I Want To Lay the Very Best!

67 – Be Sure to Dip

67 – Be Sure to Dip

Shay had a foot planted on Mercury's chest and her head held high as she posed for the crowd. A light breeze made her quiff bounce as the bird Pokémon with far too much eyeshadow held Mercury's shoulders down. Mercury wasn't resisting, just staring at her hard enough that she should have turned to ash. 

"That was cool, right?" Shay said after a long silence. "Why are you all looking so horrified? Shay to the rescue."

"I wasn't in trouble!" Brandy said, arms thrown up in the air. "We were having a moment!"

"Oh, we want more than a moment," the bird Pokémon growled as she grinned at the furious Rapidash. A Dark Type and Flying? With the eyeliner and bone in her hair, it was probably a Mandibuzz. She clucked her tongue, and bones materialized out of thin air and slashed down to pin Mercury in place. With a bright flare of Mercury's horn and a purple slash of psychic power, the bones were all neatly cut in two and bounced all around her as they clattered away. 

"Damn, she looks pissed," Sparky said as she crawled out from under Mercury's arm. "Mercury is going to fuck your brains out and then twist you up into a pretzel."

Shay hugged herself, bottom lip bit. "That sounds so good. I hope she goes for it!"

Calcine was looking at her camp stove. It'd tipped over with the gust of Shay's landing and spilled the water for the boil-in-the-bag meals. Calcine had pinched her nose with her fingers as she took some calming breaths. Brandy had to give it to Shay. Being able to get Calcine annoyed was a challenging feat. But just because Brandy didn't like Calcine's cooking much didn't mean she would let Shay get away with making a mess of it.

"You need to stop wrecking stuff!" Brandy said, getting unsteadily to her feet. "Did you even apologize to Connie for wrecking her farm?"

"Yeah!" Shay said as she looked naked Brandy up and down. "It didn't take that long. Connie isn't really used to getting the good stuff. She is full of forgiveness now."

"Get off me," Mercury said, an edge to her voice that could have cut glass. "Now."

The Mandibuzz just gave her a peck of a kiss on the nose and a wide grin. "Dark Type honey, you can't order me around."

"Right," Mercury said frostily. Her horn glowed a bright purple again, and she leaned forward to plant the tip right on the Mandibuzz's throat. It only took a flex of her neck, and the slightest touch of the horn rippled out into a massive explosion that had the vulture-like Pokémon thrown high in the air, wings flapping madly to try and right herself. 

Megahorn, must remember that one. Calcine had got hit by it, and it looked like it hurt. 

Shay barely got the Pokéball out of her hands before Mercury grabbed her legs and rolled her right up into a ball, back smacked into the ground as she pressed her legs back until her knees were almost level with her head. "Woah, woah, give me a chance, give me a chance!" Shay said in a rushed panic. 

Her ball popped open, and out spilled a familiar foxy Pokémon, who flexed her claws as she got her bearings. Her eyes lit up when she spotted Brandy, and she broke into a big grin. 

"Legs!" Nicola said excitedly. "Nice to see you again. You look so good."

"Hi Nicola, it's Brandy, actually. Also, look out!"

Nicola turned to see Mercury's arm stretched out to grab her and flickered her body past it. Her tail swished as she slashed at the arm digging her claws into the skin. Mercury snorted and curled her fingers back in, a ball of light forming in her palm and exploding in a bright flare of light.

"Oof." Sparky groaned, hands cupped over her eyes. "We should probably go."

Brandy got whipped in the face by Nicola's tail as she staggered about blindly, the softest way to get slapped she'd ever encountered. As she spat out some of the hair left on her tongue, she saw the benefit of Sparky's plan. They were going to really tear this hill up before anyone calmed down. 

"Mercury, help Nicola evolve after!" Brandy called as she grabbed her clothes and blinked white spots out of her eyes from the flare of light. 

"I'm going to fuck this idiot in half!" Mercury yelled as Shay kicked her legs to free herself. 

Okay, Shay would probably enjoy that, and she had asked. It was time to get out of there.

Shay shouted some commands to the Mandibuzz Brandy didn't catch as she gathered her clothes and took Calcine's arm. "Let's get some fresh water." 

Calcine huffed an angry breath and scooped everything up. "Okay, but you're in no shape to move. I'm carrying you."

It was a deal, and as the Mandibuzz swooped back in with a crackling black ball of energy trailing behind her, the three of them got the hell out of there. 


"It doesn't look finished," Calcine said, eyeing the contents of the small frying pan suspiciously as she turned off the camp stove's heat. They'd not got that far from the hill before Calcine had put Brandy back down and insisted they get some food in her, so they'd tried cooking again, with Brandy's guidance this time. She'd convinced her not to use the bag meals. The first thing Brandy would do when she got the payout for today's work was get some real travel food.

Well, one of the first things, she might get distracted. Brandy smiled and leaned on Calcine, drawing a hand over her chest. She was still clearly upset that her work had been ruined and hardened up, but Brandy didn't mind. Maybe it was inheritance at work, but she now enjoyed the firm feeling against her skin. "You should know heat can linger. It's still cooking off the heat."

"Can't trust her, Calcine," Sparky said, "I've seen her put hot sauce in cheese sandwiches."

"That's normal!" 

Calcine nodded in agreement. "Goes with anything. Put it in soup too."

Sparky gagged. "I'm going to starve in this group."

"Aww, we'll look after your delicate tongue," Brandy giggled.

"Yeah, you better," Sparky said. She poked her tongue out at Brandy and gave it a quick wiggle before continuing. "It saved your butt back there. Mercury was probably going to fuck your ass next. Then you wouldn't be able to walk or to sit down."

"I can walk," Brandy said, though she kept her weight lent on Calcine. "Kind of."

The sex with Mercury had been good, but she could see why Maple had needed to rest after it. Muscles she didn't even know she had ached. Moving wasn't impossible, but it was like trying to stretch with cramps. Very unpleasant. 

"We did well. The pinning plan almost worked, and you improvised well to get out of it." Calcine said as Brandy flipped the strips of fried cheese. Sparky had been convinced it would melt into a puddle, and now the grill marks were proving her wrong she was ignoring Brandy's cooking completely. 

"I'll be honest. I didn't think we'd get out of it." Sparky said "Brandy looked like she was coming undone when Mercury got her dick in. Just phased into a whole other dimension."

Brandy tensed her stomach. Her muscles had flared up just at the memory. "Meant when I said you both were better, she's intense, but I could handle it. I wasn't going to just lay there and be fucked."

"Yeah, got to use all your muscle for something," Calcine said, giving Brandy's arm a poke. Brandy snorted; she was fit but didn't have much to show as Calcine did. Calcine's love of muscles was something she might work on, though with how much sex she had lately, extra working out seemed almost pointless. She was getting worked out plenty. 

"Sure it's not bias?" Sparky said as she cut a bit off the grilled cheese in the pan. "Not just saying that to make me feel good about not being an eight-foot-tall sex machine?"

"If you were eight foot, you'd never find a girl taller than you," Calcine said as she took a bottle of sauce and offered it to Sparky. "You'd be inconsolable."

"Meant it," Brandy said as she watched Sparky open the sauce bottle and sniff it suspiciously. "I mean, if you both want to evolve into that, I’m down for it."

"Such sweet words, but she didn't say no did she Sparky?" Calcine said and hugged Brandy. Brandy's face was buried in Calcine's chest, and she just got gently pushed in further when she tried to struggle until she accepted it. "I think she's lying to us."

"Literally couldn't lie!" Brandy said, voice muffled by incredibly firm Calcine boob. "But if you don't believe me smother away."

Sparky had coated the top of her grilled cheese slice with sweet mayo and was really enjoying it. "I thought you were going to sneak me spicy sauce."

"I think we're beyond that," Calcine said as she smothered Brandy. Brandy made happy little mumbles as Calcine rubbed her back and helped relax some of her sore muscles. "You heard her. We're both studs now. Got to keep up our appearances."

There were screams in the air, faint and far off, but the wind was helping them carry, and the pair turned to look at the distant hill with Mercury and Shay on while Brandy luxuriated. 

"You know," Sparky said, "We're cool and all, but I don't think we can make her scream that hard."

"Not yet," Calcine shrugged, "But it's nice to have something to work towards. Now quit hogging all the food."

"Cook more!" Sparky said as she swept up the slices from the pan onto a paper plate. "You need the practice."

"The sauce actually is spicy. I just topped it off with mayo."

Sparky squawked and jumped to grab a water bottle as Calcine stole her plate. Brandy tilted her head up and let Calcine feed her with little bites. 

"You didn't do anything to the sauce, you liar," Brandy said with a poke to Calcine's stomach. Any excuse to poke the stone abs should be seized upon. "You're our Good Girl."

"Shame on Sparky for not trusting me enough to mistrust me," Calcine said with a cocky smile. "Guess we're not as close as we thought."

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