Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 115- Long Awaited Date

Chapter 115- Long Awaited Date

[Keeno POV]

“My Lady…I believe it’s going to be very hard for you to do anything in the city. Word has spread of what you did with Lady Fafnir and rumors have spread that you are a Goddess of Life.  This rumor has spread all throughout the city and I’m sure it’s going to spread across the rest of the country quickly as well.” (Sigurd)

“…” (Keeno)

{Pffft.  Ahahahhahahahahahaha!}

“It’s not funny, Ama. They think I’m you or an incarnation of you.  I’m my own person and the Goddess of Death!  I will not take any achievements from my wife!” (Keeno)

My outburst lit a few small embers that floated up from my tails and some weeds that were growing in the cave.  This also snapped the two flirting in the back out of their little world.

“What is wrong, my dau- descendant?” (Fafnir)

“You told her about the rumors, Sigurd?” (Emma)

“Yes.” (Sigurd)

“What did I tell you!?  She wasn’t going to take it well, so we should have gradually told her, not just outright state it!” (Emma)

“What are these rumors you speak of?” (Fafnir)

“Where I’m being credited with my wife’s Authority.” (Keeno)

“Ah…come here, little one.” (Fafnir)

Fafnir walked up to me and pulled me into an embrace while patting my head.  It was a kind gesture, but was a bit awkward due to us both being quite tall.

“Calm yourself, precious one, don’t let your pride be tested by such petty sentiments as mortal misunderstanding.  You are better than that.” (Fafnir)

“…” (Keeno)

In this moment, I was completely confused on how I was supposed to react.  In this confusion, I felt a feeling I’ve only ever felt when being held like this by three people.  A feeling of closeness that…I decided not to think about it too much and just relaxed. It just felt right.

“Kukuku. That’s a good girl.” (Fafnir)

{Hmm.  Dragon instincts are no joke.}

“What do you mean, Lady Amaterasu?” (Emma)

{Dragons are very family oriented beings. Be that family adopted or blood related, a dragon accepts you into its family and you’ll be taken care of for the rest of time. Fafnir being an ancient dragon, has potent instincts to protect and care for her family members, and since Keeno is her only living blood relative, she’s basically treating her like her own daughter.  Keeno is accepting this treatment since she also has these same instincts.}

“I see. And how do you feel about this?” (Emma)

{I think it’s good for Keeno. Fafnir can be that mother figure Keeno doesn’t have. I’m her wife, so it would be weird for me to act motherly to her, and Fia is more a big sister than a mother. That maid, Saki, also filled this motherly position, but with her not being present, it’s opened up again.  And, if I’m completely honest, I’m happy for this development since it means my family has grown larger too. Children aside, I’ve always wanted a big family, and with the way Keeno is going, it’s going to be quite big by the time she fully joins me here. I mean look, our Apostles and Valkyries are family, and Keeno is going to have several, plus the suspected path she’s going with people like Ortilinde, we’ll be a big, happy family in the end.}

“…” (Emma)


“What?” (Emma)

{Oh, it’s nothing.}

Hearing this conversation, I had a lot of things to think about, though I made up my mind to do one thing in this moment.

“Fafnir, feel free to call me Keeno from now on.” (Keeno)

“Nn.” (Fafnir)

After this, I mulled over a lot of things relating to Fafnir and how I should actually go about this whole dragon mom thing before ultimately deciding to just let what happens happen. This took a few days. Also in those days Pram and Freya reappeared with both of them smelling like the other and being very…shiny.  Sigurd had gone back and forth from the cave to the city doing reconnaissance and secretly meeting with Freyr who had his hands full with all the work he now had. Emma and Fafnir also started binding more, cementing the fact that Emma fell for Fafnir at first sight and immediately started trying to get her to fall for her as well.  Around the second day Ama was surprised by something, but she wouldn’t tell me what it was no matter how much I pestered her about it.  And, the day after I decided to just roll with it, I found myself lying in a bed, facing my beautiful wife who was still asleep.

“Time to wake up sleeping beauty.” (Keeno)

I sat up and moved Ama so she was laying in her back before I straddled her and leaned forward.  Our lips met and the already awake fox woman beneath me opened her beautiful glowing orange eyes.  We stayed like that for around five minutes before I was lightly pushed away.

{Now, now, you little vixen, we have a lot of things to do today, so we can’t just indulge ourselves right now.}

“I know, but I needed at least that much.  I can’t not get affected by Pram and Freya being all over each other even more than before. Honestly, while I’m happy for them to have gotten to that point already, it’s maddening to smell them, even Fafnir is getting affected and she’s been giving Emma looks.” (Keeno)

{I don’t think you have to worry about those two going that far yet. Maybe eventually, but not just yet.}

“Ok that’s fair.” (Keeno)

Ama sat up while I continued to straddle her lap. Feeling her breath on my skin made me feel the urge to push her back down, but I held back.

{Keeno, hop in the bath over there real quick then change into your Vanir clothes. I want you to look your best for today. I’m going to do the same.}

“Heard you loud and clear, my love. Feel free to join me if you get lonely.” (Keeno)

{Keeno please, I planned this day out for a while now, so please stop tempting me to throw all of that effort away and take you right here. We have all of eternity to do that, but this is our first outing and we only get one first date.}

The earnestness in her plea made me smile as I turned to the bath, stripped, and hopped in.

“Alright, Ama. I’ll hold off on teasing you so much today, but I’m putting this out there again, blame this in Pram and Freya.” (Keeno)

{We can punish them later, get ready first.}

Chuckling at our interaction, I bathed as quickly and thoroughly as I could before getting out and turning up the heat to dry off.   I then pulled out some underpants my suit from Vanir.  After adjusting it properly, I turned to Ama and was stunned.  She was wearing a tasteful, yet elegant dress that ended just a little above her knees, her hair was brushed in a way that it caught the light and shone dazzlingly. Her tails were immaculate and waved slowly, accentuating their fluffiness.


“………” (Keeno)


“Oh Sun my beloved, I shall bring you close, so I may feel your warmth, and hold you high so your brightness may enamor all who bask in it.  Lovely Amaterasu, you stun me with a beauty so dazzling, it warms my soul and captures my heart.  Your divine form can ruin nations and enrapture all, as you have done with me.” (Keeno)

{Hehehe.  Why thank you, my dashing Draconic Fox Princess.}

I smiled at Ama and held out a hand.

“May I have the pleasure of escorting my Lady on this fine day?” (Keeno)

{I’ll be the one escorting, but I shall accept the gesture all the same so thank you, my Lady.}

Ama reached out and took my hand. I kissed the back of it, trying to act as princely as I could before linking my arm with hers.  We both smiled and a shining door appeared in front of us. We stepped through it and were immediately faced with a sight of what I could only call the most luxurious bazaar I’ve ever seen. Shops lined up to infinity with smaller stalls set up in front of them advertising the wares, people milling about in every direction, the smell of strange slices in the air, music coming from some indistinct place yet was pleasing to the ear.

“This is amazing.” (Keeno)

{Hehe.  This is a favorite place of mine. There is always something interesting to find thanks to various craft gods and goddesses, foods from culinary specialists, music performed by the Goddess of Music herself, it’s just…indescribably fun.}

“Then let us get to this indescribable fun.” (Keeno)

Ama smiled and led he way to our first stop. As we went, several of the gods around us stopped and stared and started whispering. Others called out and congratulated Ama before moving on.  Aside from acknowledging a few, we mostly ignored them as we focused on each other and our destination.

The first place we stopped at looked like a small boutique with several stands of clothes in front of and behind the window. All the clothes were beautiful and also exactly what I like.

{This place is really good. At one point they asked me to make a special enchantment for their stands that would show people things that they like, so each set on display looks different to every person. It was such a fun little thing to figure out.}

“You’re so cute when you gush about magic.” (Keeno)

Ama lightly blushed as we entered the boutique. Inside was much more spacious than I expected and the walls were lined with clothes of various designs, all of which were stunning.

{Do you want to get all of your clothes here, or do you want to get several from other places?}

“I don’t know Ama, I don’t know anything about this place.” (Keeno)

{Right…then we’ll get you some here, then we’ll go to one of the tailoring gods to get a few custom sets for you. That may take most of the day though, but we should still have enough time for the main part of the date. We can always come back another time to explore more.}

“Sounds like a plan.” (Keeno)

We approached a pretty lady wearing some kind of flowing robes. She was looking down reading a book. When she looked up to see who was approaching her, her eyes went wide.

“L-lady Amaterasu!  To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today!?”

{I’m on a date with my wife and we were looking for some clothes for her that would survive her heat.  Her Authorities are Sun and Death.}

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I am Okami.” (Keeno)

“…Eh!?  Wife!?  Death Authority!?  This is…wonderful!  The world is about to be set on track again!  No more stagnation!”

{Calm down.}

“Ah!  My apologies!  Lady Okami, is there anything in particular you are looking for?”

“Mostly things that are easy to move in, form fitting preferably. Something like adventurer armor if you have it. Maybe some lighter, casual stuff to and…maybe something for Ama’s eyes only, if you know what I mean.” (Keeno)

The clerk lady took a second to process what I said then began brightly blushing.

“I-I think I get it…please come this way.”

{Still looking for ways to tempt me, eh?}

“Always. I have designs I want for this tailor too.  Some that I’m positive you’ll find appealing.” (Keeno)


The poor clerk goddess continued blushing as she lead us over to a spot and then started taking down clothes that matched my every demand perfectly.  There were so many that I liked that Ama took charge and said we’d take them all. This caused the clerk to smile brightly.

“Thank you for you patronage, Lady Amaterasu, Lady Okami.”

{I’ll take care of the payment, my wife here has some special circumstances, so until those are settled, come to me.}

“Yes ma’am. I’ll write it down.”

With that settled, we left the boutique.

“What kind of payment system is this?” (Keeno)

{As gods, we don’t really need or use proper currency, we trade small favors like the one I told you about with the enchantments.  And before you ask, no, it won’t get out of hand since there are rules for this. The favor can’t be something world changing, just small things here or there. Personal favors are different, but that’s mostly how commerce works here.}

“Interesting.” (Keeno)

{Now, on to the tailor.}

Ama led the way again. We wound through the crowd and shops, stopping at a few every so often and picking up some stuff here and there. I picked up some small trinkets for those close to me while we were at it. Eventually we made it to a shop that looked somewhat similar to the first boutique we visited only outwardly larger and more fancy looking.  We walked through the door and were greeted by a giant wall of mirrors made of some sort of crystal.

“Ah, Lady Amaterasu. It has been a while.”

Out of seemingly nowhere a very androgynous person appeared. Around their neck were several tailoring measuring tapes. They had bandolier styled belts that held an assortment of pins, scissors, and other tailoring tools strapped to them. When I looked closer, the person was also made of a cloth-like material. It looked like they were wearing an elegant tailcoat over a velvety vest made of a rich dark purple.  Their eyes glinted like polished garnets that seemed to change color in the light.

{Indeed it has. Are you free now, or are there commissions you are working on?}

“I am quite free. Are you going to introduce me to this young lady holding your arm?”

“My name is Okami, Ama’s wife.  My Authorities are Sun and Death with a third on the way.” (Keeno)

“Greetings, Mistress Okami.  What can this humble god of tailoring do for you today?”

“I was hoping you’d be able to help me with a few outfits. We got a few earlier, but I’d also like some more complicated ones that Ama said would be better to have specifically tailored.” (Keeno)

I then described several outfits to the god in front of me. They nodded at my requests as I listed them in as detailed a manner as I could.

“Oh, and finally some special lingerie if you make that.” (Keeno)

“I can tailor anything, so it is in scope of what I can do. I assume that specifically is something that you’d like to keep secret until the moment of use?”

“Yes.” (Keeno)

“Very well. I will listen to the specifics of it later, so for now I will take your measurements. Please move in front of the mirror and onto the podium.”

“Do I need to strip down?” (Keeno)

“I’m not a mortal, so those constraints mean nothing. Plus I feel like my physical wellbeing would be in danger if I asked that.”

I glanced at Ama who avoided my gaze.  I chuckled and stepped up onto the podium.  While the god if tailoring took my measurements, they asked a few questions.

“You did not describe a set like your current one. Would you like that as well?”


“Very well. Now, please hold this paper and think of the design for the lingerie. The specifics will be recorded and I will begin work on that immediately. For the rest I shall deliver them to Lady Amaterasu’s home once they are all finished.  Is this acceptable?”

“Yes.  Ama said she will take care of all payments for now due to my own personal situation, so feel free to ask her about that.” (Keeno)

“Understood.  Also, would you mind if I kept this design?  I could send any others of this that I make to other gods who specialize in this aspect to spark their creativity.”

“Feel free.” (Keeno)

“I am truly grateful. Your measurements are done. I shall make this product for you now, so please wait for a small while.”

The god then walked into the mirror which rippled like water.


{They need to have more fun. They’re always so businesslike that it just takes the wind out of people’s sails.}

“I think it’s fine. If they want to be that way, then we can’t really change them.” (Keeno)


Ama then moved over to the window and looked outside.

{I hope they don’t take too long, we’re running out of time for the main event.}

“I don’t think it’ll take much longer.  Lingerie shouldn’t take THAT long to make since there isn’t much to it.” (Keeno)


“Hehe.  Maybe not today, but you’ll find out eventually.  Look forward to it.” (Keeno)

{I always do.}

Around 20 minutes later, the god of tailoring came back out of the mirror again carrying a box.

“Mistress Okami, here is this order. As I said before, the rest will be delivered at a later date.”

{Thank you. You know what to do about payment.}

“Yes. Now please, get on with your date.”


“Hehe.  Thank you again.” (Keeno)

The god nodded and walked back to the mirror. We left as well and Ama led the way.  We eventually ended up in a different section of the bazaar where a lot of alcohol was being sold.  Ama looked around before her ears perked up and she led me to an alleyway with a door.  She knocked on it three times before a lock sounded and the door opened slowly. We walked inside before the door shut and locked again.

{This place is special in that the door moves around all the time. I only knew it was there because I reserved a place for us earlier.}

Ama then pulled out a small ticket and a glittery light floated out of it like fireflies leading to another door. We went through it and the door shut. Inside the room was a single table with two chairs, a large couch that sat in front of an entire wall made of windows that looked out over a scene so beautiful it was like an illusion. The scene was one of a mountain valley, one side full of coniferous trees, the other being a frozen land where all things there looked like ice sculptures. This was only enhanced by light is the suns.

I walked up to the window and looked out over all of the scenery.  Ama joined me after a second and smiled.

{The owner of this place really knows how to set the mood. But then again, as the goddess of love, that’s no surprise.}

“I wouldn’t think the goddess of love would run a place like this. Not that I even know what this place is.” (Keeno)

{It’s her hobby. She loves setting a mood that brings two people closer together so she made a place for that sole purpose.}

“I see. Then what are we going to do now?” (Keeno)


Ama grabbed my hand and led us over to the long couch. She sat me down before walking to a wall and pulling out two crystal cups. She placed them down on a table that appeared out of nowhere and then grabbed a bottle of wine.

{We sit close and drink some good wine while we admire the scenery.  While we do that, we wait for sunset. Then I have one final plan for the day.}

Ama poured some wine into the glasses and we each picked one up. We clinked them together before taking a sip. To say it was good would be an understatement. The richness combined with a sweetness I didn’t expect from wine went perfectly with the atmosphere, leading to a comforting feeling that is hard to reproduce when at home.

Ama mixed a bit closer to me before taking another sip.

{Keeno, I know I say this all the time, but I really, REALLY love you.  I love you so much it’s maddening. Just being close to you makes my rational vanish.}

“I’m the same. Sometimes it feels like I can only think about laying you down and ravaging you or being ravaged by you, other times it feels like I just want to be held in your arms for all time.  It’s so, so hard to focus on anything when I’m near you, and honestly, I’d have it on other way. I am yours and you are mine, we exist for one another and I’ll burn all existence if it meant I could spend just one more nanosecond with you.” (Keeno)

Ama stayed silent, but she didn’t need words to let me know how she felt. I just instinctually knew. We continued to sip our wine as we enjoyed each other’s warmth and presence.  In what felt like no time at all, the suns started on their descent to the horizon. The colors of sunset lit up the icy side of the valley in beautiful hues that mesmerized me.

{…It’s time.}

Ama stood up and then pulled something out of nowhere.

{Using one of my connections, I got in touch with a special Goddess of Crafts. One could even say she’s the greatest of them all.  It’s not really a tradition that gods follow, but some of us like it because of its sentimentality.}

Backlit by the setting suns, Ama held out a small box and opened the lid. Inside it was a small ring. It was shaped like nine small fox tails and matched the black and orange of her own tails. The tiny gem set in it was a faintly glowing orange, just like her eyes. Engraved into the tails were what looked like runes that I didn’t recognize but could understand just by seeing them as they spelled out Ama’s full name, our family name included.

Just seeing the ring caused my heart to skip a beat and I was lost for words. I could feel tears falling from my eyes due to the happiness of the moment as I sat and stared.

{Keeno Fafnir Okami, my beloved Fated One and light of my life. Please accept this ring and all of my feelings that accompany it. I swear to you that I shall love and cherish you forever and always, through any turmoil or tribulation.  My love for you burns hotter than any sun and all you being with me brings a happiness to my life that outshines any Magic.}

Ama took the ring out of the box and I held up my left hand. She slid it on my ring finger and once it was snugly in place, it was like it became a part of my body. It wasn’t uncomfortable and it felt like it was always there.  I looked at it in amazement for a moment when Ama lifted my hand and kissed the finger and ring.  She then placed a similar box in my lap.  Figuring out what she wanted, I gently took my hand from hers and lifted on the box.

I faced it to her and opened it before taking out another ring.  This one was a similar design of nine fox tails, only instead of black and orange, they matched my silver-white and blue. The small gem was a pitch black one with a glowing blue center and runes engraved into it with my full name. She offered her hand to me and I slid the ring on slowly.

“Amaterasu Okami.  I offer you this ring with a matrimonial vow. I will cherish you for eternity with a love that burns hotter than an infinite number of suns. Even if Death consumes mortal and god alike, I will be there to love and hold you. Through any trouble or tribulation, forever and always.  I offer up my Life to you and only you. I say as your beloved Fated One that no existence in all existence will stand in my way to getting to your side. Should the world deny me, I will fill it with fire and Death till nothing remains and become a Fox of Calamity should it mean I become worthy of this Fate to be with you.”

I then pulled Ama close and sat her on my lap. She leaned into me and moved her face close until our lips met.  Unlike our normal passionate kisses, this one was deep and conveyed all the feelings that we had no words to express to one another.  The moment lasted for only a few short minutes, but felt like an eternity. We broke our kiss just as the suns dipped under the horizon.

{I’ll see you again soon, my love.}

“I’ll be waiting with baited breath for that moment.”

And like that, our first date in the Divine Domain ended.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …

Tamamo: …

Luna: *stands up* Tamamo…

Tamamo: Lets go, Luna.

*Both vanish*

Atmos: I’m also going to see Grey. See you next time.

*Atmos vanishes*

Astraea: I want to see Evelyn.

*Payto opens a portal for Astraea*

Astraea: Thank you, Papa.

Order: …

Shall we go on a date as well?  I don’t want to be outdone by those two.

Order: Gladly. I’ll get my things.

*The two disappear shortly after.*

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