I Want To Lay the Very Best!

89 – And Then They F*cked! (18+)

89 – And Then They F*cked! (18+)

A good Trainer played to their strengths and knew how to manage their weaknesses. When it came to Women, Brandy knew her weakness. Her Partners had teased her enough that she couldn't miss it. 

She was bad at knowing when they were into her. Awful at it. Catastrophically terrible. 

She'd tried to be a bit more aware. Learning what Calcine and Sparky saw in her helped her see what others might find attractive about her. It'd been eye-opening, and she'd come so close to spotting Maple's interest. She had to work on that, more self-confidence and acceptance that being tall didn't just make her unique. It made her desirable. 

Maybe not quite as desirable for most people as it was for Sparky, but Pokémon were always a bit more extreme than humans. 

Weakness identified. Now Brandy had to play to her strengths. One of those was how fucking good she was at undoing bras with one hand. Maple's bra came off easily, the cups sliding over the curve of Maple's chest as Brandy pried the clasp apart with a flick of her finger and pulled the bra straps down with her other hand. So slick and swift, Maple gasped at the suddenness and covered herself before catching up to the moment and smiling. 

The gorgeous blonde had curves Brandy could get lost in. Her own were still filling out, but Maple was, as usual, perfect in all the ways Brandy wanted to be. It was hard to be jealous when Brandy discovered how perfectly they fit in her hands. She squeezed them gently, enjoying the softness of their flesh against her palms, warm velvet that pushed back against her fingers as she pressed. Maple's whole body reacted to it, her hips grinding against Brandy's legs, and her head batted back into the pillows littering the barge's deck.

"Strong," Maple's breath was ragged, "But good, do that again."

Brandy was happy to oblige, rolling her fingers to make a ripple of sensation as she kneaded Maple's chest. She'd been in her fair share of tussles with Pokémon by now. Brandy knew how to do this part pretty well, and it never got old working someone up with just her touch. It was especially fun doing it with someone who wasn't afraid to let her know precisely what she liked and didn't like. "Harder," "Softer," and "Good" was all it took. Short gasped commands that Brandy followed as loyally as any Pokémon. The soft sounds of pleasure Maple made under her were the reward, and as they intensified and Maple lost the ability to even command with more than moans, Brandy found her rubbing herself against Maple's hips entirely unconsciously. 

Maple's strength wasn't in getting Brandy undressed. She fumbled with Brandy's belt and didn't have any plan to get her pants off but push and hope they somehow magically came off despite all the obstruction. It was empowering for Brandy to see she'd worked Maple up so severely that she'd finally got her to fumble uselessly at a task. One she clearly found incredibly important with how frantic the pulling against Brandy's pants became, until she wrenched Brandy right over to fall atop her, a scream of surprise from Maple muffled as Brandy's chest landed right on her face. 

They spent a moment with arms tangled together. Maple dove into Brandy's chest so tightly that Brandy thought she might be stuck. Just enjoying the moment, she could feel the heat of Maple's face, the warmth of her breath trapped between her chest and making a warm spot that made her heart flutter. A playful bite, the sudden, shocking signal Brandy should let her breathe again. 

"We can stop if you're hungry," Brandy said as she used her feet to slide her pants off. They were all bunched up and struggled to move, but she wasn't giving them a choice. They'd outstayed their welcome and were coming off.

"I'm so hungry," Maple said, clicking her teeth. "Want some tongue. Get down here."

Brandy squirmed down Maple's body, and they both went in for the kiss hard, tongues tussled together as they tasted each other, hands groping at each other's bodies madly like they were so spoiled for choice they couldn't settle on just squeezing one part and were desperately trying to cover it all. Maple wasn't holding back, either. Her perfectly manicured nails dug into Brandy's skin and dragged, not breaking it but making Brandy's blood race with fire at the promise they might. Brandy reached around Maple and hugged her closer, holding her back for support at first but then slipping to get a nice handful of Maple's butt, as pleasingly soft as her chest. Pulling her into the kiss so they could go even deeper, Brandy didn't have Shay's ridiculous tongue to wield, but she still outmatched Maple with her tongue. It felt so good to have Maple slowly melt in her arms as her resistance faded, and she simply clung on and let Brandy take her mouth. 

"Mmm, mmmm... Mmf!" Maple moaned over Brandy's tongue; her words were lost to the heat of the moment. The sound of Maple's moans was so sweet that Brandy just wanted to keep kissing her forever, but while she'd won the battle, she lost the war. Maple could just hold her breath so much longer, and Brandy had to retreat, her tongue still hanging out and panting as she bumped foreheads with Maple. Maple grabbed her tongue with a smug smile, squeezing it between her fingers. 

"A win for the Water Ace." she grinned, her middle finger stroking up and down along the top of Brandy's tongue. Her taste was faint, but it still made Brandy's mind spin. "But you're a good kisser."

Pride burned in Brandy's chest. She hadn't expected praise, but it felt so good to get it. Her pride must have shown on her face because Maple laughed at her, but it was a fond laugh full of bubbly excitement. "I want to see what else that tongue can do. If you're ready?"

"Arceus, no." Brandy shook her head, snatching her tongue from Maple's grip. "This is my first time, and my heart's pounding."

"Mine too, but that's your fault." Maple licked Brandy's chin, a silly gesture but somehow comforting. "And it's my first time too, so don't be scared, or I'm going to be as well."

That didn't really help Brandy's performance fears. She wanted to do this right. She wanted to make Maple melt and remember her fondly. "You're not scared?" Brandy said, "What's your secret?"

"Lying to myself," Maple grinned. "Come on, we've both tackled Mercury."

"So through Mercury's dick, we've both technically already fucked?"

Maple pushed Brandy's head down firmly, forcing her down her body. Brandy did not mind having her face slid over her curvy body one bit. "Not even close. Try again, you pretty idiot."

"Aw, you think I'm pretty," Brandy said as she kissed Maple's stomach. "We both like a challenge?"

"Better answer." Maple said, "Much better answer. We rise to the challenge."

"So I just got to think of your pussy as a Pokémon?"

"Brandy, I will drown you down there. Don't think I won't."

Brandy just couldn't help herself. Teasing Maple was like releasing a pressure valve, letting Maple simmer down a little and center herself. She'd had it happen to herself so much that it felt right. She could almost feel Calcine and Sparky's approval radiate through her bond. Could you inherit sex tips? That seemed a bit much. 

"Absolutely could drown me," Brandy said as she kissed down Maple's stomach and tugged away her panties so she could kiss along the waiting slit. "Wet enough to be a true Water Ace."

Maple threw a pillow at her. "Get on with it!"

Brandy didn't push her luck any further and got to work. She ran her tongue up and down Maple's slit, tasting the saltiness of her skin and the warmth on the tip of her tongue.

"Oh!" Maple gasped, even from the gentle, teasing touch. "Fuck, okay, this is happening. You're going to do great. Just... um... do the thing."

It was so cute how unsure Maple was when faced with something completely new. No guidance coming. Brandy pressed her lips against Maple's pussy and just started licking. Soft, warm, and wet, Brandy's lips sucked for traction as she tried to curl her tongue through Maple's folds, trying to fight the resistance without forcing it. She wished she'd focused harder on what Nicola did to her, but that whole experience had been so searingly intense that she'd had the fine details knocked right out of her head. All she could recall was a lot of tongue curling, slow drags back along her walls, and occasionally stopping to suckle. That and relentless enthusiasm. 

The enthusiasm she could match. 

Brandy got a good grip on Maple's hips and tried to focus on their movements as she just went for it, tongue pressed deep and then curled back on itself to slake itself upon the roof of Maple's pussy. Not every lick hit the spot, but Maple's body was responsive, her hips pressed against Brandy's hands as she tried to writhe and fit Brandy's tongue in place, and Brandy used that. It wasn't the quick unraveling Nicola had done to her, but a marathon, learning what Maple found good and what made her restless for something else. The licks made little whines in Maple's throat, the tongue curls had Maple bucking her hips to force herself back onto Brandy's tongue. The rare moments when Maple's grip tightened on Brandy's hair, her thighs clamped down, and she screamed some colorful swear words into a pillow felt like a glorious reward for Brandy's persistence and attentiveness.

She had a cheat too, she'd pleasured herself enough to know where the clit was, and if Maple were getting restless and beginning to cool off, Brandy would press her nose into Maple's stomach, lock her lips around the tiny nub and suck as hard as she could while dancing the tip of her tongue between her teeth. Sharp gasps, incoherent mumbling, and frantic thigh rubbing as Maple tried to hold her there was Brandy's reward, and she treasured it. 

It took ages until she felt confident enough to do that move for fun instead of a crutch. Feeling confident enough to make Maple squirm in time with her tongue, she used it to tip Maple over the edge. It hit Maple like a jolt of electricity. Her hips jumped as her spine arched. A gasp ripped from her throat as she came undone. Brandy felt a rush of pride as juices spilled over her lips and added a shine to Maple's thighs.

"You fucking liar!" Maple gasped as Brandy kept working her through the orgasm, making her complaints delightfully whiny, "You said I was your first!"  

Brandy gave Maple's pussy lips a long lick to cool off and clean up before resting her wet chin on Maple's stomach. "You are."

"Bullshit, you're too good at this."

"Beginner's luck," Brandy said. She felt smug as hell, and it came through in her voice. 

Maple ruffled Brandy's hair madly to more cries of bullshit, making her feel even smugger. "You'll do great."

"Damn right," Maple huffed, her hands slipping to cup Brandy's cheek. "I'm going to make you cum so hard you punch a hole in the boat."

"Don't doubt it. You're a terror when worked up. I saw you fuck Mahi. Poor girl never stood a chance."

Maple pulled Brandy's cheek and growled, but it was no use. Brandy's good mood was unshakable, and she was on a victory high as intense as when she'd caught Sparky and Calcine right now. 

"On your back, I've got some thighs I want to get between," Maple said with a flick. Brandy rolled over obediently because she'd have been mad to resist. "But you did good. Holy shit, way better than good. I'm buzzing."

"I'll do better next time," Brandy said and loved that Maple squirmed at the thought of it. It was her turn, and she was looking forward to it, but she hoped they could both last at least a few rounds of this because she really did think she could do better. She'd got a taste for Maple now. Brandy wanted to savor it. 

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