sparky said, leaning to whisper conspiratorially to the tied-up woman. "She barely feeds us. It's criminal. I'm still a virgin."

"You're a liar," Brandy groaned. "Calcine cut me out. If Trinket locked up our beds, I will sit on her until she lets us in."

Calcine tore open her web cocoon with one hand, and the trail of tearing fingers over Brandy's skin made her jump right to her feet in shock. Before falling right back into Calcine's arms as her legs gave out.

"That was cool, but we're going to solve this. Slowly. Ow." Brandy's limbs ached so badly they didn't want to play with her. She could barely stand.

The gagged woman gave a sad whine, and Morgan clucked her tongue. "Don't worry. If we don't find a key, I can try to pick the lock. I want you."

Her needy whine was absolutely adorable. Poor girl, Detective Brandy would help you get fucked, or she'll find a free sofa and go to sleep trying.

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