Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 129: Scirocco's Eye

Chapter 129: Scirocco's Eye

Chapter 129: Scirocco's Eye

It was lunchtime when Ade returned home.

Now that C.C. was with him, it was a little inconvenient to stay at Londo Bell, so the two of them stayed at the house that C.C. had bought nearby a long time ago.

The moment he pushed the door open, he was ready to eat pizza tonight. However, to his surprise, he heard a strange sound. Ade followed the sound to the kitchen and was surprised to find C.C. cooking in her apron.

"Wait a little longer, it will be ready soon." C.C. said without looking back, "Go wash your hands and set the dishes first."

"Ah " Ade dumbfounded in place in situ for a moment, suddenly quickly walked behind C.C., hugged her, put his chin on her shoulder, and shouted, "My wife C.C. is so cute and lovely! "

"Nice, that's a reaction I like." C.C. nodded in satisfaction, "Go on."

Ade then let go of her and began to wash his hands and set the dishes.

The food was served ten minutes later. C.C.'s cooking was not as good as Lacus', but it was good in general, and of course, Ade praised it all the time. C.C. was obviously happy to hear that. Although she still tried to remain her face cold, the curve of her lips could not be hidden.

Ade while eating and told her the thing this morning, "at the critical moment, I sneered and waved my hand, then a light curtain pulled up from the ground "

C.C. listened and suddenly pulled out the phone, then moved the phone screen to him and asked, "Louise Halevy, is this person?"

Ade looked at the picture she displayed and nodded, "Yes, it's her, why?"

"Let me be clear, I'm not jealous." C.C. said with a serious look, "It's just that I've noticed a phenomenon that the frequency of beautiful women appearing around you is a little too high, and all hooked up with you through various channels. Do not you think it is very strange?"

"I didn't even notice it before you say it!" Ade made a shocked look, "My aesthetic level is seriously elevated by your beauty, at that time I saw Miss Louise, I completely did not reflect that she was also beautiful!"

"It's too fake." C.C. looked at him expressionlessly, but her eyes were full of laughter, "You should learn how to act from Lacus."

Mentioning Lacus, Ade vainly lowered his head to eat, pretending to be suddenly very hungry and have no time to talk.

"Come on, don't pretend, I won't get mad." C.C. sighed helplessly, "She's also poor, you remember to be nice to her, don't be too biased towards Ange."

"Eh?!" Ade looked up in shock.

"They can only live a few decades, it will pass in a flash. They will eventually turn into nothingness in the long river of time, there is no point in messing with you over this." C.C. smiled openly at him, "Just remember our agreement. You are not allowed to leave the stage without my permission."

It's not suitable to say anything at this time, so Ade could only look at her with a grateful gaze.

"There is one thing." C.C. suddenly said, "I don't sleep in the same bed with other women, so don't get any bad thoughts on me, understand?"

Ade nodded his head desperately, he really never thought about this.

After the meal, they sat side by side on the couch as he told C.C. about his next arrangements, "We'll go to TOKYO-3 first to visit Ikari Gendou, then come back to pick up my custom-made stuff and be back in time for Lacus's birthday by the sixth of next month, perfect."

"Why are you going to TOKYO-3?" C.C. asked in confusion, "Aren't the members of SEELE forbidden to meet in private as a matter of principle?"

"Who cares about that now? Don't Diana and I meet all the time?" Ade shrugged indifferently, "Let me quiz you, do you know how CODE works? Do you know what's under the South Pole? Do you know what the Dead Sea paperwork says?"

C.C. shook her head in bewilderment.

"So, yeah," Ade snapped his right hand into a fist and hammered his thigh, "Aeolia is dead now, we'll just have to ask Lilith ourselves."

"Aeolia is dead?" C.C. opened her mouth in surprise, "How do you know that?"

"A character like Aeolia must have a similar IQ to me, right?" Ade said rightfully, "How could a character with such an IQ not escape Charles' control for decades? Unless Charles froze him, otherwise, he must have died, right?"

"Charles can use Geass!"

"How do you use Geass on a Coordinator?"

"Who told you that Aeolia is a Coordinator?"

"It's written in the history books" Ade suddenly paused, "It's also written in the history books that Aeolia was killed by terrorists"

"Something like creating a race is too appalling, it's the domain of the gods, and it's absolutely unacceptable to humans." C.C. explained, "So he falsely claimed to have transformed himself to make the masses a little more accepting of the new technology."

"Then he really created a race." Ade lamented, "Wait, you know him well?"

"Generally." C.C. said casually, "He was interested in my immortality, and I cooperated with him to do some experiments."


"Yes, experiments. This kind of experiment, and that kind of experiment, all kinds of things." C.C. showed a winning smile and raised her eyebrows lightly, "You're jealous?"

"I'm jealous!" Ade stood up in a flash of excitement, "I'm very angry now! I must get Aeolia to death! I won't be a man until this revenge is avenged!"

"Uh, no, that, it's not like that." C.C. was a bit flustered.

According to her vision, Ade should first say, "I'm not angry", she would continue to molest him, and finally before Ade blew up, she would tell the truth to make Ade deflate all of a sudden, so that she could have the upper hand. However, the plot development was not quite like what she thought.

"Get Garrod to kill Britannia straight away!" Ade angrily took out his phone, "I'm just going to tell Aeolia today that the Moonlight Microwave Cannon isn't just made for good-looking!"

"Nothing weird has been done!" C.C. jumped up and grabbed the phone, shouting, "Just blood draws and wound healing experiments, nothing else was done!"

"Really?" Ade looked at her suspiciously, "Don't lie to me."

"Really." C.C. met his gaze without hesitation, "You don't believe me? Hmm?"

"I believe you." Ade sat back down.

But Ade's reaction put C.C. in a good mood, and she lay back down contentedly, resting her head on his lap.

"But still, we have to go to TOKYO-3. We've come to Japan, it's not good to not go back to visit it, right?" Ade picked up a beautiful strand of long green hair and played with it, "Besides, Ikari Gendou can't suddenly summon three Evangelion Gundams and take down the Unicorn Gundam in a second, right?"

"Whatever, I'll do it." C.C. said absentmindedly, "Lilith being pinned there poses no threat, she doesn't seem hostile to you, and I have a house over there."

"Nailed it there?" Ade asked sensitively, "The Spear of Longinus?"

"We'll talk about that later, let's get back to what we were talking about. What experiment did you just think of? Why did you have such a reaction?" C.C. licked her lips and asked in a seductive voice, "If I say today only, without any restrictions, would you like to do some um, experiments yourself?"

"Are you too diligent recently?"Ade gulped and replied honestly, "Yes."

"Because there won't be any more of my episodes when I get back, silly." C.C. lifted her snow-white arm and gently poked his cheek, "There are less than eleven hours left in the day, don't you hurry up?"

"It's already too late!"

"There's no such thing." In the nick of time, Scirocco maneuvered his dedicated Super Gundam to block in front of Hambrabi, the thick shield blocked the deadly blast from the Seravee Gundam, but the shield was also ruined, "Sarah, stand down, leave this Gundam to me."

"Lord Paptimus!" A girl's unbelievably excited voice came from the Hambrabi, "Yes!"

Scirocco joined the battle and used his long-range beam rifle to stop the opposite side and create an opening for his men to retreat. The Super Gundam's long-range beam rifle is much more powerful than a normal beam rifle, and can still pose a considerable threat even against a heavily armored MS like the Seravee Gundam.

The Seravee Gundam's dense firepower network came overwhelmingly, Scirocco instantly judged that the Super Gundam could not gain the upper hand in the shooting battle, and changed tactics and started to keep advancing at an alarming speed.

The Super Gundam took the now popular Gundam Mk-II of TITANS as its core and attached a set of support equipment called G Defender to make up for the shortcomings of the Gundam Mk-II's lack of firepower and range. At the same time, Scirocco also customized this Super Gundam, adding a number of posture control vents to better utilize his subtle micromanagement capabilities.

Although Scirocco does not like Gundam, he does not like the transformation series of MS more. The Super Gundam is his best choice now. As for why not build another The-O, or develop a new, more powerful MS? The answer is simple because there is no money. TITANS is going bankrupt.

The Federation parliament and the Federation military department have a lot of complaints about TITANS. They take advantage of the national tragedy to cause countless troubles for Scirocco, and no one cares about the Federation's life or death. Anyway, they are the spokesman for their respective interest groups. If the Federation finished, they could just change to a new place to work for.

This led to the frontal battlefield is now all TITANS in the carry. Scirocco even had the delusion that the Federation and Britannia were working together against him.

And although Scirocco's men are loyal to him, their ability is really not too good. He, as a faction leader, had to do everything personally, such as the immediate, he even had to personally drive the MS on the front line.

"Completely dependent on the performance of the MS, what a vulgarian." The Super Gundam easily and comfortably weaved through the diffuse beams of light, the distance between the two machines continued to shorten at a speed visible to the naked eye, "The world needs a genius like me to guide it, is this the kind of thing that is holding me back?"

The other side's shooting skills, in his opinion, are simply trash. His MS did a high-speed change of direction, find an opportunity to casually shoot down the other side's beam rocket, and blew the other one as the other side lost its balance. As the Seravee Gundam just struggled to break away from the explosion, its four beam cannons were detonated by several consecutive shots.

"Too weak, completely unable to make me feel the meaning of the fight." Scirocco commented indifferently, "Why would Charles give his most up-to-date MS to such useless trash?"

It had been less than a minute since he had joined the battle, and the Seravee Gundam was already in tatters.

"How dare you force me to take out this now," the pilot of the Seravee Gundam, who had been silent from the beginning, finally roared on the public channel, "You deserve to die!"

The backpack on the Seravee Gundam's back began to separate, while the backpack did complex deformations, it was obvious that there was something powerful to be released.

"Let me tell you how silly it is to deform on a fast-changing battlefield." Scirocco hung the rifle on the backpack behind the Super Gundam, pulled out his beam saber, and accelerated violently, "That's why I don't drive a deformable MS!"

The thing separated from the Seravee Gundam finally transformed into the Seraphim Gundam, and the GN-Drive behind it began spewing light particles, "TRAN"

"This is the end!" The Super Gundam abruptly squeezed in between the Seraphim Gundam and the Seravee Gundam, Scirocco forced himself to endure the maddening pain in his head and precisely stabbed the beam saber through the GN-Drive, "There is no room for you to appear on this stage!"

The orange liquid splashed out of GN-Drive like blood, the painful feeling disappeared, and Scirocco suddenly relaxed and let out a long breath.

"The GN-Drive was actually" The shocked voice of the other party rang out on the public channel, "What a disorder it is!"

Scirocco sneered as he redirected his beam saber at the cockpit of the Seraphim Gundam, "Fall! Big mosquito!"

With a sudden "ding" in his head, Scirocco subconsciously kicked away the Seraphim Gundam and drew back sharply. The next second, a thick beam of particles brushed against him in front of his eyes. The next moment, a thick particle beam passed him in front of his eyes. Before he had time to chase the MS in front of him, another shot came from the distance, forcing him to retreat again, and the Seraphim Gundam was finally able to reorganize its posture.

"Was that a sniper type?" Scirocco looked in the direction where the particle beam was coming from and realized that the opponent was really far away from him and decisively chose to run, "This thing that affects NT turns out to be called GN-Drive"

The battle went on for a while longer, and the Britannia army, after losing the Seravee Gundam, was beating up under the heroic performance of Colonel Scirocco. This time, it was lucky that Celestial Being did not come to spoil the game. Not only did Scirocco bring victory to TITANS in the local battle, but he also brought confidence and hope to everyone.

After the battle, Scirocco returned to the base, and under the adoring eyes of everyone - among them many girls - returned to his office with great strides.

"It's true that humans have to be guided." He whispered confidently, "This world is driven by geniuses."

As a character with all six dimensions of politics, calculation, command, scientific research, combat, and NT on the nineties, Scirocco was definitely qualified to call himself a genius. Even Dr. Lingus or Char could not deny it.

"But a victory in one battle is meaningless." Scirocco was not overwhelmed by the victory. On the contrary, he was now incredibly sober, "I need money! Money! Money!"

The two consortiums, Vist and Rhineford were his biggest moneymakers, but now they had reduced their financial support to him, and seemed to be planning to wait and see how the situation went. He could only do all kinds of things to get money, even sent someone to kidnap the Halevy family's future son-in-law. The kidnapping failed, but he did it discreetly, and no one found that it was him who was doing it.

"Should I really do it?" He muttered to himself as he opened up a profile on his computer. In the picture, it was the most beautiful man in the world, "I really don't want to go this far, the chances are too slim."

A ringing phone interrupted his musings and he casually picked up the video call, it was his secretary, "Colonel Scirocco, Her Highness Schneizel from Britannia is on the line waiting for you, says he has something important to discuss."

"Schneizel? Is he going to complain that I broke one of his Gundams?" Scirocco grunted coldly, "Bring it in."

A moment later, the figure on the screen changed into an elegant blond beauty, Prince Schneizel, the second son of the Charles family, the Chancellor of the Empire, and now the Commander-in-Chief of the entire Britannia Army.

"Colonel Scirocco, good day." Schneizel greeted him politely, "It's been a long time since our last"

"Don't be polite, get down to business." Scirocco interrupted him impatiently, "There's no point in playing that gentle trick in front of me."

"Fine." Schneizel took it in stride, "Don't you think we've had a good fight today? Because we all did our best and no extra characters came out to stir the pot."

"What do you have to offer?" Scirocco leaned forward with interest.

"You and I can fight it out later, each by our own means, so that whoever loses and whoever wins can be convinced." Schneizel smiled faintly, "Colonel, do have any interest in doing a game with me? How about to kick Celestial Being out of the board first?"

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