Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 116- Chatting with Emma and Fafnir

Chapter 116- Chatting with Emma and Fafnir

[Keeno POV]

I woke up in Fafnir’s cave. It was dark, only lit by a golden fire.  Emma and Fafnir sat by it while Pram and Freya slept nearby, holding each other close.  Sigurd was nowhere to be seen and my two feathered friends were perched on a root that was hanging from the roof of the cave.  Somehow sensing my presence, Fafnir turned around and smiled.

“Welcome back, little one.  Was your rendezvous with you previous one good?” (Fafnir)

I got up and walked over to the fire as I answered.

“Good doesn’t describe the wonderful time enough.  I don’t think there are any words to express how happy I am or how fun it was and look.” (Keeno)

I held out my hand to the two, showing off my ring.

“It’s beautiful, my Lady.” (Emma)

“…That’s a treasure worth the hoard of every dragon, past and present.  I’ve never seen such a thing of beauty, us excluded.” (Fafnir)

{And the best thing about our rings, we no longer have to worry about those pesky angels and their eavesdropping.  Some of the materials it’s made out of is halo light and embed with a spell I made for the same purpose.}

All three of us let out quite sounds of awe and I look at my ring with even more feelings of happiness.  We all admired it a little longer before looking up again.

“Why were you two still awake?” (Keeno)

“I’ve been getting a weird feeling lately and it’s becoming harder to ignore.” (Emma)

“I am the same. It’s like the grudge of the land is returning.” (Fafnir)

“…Ama, I’m just guessing here, but with no Dead Zone…” (Keeno)

{Undead.  A lot of undead.  The only saving grace about this is that the grudge has basically all condensed in the nearby city.  So, I’d say get ready for a horde.}

“Ugh. If it’s not one thing, it’s another in this country.” (Keeno)

“Lady Amaterasu, is there a timeline we have, or should we be ready at a moment’s notice?” (Emma)

{Well, Keeno would be more the one to ask that, but if I had to guess, you have a few more days, maybe a week at most.}

“How would I even tell; I can’t even feel this feeling Emma and Fafnir are.” (Keeno)

{You’ve just gotten used to feeling a lot of grudge.  Fafnir would be the same, but seeing as her body was revived not too long ago, that affects her mind and abilities.  Emma, being a Valkyrie and being close to you, who is a giant magnet of grudge didn’t get to feel much of it either.  They are a bit more sensitive to the feeling.  Or at least that’s what I think.  But none of you need to worry about it for the moment, so calm down.}

“Hmm.  Oh, Fafnir, there are a few things I would like to ask you.  I have been meaning to for the past few days, but I kept getting either distracted or just forgetting, but would you mind staying here and helping Emma out?  With the Dead Zone gone, someone needs to coordinate with the Death Spirits and keep things in check, and I thought you’d be perfect for the role, being half Death Spirit yourself now, among other reasons.” (Keeno)

“Of course, my little one.  While I would like to see this world and how it’s changed since my first death, I can wait, after all, I now have eternity to do so.  Plus, this one here is interesting.  While I won’t say anything about your obvious expectations about our relationship, I do wish to get to know her more.  Especially if she is special to you.  I will also need to meet these other two you have claimed as family at some point.” (Fafnir)

“I’ll arrange that.  Now, the second thing is, once we clear up, or at least assist in this upcoming crisis, would you mind flying me, Pram, and Freya out of Falheim?  Just dropping us off at the other end of the buffer zone is fine, but I could really do without walking for a month just to get back to civilization after who knows how long of being here.” (Keeno)

“Of course.  I cannot have one descended from me not know the joy of flying freely through the skies at least once in their life.  It’s just a shame you were born with those tails instead of wings.” (Fafnir)

“…But I really like my tails…” (Keeno)

“Ah!  T-that’s not what I meant, my little one…I-I did not mean to insult your beautifully fluffy tails in the slightest…I-I just meant that you would be even more beautiful with a pair of wings to go with them…P-please don’t hate me!” (Fafnir)

“Faf, I think she’s messing with you.” (Emma)

“I’m not though, I really do like my tails, and you’d know if I wasn’t upset about it.” (Keeno)

“Keeno, I know you…well, I know the younger you and what you were taught by that person.  You can cry fake tears just as easily as you can conjure fire and emulate a mood change in the time it takes to blink.” (Emma)

“…” (Fafnir)

“*Sigh*Ok, Emma, first, I really wasn’t acting, and Fafnir, don’t worry, I won’t hate you for something as small as that.  I got what you meant, but I still had to say it, or I feel like something else would happen.  Remember what happened a few days ago?” (Keeno)

“Ah…I do indeed.” (Fafnir)

Fafnir scooted over from her spot next to the fire and got closer to me before asking for permission with a glance.  I nodded slightly and she started patting one of my tails.

“…This truly is blissful.  I sincerely apologize for my earlier statement.” (Fafnir)

“I accept your apology, mum.” (Keeno)

Me calling her that seemed to make Fafnir’s brain completely stop working.

“Hehe.” (Keeno)

“Now you’re really messing with her.” (Emma)

“Yes.  Though I get the feeling that calling her that in the future is a very real possibility.  By the way, Emma, when do you plan of going to that place Ama found?” (Keeno)

“That thing that happened when I became a Valkyrie?” (Emma)

“Yeah.  Ama did say that Red now shows up there every time she goes to the Divine Domain, even when she wants to open a pathway in a different spot.  And I really would like you two to meet sooner rather than later.  You’ll both be helping me out, so I can’t have you two not be close.” (Keeno)

“I’ll go after we deal with this upcoming crisis.  You’ll be staying a little longer after that, right?” (Emma)

“Unless something unexpected like being mobbed by tons of people calling me a goddess happens and I have to make a scene getting out of there, then yeah.  I mean, I kind of wanted a few more days rest before leaving, but this is extending our stay a little longer than expected.” (Keeno)

“Well, as selfish as this may make me sound, I’m kind of happy about that.  I mean, we’ve only just reunited and you’re already trying to move on.  We haven’t even really had much time to catch up with everything.  We got the overall explanation, but none of the small, fun stories.” (Emma)

“True, but we have time.  And even with me no physically here, we can talk wherever, whenever now.  Though I guess the same doesn’t work with Sigurd, but I feel like he’s been trying to keep a certain amount of distance for some reason.” (Keeno)

“He’s probably still in the mindset of war and its hierarchy.  It has been a long time, after all.  Give him time and he’ll eventually get over it…probably.” (Emma)

{I agree with Emma.  Sigurd is one of those mortals that takes things too seriously, and a personality like that mixing with a routine that he’s had for many years will take time to get settled, if ever…though maybe not?  Mortal minds are weird.}

“Hmm.  We still need a way to extend his lifespan.  We can’t have our first Paladin dying of old age after all, Ama.  And, if the saying holds true here as well, time will fix most wounds, whether they be physical or mental.” (Keeno)

{I do have an idea about that, but we need to know if you can bless people yet.  Doesn’t matter if it’s a major Blessing, but knowing if you can do it at all or not is still important.}

“How do I go about trying that out?” (Keeno)

{Wait for Sigurd to get back.  It won’t really work on Freya or Pram if it’s not a major Blessing since they are currently completing Apostle Trials.  Emma is a Valkyrie, and Fafnir is a half Death Spirit, so no Death Blessing will work on them since they already receive all the benefits one could provide.  And a Sun blessing isn’t really THAT useful for them…though I guess it could improve Fafnir’s flames a bit, but it wouldn’t really be noticeable, and we probably shouldn’t stress her soul too much just yet.}

“Then wait for Sigurd we shall.” (Keeno)

“…Ehehehe.  I was called mum.” (Fafnir)

“And she’s back with us.” (Emma)

“Indeed she is.” (Keeno)

“Did I miss something?” (Fafnir)

“Not really.  Oh right, there was one more thing, Fafnir.” (Keeno)

She deflated a little at me calling her by her name again, but she recovered quickly and looked me in the eye while waiting for me to continue.

“Please, keep them safe.  While I know Freyr is now king, that doesn’t mean everyone will immediately start following him.  I’m sure there will be people that go after anyone that seemed close to him, so Emma and Sigurd need to be protected at all costs.” (Keeno)

“That’s only natural, my little one.” (Fafnir)

“I’m a bit surprised you didn’t mean Freyr.” (Emma)

“He’s a nice guy, I guess, and a decent leader, but I have no attachment to him.  As far as I’m concerned, my contract with him ended the second Fafnir told him to become king with so many witnesses.  Of course, I’m still waiting for the scales, but I can use a proxy, if either you or Sigurd don’t mind doing so.  I’ve said it many times, Pram is the saint, I’m not.  I’m not going to stick around long enough to somehow be dragged into power struggles and political whatever here.  It may seem irresponsible, but who cares because I sure don’t.  I have other things to do, and I can’t spare the time.” (Keeno)

“Emma, you must be careful as well.  Human politics are always a pain to deal with.  People know your connection with Keeno, and some will want to take advantage of that.” (Fafnir)

“Then I just need to stick close to you, don’t I?  No one wants to steal the maiden away from the dragon that’s captured her, after all.” (Emma)

“…” (Fafnir)

“Um…” (Keeno)

{Hush, Keeno.  Let them have their moment.}

Fafnir was lightly blushing, and though Emma said the words, she was as well.

“…T-*ahem*That aside, I will do my utmost to protect your special people here, my little one.” (Fafnir)

“Thank you…now, I feel tired, so I’m going to try and sleep a little.  You two should sleep as well.” (Keeno)

“Good night, my Lady.” (Emma)

“Rest well, my little one.” (Fafnir)

“Same to you two.” (Keeno)

I moved over to my bedmat and laid down and several minutes later, I succumbed to sleep.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …Why did I have such a weird dream right after a nice date with Tamamo?

Hehe.  No clue.

Luna: You know something!

No I don’t!

Luna: Stop lying or at least try to not make it obvious about it!

Order: What is she talking about?

Don’t worry about it, Order.  It’s something to do with some time shenanigans and other Chaos Realms outside mine.  The less you know, the less confused you’ll be.  And Luna, don’t worry about it.

Order: Ok.

Luna: Fine.  But I’ll get you back one of these days for trying to trick me.

I look forward to seeing what you try.

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