I Want To Lay the Very Best!

55 – Play With Your Food

55 – Play With Your Food

Sparky and Brandy had been getting much closer lately, and it paid off when Sparky didn't even joke when called. She whipped out an electric web Shay's way as she was reaching to snap a binding ball off the belt from her bag. She tried to pull it away to dodge it, saving her hand from getting stuck, but Sparky's multiple eyes gave her great aim, and she stuck the shot on the belt.

Crackling shocks bounced from the web to Shay's arm, but she didn't seem to pay it much mind. Her Morpeko had a lot of victories with her, and she'd probably inherited a lot of its Electric resistance. Shay grunted as Sparky's tug on her web ripped the belt from her hands. She'd already had the foresight to grab a Ball, the clips on the belt snapping loudly as it came free.

"We don't have to fight!" Brandy said, waving her hands as Sparky caught the belt and webbed it up into a sticky ball. "You can just apologize for Cardia stealing."

Shay smirked, rolling the binding ball in her hand. "I don't want the trouble, Cardia get up. We're fighting."

"Ughhh... full... " the Pokémon, wrapped up in a hoodie, groaned, rolling over to hide her face in the ground. "Later"

"You heard her," Calcine said, stepping in front of Brandy, ready to shield her from attacks. "You're outnumbered. Just come with us, and it won't be so bad."

Shay answered by pressing the button on her binding ball and throwing it down, the ball cracking open with a loud pop. Red light flowed out and quickly took shape in front of Shay. The emerging Pokémon was rather tall, almost as tall as Brandy. She had a long bushy fox tail which she curled around Shay protectively. Tanned skin, strong long legs, and some black boots that Brandy was a little envious of. They looked great for stomping.

Her golden eyes shined out from a black golden bandit mask, framed by black hair with a shock of red. Shay clearly had a thing for two-tone hairstyles. The mask didn't hide the beauty of her face; she had a positively sinful look, and even two big fox ears sticking out of her hair didn't spoil her hot, dangerous look. The fox lady looked like she'd take a bite out of anyone who even got near her.

"Back off," the fox Pokémon said, voice silky but with a growl rumbling in it that made Brandy shiver. "Mine."

It had to be a Snikit or one of the Evolutions. So another Dark Type like Morpeko, which was unusual. Dark Types never really shook off their Wild ways. They were even more unruly and likely to do what they liked than Bug Types. Most people never had more than one, as it was a constant battle to get them to do anything useful. Two was already a surprise, and Brandy's eyes flicked to the Pokémon belt Sparky had bound up in webbing. Was Shay a Dark Ace?

"Sharpen your claws, Nicola," Shay said, patting the tail. "We've got some sport."

Shay sounded quite confident about it, even though Dark was weak to Bug Moves. Brandy gave one last shot at avoiding having to fight this out. "You're hot, and you can probably just make it up to Cassie?"

"Beat me, and I'll apologize," Shay smirked as Nicola flexed her claws, their tips beginning to sparkle in the sun as her Move flowed into them. "And you give up on Mercury. I want her, and you're going to get in the way."

"Apologize even if I lose," Brandy said, "I'm not going to fight someone who can't make up for shitty behavior."

Shay sighed, rubbing her neck. "Arceus, save me for hopeless heroes. Okay, okay, I'll do it. But only because you're cute."

"Doesn't matter," Nicola barked, baring her fangs. "You'll lose anyway and be a good girl for Shay."

Brandy's words stuck in her throat at that. The implications! Coughing to clear her throat, she tried to regain her game face. Sparky and Calcine eyed each other over Brandy's shoulders and seemed to agree, nodding.

"This is weird but kind of intriguing," Sparky said, "You into this, Brandy? We can take her down if not."

Was she? Well, Brandy would not say no to a fox woman. Even if she might get nipped, that tail looked incredibly fluffy to hug. It'd be a pain to her plans with Mercury if she lost, but at least Cassie would get her apology, and it seemed Shay's bad girl act was just her being all Dark Ace? Hopefully? It'd make a memorable first Trainer battle for sure.

"Okay, I'm in. Two on two?"

Shay nodded and gave Brandy a swooping bow, her chest falling out of her top. A shameless attempt to distract Sparky and Calcine, but it worked, the pair enjoying an eyeful. "Cardia, get up!"

"Full," Cardia mumbled. "Am up."

She clearly wasn't, but Brandy didn't have to help Shay out with her partners. She'd take an easier fight.

"Sparky, let's make it quick. Infestation."

Might as well hammer Nicola in the weakness right away. Sparky swept a hand out and released a swarm of tiny yellow ticks toward Nicola and Shay. Nicola held fast, soaking up the hit and swirling her thick tail to stop any getting past to Shay.

"Snarl, sweetie," Shay said, ruffling her hands into Nicola's tail and stroking the fur. A rumble grew in Nicola's throat and came out in one spine-tingling sound, stunned yellow ticks bouncing out from her tail fur with little squeaks as a wave of force rolled over everyone. The shock was like a sharp slap to the face, but not an unpleasant one. A heated blow that left the heart excitedly bouncing. Brandy didn't find pain a turn-on, but this Move hit just right. She'd really have to watch out for Dark Moves. They would be a real distraction if they were all like that.

Nicola was itching at her tanned skin, clearly uncomfortable as her tail whipped about to get the mites out, but Snarl had deadened Sparky's attack enough it did not leave her an itching mess. Frustrating, Sparky didn't have a close-up Bug move, yet she'd have to fill up Nicola's mouth with something before trying again. Well, she had two Pokémon who'd love to do that.

"The Bug girls got nothing. Get in there, Nicola," Shay said before raising her voice, "Cardia. GET UP."

"Mmmm," Cardia waved lazily. "You're doing great boss. You don't need lil' me."

Calcine stepped up as Nicola advanced, tail flicking as she held out her arms, claws shining. They'd leave some scratches, but Calcine seemed ready for her. "Hold and spin her moment you can," Brandy said. "Sparky, go round and get Shay for us."

"Night Slash!" Shay called as Calcine met Nicola, the Rock Pokémon, getting the initial advantage as the claws bit uselessly against hardened skin, arms wrapped around Shay, and dragged her into a firm hug. Before she could start spinning, the claws dragged along Calcine's back, the sound of rock scraping a rather visceral grinding noise in the ear. It left some scratches through Calcine's stolen shirt, and she gave a moan from the scratch that Brandy would have really appreciated at any other time, the heat bleeding out of every raised note.

"Nevermind, just melt her!" Brandy said as Sparky bounced around the edge of the fight and pounced on Shay, dropping her onto her back with a yelp. As long as Cardia was sitting things out, she had a pretty good shot here. "Sparky, show her the tongue."

Sparky took it way too literally, poking her tongue out at Shay and ending up with it snatched by Shay, tongue stuck out of her mouth as Shay squeezed it between her fingers. Sparky made bubbling noises as she tried to speak, but even as her tongue crackled with electricity, Shay held her firm, staring at her with a sly grin.

"Chicken, Chorizo, and Leek stew," Shay said as she squeezed one of Sparky's rather generous breasts. Sparky was already out of sorts with her tongue grabbed. Shay making no sense only confused her more. Fine by Brandy, if Shay couldn't get Sparky worked up, she wouldn't be able to wear her down with foreplay. She'd suffer for that shortly.

Calcine had a heat haze around her as she sunk her hands into Nicola's tail. The fox woman tried to bite at her shoulder, but her teeth couldn't pierce Calcine's skin. With some excited tail swishes, she eventually melted, knees trembling as Calcine pressed in to steal a kiss.

Mouth occupied! Thank you, Calcine, you make things easy.

Brandy raced over to help, running a hand along Nicola's side. The tanned skin was deliciously smooth under her fingertips, and she couldn't resist a slap of the woman's cute bubble butt. Nicola had some tight jeans on, and it meant she felt it when Brandy gave her a smack hard enough to make her palm burn. Just like she'd expected, the shock of pain made Nicola groan into Calcine's mouth. With her scratches, Nicola liked to give and take.

"Sparky, Infest her please. We got this"

"Nyagh?" Sparky said, trying to pull away from Shay, but she had Sparky's tongue, and she wasn't letting go of it massaging it with her fingers.

"Griddled black bream with warm potato salad," Shay purred as she leaned to lick over Sparky's tongue. Sparky's hair sparkled at the touch, but she looked hopelessly lost.

"What?" Sparky mumbled around Shay's fingers. "Ish thish meant to be shexy?"

"Chicken Paneer Tikka Chilli Masala with a huge helping of rice, fresh from the oven."

With a strangled cry, Cardia sat up straight. Her hood fell back as two tufty ears popped up. Her multi-coloured face was swirling, the yellow stripe beginning to stain purple.

"That's it!" Cardia growled, springing to her feet, electricity racing along her skin. "I'm hungry!"

"Aw shit," Sparky slurred, "I guesh shomeone findsh that shexy."

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