I Want To Lay the Very Best!

88 – That’s the Rub

88 – That’s the Rub

"The candles won't burn the boat, will they?" Brandy said as she lit it anyway. Maple was smart. She'd have thought about this. Brandy just wanted to know why.

"It's all lacquered. A little flame like that won't do anything, and the canal has a Qwilfish who keeps an eye out for it." Maple narrowed her eyes, "She'll yell at us too, so no setting the boat on fire just to get a look at her."

"Maybe I'm into that," Brandy said as she cupped the flame with her hand. Just a tease. She wasn't into it. Probably. It depended on how hot the Pokémon was.

"Calcine's not a full fire Type yet, so no burning yourself either! Get over here. You're a menace."

Maple had laid out a big stash of pillows for their on-deck picnic and sprawled out on them as she tried to get the cork out of a wine bottle. It resisted her corkscrew pull, no matter how much she waved at it and grunted in frustration. Brandy sat beside her and held a hand for it, which Maple ignored and kept tugging away doggedly. 

"I didn't take you as a wine type," Brandy said as she watched the contest of wills and waited for a chance to jump in.

"Never had it," Maple said as the cork squeaked and remained steadfast. "Be my first bottle if they hadn't glued the cork in!"

"Well, I'll get rid of it then. I'm sure you got something else," Brandy said as she took away the wine bottle. Then gripped the corkscrew and gave it a firm tug, the cork pop ringing loudly in the cool night air. "Oops, hand slipped."

"Showoff," Maple shook her head as she took the wine bottle back and then lobbed a pillow Brandy's way. "Typical Bug trainer, annoyingly helpful sneak." 

It was a pretty soft pillow toss, and Brandy laughed it off as it bumped off her chest. "Hey! Have to let me have something! You're good at everything and pretty too. All I got is my body."

Maple looked over Brandy's body and hid her mouth with her hand. Was she laughing? What was funny about that? 

It seemed Maple had forgiven her this time as she scooched herself up next to Brandy and nudged an arm until she could get under it. Being tall came with problems, but being able to act as shelter for a cute girl made up for a lot of it. 

"Drink some wine," Maple offered the bottle. 

"Don't need wine to enjoy this," Brandy said, "I'm loving it already."

"Cute, but drink anyway," Maple said as she nuzzled into Brandy's side. "It might taste bad, and I'd look silly spitting it out."

Brandy wouldn't look any less silly, but it seemed Maple had already decided that wasn't her problem. Argument was impossible. Maple was rubbing her body against Brandy's, and Brandy couldn't argue. Not when her throat had gone completely dry at the feeling of that soft body pressed into her side until the hard parts of them met and rubbed against each other so firmly they felt it in their cores. Even through all the clothes, that close contact was as good as a kiss. 

The wine was actually pretty nice. It tasted like Hondew berry juice, with that sweetness that was always a good way to cheer up after a bad day. But with a sharp, sour edge that was strange but not unpleasantly so.  

Maple was watching Brandy, clearly fascinated by her. "You really will do anything for people, won't you?"

"Is that bad?" Brandy said, "I want people to enjoy themselves, so I put in the work to get them there."

"Work?" Maple tried the word in her mouth and then stole the wine bottle back. "Being nice is work?"

"Yeah, don't you think so? Putting aside what I want for a bit to help others, that's work."

"I'm a Trainer. Mahi and Holly can be fun, but I have to make sure they do the work not to be too terrible. You got it the wrong way around." Maple said and took a swig from the bottle. Brandy expected her to choke going so hard on it, but she managed to get it all down. "Oh, that's quite nice." 

Lea had been surprised at Brandy's style too. It was unconventional, she knew that, backward even. Trainers were meant to lead Pokémon, not in a domineering way but firmly. Help relationships foster despite all the urges. Letting them indulge and training them that way was, well, Brandy liked doing it. It wasn't always easy, but it felt right. 

"You think I'm a bad Trainer?" Brandy said, but softly. Giving Maple permission to criticize. 

Maple took another swig and then shuffled against Brandy's body more, slowly sliding her head over Brandy's chest until her head plopped into Brandy's lap and her legs kicked up onto a pile of pillows. "You handled Mercury better. You got your first Pokémon before me. You got a badge now. You're an excellent Trainer, Brandy. You're just not," she waved a hand in the air. "A Trainer? I don't know, you're weird."

"You're weird." Brandy teased, stroking Maple's hair. Her long blonde locks were so ridiculously well-kept that it felt sacrilegious to run her fingers through them and disturb the style. But it was just too soft to resist. "I'm a mess; you know it, but you still want to be here."

The Barge was drifting. They'd undone the ropes earlier, which was on a lazy drift down the stream. With the motor off, the occasional splash of water on the side was the only real sound, and the stars glittered above as the sun finally went to sleep. It was ludicrously picturesque, Maple had clearly put in work to make the scene as romantic as possible, and as usual, she'd crushed it. Brandy didn't need the wine warming her up to feel good here, but it didn't hurt.

"Your lap's warm," Maple said to break the silence eventually. "And I know what I want, so don't argue. You're tall, attractive, and funny. I'd bond you if you were a Pokémon for sure."

D'aww. Brandy was blushing. 

"You'd need to carry a stepladder around to kiss me." she teased. Sparky was so getting into her head. Jokes helped to push past words that should leave her a blushing mess. 

Maple grabbed the lapel of Brandy's shirt and pulled her down. Her eyes glittered as she looked up at Brandy's shocked face. "Nonsense, I have plenty of ways to make you bend."

Holy shit. Holy shit. 

It was one thing to know Maple was into her. It was quite another to have Maple pull her down. To close the gap between them with a light tug until their lips meeting was inevitable. Brandy could have stopped her, but she did what she did best and let Maple take the lead. 

They kissed. 

It wasn't the heart-racing kiss of a Pokémon battle or the breath-stealing kiss of a worked-up Partner. It was slow and gentle. Brandy wanted to make it last longer, stretch out that soft moment until she could wrap herself up in a blanket with the memory of it. But Maple wanted to get her hands on Brandy's body, and there was no way she would fight that. Brandy's shirt buttons popped off as Maple pulled, showing a strength she hadn't with the wine bottle. It was easy to forget Maple's Poké-mom was a Fighting Type, with how perfectly composed Maple always looked. You'd be tricked into thinking she'd inherited a ridiculous amount of Fairy for sure. 

Brandy wasn't going to complain. It let Maple slip her hand into Brandy's shirt and squeeze at her stomach, draw fingers along the light tone of muscles, and work her way past the waist of Brandy's pants. The most lightweight touches to Brandy's hips were all Maple needed to make Brandy sweat, the feeling of fingers down there, not touching anything that risky but still touching her! It was too much to process, and Brandy let out a quiet moan of approval as Maple ran her hand down her trouser leg to stroke her inner thigh. There wasn't enough room in her pants for Maple, and it was incredibly hot that she had to strain to move, every press forced through sheer will. 

Maple looked so proud of herself at all the reactions she was getting, but Brandy wouldn't just let herself be taken without any fight. She might be a weird, backward Trainer, but she was still a Trainer. She rolled Maple off her lap, a squeak of protest as she tumbled onto the pillows, anchored to Brandy by the hand down her pants. Maple landed on her front, and Brandy climbed atop her, straddling her ass and pressing Maple into the pillows, hands out to grab her shoulders and press down with her thumbs. She'd gotten a lot of good massages off Calcine, and now she needed to prove she'd been paying attention. 

Her fingers didn't have that deep, warm heat Calcine's had that made the insides melt, but Maple's mewling reaction made Brandy feel like she had that power. Maple planted her face into the pillows and pushed her body back against Brandy's thumbs, and together they worked her muscles deep. The mere touch of Maple's skin where her dress parted at the shoulders was intoxicating. Brandy pressed her thumbs firmer and firmer into Maple's body, wanting to please her with every stroke.

"Mm..." Maple groaned, pulling her hand free from Brandy's pants so she could fully lay out and enjoy it. "'s good." 

Brandy worked her fingers into the dress, lifting herself to slide it past her body. A very slow, inch-by-inch undressing of Maple as she bunched the summer dress over her body. 

"Do my back," Maple said, wiggling her hips to shuffle Brandy down her body. Brandy obliged, pressing her fingers firmly into the muscles of Maple's back as she shuffled her top off. Maple was way fitter than Brandy expected. Her back was elegant but strong. Like a dancer or a gymnast, one who could effortlessly lift their own body but look so graceful doing it. She was definitely faking it for the cork just to get Brandy to do it. Mynx. 

Brandy pressed down firmly, finding knots in her back and working them free with little rotations of her thumb. Maple shuddered for every spot of tension she hit. As all of Maple's tension finally faded, the shudder became a squirm as she rubbed herself back against Brandy. That sliding friction, the skin on skin, was so good it seemed unreal. 

It got more unreal when Maple rolled over. 

Brandy stared at the exposed expanse of Maple's toned stomach up to her lacy, black bra-covered chest. A chest that put Brandy to shame, but Brandy didn't mind because it was right there and ready for her. The straps of her underwear peeking out from Brandy's legs were a thin promise that this night could get so much wilder. The whole sight was breathtaking.

"Do my front," Maple ordered, and Brandy lept into action eagerly. She would worship every inch of this body while she got the chance.

"Then do me," Maple purred, and that simple command completely fucked up Brandy's flow. She knew this was where it was heading. Maple had made it all very clear, which was a delightful change. But Brandy hadn't put any thought into how she was actually going to make Maple feel good. She'd never gone beyond kissing a girl before. This was all going to be new and probably, like a lot of things, deathly embarrassing.

But damn if she wasn't going to give it her best try. 

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