Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 130: Angel, Attack

Chapter 130: Angel, Attack

Chapter 130: Angel, Attack

"Ah, stupid Shinji, if you don't want to show your phone to someone, just say so!" Asuka shook Shinji's phone hard in front of his eyes, "I got it back for you, next time act like a man and ask for it yourself!"

The culprits who took Shinji's phone were not far away, shivering as they looked at Asuka. Their faces were bruised and battered. All the students passing by can not help but look at them stealthily.

"Suzuhara-kun and his friends don't mean any harm, they're just too enthusiastic." Shinji weakly responded, reaching for his phone, "But Asuka-san, you are too uh"

"Wait." Asuka suddenly withdrew her arm, "What did they just look at on your phone? Why were they laughing so disgusting? No, I have to check."

"Eh?" Shinji panicked for a moment, "This, this is not good, right?"

"Why would you be scared if you didn't do anything wrong? Don't you think so?" Asuka opened Shinji's phone as if no one was watching, and skillfully entered the password, "This folder called 'Shared by Master Carrot', hmm, I didn't see it last time, well, it was newly created a few days ago."

"No, don't open that one!" Shinji suddenly stretched out to grab the phone. But he was no match for Asuka and all of that was just wasting his strength.

"'Final Chapter: Encroach on Inle Girl, and Lingus's Evil Fall', What is this? Well, a manga?" Asuka clicked on it and read it. As she turned the pages, her face turned red at the same time. After a minute or so, Asuka clenched her fist and slammed it into the young boy's head, "Stupid Shinji! Pervert! Hentai!"

Shinji skillfully held his head and crouched in defense, while looking around with nothing to do. Suddenly, an inexplicable palpitation hit him, and he was in a trance with the feeling that someone was watching him. Shinji jerked his head around and saw only the backs of a man and a woman.

"Asuka-san, look at that green-haired woman, isn't that the beautiful woman we saw last year?" Shinji pointed to the duo in the distance behind him and asked out loud, "Those two are very close, so she already has a boyfriend "

"Are you an idiot? Why do you only know to stare at beautiful women!" Asuka scolded, and when she looked up, the two people had gone, "It does not matter. Are you free this afternoon? If you have nothing to do, accompany me to buy things."

Shinji protested in a whisper, "I have an appointment with Suzuhara-kun and the others this afternoon to"

"It doesn't matter, is it okay to go shopping with me in the afternoon?!" Asuka crossed her arms and glared at Shinji in an imposing manner, "Do I need to say it a third time?"

"Nothing this afternoon, I will go shopping with you." Shinji lowered his head, his voice was so small that even he himself could hardly hear it, "Oh, too bad. How dare I stand Suzuhara-kun up? I'm going to be bullied the next week."

After the two ate something in the restaurant, Shinji followed Asuka obediently as they walked down the nearby pedestrian street.

Shinji, like all ordinary high school students around the world, likes to watch anime, read web novels, and research culture. He always felt that his life was particularly surreal. He suddenly received a notice to come to Hakone, saying that he could meet his father, but it turned out that he didn't meet his father at all, but had a sexy sister living with him as a guardian. Shortly afterward, a beautiful foreign student transferred to his class and became acquainted with him immediately.

"I feel like myself the protagonist of a web novel. Oh, only one thing is different: no one comes to ask me to drive a Gundam." Shinji whispered to himself, "It's a good thing that I don't want to drive a Gundam at all."

It turns out that girls are full of "shopping" ability. Shinji's two feet had become numb, but Asuka was still alive and well. But Shinji dare not say it out, because Asuka looked quite scary if she got pissed off. The two of them kept on shopping like this until dinner time. Shinji guessed that Misato-san was almost at the end of the day and it was time to go home himself.

"That, Asuka-san " Shinji raised his hand carefully, "Well, time, you see "

Behind him suddenly came a burst of pedestrian shouts. Shinji subconsciously turned back, only to see a black car drove across the road in their direction, and finally, stopped beside him with a sharp brake. A handsome, long-haired beauty got out of the driver's seat, looked at Shinji, and shouted eagerly, "There's no time to explain, get in!"

"Miss Misato?" Shinji froze in place, wondering why his guardian was even here.

Before Misato could explain, another black car stopped beside them and two men in black got out. One of them said to Misato impatiently, "Captain Katsuragi, the commander's orders are to take him away directly, there's no time to give him an explanation."

"Who are you people and what do you want?" Asuka alertly stopped in front of Shinji, "Where are you taking him? I'll call the police if you don't tell me!"

The two people in black whispered, one of them fished out a pistol from the inside of his shirt and pointed at Asuka, "You also come together."

The boy and girl helplessly got into the black car. On the car, Misato explained to Shinji, such as she actually works for a special organization called NERV, the organization now needs Shinji, and he will soon be able to meet his father.

"I thought of Amuro Ray." Shinji muttered unhappily, "I'm not going to be asked to drive Gundam, am I?"

Several minutes later, after a series of complicated authentication, Shinji and Asuka entered NERV's headquarters. Asuka was taken away to who knows where, and Misato took him to meet a huge robot. The robot looked strange, first of all, its size was twice as big as ordinary MS, more than 40 meters high, and secondly, its appearance was also very different from MS.

"This is the NEVANGELION-01, a dueling weapon based on the design of Dr. Aeolia, the father of the Coordinator." Misato explained to him, pointing to the giant robot, "This is our last human trump card."

"Is this also Father's work?" Shinji asked, baffled.

"Yes." A familiar raspy voice came from above, and Shinji couldn't help but look up. The man who appeared there was his father who he had finally seen again after so many years, "It's been a long time."

"Dad "

"Strike." The man did not have any intention of catching up, did not even shout his son's name, just indifferently uttered the word.

"Shinji-kun, although it's very sorry for you, that's the way it is." Misato turned her face sideways in shame, "The enemy is angel, we have no other choice."

"Dad!" Shinji gathered his last courage to look at Ikari Gendou, "What exactly did you call me here for?"

"To get you to drive this out and fight the enemy." Commander Ikari answered rightfully.

"Wasn't it you who said that you didn't need me, father? It's ridiculous to have to say such things nowadays, isn't it?" Shinji pointed at himself and shouted, "Why me? Why me?"

"Because no one else can do it."

"I can't do it either! How can I do it!" Shinji shouted angrily, "How can I drive something that I've never even seen or heard of?!"

"Go listen to the instructions."

"It can't be done! I can't do it!"

"You don't have a choice." Ikari gazed at Shinji with an icy glare, giving him the delusion that he had a chill, "I have the hostage."

"Asuka-san?" Shinji suddenly remembered the one who had been missing since the time he entered NERV, and he looked at the person beside him in confusion, "Misato-san? It's not true, is it?"

Katsuragi Misato lowered her head guiltily, not daring to look him in the eye, "Shinji-kun, I'm sorry."

"What you did was despicable!" Shinji gritted his teeth for a moment, whispered, "I can't run away" repeatedly, and finally looked up at Commander Ikari, "I'll do it, right? I'll drive it!"

Without another glance, Ikari Gendou returned to the operational command room with a blank expression. On the large screen in the middle, a group of Britannia MSs were besieging a Zaku. However, against all odds, the Zaku, which was theoretically a much more backward model, was currently sweeping away all other MSs on the battlefield.

"An angel that can drive Gundam. I can't believe my eyes." Vice Commander Fuyutsuki stood behind Ikari Gendou with his hands folded, "What's even more unexpected is that the famous Dr. Lingus is angel, I simply have to doubt the accuracy of this angel identification device."

"Aeolia's work, there can't be a problem." Ikari Gendou affirmed, "It's an angel that's sitting in that MS."

"Commander, LCL injection is complete, no abnormalities in the neural connection." A girl in the command room reported, "Synchronization rate zero percent? EVANGELION-01 rejects to sync with the pilot!"

"Keep trying." Ikari Gendou gave the instruction without hesitation, "It can't be zero percent."

"Second attempt." The girl continued to report, "EVANGELION-01 refuses, the synchronization rate is still zero percent!"

"Impossible, inside EVANGELION-01 is" Ikari Gendou suddenly thought of something, followed by a chill in his back, "Immediately restore all restraints, and cut off all power to EVANGELION-01."

"Ikari?" Fuyutsuki looked at him in confusion.

"We were deceived by Charles." Ikari Gendou took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "It's not Yui inside EVANGELION-01."

"Commander!" The girl reported anxiously, "EVANGELION-01 is rejecting electronic signals, the insertion bolt is being forcibly ejected, and the Minovsky nuclear reactor cannot be shut down! EVANGELION-01 is moving on its own without a pilot!"

"Charles deceived us!" Fuyutsuki finally realized it too, "The soul in EVANGELION-01 is one of his people? He's just waiting for Adam to show up and angels to make an appearance. We've been helping him keep EVANGELION-01 before, and then finally help him activate it so he can finish his plan"

"But Adam hasn't been exposed yet." Ikari sneered, "He couldn't have expected that Lingus was an angel and we activated EVANGELION-01 in advance."

"What now, Ikari?"

"Just launch EVANGELION-01." Ikari Gendou returned to his expressionless look, "Let the angel take care of it."

Ade grumbled in the cockpit while beating up the mass-produced MSs, "Sure enough, Ikari Gendou and Eggrollhead are in cahoots, it's amazing that NERV's defense circle is full of Britannia MSs. Incredible."

"Eggrollhead Charles is going to be pissed off at you." C.C. sat beside him with a look of wanting to laugh.

These mass-produced MSs are not even the latest models, and it is evident that Charles is not too enamored with the so-called final dogma. With the Unicorn Gundam's performance, Ade really didn't feel the pressure, and he was even able to chat with C.C. while fighting.

"How deep is Lilith's position? I can only have a vague sense." He was lamenting when suddenly another consciousness entered his sensing range out of nothing, "Is this feeling Nunnally? No, it's very much like Nunnally, but it's not."

"What are you talking about?" C.C. looked at him in confusion. Her recent experiences had made her feel more and more how inconvenient it was that she wasn't an NT.

"Under the ground, wait, it's rising." As he spoke, the mass-produced MSs around him began to retreat, seemingly finally giving up their attacks, and then the ground cracked open and a robot about forty meters tall rose from it and appeared in front of Ade. He stared dumbfounded at the purple thing in front of him, and couldn't help but burst out, "Crap!"

"What is this thing? It doesn't look like an MS and it doesn't have weapons." C.C. spotted the problem at once, "This movement is too dexterous, it's not like the robot is imitating human activities, but the human is being dressed up as a robot."

"This thing should be called EVA, I know something about it, I'll explain it to you later." Ade manipulated Unicorn towards EVANGELION-01, "It's not a Gundam, then the thing inside the armor should be a creature."

Ade raised his beam rifle and fired a shot at EVANGELION-01. However, the particle beam hit the AT field that appeared out of thin air and did no damage.

"Angel?!" C.C. exclaimed.

"Yes, angel's flesh. I just do not know whether it is a clone of Adam or Lilith's." Ade immediately felt a headache, "What do these people want? Do they really want to perform the so-called Human Instrumentality Project? The aliens have not yet come, and they can not wait to get themselves killed?"

"It does not have weapons, and I don't think that it can fly. Ade, what do we do?"

"Let's try to see if we can get it killed first." Ade hung the beam rifle behind his back and took down the more powerful beam magnum. EVANGELION-01 froze in place for some reason he didn't know, "I wonder how powerful its AT field is."

The trigger was pulled, and the beam magnon emptied an energy clip with just one shot. The AT field only lasted a thousandth of a second before it was pierced, and the particle beam brutally blew out EVANGELION-01's left hand. All of a sudden, its muscle collapsed and blood splattered everywhere.

"It works!" Ade aimed again, "This AT field's defense has a cap!"

Ade had never seen this thing before, but he acted as if he was incredibly familiar with it. C.C. didn't feel surprised. Women are easily charmed by men with secrets, and probably she is no exception? But she never asked, instead, she waited for him to reveal himself little by little, which was part of her pleasure.

"Wait, don't you run!"

EVANGELION-01 ran towards the east at high speed as if it had suddenly come to its senses after being shot. Ade followed behind, and it didn't take long to follow it to the beach. EVANGELION-01 didn't hesitate, jumped into the sea, and disappeared. The radar showed that it was continuing to advance at the bottom of the sea toward the east.

"What is all this?" The Unicorn Gundam inexplicably hovered over the sea, "Where is it going?"

"The bottom of the sea." C.C. came back to her senses, "Then it's impossible to chase it, right?"

"Indeed, it's impossible to chase." Ade reluctantly began to return, "I hope they didn't go crazy and put nuclear power on the EVA and it can only move for five minutes."

Katsuragi Misato

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