I Want To Lay the Very Best!

92 – Cooling Off

92 – Cooling Off

It'd been a day of adventure, and Brandy was exhausted, but there was one last thing to get through before she could take a well-earned sleep. On any other day going to the Icebox would have been a delicious treat, but today she'd beaten her first Gym, and then Maple had stolen the Spotlight, even from that accomplishment.

Turrfield was a small place, and when it came to nightclubs, it only had one. The Icebox. Brandy had actually been inside a few times in college, but they kept things boringly tame when the younger crowd came in. No drink, everyone dressed appropriately, and even the music was not that exciting. It was frustrating, a peek at something that should have been fun, but they'd usually had to liven it up with a few party games or a snuck-in bottle of some awful drink. At least the staff put on some pretty good ice cream to make up for it.

It looked so lively now that Brandy got to see it like it should have been, women trailing out wearing glitzy dresses and glow paint, laughing with their partners. Or being physically carried for those that had gotten carried away.

"That'd be you," Maple said from under her arm. She'd hugged in to fight off the night chill, and Brandy was more than happy to have her there getting all cozy.

"No way, I'd be carrying you." With a playful tap of Maple's arm, Brandy said, "You'd look silly dragging me behind you."

"Dragging!" Maple gasped. "My mom's a Fighting type; I'm strong as hell, thank you. I could put you over my shoulder any time I wanted. In fact!"

Knowing it was coming didn't mean Brandy could do anything about it. Maple leaned into her and hoisted her up so smoothly it could have been a Move. Brandy's world whirled before her eyes as one moment she was upright, and the next Maple had one arm around the back of her legs as she had Brandy draped over her shoulders like a very leggy scarf. Maple glanced at Brandy from the corner of her eye, no doubt hoping for a look of shock. She wasn't expecting Brandy with her bottom lip bit, giving her lovey-dovey eyes.

"This is so hot," Brandy growled, wiggling her stomach against the back of Maple's head.

"Oh, you are terrible!" Maple laughed as she bounced Brandy on her shoulders to get her to settle down. "You find absolutely everything hot. This doesn't count."

"No, I found Pokémon hot." Brandy settled, if only so Maple wouldn't throw her off. "Pokémon and now you, so anything I find hot about this is your fault, and I am blameless."

Maple ignored the logic and focused on sweet-talking her way past the club door lady without even putting Brandy down; just a flash of a smile and a quick "She completes my outfit" was enough to get let in, despite the ridiculous situation. It was honestly impressive how confident Maple was. And hot, but Brandy would keep that to herself.

The inside of the club was nothing like Brandy remembered. Purple ceiling lights gave the dancefloor a bright glow as colorful paint sparkled around, haphazardly splashing down every surface and a whole lot of skin. Brandy had been expecting it to be wild here, but she hadn't expected people to be fully naked, two women smearing themselves into Wooloo's fur to make shapes, or a tall Pokemon with red skin wearing nothing but a pair of orange goggles in a mad dance with a gaggle of admirers trying to get very familiar with the long, mouthwateringly thick tentacles she had instead of limbs. Even Maple had a good stare at that.

"Should we jump in?" Brandy said, squirming on Maple's shoulders so she could get close to her ear to talk over the pulse-pounding music.

"We're here to find our Partners," Maple said after a very thorough look. "Not to dance, stay focused and- woah! Holy shit, she puts them in people?!"

"What?" Brandy twisted to look, but Maple held her tight, and the tentacled Pokémon was just out of view. "What's she doing? Let me see!"

"We should find the others!" Maple said with a high-pitched squeak and a quick stride. If she blushed any harder, she'd glow brighter than all the special paint. "Right away."

"You tease, let me see," Brandy begged, but it was useless as they faded into the crowd. Brandy posed useful over Maple's shoulders to give them space, if only because she was bumping people out of the way with her legs. Luckily everyone seemed too drunk or blissed out to even care, so the best she got was some cheeky leg squeezes from people she could barely recognize.

"You said Calcine might like the chill room. Try there?" Brandy said as Maple's frantic turning to not look too hard at the surrounding madness made Brandy dizzy. Maple was overreacting; it wasn't that bad. Only a few people were openly fucking! As Trainers, they should be immune to all this. "Put me down! You proved your point."

"No way I let you loose here. You'll notice the Cinderace, and we'll never get out of here!" Maple said.

She better be joking! Keeping a Cinderace from Brandy was some kind of girlfriend crime. It was far too early in their relationship for that level of betrayal.

They barreled right on past the bar and into the chill room, which was a little on the nose of a name with how cold it was in the quieter room of the club. That was probably because of the Pokémon laid up on one of the room's more oversized sofas, a tall figure with glittering white skin and a body that was Calcine taken to the extreme. Not just rough, but straight up, fully defined edges like her body was made of crystal. She was faintly transparent, too. The painted skin of the two women lying on her refracted through her body a thousand times to make a dizzying kaleidoscope of naked flesh. She gave them a lazy wink, pure icy blue eyes smoldering away as she turned her attention back to her Partners. Most Pokémon were human-shaped, and this lady was too, but it was in such an abstract fashion it was far more exotic. Even ignoring the room's cold, that kind of effortless cool and style marked her as an Ice type for sure.

Maple was probably right to carry her. She so badly wanted to introduce herself to all these exciting-looking Pokémon at least, and then she'd probably get distracted. Horribly distracted.

"There they are," Maple said, turning Brandy to look. She braced herself for a disaster but wasn't ready for what she saw. Calcine was sat with her arms draped over the back of the sofa, her smooth stone skin smudged with paint from the two women on her lap. One was a lady with a stunned expression and short, clipped black hair. She looked so formal, like she'd come right from work, and she was still wearing her office shirt, which had been ripped open to expose her chest, now laced with colorfully painted kisses. All from the lips of the other person in Calcine's lap, Mahi, whose frills fluttered happily as she added more kisses to skin. That wouldn't have been surprising by itself, but those paint-covered lips of Mahi's showed where she'd kissed, and she hadn't stuck to the lady sandwiched between the two Pokémon. Calcine was covered from tip to toe in Mahi kisses.

On the one hand, good for Calcine, but on the other, it felt a little shockingly traitorous. This was conspiring with the enemy!

"Maple!" Mahi chirped as she kissed the office lady's neckline, her fingers caressing her throat. "You got that 'Just been fucked' smile to you. Brandy turned out to be worth your time?"

Maple slapped Brandy's thighs and grinned all the wider. "She was perfect. I'm adding her to the team."

"She's taken," Calcine grinned. She looked both intensely relaxed and amused. Calcine could be pretty calm at times, but this level of relaxation meant she'd probably had a wild time too. That or the office lady wasn't just sitting on her lap, but something else. "But if you want to whip her into shape, Sparky and I will turn up to watch."

How do you get down off a Maple? Honestly, if anyone should have had to climb down, it should have been Maple; this situation was not one Brandy was used to. She picked up her Partners, not the other way around!

"You two seem to have got along well too," Maple said.

"Calcine's fun," Mahi said as she took the office lady's breasts in hand and kneaded them, making her moan. "You actually have some good taste in Partners, Brandy; I don't know how you messed up so bad. Clearly, I intimidated you."

Well, that wasn't why she'd passed up Mahi, but it absolutely would be the excuse now, so Brandy didn't press it.

"Who's your friend?" Maple said, diplomatically trying to include the woman sandwiched between the two Pokémon. "Um, we're Mahi and Calcine's partners. Good to meet you, Ms."

Opening her mouth, she let out an orgasmic moan that made Brandy's spine tingle. Whatever Mahi and Calcine had done to her, it'd worked incredibly well.

"You caught her at the end, sorry. She'd had fun, though. She's called...." Calcine stalled. "Uh. Mahi, we know who this is, right?"

"Don't ask me; I just liked her tits. Still do."

Calcine was the only one of the pair to look ashamed, rubbing her neck bashfully as the unknown woman orgasmed her brains out on her lap. "I swear we took some names. We haven't just been fucking anything with a pulse."

"Well, Calcine and I anyway," Mahi said, gesturing to a sofa littered with unconscious women. Brandy had noticed it because the messy pile was hard not to, but she'd assumed it was a place a lot of people had passed out. In a way, it still was. "Those two got into a competition, and it took them so long to pipe down that we don't dare disturb them."

"And where is Holly?" Maple said, looking at the pile of passed-out women with the calm look of someone who wasn't seeing their first pile of passed-out women. Maple had said Holly was a bit of a terror.

"You're probably going to have to dig, but I wouldn't," Calcine said. "It's going to be really unpleasant. Sticky. At best, and not just because of Sparky's webs."

"You are too bluntly honest," Mahi growled and nipped past the unnamed office lady to give Calcine's top lip a bite, adding another blue paint kiss to the dazzle pattern on Calcine's face. "I need to teach you how to be honest in a sexy way."

"Brandy finds it sexy," Calcine said with a shrug. "It works."

"Guess who else Brandy finds sexy?" Maple asked with a sly tone. It was obviously an excuse to brag, and the slap to Brandy's ass helped make it crystal clear what she was talking about.

"Yeah, I said you fucked already," Mahi rolled her eyes. "Unless, ooooh. Calcine, someone is looking love-struck."

"My new girlfriend can bench-press me," Brandy said from Maple's shoulders. "Isn't she cool?"

"Oh, we need details now," Calcine said as she rolled her hips, the bubbling moan from the office lady giving away that she wasn't just going to slide off Calcine's lap. "Come tell us how the date went. It will be a while before we can dig out the other two, anyway."

"What about you and Mahi? You've been getting way more than friendly." Brandy said, "We want some details too."

"Tell you what," Mahi said, voice low and sultry. "You two tell a good story of your date, and I'll use Calcine to put on a good show, so you can see what I did to her in person."

"And, um, office lady?"

"I think she's enjoying herself plenty right where she is. Aren't you, sweetheart?" Mahi said, poking a finger into her mouth. The dazed office lady sucked on the finger and shivered in another miniature orgasm. "See? She wants to hear the story."

Brandy was pretty sure that wasn't why she was making noises, but she really wanted to see what Mahi had done to Calcine, so she spilled all the tea. Turns out there was lipstick places they couldn't even see; they *really* had got along while their Trainers were away.

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