I Want To Lay the Very Best!

68 – Glazed Over (18+)

68 – Glazed Over (18+)

SweetTreat: I know what you did, Brandy!

BrandyButter: No, you don't. You can't possibly know.

Brandy kicked her legs and looked up at the night sky's twinkling stars while she waited for Maple's reply. Sparky and Calcine were laid on either side of her, their arms reached over her stomach as they tapped their fingers together with bursts of electricity and flame. They'd been at it for nearly ten minutes now. While it had amused Brandy initially, she was going to read her Poké-dex until they decided on a winner.

SweetTreat: Bet?

BrandyButter: Calcine and Sparky are already betting on me. I'm still broke! I got nothing to bet.

SweetTreat: What are they betting?

BrandyButter: Who gets to share my sleeping bag. If they both climb in, I'll become a pancake.

She could see that Sparky was determined to win, but sweat had already seeped into her fur and made it a matted mess. Calcine hissed louder with every shock, but Brandy felt she was enjoying it more than she let on. Did she lose if Sparky made her cum? The rules weren't clear on that at all.

SweetTreat: Mahi said she'll crush you if they don't.

BrandyButter: No way, have you seen my thighs? I'd snap Mahi like a twig.

Hopefully, Mahi wasn't reading this right now.



BrandyButter: Hey Mahi! You better be taking care of Maple.

"Calcine!" Sparky gasped as she rubbed some of the sweat on her cheeks off Brandy's chest. Brandy ruffled her hair with one hand as she worked her phone slowly with the other. "She's talking to Maple."

"You've been talking to her all week," Calcine said as she pressed a flame onto Sparky's thumb and made her squeak.

"Snitch!" Sparky gasped and laced her fingers with Calcine. Their hands held together became a crackling ball of fire and lighting, and both were too stubborn to give in despite it.

BrandyButter: Sparky told you.

SweetTreat: Yeah she did. I win the bet!

BrandyButter: We didn't bet anything!


Brandy wasn't sure if Mahi or Maple had typed that, but it was a terrifying idea either way. Either Mahi was out to get at her, or Maple was ... she wasn't even sure what Maple would do to her.

"Absolutely yes," Sparky said as she peeked at Brandy's screen, "Calcine, Double Date with Maple."

"Oh, yes. That sounds wonderful." Calcine said, "Can we, Brandy?

Brandy bit her lip as she looked at them. She felt like she was being thrown to the Zigzagoon's again.

"Please?" Sparky said, and she pulled Calcine's hand down, the fire and electricity hot against Brandy's stomach. She'd gotten some resistance lately, and they weren't going too hard, but the soothing heat mixed with Spark's sensitivity-boosting electricity made her feel like they had thrown her out of the cold straight into a sauna.

"She's going to eat me alive," Brandy said and slapped their hands. They evaded it by going lower. Fingers teased at the edge of her skirt as they looked at her smugly. "Oh no, you two make real arguments, no finger fucking me into agreeing!"

"Bet I can make her moan first," Calcine said.

"You're on." Sparky grinned, and the pair wrested to be the first to get their hand free of the other and into Brandy's skirt.

BrandyButter: You've no idea what you've started.

SweetTreat: Show me?

Brandy's breath hitched as Calcine and Sparky planted kisses across her stomach. They tussled with their fingers to get inside her. She wouldn't let them have it this easy and shuffled her hips to keep them out of her pussy as best she could. However, a few firm strokes were throwing her off, her Poké-dex's autocorrect doing its best to fix the mess she typed.

BrandyButter: You won't tell me about your Marill, so just imagine.

"We're going to fuck her, and she's still chatting with Maple," Sparky gasped. "She barely cares for us."

"I'm just letting her know how good you are," Brandy said and blew Sparky a popping kiss. "She's very jealous."

Sparky blushed at the praise. Recognition was still proving a really easy way to bring color to the Joltik's cheeks. Calcine took the moment of distraction to curl her fingers in deep. The firm digits rubbed a hard line along Brandy's walls until they reached the roof and rolled back to press down on her clit until she saw an awful lot more stars in that night sky.

"Calcine! Still sore from Mercury, be gentle?" Brandy pleaded, though half-heartedly. She was sore for sure, but Calcine's warm fingertips made the soreness worth putting up with.

Brandy looked at her phone to see she'd just sent Maple a completely nonsense string of letters as her hand had squeezed the Dex while Calcine stroked her.

SweetTreat: Are you texting me while getting fucked!?

BrandyButter: I did not start texting you while getting fucked.

SweetTreat: You're unbelievable.

"I'm sorry," Brandy said, dropping her Poké-dex to her chest. It wasn't a smart, dramatic move as it slapped right down on her nipple and made her gasp. "I had to tell her I wouldn't do it."

"You absolute liar," Sparky said as she got her fingers back in a tussle with Calcine's. It was a little much for Brandy, who didn't need to feel quite this stuffed so soon after taking Mercury, and the pair of them reflexively slowed as her discomfort showed. "You have the hots for Maple. You'd never say no to her."

"I don't!" Brandy said, "She's a friend."

"A hot blonde friend with a perfect body," Calcine murmured, eyes aglow as she fixed Brandy with a stare. "Which you couldn't keep your eyes off."

"She is pretty," Brandy mumbled and shuffled her hips so the pair could adjust their angle. They'd both cozied up to her side, making her feel like the sandwich filler for her partners. Not a bad thing at all.

Her Dex vibrated on her chest a few times as a stream of messages came in, but she ignored it. The light of their campfire looked pretty as it glowed off Calcine's skin, and she wanted to enjoy this moment. Aches and all.

Calcine and Sparky were having a blast. They were gently fingering her so they didn't hurt her, but there was a lot of competitive sabotage going on inside her pussy. It made the whole thing a sloppy experience, a constant build and fade as the two teased each other off. Calcine's warm fingertips made Brandy bubble and melt back, while Sparky's made her back arch, and got a few moans to roll around in her mouth. Together, they were coaxing some wonderfully weird noises out of her.

"Answer it," Sparky said as she kissed Calcine's neck. The two had sunk together over Brandy's body at some point and were getting all smoochy. "Come onnn, she's begging if she's typing that fast."

Brandy took a few tries to get her phone in hand. Her arms were already feeling wobbly from the pair going at her, but eventually, she got a good grip. Only to see her chest had been typing plenty for her, sending Maple garbled messages while she'd replied with guesses of what they were doing to her. They were wildly off, if very creative.

BrandyButter: I'm sore, and I don't think my legs bend that far.

SweetTreat: Oh, I don't know. I've seen you bend those legs pretty far.

She had? Brandy was pretty sure she hadn't done anything athletic with Maple around. Maybe back when they'd been learning to be Trainers, she'd watched Brandy doing after-school sports. Was Maple another admirer she'd never noticed? No, no way. Absolutely no way she could be that dense.

BrandyButter: Okay, okay, Double Date then. When?

SweetTreat: After you go to the Gym.

BrandyButter: There's no way she told you that! I'd have seen her snatch my Dex.

Brandy stared at her phone suspiciously and rolled her hips as her Partners found a slow but intense rhythm and took it in turns rubbing deep into her. She gave them a few nudges with her legs, which just got her thighs molested by them as well. She hoped Maple was a quick typist because she wasn't sure she'd last much longer.

Maple didn't get back with a reply but a picture, one Brandy had to turn a few times to understand. It was a picture taken right along the ass of a white-haired woman laid out on her front. Her arms splayed out beside her as the camera holder pressed her chest into the ground. It looked like someone had tried to turn her into a cake with all the white frosting glazed on her back and her tongue hanging out her mouth like a Fennekin in heat.

The 'frosting' had carved out into the words 'Under Route 5 Bridge' on that butt, which honestly was just a little wild. Did Mercury spend time carving that, or was she meticulously doing it while cumming? So many questions. With the message and that butt Brandy was quite recently familiar with, she could tell who the absolutely destroyed person was and not even feel guilty because they'd absolutely deserved it.

BrandyButter: Mercury sent you this?


BrandyButter: That's Shay. She's a friend. Kind of. She was meant to tell me where something was. 100% deserved it, and, like, 90% wanted it.

SweetTreat: She looks like an Alcremie.

BrandyButter: Well, she's not usually covered in cum.

Brandy giggled at the thought of Shay getting what she wanted, which was unwise with Calcine and Sparky four fingers deep in her. They mercilessly pressed into her until she was moaning instead. Dex hugged to her chest as her body twitched.

BrandyButter: I may have worked Mercury up some. It's fine! She's after me, not you.

SweetTreat: I'm giving her your number.

BrandyButter: NO.

SweetTreat: Double Date, or I do it. I'll see you there. Tell your two I said to fuck you harder.

She didn't need to. Sparky and Calcine had that covered. Brandy had never had an orgasm while experiencing mortal peril. There was a first time for everything.

Calcine and Sparky couldn't decide who'd won, so they broke her sleeping bag as they both tried to stuff in it with her.

She'd have to buy a bigger one. At least she would finally have some money to play with. If Maple didn't find a way to bankrupt her again on their date.

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