Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 137- 20th Birthday

Chapter 137- 20th Birthday

[Keeno POV]

Two weeks had passed after the…incident and things have basically returned to normal, though we did move to separate rooms in the inn. Waking up today and stretching, I opened the curtains letting the light of the suns in. For some reason, mine seemed a bit brighter than usual, giving the world a slight bluish tint.

{I thought I’d step back just a bit to let you shine brighter on your birthday.}

“Aww.  Thank you, Ama…how old am I again?”


“Really?  Neat.”

{I feel you are a few thousand years too young to be forgetting how old you are.}

“Does it really matter if I’m Immortal?”

{I mean, not really, but you should at least keep track of it while you live down there. You never know if some kind of social norm will get in your way.}

“Wouldn’t you and Fia have told me about that if there was one?”

{…Anyway, Fia should be waiting for you near my temple in this city.  Get dressed and go meet with her. She’s been really nervous about your gift, so go put her mind at ease.}

“She should know I’ll love any gift she gets me.”

{I told her the same thing, but you know how she is.}

“Oh, that lovable bird.  If only she’d show that side of her more often, she’d find a girlfriend easily.”

{I mean, you could do the same with that public face you put on.}

“True, but it’s a hard habit to break and it surprisingly helps with people taking me seriously. Guess that stupid royalty training is good for something.”

{Yes, yes, now get ready.}

“I am.”

Taking a bit to get my daily readiness done and applying some of the oil Ama got for me, I left my room only to run into Pram and Freya coming in my direction.

“Morning and happy birthday.” (Pram)

“Happy birthday.” (Freya)

“Thanks, you two.” (Keeno)

I hugged both of them tightly before we all started walking out of the inn together.

“Any special plans for today?” (Pram)

“We need to go to Ama’s temple and meet up with Fia. From there not really. I was just going to play it by ear.” (Keeno)

After leaving the inn we walked for a bit until we reached the biggest street in the city. Dodging around the growing morning crowd we finally arrived at a large cathedral-like building.

“Hmph.” (Keeno)

{We’ve been over this, Keeno. Mortals do whatever they want, just because this isn’t to my personal tastes doesn’t mean I’m going to smite everyone that takes things into their own hands and interprets what I like.}

“It’s just overly gaudy in my opinion.  No building needs that much gold and silver inlay and jewel encrusted handles. It’s more a show of greed than dedication to you.” (Keeno)

{Like I said, let it go, this same thing will happen to you later.}

“Well, I hope they at least try and make something decent. No overly decorated stone or metal, just a wooden shrine or longhouse style is fine.” (Keeno)

{Then make sure you Apostles say as much when overseeing your temples.}

I looked over at Freya.

“Let’s deal with that when we get there.” (Freya)

I playfully filled my eyes as we pushed open the doors. As we entered a priestess bowed to us as we passed and entered the main hall. Lining each side of an isle were rows upon rows of pews leading to as dais with a large statue of Ama standing behind it. I looked around for Fia, ignoring most of the other worshipers and the decently sized group closest to the dais wearing shiny silver armor.  I finally saw the distinct horn-like feathers I knew all too well.  She was standing behind a pillar just in view enough for us to see her.  After moving over there, she held a finger up to her lip and led us further into the cathedral.

“Sorry for the secrecy, I didn’t realize those annoying paladins were in town.” (Fia)

“…” (Keeno)

We were led out of a small but thick wooden door into a pretty atrium full of flowers, small trees ripe with fruit, and other plants lush and full of life.

“My opinion about the building aside, I like this.” (Keeno)

Stepping over a small man-made creek Fia led us to a few small benches.

“Sorry again, Keeno. I wanted to meet you outside, but I’d saw those paladins coming here and only thought to hide deeper inside.” (Fia)

“What’s up with them anyway?” (Freya)

“…I’d explain, but I would ruin the day, just know for now that it’s best if you all avoid them.” (Fia)

While the lack of an explanation was a bit unsettling, I shrugged it off into future me.  I scooted closer to Fia and hugged her.

“Good to see you again, Fia.” (Keeno)

“You saw me two weeks ago.” (Fia)

“And?  I’m allowed to miss you.” (Keeno)

“Oh, you lovable fox, stop refuting everything I say with such logical statements.” (Fia)

I then became the hugee instead of the hugger.  After letting me go Fia moved over and pulled out a black box so dark it was like it absorbed all light.

“Though I’m not the one that made it, I hope you like the gift. Happy birthday, Keeno.” (Fia)

“You know that doesn’t matter to me.” (Keeno)

I carefully picked up the box and placed it in my lap. To my surprise it was made out of a wood that I’ve never seen or felt before as it was smoother than any metal even from what I could remember from my past life.

“I’m almost tempted to just keep this box as the gift. It’s fascinating.” (Keeno)

Fia reacted to this with a worried expression. I smiled at her before playfully bumping her with my arm.

“You little trickster.” (Fia)

“I’m not lying, but just because I like the box doesn’t mean I’m not gonna open it. That would fail to do justice for the box’s reason for existing.” (Keeno)

I clicked the black metal latch and slowly opened the lid. Before I even opened it all the way, a small note written with crimson letters fell out. Glancing at it I saw it was an explanation of the box’s features. I took a mental note to look over it later and stored it in my ring before fully opening the box.

Inside was a folded article of clothing made of feathers.  A large majority of them were black or dark grey and reminiscent of Huginn and Muninn’s feathers. There were also several crimson red and orange ones that I recognized immediately. Looking up at Fia with shock on my face, she turned away, clearly embarrassed.  Standing up and setting the box on the bench, I picked up the gift and it unfurled into a beautiful feather cloak.  Another small letter fell out of it which I quickly caught and saw it was written by the same person as the last one. It detailed the specifics of the cloak’s make and other information for cleaning and care as well as letting me know it was a Divine Raiment that only I could wear.  I put that note away as well, wanting nothing more than to just try it on.

Moving my hair out of the way, which turned out to be more of a hassle than normal due to its length, I placed it on my shoulders and clasped it with the tiny fox shaped clasps.  After a few seconds it shrunk to a comfortable size. Wearing it was amazing as well.  The back was split into two parts, sort of like a long scarf, leaving my back exposed due to my current number of tails and the fact I’d have more in the future.  The hood was deep and, according to the others, hid my face in perfect shadow, only showing my glowing blue eyes.

“I love it, Fia.  I have no other words other than that.” (Keeno)

“I’m so glad. I’ve been worried about it for the past month.” (Fia)

I lowered the hood and hugged Fia again.  She began patting my head and smiled.  After another minute of this, we let go.

“So, with the gift given, what do you feel like doing the rest of the day?” (Fia)

“Hmmm.” (Keeno)

While I would have loved to see Ama, I knew it wasn’t possible, so I thought about it.

“Anyone here want to go and just relax by a lake?  No worrying about anything, just sit there, enjoy the day, fish a bit.” (Keeno)

“Sounds fun.  We do need some rest since we’ve been working nonstop the last few weeks.” (Pram)

“I like the sound of fishing.” (Fia)

“Want me to cook any we catch?” (Fia)

““NO!!”” (Keeno and Pram)


“I know I’m not great, but I can’t be THAT bad.” (Fia)

“It’s not that, Fia. I know you’ve improved over the years, but Keeno is actually super good at…what did you call it?” (Pram)

“Campfire cooking.  Still bad in a kitchen, but out in the open and simple things I feel like I can at least be called above average.” (Keeno)

For a split second I thought I heard a whisper saying something about more training but decided that it was nothing before standing up and walking toward an exit with my new cloak billowing behind me.

“She’s going to try and be as dramatic as possible now, isn’t she.” (Fia)

{Isn’t it adorable?}

“I can hear you; you know.” (Keeno)

We left the temple, thankfully without having to sneak from those paladins Fia seemed to hate. Also, something I noticed about my new cloak is that the phoenix feathers periodically flashed blue like my flames which I found very pretty, and I couldn’t help but smile at the gift, my public persona be damned.  Leaving through one of the gates this time, we walked over to the big lake, now a slight bit shallower, next to the city. It was just as serene as the last time I saw it, reflecting the sky and space clouds like a perfectly crafted mirror.  There were a few other people here as well, but all of them were far enough away that they wouldn’t bother us.  We found a nice, sunny spot and sat down. I immediately pulled out some fishing stuff while Pram and Freya laid down on the grass. Fia sat down next to me after pulling a small log out of her own storage ring.

“Got a spare one of those?” (Fia)

“I have several.” (Keeno)

“…Why?” (Fia)

I looked away while scratching my cheek.

“I may or may not have gotten frustrated and burnt a few a few times.” (Keeno)

“…” (Fia)

I ignored Fia’s slightly judging gaze and cast a line into the water. She sighed and did the same soon after. A little while after this, Huginn and Muninn landed next to me, eyeing my new cloak with interest.

“And where have you two been?” (Keeno)

“Cawcacaw.” (Huginn)

“I see. You’ve been training your underlings in the ways of reconnaissance and assassination. Interesting.” (Keeno)

“Don’t you have a goal for a different third Authority?  If you aren’t careful, you’ll become the Goddess of Ravens.” (Fia)

{Actually, there are special circumstances to any Authority over Feathered Beings now, so she can’t.}

“…Huh?” (Fia)

{Don’t worry about it for now.}

“If you say so.” (Fia)

We fell into silence as my two bird companions hopped around me before deciding they could inspect my feathers later and hopped into my tails for a nap. We spent many hours sitting there fishing while Pram and Freya fell asleep in the embrace of one another.  Fia and I had started a small competition to see who could catch more fish, which I was winning.  I also got to see a rare side of Fia getting frustrated. So much so she accidentally burnt one of my fishing rods which got quite a few laughs from me and Ama and an embarrassed pout from Fia.  A few more hours later, and me being declared the undisputed winner of our impromptu contest we were packing stuff up and waking the two sleeping lovers when something unexpected happened.

“Well, well, well, you’re a very hard person to find, Fiametta.” (???)

“That voice…Mostima?” (Fia)

Turning to face where the voice came from, I saw that fallen angel we briefly met on our way out of Vanir.

“Hehehe.  I hope you won’t run away this time. We have a lot to talk about.” (Mostima)

“I never ran, I just had a lot of important things to take care of.” (Fia)

“Really, cause last I remember seeing you it was with a look of horror as most of Lokir was awash in a sea of ever-burning flames while horrors beyond words burned along with them.” (Mostima)

“I’ve gotten over it.” (Fia)

“That’s good, but just abandoning your partner like that afterwards makes you look bad. Do you have any idea how much trouble it was getting out of there after things calmed down?” (Mostima)

“I’d imagine very difficult, not that it’s any easier for me there anyway.  Did you know they still blame me?” (Fia)

“Hehehe.  I’m surprised you ever went back.” (Mostima)

“My job called for it.” (Fia)

“Oh?  And what does that Sunny Fox Lady have you doing that’s so important?” (Mostima)

I saw red.

“Show her some respect.” (Keeno)

Before I knew it my swords were in my hands and I was about to move toward her when I felt an unseen pressure on me, making it extremely hard to move.

“Heh.  So, you can still move?  Interesting.” (Mostima)

“Stop it, Tima.  If you don’t, we’re all going to have problems and start an unnecessary conflict.” (Fia)

The pressure on me instantly vanished.

“Let’s move location. Seems we have a lot more to discuss than I thought.” (Mostima)

She stepped past me and stood next to Fia.

“Oh, and sorry about the gravity thing, Little…Fox?  It’s a force of habit when people show hostility to me.” (Mostima)

“Hmph.” (Keeno)

“*Sigh*” (Fia)

{I completely agree, Fia.}

We then started walking back to the city for a long night of interrogation.

Chaos Realm:

Alex: Payto, are you back yet!?

No need to yell.

Alex: …Do I even need to ask why you are covered in face paint?

Astraea and Evelyn.

Alex: Say no more…

Shh.  That’s why I said no need to yell. Don’t wake Nykuro.

Alex: Alright. Anyway, I wanted to ask what happened?  As your Apostle I feel like I need to know, especially since my Destruction powers are weird now.

In short, my Concept and subsequent Authority over said concept has evolved from Destruction to Nihility.

Alex: …That can happen?


Alex: In my defense I’ve never seen it happen.

You haven’t lived long enough then.

Alex: …Just how old are you?

Some things are better left unknown, Alex.

Alex: I get it, so put the pressure away.


Alex: So, anything I need to know?

Just make sure to practice controlling it. It needs more finesse than Destruction and it has more consequences for use when used. So don’t start mass producing Nihility weapons like you did Destruction ones.

Alex: I can do that. Do I need to scrap the old things?


Alex: Alright. I’ll go get to training then.

Good luck.

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