I Want To Lay the Very Best!

66 – One Last Thing (18+)

66 – One Last Thing (18+)

Brandy woke up suddenly, her heart pounding in her chest. The bright sun above stung her eyes, but she couldn't move her arms. They had dug into the ground with her feet and lifted her body into the air, her back arched almost fully, her breathing far too rapid and flustered for any kind of rest. A moment of panic washed over her as she couldn't remember where she was or what was happening, and then it hit her hard. A body-shaking orgasm that pulsed out from between her legs and crashed over her like a wave. 

"Fuck me!" Brandy cried out far louder than she'd meant, her fingers taking some comfort in the cool earth as she dug out grooves. Her arms couldn't hold her and gave out, dropping her to the ground with a thump. She panted as she lay there, squinted at the shining purple spear that rose over her breasts and gleamed against the puffy white clouds and blue sky.

Wasn't that familiar? Her arms trembled as she raised a hand to stroke her cheek and try to rub some kind of energy back into herself.

"See," Sparky said from somewhere beside her, "Alarm clocks are bullshit. That's how you wake a Trainer up."

Brandy was too weak to even turn her head to look at her. She just lay there, rubbed at her aching eyes, and hoped nothing else would happen that'd send her tumbling back to sleep again. 

"It may be polite to thank her," Calcine said, her hard fingers stroking at Brandy's hair to tip her head up. 

A purple lance traveled down the length of Brandy's body, and her skin gleamed from all the sweat that soaked it. The mud from earlier was gone, and in its place was voluminous rainbow-colored hair, and ice-blue eyes stared back at her. Oh, right, not a lance at all, Mercury's horn. 

Mercury's eyes narrowed evilly as she licked, her large tongue sunk in deep to roll over the still-aching insides of Brandy's pussy. The sudden shock of it made her thighs clamp down on Mercury's head as her whole body trembled with delight. 

"Fuck! Mercury! Mercy!" Brandy squeaked.

Mercury tipped her head quizzically and gave Brandy another lick that made her body spasm and her heart pound so hard she thought it'd explode from her chest. 

"I meant thank you! Thanks! Loved it!"

Mercury let her lick travel to Brandy's stomach and rested her chin on the firm muscle. "I know you did. I am Psychic, after all."

Right! She was, of course. Stupid to forget, really. Brandy was not completely clear on everything that had happened, but now she wasn't getting her mind stuffed with another orgasm some of the details flew back to her. She hadn't had her memories scrubbed out like all the others. That was good. 

"So did I ... uh," Brandy tailed off that thought. "Sorry. It's weird to ask questions to someone who can read my mind." 

"I can't do that all the time. Right now, you're just very easy to read." Mercury said, "You were going to ask if you'd won."

Right. Fights outside of tournaments could be pretty hazy on what the actual win conditions were, and a lot had stuff had been said while Mercury worked on touching her heart. Literally. With her dick. The thought made her blush and become very well aware of some of the aches she'd picked up. 

"So did I?" Brandy said. Passing out wasn't necessarily a loss. She'd beaten Calcine without out-fucking her. 

Mercury pushed herself up with her arms like a stretching cat, which was a sight to behold. The Fairy in her made her pretty in a peak athlete kind of way. Her muscles moved in exciting ways, her chest wasn't massive, but it was firm, and her confidence just snatched at your attention and trapped you in stares. She knew it too, and clearly enjoyed making Brandy fumble for her thoughts. 

"Tease," Calcine snorted. An arm slid under Brandy's back to help her sit up. It meant her head swung up dangerously close to Mercury's, their lips a hair apart as her icy blue eyes stared into Brandy's mind. "Tell her already. You've made her squirm plenty enough."

Mercury clicked her tongue. "Spoilsport. I said I'd break you, and I did. But I also said I'd make you a liar, and I'm still unsure if I achieved that. I didn't get to fuck you as hard as I wanted. I had a lot left to give, and I was-" She rolled the last word around in her mouth, clearly not enjoying the taste of it. "Inelegant."

"You enjoyed it!" Sparky cackled, and she reached in to push at Brandy's cheek. They nudged Brandy forward to give Mercury's lips a peck of a kiss, the taste of her shockingly sweet. "You liked it~."

Mercury took the kiss and made it her own. She bit onto Brandy's top lip and worried it between her teeth. The little shock of pain, the light press of her teeth, made Brandy's skin tingle and her heart flutter. Her head tugged about until Mercury let her have her lip back with a snap. 

"I'll punish you for gloating," Mercury said, her voice a low-pitched rumble. Sparky shivered in excitement, her arms tucked in as she hugged herself.

"I think maybe," Brandy said. "That's not going to discourage her."

"Brandy, shut up," Sparky said in a rush. "It'd be super effective!"

Mercury snorted a laugh and shook her head. "Can't believe this is how I ruin my streak."

"Wait, I won?" Brandy said, the sheer glee of the revelation giving her limbs the strength to sit up straight. "No way!"

"You didn't lose," Mercury said, "Which is a lot better than I've ever had."

"A draw?" Sparky groaned, "Ugh, lame and not even legal! She beat you, or she didn't. No worming out of it."

Calcine grabbed Sparky and put her in a headlock, though this didn't seem to calm her down any. She chewed on Calcine's arm instead, though it appeared playful as Calcine didn't throw her off again. 

Sparky had a point, though. Battles weren't meant to end in a draw, and if there was no clear winner and both sides simply couldn't agree on a victor, then there was one option left.  

"So, a tiebreaker? I'd love to, but I feel like you cored my insides out with a baseball bat," Brandy huffed and stroked her stomach. 

"Charming," Mercury said, though she had a grin. There probably wasn't a Pokémon alive who didn't want to hear they had a big dick. "We'll work something out. How about we take a breather?"

Brandy welcomed that idea, and Mercury took over headlock duty on Sparky as Calcine set up a fire and handed out some water bottles. Brandy drank deeply, letting some of the water splash down her front. It wasn't going to clean her. That job was too big to handle while she still ached this badly. Mercury returned every glance she gave them, even as Sparky enthused about her muscles, giddy at her position. Either she had her eyes locked on Brandy the whole time or knew when to look. Mercury was hot, effortlessly so, but it unnerved Brandy to be studied that intently. 

"So you came after me for money?" Mercury asked as Brandy offered her the water bottle, and she pushed it back with a shake of her head so Brandy drank more. No arguing with that stare. 

"That was the idea, though the challenge of it was exciting too, I suppose. You're also, well, hot."

"I know," Mercury smiled. "So, just the challenge? Nothing to do with a certain blonde trainer?"

Brandy blushed. She hadn't expected Mercury to bring up Maple. That was just making this more awkward.

"She liked it? And she's really strong now." Brandy's mouth felt dry. This felt like a test and a trial, all wrapped in one. Mercury's Move was making her speak the truth, and this was a topic she hadn't really faced with honesty herself. "I value her opinion."

"You left her to me the last time we met. You didn't seem like a friend."

Oof. That was true, but now Brandy felt like a heel for doing it. Maple was nice, really nice. She'd never held Brandy bailing against her. Maybe they should talk about it? But then she might hate Brandy for it, and the last thing she wanted to do was make Maple sad.

Mercury reached over to punch her arm. "Don't be miserable about it. I am intimidating to fully badged-up Trainers, and you're a fresh face."

"Best you've had," Brandy mumbled, "You said it, not me."

"I said better, not best. Don't get too cocky now."

Mercury telling her not to had the opposite effect, and now Brandy couldn't help but feel a little cocky. Mercury's win record was ridiculous, and to get a compliment out of her had to be rare. 

Brandy tried a grin and Mercury wiped it right off with a sweep of her hand and then tapped the tip of Brandy's nose. "You are a mess, Brandy Joyce, embarrassed one moment, excited the next. It's cute, but if you want to be stronger, you must get a grip on that."

"I know," Brandy sighed, "It's not easy, though. Calcine and Sparky always make me smile, even when they're being terrible. Maple and Mahi are gorgeous, but they make my head spin. You scare me and excite me. It's hard to think straight."

Calcine smiled as she watched the kettle boil. She was going to make those horrible boil-in-the-bag meals again. Brandy just knew it. Rock Pokémon were unrelentingly reliable, but tongues of stone were a problem sometimes. 

"And you don't think you can't work on that?" Mercury said, "It's not easy, no. People desire me deeply, and I can see into their hearts. Many of their problems aren't easy, not at all. Maple was too headstrong and sure of herself. She needed to know how to lose."

What Mercury had done to Maple seemed excessive, but Brandy had to admit she had come off better for it. Though it'd taken Willow pushing Brandy into the room with her to resolve it. She could work on how confused she got about things and be more honest with her feelings. It only really got her into a flustered state when she didn't.

"Wait," Brandy said as she felt the edges of a puzzle piece in her head. "You're doing therapy?" 

Mercury laughed. "No! I'm fucking people senseless, Brandy. Keep up. I'm just very nice about it afterward."

"And they agree to not tell on you because of it?"

Mercury tipped a hand in the air left and right. "Sometimes I have to encourage them not to. Sometimes they're thankful enough to leave it a mystery."

"Brandy's telling." Sparky squeaked in Mercury's armlock. "I didn't suck a dick again for no reason."

"Again?" Mercury said, her eyebrow raised. 

"You two have your talk," Sparky mumbled, head sinking back into Mercury's arm. "Stupid sexy rainbow hair."

Brandy rubbed her neck nervously. "She has a point. You did say I didn't lose, and I feel like we kind of earned this."

"And if I asked nicely for you not to report it?" Mercury said.

"Then I wouldn't," Brandy said, Sparky giving her an eye-roll. "Sorry, Sparky. I'm not going to mess up her thing for money."

"You did make me lose myself. I haven't for a long time," Mercury said. "I learned something, that I shouldn't underestimate fresh-faced but surprisingly tall red-heads and that I could use a better class of challenge." 

"Losing yourself is putting it lightly. You came so hard it knocked me out," Brandy said. "I felt like I'd been attached to a firehose."

Mercury stared at her again, ice-blue eyes cutting deep.

"Oh, uh," Brandy fidgeted. "Could you rephrase that for me in a sexy way? Sorry."

"No, there's no saving that. Instead, how about you go, get your payment, and I'll go train up."

Brandy nodded. That seemed fair. More than fair, she was going to get out of here with what she wanted after all! 

"Wait, train up?" Brandy said, trying to understand how that applied here. 

"For our rematch." Mercury said, "Go, improve your team, work on your feelings. Get some badges already. Then someday, I will come for you, and we'll settle this match."

"Maybe I'll come for you first," Brandy smiled. "I do have one binding ball left."

"Don't get cocky. I'm not that easy to sneak up on." Mercury grinned.

They sealed the deal with a fist bump. This had all worked out! 

Brandy hadn't forgotten a thing! 

There was a rush of air and a heavy thump as a winged woman wearing a black strapped chest wrap dropped on Mercury. Brown feathers rained down around them as she grinned madly as she pinned Mercury to the ground by the shoulders, a thick, artful stroke of black eyeliner giving the frame a mad gleam in her red eyes. Someone clung to her back, and their hand grasped the bone in the feathered Pokémon's long black hair like a carry handle. 

"Found you finally!" Shay cackled as she hopped off the flying Pokémon and gave her two-toned hair an imperious flick with her hand. "Now it's my turn! Your dick is mine, Mercury!"

Brandy had forgotten ONE thing!

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