I Want To Lay the Very Best!

47 – Training is for the Birds

47 – Training is for the Birds

It'd been a few days since they went shopping. While Mercury remained elusive, there was never a shortage of Pokémon to fight, so Brandy had been trying to pick some battles to push the team. 

It had gone pretty well, though maybe they'd overshot on this one. 

"Lenna" the Sirfetch'd
Height: 5' 6" 
Type: Fighting
Failed Captures: 21

Moves Discovered:
Brutal Swing
Iron Defense
Sand Attack

When this Pokémon's leek withers, it will retire from combat. Don't tease them about it. They don't find it funny.

Probably best Sparky doesn't read that, or she will only make things worse.  

The battlefield was already pretty chewed up from the doubles battle. Sparky and Calcine had blitzed down the yellow lizard Pokémon, pinning her down with webs and then shrouding her with rock summoned up from the ground. The issue was Lenna was proving far harder to hit, and the team had to do everything they could to stop her from breaking her partner back out.

Sparky kept her distance from the long leek sword and held out her hand, sending out a whipcord of webbing that Lenna caught on her leaf shield with a sharp splat. 

"Ugh, so annoying! Stop blocking!" Sparky yelled as she curled her finger to summon up some more webbing.

Lenna wasn't a very tall Pokémon, but like most Fighting types, she looked wickedly fit, her mess of white hair bobbing about as she swung a leek sword almost as tall as her, trying to get at her teammate. Calcine was doing her best to stop her, shaping rocks to wall Lenna off and taking a hit or two when no other option was left. Brandy stood on top of the rock blanket they'd made for the yellow lizard Pokémon. Hopping her foot up now and then to avoid bites from the wiggling woman. 

"Lenna, get the Bug. Stop trying to save me!" the lizard girl barked. 

Lenna raised her sword up high and flicked her hair back imperiously. "A knight does not abandon her charge! As long as I draw breath, your safety is my concern!"

Calcine tried to swing at her, but the shield was again in the way, and Calcine pulled her blow rather than stick to the webbing. She was on guard and couldn't afford to be drawn out.

The lack of a Trainer really showed with this pair. Sure, Brandy's Pokémon delighted in not listening to her outside of a fight, but their shared bonds helped them work as a unit. Lenna and her lizard friend had almost no teamwork. Lenna was too focused on protecting her friend, while her friend hadn't hung back and used it, instead rushing right in and getting bound up by Sparky and Rock Polished into a secure blanket almost immediately. 

Two on one should have been easy, but what the Sirfetch'd lacked in teamwork, they more than made up for with style. They were a nightmare in close combat, and their shield gave them a massive advantage against range. Brandy's team's lack of soft moves was once again proving trouble. A Smokescreen from Calcine could help them land a blow, but more likely, it'd make Lenna even harder to hit. She was keeping well clear of any suspicious rocks after they'd so easily bound up her Helioptile friend. 

Her shield raised to guard herself, Lenna thrust out her leek sword at Calcine, smashing through a part of the rock wall with one brutal blow and lancing towards the Heloptile's prison. Calcine raised her foot and stamped down on the sword's tip, forcing it into the ground. 

"Nice abs," Calcine said, acting like she was way cooler than she was. Brandy was pretty sure she had a bit of a crush on Lenna. She didn't usually act like this.

"Stop looking at her perfect abs and Rock Spin the leek!" Brandy called from behind her, and Calcine wound up a kick that smashed into the leek and sent Lenna spinning around with it as she kept a firm grip on her weapon. "Sparky, skipping rope with Calcine. Use her momentum. Let's try it!"

Brandy was excited to see this play out. They'd been working on some moves for Mercury and had a good feeling about this. Rather than shooting at Lenna, Sparky sent a web Calcine's way, and Calcine raised a hand to catch it, the crackling sticky strand strung out between the pair. Calcine swung Sparky like a meteor hammer, the bug girl giggling wildly as the spinning Calcine swung her off her feet. 

Lenna switched smoothly to block the web, but since the web was tethered at both ends, her shield catching it didn't stop the blow. Sparky swung around Lenna like a tetherball and bound her shield back against her body.

"Crafty!" Lenna laughed, "But I won't bow to knaves like you."

"What's a knave?" Sparky asked, getting her answer immediately in a very physical way. Lenna slid her leg along the ground and sent up a puffing cloud of sand right into Sparky's face, making her choke and lose her grip on the web. Thankfully, a leek sword wasn't sharp, so Lenna couldn't cut her way out. Though from how the muscles bulged in her arm, she may be able to brute force it given a moment's breather. 

Brandy chewed her bottom lip. Admiring the Fighting types' muscles was fun, but she probably shouldn't go full Calcine and focus here. 

"She reads old books," the Helioptile groaned. "I have no idea what she's saying half the time. Calls me Princess."

"Worry not, my love!" Lenna said as she battered Sparky away with a quick flick of her sword. She thrust her sword out towards Calcine with a flourish. "I will have these ladies on their knees soon enough."

Brandy gave Calcine's rear a swat as she saw her legs tremble. "Don't even think about it. Focus!"

Calcine shook her head, her eyes twitching slightly as she held Lenna's gaze. Brandy could feel their bond tremble as Calcine wanted to give in. Leer! Well, there was a simple way to stop it. Brandy hopped off the rock mound onto Calcine's back and covered her eyes. "Just give Sparky a moment," Brandy whispered. "Build up an incinerate. We're going to cook that leek"

Calcine was warm, and nibbling on her earlobe only made her warmer. Lenna looked smugly at Brandy, who looked away to avoid getting Leer'd herself. "A fair maiden like yourself should find better company."

"They're pretty terrible, but in the best ways," Brandy grinned, "Are you two a couple?"

Lenna didn't take the bait. Fighting types were hard to distract, and she was focused on freeing her friend, lashing out with her Leek sword to batter Calcine out of the way. Brandy squeezed close to Calcine as the blow came in, and flames licked across her hands as the blow landed, Brandy feeling the shock in her bones as Calcine juddered back against her. She was getting tougher every day, but she was far from a Pokémon when it came to taking hits still, and the shock left her skin tingling uncomfortably. 

But Calcine had followed through, wrapping an arm around the leek and letting flames play across it as she held it tight. Lenna let out a howl of rage at her weapon getting crisped and charged forward, managing only a few steps before two webs slapped against her shoulders and pulled her right off her feet. 

"Got her!" Sparky laughed, still spitting out sand. Her four eyes were wet with tears from all the sand grit, but she'd powered through to take the shot. 

"Forward," Brandy said, giving Calcine another squeeze. "Two steps up onto her shield. Pin her, and we'll bind her. "  

The sticky shield worked in their favor now. Lenna tried to shake them off as Calcine and Brandy climbed atop her shield, but the leftover web residue let them stick fast, and all her struggling just meant bits of Calcine and Brandy's clothing got sticky and ended up catching on Lenna's bare skin. Soon the three of them were a tangled pile, with Sparky the only person left standing free. 

"I knew it," Sparky grinned. "Calcine couldn't wait to get in there on that."

"It was the plan," Calcine huffed. Though she was hugging Lenna harder than was necessary. "She feels really good though, firm but soft. I love that feeling."

"Knaves! Varlets!" Lenna squawked, puffing up her cheeks. Brandy licked at her skin, the salt of sweat not unpleasant with the smell of cooking leek in her nose. Leena tried to hold out, but the tickling sensation of it soon had her breaking down into a fit of giggles. "Rogues!"

"You lost Leena!" the Helioptile called. "Now stop following me about!"

"Never. As long as I breathe, you will find safety under my wings." Lenna said, between laughing fits. "Aha, and I can't handle three on my own. I need help!"

"Who said I'm fucking you?" Brandy smirked. "We just wanted to practice fighting. Sparky, you good?"

Sparky didn't answer and instead did a circuit of the trio spinning a web around Brandy, Calcine, and Leena. The sticky web fizzled against Brandy's skin as the trio rolled about to try to escape it. It only ended up binding them even worse.

"Sparky, what the fuck!" Brandy yelled.

"Hey, Lizard girl?" Sparky said as she ignored her. "You want to mess with these three?"

"Yeah!" the Helioptile said, "Call me uh... Lizzy?"

"That's your name?" Calcine snorted. 

"No! I'm trying it on." Lizzy said, "I'll think of a better one."

"Queen Liz sounds pretty bad," Sparky said. "I don't think that'd catch on."

Lizzy below a bubble of electricity at Sparky, who laughed as it burst against her fur, tickling her skin. "Well, good thing I'm not actually royalty then."

"You don't get to call names. Sparky," Brandy said, wiggling to get out of the webs. Her face just ended up sticking to someone's boob. She was pretty sure it wasn't Calcine's. It felt softer, but maybe she'd warmed up some being mushed into all these Sirfetch'd muscles. She'd just have to investigate in a moment. "Hey, let us out!"

"No way, this is great. You put on a show, and maybe I'll let up," Sparky said, helping tug at Lizzy to free.

Sparky's bond had gotten awfully close to getting there, and it'd been a while since Sparky hadn't ended up the one sacrificing. They could do this for her.

"Calcine, you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"We should bind Lenna?"

"Not a chance," Lenna said, Brandy, feeling a feathered hand squeezing her ass in admonishment. "I'm Princess Lizzy's until I die."

"I didn't even say I would!" Brandy huffed. "I'm not binding a Pokémon just because Calcine finds muscles hot."

"What? I don't find Pokémon hot." Calcine, the massive liar, said. "She's just very good. At fighting." 

"I can't see your face, and I know you're staring at something good right now, " Brandy mumbled. "Question, though."


"How are we going to do anything tangled up like this? Should we wiggle out of clothes? Hey, bite something and help me out."

"I'm not sure I should bite this," Calcine said slowly. "I'd choke. Turns out the leek wasn't compensating for anything." 

Sparky found that so funny she got hiccups. 

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