I Want To Lay the Very Best!

56 – The Fox and the Pound (18+)

56 – The Fox and the Pound (18+)

Cardia joining the battle was going to make things trickier. Sparky was busy having her tongue stolen by Shay and Calcine had her hands full with Nicola. The fox woman's claws dug into Calcine's back as she heated up. It wasn't going to be easy to pry the panting Nickit off. Their curves went together very nicely, chests pressing as the two were near a kiss, Calcine's lips brushing at Nicola's as she writhed against her, rubbing herself over Calcine's hard body.

Brandy was losing focus, and she knew it, so she took a step back from the pair, as tempting as it was to get involved. Nicola's tail swished around to drag Brandy back in, but Calcine's warm hands were melting the Nickit's insides, and it was easy to bat it away. Shay was near immune to Sparky's electricity, but if she could get her partners to swap, Calcine could work wonders on her instead.

She needed to change it fast. Sparky had utterly lost the initiative. Shay's open jacket made it easy for her to pull Sparky down into her cleavage, a hand stroking along Sparky's dick as Sparky disappeared into the soft mounds all too eagerly. Shay looked at Brandy with an annoyingly smug grin. She should be mad at Sparky, but Brandy wasn't blind. She had some really nice tits and a gorgeous body, and Shay used it well.

Cardia, meanwhile, was looking across the fight and sniffing the air, throat grumbling as the yellow stripe of her face finally went entirely purple. She looked at Brandy and licked her lips as Shay pointed at her.

"Cardia, you can have her. Spark her up."

Brandy was already diving aside behind Nicola and Calcine as Cardia thrust out a hand, a bright snap of electricity cutting through the air. The snap caught her right arm as she went over, pins and needles flaring along it before she felt it numb. It wasn't like Sparky's shock, which increased sensitivity. This was a total burnout. Like her arm had turned to mist and floated away. She fell badly with only one arm to catch herself, breath thudding out of her lungs as she hit the ground.

Calcine flashed Cardia a death stare, but the Morpeko just poked out her tongue and titled her head like it was an innocent mistake. "Don't worry," Cardia laughed. "I'll get her next time."

A web snapped out at Cardia, but its aim was off. One of Sparky's blue eyes was peeking out of Shay's breasts, but Shay grabbed Sparky's wrist and moved her aim off, then pulled further to pin Sparky's arm behind her and bend her over. Sparky's other arm flailed about as she was off balance, Shay's hand on her cock steering her so she couldn't get another shot.

"You're a little devil," Shay purred. "I'll teach you to behave."

Sparky's eyes went wide as Shay squeezed down on her cock, fingers rippling along it in long, heavy strokes. Brandy heard Sparky actually whimper, body trembling at the overwhelmingly pleasurable sensation.

"Fingers Sparky!" Brandy yelled as she used her one good arm to pull herself to a sit on Calcine's leg. "Calcine, give me Nicola."

As Calcine threw the panting fox Pokémon into her lap, she lowered her voice as she leaned up to speak in Calcine's ear. "Smokescreen when Cardia comes in, then get her in a spin."

Shay gave a yelp as Sparky finally got her back, dabbling two fingers along her pussy, her nails crackling as she tried to make Shay's pussy even more sensitive to her touch. It was good to know she wasn't entirely immune to Sparky's electricity, just had to be applied right. Brandy took a breath to yell more tips, but her mouth got stuffed with a fox tail, a sudden hairball that made it difficult to talk.

"Well, hello, there, beautiful," Nicola purred as she curled the rest of her tail around Brandy's chest. She was warm already from Calcine, and the padding of that fluffy tail made it worse, her tanned skin smooth against Brandy's cheek as she undid Brandy's top. "You be a good girl, and let Nicola take care of you."

Brandy was only human. The dripping silk of Nicola's voice was a treat, and the beautiful fox woman's breath was hot on Brandy's face as she leaned in, eager and waiting. Brandy couldn't say no to those lips, sliding in to kiss Nicola. Nicola smiled at the sudden action, draping her arms over Brandy's shoulders as she pushed her tongue into Brandy's mouth. Nicola's claws pricked against Brandy's back as she dragged them lightly over Brandy's skin. Brandy groaned at the little spiking flares of pain, only the thinnest of threads, and it was like the spice added to the kiss that made it all the more passionately fiery.

Cardia was up for the double team, charging in heedlessly to tackle the pair of them, but Calcine hit her with a jet of steam as she tried to pass, and Cardia stumbled as she suddenly lost vision, arms flailing out. Calcine grabbed it and swung her down to the ground with a crash, so heavy Brandy felt the earth rattle beneath them.

"Fuck, you play rough!" Cardia squealed, sounding more excited than anything. "Let me up, though. I got a bite of your Trainer to get!"

Brandy hoped Calcine didn't listen. She had her hands full right now as Brandy gripped Nicola's ass tight, fingers digging into the soft flesh as she pulled her closer. The fox woman kissed her back deeply, her tongue pushing into Brandy's mouth to duel with hers. Brandy worked her fingers along the Fox Pokémon's ass and worked at the base of her tail, and the way Nicola's eyes popped open was a very good sign. It was sensitive, so Brandy massaged it mercilessly until Nicola scratched her back and moaned into her mouth so loudly it made Brandy's teeth rattle.

Nicola moaned hotly as she broke the kiss, diving in to nip at the side of Brandy's neck before moving her chew to Brandy's collarbone and down to her deadened arm. Cardia was squirming behind her against Calcine's grip, but every time the Morpeko was about to worm free, Calcine would roll along the ground with her and end up on top again. She was trying to merge the rock up with Rock Polish to pin Cardia in, but her struggle kept pulling her out of the pools of rock Calcine was shaping.

"Keep petting me," Nicola said, voice muffled as she bit down. Her fangs were sharp, but she wasn't breaking the skin, just giving Brandy some sharp shocks as she chewed life back into Brandy's arm.

Brandy did as told, fingers digging into the base of Nicola's tail and stroking the hardness there, pressing the surrounding skin. It was driving Nicola absolutely wild, and humped herself on Brandy's thigh, eyes closed as she shivered happily. If Brandy had any doubts she wasn't doing a good job, Nicola's cock pressing into her stomach dispelled them. It was hard enough that she was getting stabbed with it, and the fox wasn't handling the feeling of grinding her cock into a woman well.

"Oh, fuck" Nicola mewled, head falling off Brandy's arm as she pulled herself closer, biting her lip as she bucked against Brandy. "Want you so bad."

Time for a gamble. Brandy pressed a finger to Nicola's mouth, pressing the finger between her lips to stop her from talking. "You going to be a good girl for me?"

Nicola's golden eyes were wide behind her black bandit mask as she tried to process this. She clearly wasn't expecting it, and Brandy saw a flash of excitement in her eyes before she nodded slowly.

"Good girl," Brandy growled, kissing Nicola hard as she reached out to grab Calcine by the wrist.

Nicola was a mess in her grip, so turned on by the rough play, she was utterly clueless about the shifting of Brandy's body. It'd worked! If Shay controlled her Pokémon through their instincts, then that's how Brandy could beat her. She could play with them too.

Calcine struggled to keep Cardia down as Brandy pulled on her arm, giving her a quick look and a nod to say she was paying attention. Brandy kept kissing Nicola, barely able to see what was going on around the fox woman mauling her face, but she tapped Calcine's hand and then pointed to Shay. Closing her hand into a fist and then opening it in a burst. She just had to hope Calcine would get it.

"Oh no, you don't!" Shay said, though her voice was cracking under Sparky's finger fucking. Sparky had both fingers sunk in deep, making Shay shiver with pleasure as her sparking fingertips made her even more sensitive to its strokes. The wetness she'd coaxed out was pretty unreal. Sparky's hand was soaked. "Cardia, Torment the rock girl. Slow her down. Nicola, stop being so horny and pin her down!"

Nicola's fox ears twitched at the sound of Shay's voice, but Brandy was kissing her so deeply she just sunk back into it rather than listen, her tail wagging. She was in full 'Good girl' mode, and thankfully Shay hadn't gotten back control of that. Cardia's desperation to get out made her very receptive, and she took the advice. The next time Calcine swung her back into the ground, she tapped Calcine's muscled arm, and black chains raced out of her fingers and up to lock over her arm.

"Got to mix it up," Cardia laughed as she finally wiggled free, Calcine's arm refusing to comply as she tried to wind up another hit. "Keep trying tricks, and I'll have you all chained up quickly."

Not good. Calcine didn't have a lot of Moves to pull out, and if Cardia bound them all up, she was going to be out of it. The chains were loosening on her arm, but she knew they'd snap back tighter if she tried another Rock Spin. Still, if she brought Sparky in to help, she couldn't bind them both. This was solvable.

"Nicola! Show her how good you are!" Shay called, and Brandy's world sailed away as her head went back.

Nicola had roughly thrown Brandy on her back and pulled off her pants. The weight of the fox woman pining down her hips meant she couldn't even get back up as Nicola undid her belt and then slapped a very stiff cock right down on Brandy's stomach. Playing with her instinct had worked nicely, but the problem with Dark's being so close to their instincts is they didn't seem to listen for long. She'd taken her attention off Nicola, and now the fox Pokémon was all worked up and ready.

"I can be better than good," Nicola purred as she humped along Brandy, the tip of her cock teasing at Brandy's skin. "I'm going to be the very best."

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