Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 138- Reconciliation

Chapter 138- Reconciliation

[Keeno POV]

After making it back into the city, we went to the Guild and Fia asked for a private room for us to talk. After securing the door we all sat around a big table. Fia pulled out some drink and several glasses from her ring and poured some for each of us before sliding the glasses to us.  Mostima caught hers and downed it one go before sliding it back to Fia.  The tension in the room palpable, especially between the two of them.

“Before anything else, Tima, show some respect to Rasu. This conversation won’t go anywhere if you two don’t at least act cordial.” (Fia)

“What does the Sun Goddess have to do with this?  I know being her Apostle is important for you, but you’ve never had a problem with how I address before.” (Mostima)

Fia glanced at me, and I nodded, not seeing any point in keeping secrets from a person who knew Fia’s true identity.

“It’s because she’s Rasu’s Fated One.  You surely understand what that means, right?” (Fia)

Mostima’s eyes went wide, and she turned her gaze from Fia to me.

“…That…damn…*sigh* Sorry for getting off on the wrong foot this time, Miss Okami.  I didn’t mean to offend you or your Fated One, my emotions are just running a bit high since I’ve finally found Fiametta after so long.” (Mostima)

“Wait, you’ve met before?” (Fia)

“Briefly.” (Keeno)

“We shared a campfire for a bit.  By the way, was it you who made such a scene in Vanir?  When I got there after that night things were strained and that oh so infamous Hunter was all anyone could talk about.” (Mostima)

“Well, at least Red seems to be getting stuff done.  I wish she would talk to me sometimes.” (Keeno)

“…Well, this surprising information aside, I should also apologize to you, Mostima. I know it probably doesn’t mean much seeing as I’ve kind of avoided this for…a few thousand years, but it’s all I can really say.” (Fia)

Fia then downed her own glass before refilling both hers and Mostima’s and sliding it back to her. The blue haired fallen angel caught it again and looked down into the amber liquid as she mulled over Fia’s words.

“Can someone please explain what’s happening and some context?” (Freya)

“In the time before the Dead Zones, the world was much different and there was a time then where horrors called Fiends appeared. They started wreaking havoc on the world, corrupting everything they touched, causing mortals to go mad, killing everything indiscriminately.  Basically, a time where almost nothing good ever happened.” (Mostima)

“In those times, mortals banded together with the few Gods around at the time to fight and eradicate the Fiends. Still a lot of losses, but we managed to succeed in the end. In one such case was in current day Lokir. To win that battle I as a newly appointed Apostle had to stoop to drastic measures.  Those measures being full use of my Soul Weapon.” (Fia)

“That, in turn, caused all of Lokir except the area where the Dead Zone is to become a desert of ash and flames.” (Mostima)

“Hence my title as Eternal Flame.” (Fia)

“At the time, it was an unavoidable outcome, though it also cemented Fiametta’s status as extremely hated by the natives of that land.  She also, for lack of a better word, ran after that happened. I did hear that she played a big part in the final battle.” (Mostima)

“It was a very grueling, horrible battle too. I still sometimes see it in my dreams, though it’s been a while since I have after Okami showed up.” (Fia)

“Anyway, after the Fiends were eradicated, I spent all these years looking for Fiametta. You are a very hard phoenix to find. Every now and then I would hear a rumor of you being somewhere only for you to be long gone when I got there.  I actually heard you were spotted in Lokir not too long ago and was preparing to head that way when I ran into you here.” (Mostima)

“For my part I was mostly going around making sure the Dead Zones were doing their job, or at least as close as I could get to them in some cases like here in Odeen where I had to be more careful else people get stupid ideas. Then 20 years ago I had to go to Falheim to get Okami. After successfully getting her out, we spent 13 years in Solheim before going separate ways.” (Fia)

“To think I could have found you in Solheim.” (Mostima)

“I actually tried my best to make sure no information about that got out. Not so you couldn’t find me since I actually didn’t know you were still looking for me, but because I didn’t want any people who I’ve made enemies of to find us as well as just treating it like a vacation.” (Fia)

“So, are you done with the Dead Zones?  I’ve been around long enough to know Vanir doesn’t have one anymore.” (Mostima)

“That’s where I come in.  But first, full introduction seeing as Fia trusts you and you know about my circumstances to a certain extent.  I’m Keeno Fafnir Okami, Goddess of the Blue Sun and Death, aspiring Goddess of Runes, and the Fated One of Amaterasu who needs no introduction.  And, while you know this, I’d still prefer you call me Okami for now.” (Keeno)

“Honestly Keeno, that stipulation hardly seems necessary seeing as most people who find out your name end up calling you by Keeno nearly as soon as they learn it.” (Pram)

“I know that happens a lot, but I still at least want to try and keep it as a precedent of formality.” (Keeno)

“You’re just being stubborn.” (Freya)

“Anyway, I’m dismantling the Dead Zones so I can fully come into my power as a goddess. Fia has been going around setting things up, so I have a slightly better time doing so, though the only time so far that has actually helped was in Vanir.  After that we’ve gotten Falheim’s and we’re on the way to get Odeen’s. We have two contacts inside the capital that are going to help us as well, though only one of them knows this, the other doesn’t.” (Keeno)

“Hoho.  Seems like it’s nearing time for the world to change again.  If you don’t mind me asking, who are your contacts?” (Mostima)

“Aslan, the new Prime Minister and Eblana the Death Dragon.” (Keeno)

“Pffft.” (Fia)

“That’s gross, Fia.” (Pram)

“When did you meet the Prime Minister?” (Fia)

“He was that noble we befriended on the way to Vanir. Apparently, he inherited the position recently.” (Pram)

“That is a surprise, but the dragon isn’t. I mean, you have some relation to the old Dragon Queen after all.” (Mostima)

“…Eh!?  Mum’s the Dragon Queen!?  Dragons have a queen!?” (Keeno)

“Pfffft. Mum!!??  She’s your mother!!???  How, she died a thousand years ago!?” (Mostima)

“She got better.” (Keeno)

{Hahahahahahaha!  I’ve been waiting to see that reaction!  It’s also funny how you can’t ever escape being royalty.}

“It’s not that funny, Ama!  Why didn’t you tell me!?” (Keeno)

{Because you never showed that much interest in it directly to me.}

“That’s just semantics!” (Keeno)

“Ok, let’s calm down and get back on topic.” (Freya)

“Thank you, Freya.  Fafnir related things aside, after taking care of the Dead Zone here, they are heading to Lokir, right?” (Fia)

“That’s the plan if everything works out. If they don’t, we end up dead, but I’m not gonna let that happen.” (Keeno)

“I’ve already gotten you some allies there in the form of the Radiant Knights.” (Fia)

“They’re still around?” (Mostima)

“I was surprised by it as well, but yeah. Though they now hide that affiliation under a different name which is the Knights of Eclipse.” (Fia)

“…Well.  I have some information on them. I was actually going to get to it after the Prime Minister was mentioned, but now things are getting even more interesting.  See, there is an envoy from Lokir here in Odeen to discuss some trade agreement along with Odeen and Nidavellir. They’ve been having meetings for a while now, from what I’ve heard and the guards for said envoy are the aforementioned Knights of Eclipse, or at least their leader.” (Mostima)

{Phobos is being a bit heavy handed here.  This reeks of his influence.}

“I don’t like it either, Ama. He needs a better hobby than making things easy like this.  It’s honestly been going uncomfortably well.” (Keeno)

{That’s it, I’m gonna go get Hresvelgr and we’re going to teach him a lesson for meddling with stuff this much.  Happy birthday, Keeno. If I’m not back before midnight, get Fia to come find me.}

“I heard that.” (Fia)

“So, anyone want to tell me why I’m hearing this weird noise in my head?  Sounds super scratchy and only shows up when you are talking to who I assume is Goddess Amaterasu.” (Mostima)

“Don’t worry about it. It’s a countermeasure so no angels can hear Ama when she talks to me.  Don’t know why it sounds like static to you though.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.  Oh, I got caught up in the conversation so far, but going back to the beginning a bit, Fiametta, tell me, why did you run back then, well, I know the reason, what I actually want to know is why you never at least told me where you went or tried to find me afterword. I won’t take an excuse like you forgot or you thought I died between then and now.” (Mostima)

Her expression grew extremely serious, and her pointed tail swished back and forth in suspenseful agitation.

“Honestly, directly after that, I just didn’t want to face you. Lokir was also your homeland and I reduced literally the entire country to ash.  I thought you’d hate me, so I ran both from the consequences and you. Am I proud of that?  Not in the slightest, but it’s not like I can go back in time and change it. And even if I could, I wouldn’t.” (Fia)

Mostima looked down at the table, her hair hiding her expression.

“…I could never hate you.  I never have…I…it’s impossible.” (Mostima)

I looked at Freya and Pram. The three of us clearly heard what she said, but Fia obviously didn’t.  The three of us observed Fia as she stared at the fallen angel with an expression full of nervousness mixed with sadness and…longing?  Clearly Fia still valued the friendship they shared.

“Fiametta, we were partners who fought on the worst battlefields to ever grace this world’s history.  We faced death more times than I can count and saved each other’s lives just as many times.  One decision that led to a major victory, no matter how destructive it was, could make me hate you. I won’t lie and say I wasn’t the happiest person when you ran away, but after so many years of thinking about it, I understood at least some of why you did.  I don’t blame you in the slightest.  I know you weren’t and clearly still aren’t that adept at reading people when they are close to you, and I can also tell you are finally getting better at that, but you or the goddess you served should have been able to figure that out after all this time.” (Mostima)

By the end of her statement her voice started to break with tears.  Fia, for her part, was also on the verge of crying as well.  I had never seen her look so vulnerable that it made me sit back and watch instead of commenting on Mostima’s dig at Ama.

“It’s…not that she didn’t try…I was the one that didn’t want to listen when she tried.  After a long enough time of that she just stopped trying.  Like I said, I felt I couldn’t face you. After so long I’d gotten so used to ignoring it that…” (Fia)

She couldn’t even finish speaking as the tears took over.  She slumped forward, holding her face in her hands as she sobbed.  I wanted to get up and comfort her, but I knew that this wasn’t the place for me to do so.  Looking over at Mostima, she had a soft look on her tear-stricken face. She quietly got up and walked over to Fia before pulling her close and patting her head.

“Fiametta…Fia, you were my closest friend, partner in battle, you were everything to me. You saved me when I was this close to being killed by a Fiend just after my Fall, you did your best to keep everyone safe, even at the cost of your beautiful feathers until you had no more to give. Even when you became the Apostle of the Sun, I was the only one to never treat you differently when all you wanted was a shoulder to cry on and someone to watch you back without revering you.  I could never EVER hate you.  I LOVED you; I STILL LOVE you.  Do you want to know what I thought when I saw you sitting next to that lake earlier?  I was excited and relieved. I wanted to do nothing more than run up to you and hug you. To just sit there hugging you until all that existed in the world was the two of us.” (Mostima)

Pram and I completely fell silent.  We looked at one another before looking back at the two and back at one another again.  We came to a wordless mutual agreement.

“Mostima…am I-” (Fia)

“No words, Fia.  Just listen to me.” (Mostima)

Mostima held Fia’s shoulders and crouched until they were face to face and staring into each other’s eyes.

“I never told you back then because I was never sure if I would survive.  After you ran, though I couldn’t focus on finding you for a while, you were always in my thoughts. You are the first and only person I’ve ever loved. I expected these feelings to go away at some point in my long journey to find you, and for a long time I thought they did, but the second I saw you it was like the flames of my feelings were reignited.  I know I probably sound like I’m trying to manipulate you or something, but I NEEDED to tell you this.” (Mostima)

Fia, for her part, was completely silent. Her sobs had stopped, and she was staring blankly into Mostima’s eyes.

“Tima…” (Fia)

Fia’s voice carried so many strong emotions that they even affected us.  Pram pulled Freya closer, and I couldn’t help but reminisce on my times with Ama.  On their side they were locked in a staring contest. I could tell that they were having a full conversation with their gaze seeing as I’ve experienced the same kind of thing with Ama more than once. At the end of their silent conversation fresh tears streamed from their eyes and Fia wrapped her arms around Mostima’s neck before pulling her into a kiss.  It lasted for a few seconds before they broke apart.

“Mostima…I’m so sorry. I never intended to hurt you and I honestly hate myself for never looking for you or even attempting to think about looking for you for all these years. I know that I am unworthy of your feelings…but I honestly can’t help it. I promise you that I’ll spend as many years as it takes to make up for it, but please accept this as my first step to redemption.” (Fia)

“Hehehe.  You silly bird.  Didn’t I already say that I didn’t hate you?  I’m just relieved that you accepted my feelings. You always seemed so removed from things like this that I’m honestly surprised.” (Mostima)

“You can blame that on the two foxes I have to deal with.  They flaunt their relationship so much that I’m surprised my blood hasn’t turned to pure sugar by now.” (Fia)

“Hey!” (Keeno)

“Pffft.” (Mostima)

At this point I felt like it was time for us to leave the two alone to sort things out themselves.  I stood up followed by Pram and Freya.

“We’ll leave the two of you alone for the night.  Feel free to reminisce, gaze into each other’s eyes, make out to your heart’s content. We’ll see you two tomorrow if you’re willing.” (Keeno)

With that we fled the room and went back to the inn for the night.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Well now, talk about an intriguing development.

Tamamo: Definitely.

Atmos: Hmm.  Is that the definition of star-crossed lovers?

Luna: No.


Soleil: Eh?

Velvet: What the heck?

Ophidia: Oh, hey Master!

Skadi: It’s been a while since I’ve been here.

Mio: Same nya.

Fenrir: It’s been a while since I’ve seen any of you, Mio excluded.

Luna: Impromptu watch party time!  Also, hey everyone!  Missed seeing all of you.

Soleil: You saw us a few hours ago.

Velvet: You even told us we’d be coming here soon.

Luna: And?  Time here is weird, so it feels like a long time.

Fenrir: So, what’s happened with that fox in a similar situation to you?

Mio: Has she met any cats yet nya?  Someone worthy of the Blessing of Nya nya?

Ophidia: Did you know something like this was happening Skadi?

Skadi: I wasn’t.  I feel left out now.

Tamamo: It’s not like we didn’t try to reach out to you.

Skadi: For my part, I’m still getting used to taking over for my mother.

Ophidia: And for my part I’m still getting used to becoming a goddess myself.

Luna: That’s fair. Come to think of it, only Soleil and Velvet haven’t become goddesses yet.  We need to change that.

Tamamo: Ask if they even want that first.

Soleil: As long as Velvet is fine with it, then it doesn’t matter to me if I’m only an Apostle or a Goddess.

Velvet: I was going to say the same thing.

Luna: Hmmm. Soleil could be a Goddess of Art and Velvet a Goddess of Reason.

Velvet: …

Soleil: Be serious, big sis.

Tamamo: Goddess of Vampires sounds better.

Luna: Authority of Vampirism…wonder what that would hold power over exactly?

Tamamo: Probably some esoteric something or other. She’d become a subordinate of mine.

Luna: Is that fine, Velvet?

Velvet: Sounds fine to me. Not like I’d be treated like a subordinate anyway. And the Temple of Fluff and Stars no longer needs our full attention, though I wonder how it works, being an Apostle and a God at the same time?

Luna: We can ask that later.  For now, we’ll get all of you caught up on recent events in this other world.

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