I Want To Lay the Very Best!

91 – The Noodle Incident

91 – The Noodle Incident


Bad enough the water was cold, but the Qwilfish seemed to love aiming for Brandy's face just as she was about to speak. Maple, the traitor, laughed as Brandy spat the water out. 

"She's got you with that three times now." Maple, the traitor, said with a laugh as Brandy spat the water out. "You're so trusting."

The Qwilfish leaning on the edge of the canal boat just gave Brandy a malicious grin. "I love getting pretty girls all wet. Sorry, can't help myself."

She absolutely could, but Brandy was used enough to Pokémon who could be rascals, and Poison Types were a law unto themselves. A cold Water Gun shower was getting off pretty lightly. 

"I-" Brandy said, taking a breath to speak. She wouldn't let them get her a fourth time and caught the water gun spray with her hand, shielding her mouth. "You going to bind her too, Maple? She's your kind of evil."

Maple looked at the Qwilfish and tapped her chin thoughtfully. The Qwilfish had spiky green hair that made her look like a complete punk and a stocky muscled body much like Honeycrisp. Large, but only because they'd packed on enough muscle, they could twist you into a pretzel. Though Honeycrisp had been a friendly wall, the Qwilfish looked more like she was waiting for her moment to smush the pair of them together in her massive arms. 

"Not without the team here to judge. Sorry."

"Psh," the Qwilfish snorted. "I get to drench a pair of hot ladies. If you want to apologize for some weird reason, you can start making out for me."

Brandy looked at Maple thoughtfully, Maple brushing back her wet hair with a hand and giving her a demure look. A fresh wave of wet water sprayed over the pair of them, they'd long since gotten clean, but the shine of water on naked bodies in the moonlight was just too good a sight to call a stop to it. The cold might be making nipples stick out and have the pair shiver a bit, but it was still fun. 

Brandy approached Maple, and she backed up, wagging a finger. "We need to get going. You can't drag us back into sex again."

Brandy didn't say anything and just kept walking closer until Maple bumped up against the rail of the barge. Brandy slammed her hands down either side of Maple and leaned over her, pressing her body back with her chest and making Maple look up into her eyes. Taking charge didn't come naturally to Brandy, but it was nice to make the blonde blush, to let a little fire in her veins call the shots. 

Then she spat the water she'd collected in her mouth into Maple's face. 

"You bitch!" Maple squeaked, giggling madly as she mopped her face clean. "Brandy, what the fuck!"

Brandy kissed her after, while she was still fuming. She'd gotten a lot of practice last night, so Maple's protests faded quickly to warm, soft lips and gentle grabs along her body. 

"Bitch," Maple repeated, but fondly, with a squeeze of Brandy's thigh. "Monster."

"You're so trusting," Brandy repeated, throwing Maple's words back at her. Maple gave her a smack on the side of her hip for her cheek. The slap didn't discourage her at all. " Mahi fell for that too. You're just like your Partner."

"I can also be eternally mad at you if that's what you want."

"You two are so good." the Qwilfish bubbled from the sideline. "If you're all worked up, I can come over there, press your faces into the deck and work some stress out."

"No!" they both said at once. 

"No more sex," Maple groaned. "If I have another orgasm, I'm going to cry."

"I'd still be into that." the Qwilfish grinned. "Long as they're happy tears."

Brandy hugged Maple protectively and gave the Qwlfish a glare. It just made her laugh. 

"I was kidding! I was kidding. I heard you two at it all night." she blew another jet of water at them, splashing it over their bodies. The pressure was nice, the icy water less so. It made them both gasp and cling tighter together. Maple pressed up all close, tucking her body in to share in Brandy's unnatural warmth. Okay, maybe the icy water wasn't so bad. "I'm amazed you can both still stand. You're worse than Pokémon. At least we know when to stop."

"I'm going to make coffee," Maple said, "You can join us for that, and if you're good, then maybe we'll give you a treat before you leave."

"And if I'm bad?" the Qwilfish grinned. 

"Then I'll tell you what the treat was," Maple smirked. "But you won't get it."

"Cruel! After I washed you off and everything." the Qwilfish hopped the barge's edge. It wasn't just her arms that were stocky. She had a pair of hips they'd need to work together to wrap around and thick legs. Just an all-around strong-as-hell-looking woman, not that it really mattered for Pokémon. Muscles seemed more aesthetic than of any practical use, but Brandy was digging the aesthetic. Calcine would have loved it to bits. 

That she was utterly naked helped draw the eye too. What hung between her legs really couldn't be ignored either. It was a lot for the eyes to take in. Brandy and Maple were both caught staring. "Two girls are about right to handle me. You know Qwilfish, we're growers, not showers."

"You sure you don't want to bind her Maple?" Brandy said, licking her lips. "Because ... woof."

"Yeah," Maple bit her bottom lip. "Well, I did wonder how good a team we'd make. Maybe we'll get to test it out."

The Qwilfish didn't behave, but she convinced them both to give her a treat anyway. She had a lot going for her. 


"I think I broke my jaw," Brandy mumbled as they walked hand in hand towards the nightclub. She'd had to slow her pace a little for Maple, who'd clung tight onto her side and was enjoying the nighttime walk as Brandy's new belt. 

"Your fault for insisting on deep-throating her." Maple lightly admonished. "You need to Partner with a Snake Pokémon if you're going to do that sort of thing."

"Wait, you can inherit their jaws?" Brandy said.

"Mhm." Maple nodded. "Fangs too. I knew a girl with a Seviper Mom who had really sharp ones."

"Ah, so that's why you're into biting. How long did you two date?"

Brandy had said it just to tease, but Maple actually thought about it. "Three months? We moved after that."

"Yeah, you were new to the town in college. You had to move a lot?"

"Willow's job used to take her around a lot, the Gym Work is stable now, but before that, she was a relationship consultant on multiple partners."

"Cool job, but it kind of sucks you had to move so much." Brandy had never left the town for long, and that she would soon felt like such a big event for her. It was weird Maple could be so blase about moving on. 

Maple shrugged. "I never minded. I liked getting to challenge myself against new people all the time. At every new school, I had to come out on top again. It was fun, maybe a little annoying of me on reflection, but I enjoyed it."

"Still, never getting to settle down with a cute fanged girlfriend. That's rough. Isn't that the dream?"



"She was called Noodle."

Brandy squinted at Maple to try to detect a lie. She seemed so content hugging Brandy that there wasn't a trace of deceit on her face, just the serene happiness of a lady who'd been fucked to within an inch of her life. Still. Noodle?

"Don't believe you."

"Noodle would be upset to hear that," Maple said in mock affront.

"No way she's called Noodle! No way, you are such a liar."

"Trainer gets one Gym Badge and thinks she can call me a liar. Goodness." Maple said, looking up at Brandy with sad eyes. "And I thought we were getting along so well."

Brandy leaned down to boop their noses together. "Noodle."

"Okay, maybe it was my pet name for her. But you're not allowed to laugh at that! It's teen love."

"Dorky as heck is what it is." Brandy laughed. "Glad you're bad at something, even if it's pet names."

"Your tall ass is pretty noodly. You can be Noodle the Second."

 "I'm more a Linguine." Brandy said proudly, "The tallest pasta."

Maple snerked and squeezed herself into the hug. "Brandy is fine. I like it. Good girlfriend name."

There it was. After the night they'd had, Brandy knew the word was coming up, but it was still something she didn't know how to breach. Her lessons on being a Trainer had never really handled the awkward issue of having a girlfriend. Still, she had to try. 

"Girlfriend, I love the sound of. But we're both Trainers." Brandy said, "You going to be okay with, uh, I guess I'm asking for boundaries?"

"You can't sleep with anyone but me."

Maple nearly fell off her feet as Brandy stopped dead. Then she broke up laughing. "I was lying then! Goodness, your face!"

"Good! Because I don't know how to turn you down." Brandy's heart was still racing. The idea that she could even do something like that, it'd be impossible!

"You can't. I'm perfect." Maple preened the end of her hair, flicking it away with an imperious swish of her wrist. "I trust you, Brandy. Give it your all out there. The more you learn, the better you can fuck me when we meet back up."

"Fuck, you really are Mercury." Brandy mumbled, "But same, except if you don't have a gym badge by the next time I see you, I get to be on top."

"Hope you like being on the bottom." Maple said, "I'm going to crush it."

Yeah, she probably was. Maple was a very traditional Trainer. Her entire presence was powerful enough that even Pokémon stood up and begged for her attention. Maple and her scary team would tear through the Grass Gym effortlessly. 

"I am proud of you for getting your badge. I always knew you'd do better out of college." Maple said as they walked down the street towards the nightclub their partners had gone to.  


"You got an enormous heart, and people can't help but fall in love with you, even if you fail to notice sometimes." Maple tapped Brandy's side and angled her head to look up at her over the curve of her chest. "That's what I was told, you know?"

"I kind of guessed that was what Calcine and Sparky wanted to say." After all, they'd never really made any secret they were rooting for Brandy and Maple. She should have expected them to put a thumb on the scales. 

"Well, they said I needed to just pin you down and fuck you, then you had a fifty, fifty chance of getting it."

"That does sound like them both. They're the best." Brandy grinned. "Mahi said she and Holly would break me if I didn't treat you like a princess."

"Oh, did they really? And you took that as meaning you needed to eat me out until I saw stars flash before my eyes?"

"It's the least I could do for my princess," Brandy said with a hand over her heart. "I'm just very knightly like that."

"I think you'd get into a lot of trouble with that attitude." Maple laughed. "We need to keep you from royalty."

"Sure, I'd make a lot of people incredibly mad, but I'd have one delighted princess! Worth it."

"This Princess is pleased with your service and eager for more," Maple said with a tug of her arm. "Come on, let's see how much damage they did while we were gone."

"Sure thing," Brandy said before hitting her last word hard. "Girlfriend."

Maple's little shiver at the word was the best. 

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