I Want To Lay the Very Best!

48 – A Knight to Remember (18+)

48 – A Knight to Remember (18+)

Since her gym defeat, Brandy had tried to take her time more. Savor the details. Learn from her mistakes.

Whether spending more time with her Partners and letting them take the lead in things or making good on promises, she felt in a much better position than she had a few days ago.

What an enormous waste of time that had all been! Getting webbed directly onto Pokémon's bodies. Now that was a way to really get to know a person.

Shoved face first into smooth skin and gorgeously soft feathers, Brandy enjoyed every bit of Lenna she could. Lenna wasn't the curviest of Pokémon she'd met, but she made up for it with plenty of surprisingly soft muscle. She was used to the firmness of Calcine and had that contrast pressed up to her side right now. Squishing her face into a muscled arm coated with downy feathers was a new experience and one she enjoyed quite a lot.

Maybe too much. She had an audience, after all.

"Does your Trainer always look that stupid?" Lizzy said as she tilted her head to look at Brandy. Her big blue eyes roved over Brandy's body, which was a thrill of its own.

"Nah," Sparky said, "she's just lost in a horny haze. It happens. Something will shake her out of it. Hey, Calcine, bite her!"

Brandy got crushed into Lenna more as Calcine moved. The glue of Sparky's webbing didn't seem to lose its stickiness no matter how much they squirmed, and every attempt to free herself only made their situation worse. Brandy heard something of Calcine's come free with an unpleasantly gooey-sounding tear before a hand slapped down on her face's left cheek and turned her head to fill Brandy's vision with warm red eyes.

It was confusing for a moment. Usually, Calcine's eyes were a soft orange, but she'd hit a level of heat that made Brandy sweat.

"I'll not be cooked alive by some fine-looking strumpets!" Lenna squawked, a hand grabbing onto Brandy's thigh for support and squeezing down firmly. Brandy's spine tingled at the contact, an excited little huff blowing into Calcine's face.

Calcine drank the breath like a gift, thrilled to get any part of Brandy. Their bond had felt much clearer ever since Pip and Pretty's, and right now, it burned hot enough that if Brandy could touch it, she'd have come away with blisters.

"Fine mess you've got us in," Calcine rumbled. Her heat let herself unstick from the webbing easier than Lenna and Brandy. She wasn't using her free movement to help Brandy. Instead, Calcine waved an arm over her and let gluey webbing drip down over Brandy's body. It splattered against her like warm candle wax and sizzled against her flesh, hot enough it made Brandy squirm. "You don't have to play Sparky's games. I can get us out."

Brandy didn't need to look to know she'd see worry on Sparky's face. As much as she loved pranks and ridiculous situations like this, she never wanted to be so over the line that people got upset. If anything, her antics were a defense against it. So she leaned forward and bit Calcine's lip, making a show of trying to pull herself free, though it was obviously impossible. It just made those red eyes blaze even brighter.

"That's it. Get her tongue, Brandy!" Sparky cheered them on from the sidelines. "She's a good girl when she's not talking so much!"

Calcine tried to reply to the dig, and Brandy took the advice. She took Calcine's tongue into her mouth and forced her to kiss Brandy silly. Calcine didn't seem to mind losing her right to reply. A happy little murmur rumbled in the back of her throat that made Brandy's lips tremble and helped the kiss that little bit more intense.

"Your lewd displays do not affect me!" Lenna said as she squeezed Brandy's leg even harder. "I will remain strong."

It was such a blatant lie. Lenna's chest rose and fell rapidly as she panted, her feathers well and truly ruffled. 

"She always does this," Lizzy laughed. "She's so bad at dealing with being horny. Give up, Lenna! You always end up fucking them!"

"Wait, yours is bad at it too? Wow, hey Brandy, maybe you're a Sirfetch'd after all."

Brandy slurped over Calcine's tongue, the wet sensation made her whole body shudder with delight as she withdrew herself so she could poke her tongue out at Sparky. But her tongue stuck to something as she turned her head and spoiled her reply. She'd just got a face full of something else of Lenna's instead.

"Holy shit," Brandy gasped. "That's a lot of dick."

Lizzy snorted so loud she had a small coughing fit. "Okay, she's annoying, but this bit always makes it worth it."

Lenna's dick filled Brandy's vision. It was a lot to take in.

It was hard, bigger than her lips could comfortably wrap around. A thick pillar of muscle that flexed and throbbed in time with Lenna's heartbeat. It looked heavy, and she got to feel that weight when Lenna swung it to slap Brandy right in the face with a meaty crack of flesh on flesh.

"Oh fuck, that's got to sting." Sparky gasped.

"Yeah, it does!" Lizzy nodded enthusiastically. "She's got a really good swing on her."

Dazed from the blow, Brandy shook her head and tried to pull Calcine in. But the darn webbing had her arms pinned. The best she could do was press at Calcine's sides with her fingertips to get her attention.

"Hah! Bested! You know you're outmatched," Lenna cackled and rolled her trim hips to slap Brandy's face again. 

Brandy rolled with it and tried to lick up Lenna's cock as it flicked at her. It was a messy attempt, and she got her teeth knocked for her troubles, but from Lenna's trembling gasp, it was an effective counter.

"Mmm," Calcine mumbled. She slid her fingers into Brandy's hair and pushed her head forward. "Don't take that from her. Get in there and show her who's in charge."

It was a strange moment to have an epiphany, but as she got a face full of dick, Brandy felt her bond with her Partners clearer than she ever had. Calcine was firm, pressing, and loved being in control. Sparky wanted a reaction, something outside of her control, to see things go off in fun, new ways. Pleasing both here. That was the challenge.

Oh, and survive a dick that could dislocate her jaw. That too.

Brandy had a job to do and the determination to see it through, so she wasted no time. Her tongue had plenty of room to slide around the girth of Lenna's cock, and Brandy drew on a little of Pip's advice and gave Lenna the full attention she deserved. It only took a few seconds for Lenna to go nuts as she bucked her hips and tried to bite back her moans. All her puffed-up strength faded fast against a sloppy blowjob that Calcine was all too eager to help along.

"Princess, I'm sorry, she's overwhelming me!" Lenna gasped, "I'll have to-"

"Have to fuck her. Yeah yeah, I know. You are so predictable," Lizzy said. Her fingertips sparked up and crackled as she pressed them into Sparky's fur. An electric massage that Sparky enjoyed with half-lidded eyes as she tried not to miss the moment even as she got pampered. Lizzy was more than happy to use her to tease Lenna. "The gorgeous Sparky here is the one who beat you, though. You should be begging for her forgiveness, not my pity."

"Yeah," Brandy said, words muffled as they flowed out of her lips and over the curve of Lenna's cock. "Beg Lenna. Admit Sparky is better."

"I will do no such thing! Torture me all you like. I will never reward such cheap tricks." Lenna groaned. Though her knightly act faltered some, her voice had started to become more natural.

"Then let's break her," Calcine said and pulled Brandy's hands off Lenna's feathered body and placed them on her cock instead. The glue of the webbing was going to be a problem because they immediately stuck fast. Brandy couldn't even close her hands because of Lenna's size, and that threw her plans out the window. She knew Pokémon got big. Heck, Mercury was definitely bigger, and she was no Wailord or Dragon Type. But someone of Lenna's size needed a different approach.

Greedily going for it like usual just wasn't possible, though Calcine hadn't got the message and steered her right into it. The press of her lips over the head of Lenna's cock had Brandy choking right away. It was simply too big to take into her mouth, and the thought of it going in any other hole frightened her a little. It'd need to be slow, and even then, if her mind didn't snap right away, her body might.

Before Calcine choked her to death Brandy tried to overwhelm Lenna with stimulation instead. She licked every inch of Lenna's shaft that she could reach while her stuck fast hands pumped along the hard length. Her skin was coated with sweat from Calcine's heat and it mixed with her spit as she went at Lenna, coating her thick cock so much it shone in the daylight.

"That... that technique!" Lenna gasped like she was in some cheesy old Honedge flick.

"This is great," Sparky trilled, her head leaned to rest on Lizzy's chest as she rolled her shoulders into the electric massage. "If you're a Princess, I'm the Queen right now."

"Psh don't play into her routine. It's so ridiculous," Lizzy groaned. "I'd get rid of her if she didn't give me such sad eyes when I try."

Brandy doubted that. It'd be easy to slip off if Lizzy didn't want to be around anymore. Normal types loved trying to take human roles. Lizzy might not be quite as thrilled about the fantasy illusion as Lenna was, but she clearly loved being doted on by the feathered Pokémon.

"Beg Lizzy too," Brandy mumbled as she lapped her tongue back and fore, using the tip to tease as Pip had taught her. To Brandy's delight that little extra point of pressure had Lenna gasp with every stroke. "Both of them, tell them they're gorgeous and deserve praise. Or I'll stop with you and show them myself."

"Perceptive," Calcine growled. She pawed at Brandy's body and her warm hand grabs felt good on Brandy's tense muscles. Calcine had a knack for finding the spots that needed soothing. It really helped Brandy relax into her messy, mixed handjob and blowjob. "You get smarter the more dick you have shoved in your face."

"Ha!" Sparky held out a hand for a high five from Calcine, though she didn't get one back. Calcine was far too focused on Brandy right now. Lizzy gave her a pity slap so she wasn't left hanging. "She's going to be at full power against Mercury! Maybe we should get her to binding ball Lenna. We could have her whip her dick out whenever we need to plan then."

"Such a smart idea!" Lenna said, entirely unconvincing in her attempt to praise Sparky as Brandy had asked. "Very shrewd of you, cunning little bug."

"Not brains," Brandy growled and let her teeth prick against Lenna's cock. The slight pressure was enough to make the feathered woman squirm underneath her. "Sparky knows she's smart. Tell her she's beautiful, praise her power, the way her body moves. How she can beat giants."

Lenna was only five foot five, so giant was a stretch, but that was still five inches on Sparky. Strange how every short Pokémon Brandy had met was crazy hung. Maybe that's where all the heights went.

"You're both very yellow," Lenna said and faltered after that lame attempt. Brandy's mouth and pumping hands had probably melted her mind a bit, and it wasn't like she had made a lot of sense before. "Bright as the sun, a day with your smile shines brighter, Lizzy. I want to see you safe and happy."

"Aw, sweet," Calcine said, "Though she didn't say much about Sparky. Maybe she should mention how she's always there when we need her."

"Girls!" Sparky said with a blush and shuffled back against Lizzy like she was trying to hide in her body. 

Brandy was glad Calcine saw her plan here. Shameless compliments. Well, if Lenna couldn't do the job, she could. "She fucks like a train, with a dick big enough to make a girl squeal. You're barely hanging on, Lenna, but Sparky knocked me right the fuck out with just her tongue. You're a whole lot, but she's too much. I'm spoiled."

"Come onnnn!" Sparky had hidden her face in her hands, having to stretch her fingers out to cover all her eyes. "This is cruel!"

"We love her," Calcine said as she leaned in to help Brandy lick the other side of Lenna's cock. "And you're just the starter to Brandy's main course."

"Going to show her what she missed and then some," Brandy grinned and suckled on Lenna's dick until she whined up a storm. "And then I'm going to tug on that choker like it's a lifeline as she rides me into the ground."

It felt strange to work on a bond when not even having sex, at least not directly, but Brandy could feel it thrum with every compliment building up just as high as Lenna's own orgasm. 

"Stop! No more compliments!" Sparky squeaked, "You're meant to fuck each other! No fucking me with nice words!"

"I'll fuck Lenna, but I'm going to think of you Sparky, because you really are precious to me. I meant it," Brandy teased with a kiss to Lenna's cock, and somehow that was enough for both. Sparky's bond flared, Lenna's dick throbbed, and Brandy learned that a big dick also meant a big mess in her hair as a crackling wave of electricity rolled out over everyone. It was the worst time for it to hit, as Lenna went from painting Brandy's hair white to her whole body. 

It'd turn out it was worth it, but there was a lot of swearing until they found that out. 

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