I Want To Lay the Very Best!

69 – Nice (18+)

69 – Nice (18+)

"I'm warming up to the skirt," Brandy said with a bounce in her step as Turrfield appeared over the horizon. It made her skirt swish in a way that had Sparky's head flick down to look reflexively with every swing. The Joltik twitched like she'd been shocked as she drank in glimpses of her thigh.

"I worried you'd put it away now that it isn't vital to our success over Mercury," Calcine said as she leaned her body over to tug at the edge of Brandy's skirt. Brandy let herself go with the pull and bumped into Calcine's side. She draped her arm over Calcine's shoulders and pulled her into a side hug. Calcine wasn't quite tall enough to lay her head on Brandy's shoulder, but not so short she fit under Brandy's arm properly, so it was an awkward position for them both to walk in. Brandy was jostled about as Calcine's stubby horns tapped against Brandy's cheek, and Calcine tried to find a way to get comfortable.

"Maybe it could have been. We never actually tried it. Mercury is a skirt chaser," Brandy said, a laugh half-formed, and let out a snort as Calcine fidgeted. "Next time, we'll try it."

"Mercury seemed worked up. Next time, she might just rip it off," Sparky said as she caught Brandy's skirt on the backswing and gave it a tug. Brandy reached up to grab one of Calcine's horns for stability as she felt her walk thrown off by the sudden jerk, Calcine forced down to rest onto her shoulder.


"Can't resist. It's so grabbable," Sparky said, impish glee in her voice. "I want to get a ruler and just slap the back of these thighs."

"That is a weirdly specific thing you want to do to me."

"Yeah, it is," Sparky said wistfully and made some ruler-cracking noises as she gave the back of Brandy's legs some light slaps.

Brandy knew she had a lot to learn about relationships, but this particular kink she was just going to leave alone. Hopefully, if she ignored it, Sparky would find a new one to latch onto, though her legs had proved a pretty enduring part of Sparky's attention of late. With Calcine tucked under one arm and Sparky dogging her heels, Brandy rechecked her Pokédex. They were almost atop the flashing dot on the map, not that they'd seen much but fields and trees.

"We could just go to the Poké-center if we can't find her." Calcine said, "Researchers are fun, but they're also pretty bad at keeping their possessions and bodies in the same place."

"Because they strip a lot," Sparky added helpfully. "I have a sister who collects their socks."

"Why socks?" Brandy said, "I mean, of all the things to keep."

"Sometimes you just don't ask why someone does something," Sparky said, "Just be glad they're enjoying themselves."

Brandy stopped as Sparky went for another swat of her thighs, and Sparky bumped straight into her rear. Brandy didn't like to use her height to mess with people, but Sparky really had earned this one. "Enjoying yourself?"

"All right! Point taken." Sparky laughed and leaned to massage the reddened thighs through their tights. "I'll fix my mistakes."

It wasn't much of a punishment, but it felt nice, so Brandy allowed it. They walked on in a content, if not particularly fast, blob through the outskirts of Turrfield.

Coming around the twisty, hedge-lined path is where they finally saw the Researcher. She had a striking look, long hair the same light color as a stick of blueberry gum was partly tied back into a ponytail. The rest of it hung down or was tucked behind her ear, giving her a triple-layered hairstyle that had to be part Inheritance, or she must have the most extended morning routine ever. She had her eyes squeezed shut and a big smile on her face, though that had nothing to do with their arrival.

"Oh no," Sparky said as she realized what was happening. "Oh noooooo."

The Researcher was bent over a stone wall, cushioned by her large breasts, and her head held up with one hand from the Pokémon behind her. The Researcher's body was held in place with two more of the Pokémon's hands. A fourth had a firm grip on her hips, which was needed because the Pokémon behind her had decided to rail her so hard that without all those handholds, the Researcher would have bounced right over the wall and landed in a heap.

The Pokémon was familiar, with six bright blue eyes arranged like a dice face and shaggy yellow fur along her limbs and shoulders, giving her a messy lioness look. She was tall, possibly as tall as Brandy was. It'd be a close match-up.

"Sparky!" the tall woman squeaked. "How is my tallest little girl?"

Sparky had her head in her hands, an uncharacteristic blush on her cheeks. "Nooooooo," she wailed, low but persistent until her breath gave out, and the sound faded to the tiniest of whines.

"Oh!" the Researcher gasped as her eyes popped open. "Fuck don't stop, Gamma, don't stop! It's almost perfect."

She scratched at the wall as she tried to get her hair out of her eyes and look at the group. She plastered on a smile that was immediately ruined by a roll of her eyes and a slutty moan. "Ah! A little less speed, Gamma, let me savor it, but you've really improved."

"Paprika," Calcine said, "It's nice to see you again."

"Mmmm," the Researcher, Paprika, replied. Or basked in the afterglow of an orgasm, it was hard to tell.

Gamma didn't stop fucking her either way, the Pokémon running a hand along Paprika's throat as she slowed her pace a little. "Sparky, come here! It's been forever."

Brandy felt like a third wheel to all this, but Calcine dragged her forward as Sparky reluctantly came with them. She was taller than Gamma but barely by a few inches. Gamma whistled in appreciation as she tilted her head slightly to look up at her.

"So tall. Where were you when I was a Joltik?" Gamma purred as Paprika writhed happily in her grip.

"Gamma!" Sparky gasped, "Hands off, she's mine."

"I got plenty of hands, Sparky, my petite sweetheart. I have to put them somewhere," and Gamma reached out to grab Sparky and drew her in, giving her a side hug with two of her arms while she carried on fucking Paprika senseless in an actually impressive display of multitasking.

"Petite Sweetheart?" Brandy said, disbelief at the idea anyone could find Sparky sweet. She was many beautiful things, but she was not a sweetheart.

"My little sister," Gamma said as she pawed at Sparky's cheeks. Sparky bit every finger she could, but Gamma didn't even seem to mind. "My precious little darling."

Obviously, Gamma was a Galvantula, but that also meant she was a Bug Type, so she had mischief in her blood. Was she doing this as an act, or did her mischief come out in this overly sappy sister stuff?

"Stop saying little, you giant pest!"

Gamma cackled and picked Sparky off her feet. Right, Brandy didn't like height bullying, but Gamma was a Bug type, and of course, she loved it. Mischief on purpose it was.

Brandy turned to Paprika and tried to hold eye contact with Paprika to get her attention. With how glazed over Paprika's eyes were, Brandy wasn't even sure she was entirely in this reality. There was probably an etiquette for how to speak to people getting fucked silly, but she didn't know what it was!

Calcine did know how to get her attention. She pressed a thumb into Paprika's mouth and tugged on her cheek. A warm whine rolled in Paprika's throat as she tried to suckle on the thumb. "Want to talk, Paprika. You in there?"

"Dick," Paprika said. A little drool dripped off Calcine's finger. "'s good"

"Yeah, you're very good at taking it. But need your wonderful brain right now." Calcine said.

Paprika had lost focus all focus, Gamma was fucking Paprika so hard Brandy felt she should be able to hear her brains rattle around in her skull. All while holding Sparky off her feet and teasing her. Multi-arms came with multi-tasking it seemed.

"Brandy heeeeelp," Sparky squeaked as Gamma blew raspberries on Sparky's stomach.

She wasn't about to let anyone bully her Partner, even if they were a sister. Brandy got her arms around the Galvantula's hips and pulled. Her cock slid out of Paprika with a syrupy noise that made everyone's spine tingle. Paprika had really enjoyed herself so far. Arms burning, she held up Gamma, who, without her footing, had to drop Sparky.

"No picking on my Partner," Brandy growled as she glared at those blue eyes. "She's mine."

"Oh, my fucking word," Gamma gasped, "And I thought I was already hard. Now I really want you."

Oh. Well. Maybe not quite the reaction Brandy had hoped for, but one she could work with.

"Need to talk with Paprika. Wait your turn, or I'll hang you by the collar off a tree."

Gamma squirmed with delight, and her legs kicked in the air. The sheer weight of her was too much, and Brandy had to let her drop. Gamma wrapped Sparky up in a hug immediately, her breath quick as she stared at Brandy.

"You picked a really good one, sister. Everyone's going to be jealous."

"Yeah, a tall order to beat you," Sparky grinned. "But I reached for new heights."

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