Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 96: Robot Animation Usually Has a Happy Ending

Chapter 96: Robot Animation Usually Has a Happy Ending

Chapter 96: Robot Animation Usually Has a Happy Ending

Chang Wufei straightened his body with hands behind his back. The three people next to him could not understand what the two were saying, but they sensed the atmosphere in the air. Garrod's gaze wandered uneasily between the two, Ange stood nervously behind Ade, and only Tiffa remained expressionless.

"Garrod said you guys came out of Vault 76 and picked up Embryo's PM that was lost back then." Chang Wufei said in Chinese, "And I happened to know that Vault 76 was not yet finished and that the small PM had another origin."

"My female companion and I were attacked by the enemy and fell into this place unintentionally from another world. I hope you will forgive me for deceiving you." Ade gave him an honest junior salute, "The PM is called Villkiss, it was accidentally obtained by my female companion, and we don't know its origin. But I found a recording inside that I suspect was left by Dr. Yang back then, and I don't know if it shares an origin with Mr. Chang."

Hearing this, Chang Wufei's eyes suddenly sharpened, his whole person straightened like a sheathed sword, "You said you found the secrets left by the doctor back then, hidden inside Villkiss?"

Receiving an affirmative answer, Chang Wufei looked to Tiffa. Tiffa nodded, Chang Wufei closed his eyes and fell into deep thought. A few moments later he slowly opened his eyes, staring closely at Ade, and asked forcefully, "Which excavator school tops the list?"

"Looking for Lanxiang in Shandong, China?" Ade instinctively picked up the next sentence. (PS: This is a famous TV ad in China.)

When Chang Wufei heard this, he was struck by lightning, swayed as if unsteady on his feet, and faltered as he asked, "What is the answer to the universe, life, and everything else?"

"42." These are all the questions in Inle's anti-theft question list.

Chang Wufei took a deep breath, did not speak Chinese again, "The doctor left () patterns in all the Gundams and battleships, this is because the pattern he originally wanted to use had been used by a small company. Do you know what he originally wanted to use?"

" Wonder Conch." Ade has understood.

Hearing up to here, Chang Wufei asked no more questions, but sprinted to him, excitedly holding his hand with tears, "Doctor, you really did not give up on us!"

Ange looked at the old man who suddenly cried and was at a loss for words, Garrod was the first to react, "Grandpa, you mean, he is Dr. Yang?!"

Chang Wufei did not explain, just gripped Ade's hand tightly, his face was full of tears, his voice choked, and his body almost knelt to the ground, "Doctor, please bring me to take revenge, Nataku and I can fight for another ten years! I can't die in peace without killing Embryo!" (Nataku: Gundam Nataku)

"Mr. Chang, I'm really not him." Ade hurriedly went to help him up, "I learned all about Dr. Yang's life from Garrod's book, I may have a lot of similarities with him, but we're definitely not the same person."

"Impossible! The Doctor has said that these are things that only he knows and could know. I don't know why you have changed your face and become so young, Doctor, but there is no doubt that you are the Doctor." Chang Wufei stopped crying and regained his majesty, his tone extremely sure, "Maybe you just lost your memory when you reached that world, Doctor, it doesn't matter, I will help you remember."

"Ade is Dr. Yang?" Ange suddenly remembered the conversation between them the night before. "That's why he asked me how I was going to prove I was myself He already knew that?!"

"Tiffa stays here. As for Garrod." Chang Wufei looked at Garrod, who nervously stood upright, "I ask you, how much are you willing to pay for justice?"

"I don't know." Garrod never lied in front of Tiffa. He raised his right hand in an oath to heaven, "But I'm willing to pay whatever it takes for Tiffa!"

Tiffa blushed and twisted her body in embarrassment. Chang Wufei smiled gratefully, and the wrinkles on his face squeezed together. He took out a communication device and said, "Salamandinay, come here."

Not long after walking in a black-haired girl. Garrod unexpectedly behaved very honestly and greeted her respectfully.

Chang Wufei introduced her to Ade, "This child's family is the only surviving jumper family member. Doctor, you have to rely on her if you want to go back to that world. This child has good ability, a strong sense of responsibility, and is also very popular among everyone. She will take over my position after my death. If something happens to me, she will be responsible for cooperating with you."

"Hello, Doctor." Salamandinay bowed, "Please give me more guidance in the future, I will definitely cooperate with you fully."

"Long hair, quiet, no breasts, admired by elders, and all obedient." Ange murmured, "The world is so unfriendly to me."

Chang Wufei did not mean to dwell on this girl, took a deep breath, as if he had become much older all of a sudden, "Doctor, you have read Garrod's book, then I will start from after that. Embryo manipulated some kind of small MS we've never seen before and bulldozed Jupiter and Mars before we could react. By the time we found out about it, he was already attacking the satellites, which were patrolled by Heero, Akito, I, and two other ACEs on the Wonder Conch."

Chang Wufei's tone was heavy. Even Ange became nervous. Ade listened in silence, having come to a certain realization that whether he admitted he was Yang Wen-li or not, this was something he had to carry.

"He's too powerful, completely unbeatable. The mobility to jump short distances at will, the firepower that can easily tear through satellites, our MSs are like toys in front of him." Chang Wufei's voice contained a hint of despair, "Heero tried to die with the enemy by self-destructing, but his MS's boson stance could instantly unfold and jump away before the self-destruct occurred, and Heero died in vain."

Hearing the familiar name, Ange and Garrod both couldn't help but widen their eyes, and Ade was still silent.

"Yurika immediately unfolded the ship's boson stance, intending to retreat by jumping, but the jumping device made by the doctor was too slow compared to the opponent's. In order to buy time, three ACEs died one after another, and only Akito and I jumped back in order to spread the message and survive." Wufei lowered his head in self-reproach, "The Wonder Conch was sunk, Yurika was killed in battle, all the satellites were torn apart, and all the people inside the satellites died."

"Jupiter, Mars, and all the satellites, what the hell is killing people to Embryo " Ange had some difficulty accepting it.

"NPCs in SimCity, I guess." Ade whispered, "I probably understand."

"Embryo took over Mars, got hold of all the Chulip crystal resources, and started blasting Chulip crystal bombs on Earth. Billions of people were killed in the explosion, the unfortunate ones were killed by strong radiation, and the Earth became a living hell." Wufei's pale body shivered slightly, "Treize went to challenge Embryo alone, I can't say it was too stupid or too like his style, anyway, he didn't return."

"Chief" Garrod recited sadly. Treize was the second person he admired.

"The Chief's death was a big blow to the Doctor. He made the judgment that with our level of technology, we couldn't win at all and started building vaults ahead of Embryo. Most of the vaults weren't completed before the nearby people were killed, only a very few played a role. That's when Sousuke suggested that since our weapons don't work, why don't we use the enemy's weapons. He found one of Embryo's strongholds and stole a small machine at the cost of his life."

"Villkiss," Ange understood immediately

"That's right." Wufei nodded, "But Sousuke died in vain. Villkiss was triple encrypted, the last of which even the Doctor was helpless to do anything about. The doctor used all his strength to make it so Embryo also cannot use it, but that's pointless, Embryo still has other MSs. The range of human activity is shrinking, everyone gradually sunk more and more into despair, when Teletha came forward, proposing to use the Black Technology."

"Trading human lives for technology "

"Teletha forced herself to dive into the Omni-Sphere despite the Doctor's objections. I don't know how her willpower could  be so strong, but she survived the mental breakdown countless times, miraculously found TurnA and TurnX at the end of time. But Doctor, you may have guessed the result. She only had time to leave the manufacturing method and didn't even leave behind her last words."

Ade tilted his head and sighed, he no longer knew what expression to make.

"Although the Doctor didn't understand the principles behind them, he still built the TurnA and TurnX. At the same time, the Doctor began to decode the principles of the TurnA and tried to apply them to existing technology to make the only fourth-generation machine, the Arios Gundam. Out of nostalgia for Teletha, he gave the Arios Gundam to Teletha's brother, Leonard."

Ange interjected, "But as I recall, Leonard likes the Doctor"

"Leonard took it the wrong way and thought he could make up for Teletha's empty place in the Doctor's heart by impulsively confessing to the Doctor that he would take Teletha's place." Chang Wufei's hands clenched, "The doctor would have been heartbroken because of Teletha's death, after hearing what Leonard said, he scolded him hard. Leonard's emotion was out of control, intended to shoot the doctor and then kill himself. Ruri jumped out to help the doctor block the fatal shot and died on the spot."

"What kind of retarded plot is this" Ade couldn't help but close his eyes as Ange gently held his hand.

"The last words Ruri left to the doctor was 'I'm sorry, can I love you like Teletha?'" Chang Wufei's old voice had a hint of indignation, "Leonard fled in haste, leaving the doctor alone, who held Ruri's body crying. Leonard also took away Arios Gundam and TurnX, and defected to Embryo."

"TurnX Leonard"

"After the loss of TurnX, we were in a state of defeat and despair, and all we could do was wait for death. And after Ruri's death, the Doctor basically had a nervous breakdown. Akito talked to the Doctor several times to try to get him back on his feet, but to no avail. The Doctor finally committed suicide after he designed Gundam DX, and Akito sent his body back to Mithril's headquarters on the moon for burial, while taking TurnA and Villkiss with him. He said that he was going to keep a vigil for the Doctor and never came back. But it doesn't matter, anyway, even with him, we have no hope of winning."

"Wait, TurnA?"Ade realized something.

"After the Doctor died, Embryo suddenly lost interest in us, and although humanity was nearly extinct, he didn't bother driving everyone left to extinction and just suddenly disappeared. The Earth became too polluted to live, and Little Kaname didn't want to live alone. She passed away soon after leaving the method of transforming humans into dragons. In the end, Relena was the last one left. She led the few survivors of the post-apocalyptic struggle to survive and rebuild their homes, which is now where we are."

"It's not quite the same as Gekiganger III." Garrod was upset to hear these secrets. He looked at Tiffa in confusion, "Why is the side of justice dead?"

"Robot anime usually has a happy ending." Ade's voice was slightly melancholy, "Reality is not so convenient."

"You and the doctor said the exact same thing." Wufei showed a complicated look, "The Doctor doesn't like Gekiganger III. Akito recommended him this anime several times, but he didn't watch."

"But this is considered a hopeful ending in despair, right?" Ange asked, "Everyone rebuilt their homes together."

"Six years after the war, Embryo reappeared in his TurnX." Wufei's icy voice shattered Ange's illusions, "He grabbed Relena and just jumped away, as if the others didn't exist at all. To save his sister, Zechs Merquise followed TurnX and disappeared, he should be dead. Then only I was left, but I was not willing to accept all this. Justice must be served. Doctor, I want revenge, you must have a way, you are"

"Zechs Merquise was not dead then." Ade interrupted him calmly, and Wufei showed a shocked look, "He pretended to surrender for Relena and lurked around Embryo to collect information. After discovering my identity, he desperately conveyed two messages, that Relena was still alive, and Treize knew something."

"He died like a man. Doctor, you really are the Doctor!" Wufei got excited again, and the look on his face seemed to bring him back to his younger days when he was driving Gundam, "The Chief is dead, and we won't know what he knew, but Relena is still alive, this is a good news."

"Yang didn't die in vain, surely not." Ade simply acquiesced to Wufei's misunderstanding, which would bring him a lot of convenience, "I need to take a trip to the moon, he must have left a backup plan, otherwise there would not be the current plot. Can you let Miss Salamandinay send us to the moon?"

"I'm afraid that she can't, Salamandinay can only jump to recorded coordinates or places she knows, but she has never visited the moon before." Wufei explained, "Back when Embryo reappeared, the boson jumping device here captured the coordinates of his jump, so we sent dragons to scout over there from time to time, but unfortunately, no one has ever returned."

Ange's hands were sweaty. Ade squeezed her hands to reassure her, "I heard something over there, all the dragons you sent over there were killed by Embryo. I feel sorry for them, please don't do this useless thing again."

"It's only to be expected." Wufei sighed, "That's all I know. Since you have figured it out, I will not say more. If you need me, just say it, I'm willing to die for you. Is there anything else you want to know, Doctor?"

"No. I've received too much information at once, and I need a little time to digest it."

"Good, the Doctor is someone who needs time to think. When you finish thinking, I will personally send you to the moon." Wufei said to the black-haired girl, "Salamandinay, take the Doctor down to rest."

Ange kept a wary eye on the black-haired girl. Until the two were settled down and the girl left the room, she dropped her guard. Looking at Friday's familiar look, Ade also felt a little better. Although he had denied inside that he was Yang Wen-li, but there was still a breathless and oppressive feeling.

When it came time to sleep at night, Ade took the initiative to put his quilt on the floor.

"Go to bed, are you taking my joke seriously?" Ange lifted the quilt off a corner and smiled dotingly, "No need to comfort me, I will comfort you today."

"It's so funny how they have almost the same life trajectory." In a lavishly decorated room of Misurugi's palace, Embryo carefully browsed through the records in front of him, "Leonard, well organized."

"Thank you, it's what I should do." The silver-haired man's manner was respectful and impeccable.

"Last time, I took away all the important people around him one by one and finally forced him to break down, but I still feel ungratified for not being able to do it myself." Embryo shook his head regretfully, "Rebirth or reincarnation, it is rare to have another chance. I want to play something different, what do you think?"

"I don't understand."

"How can you not understand? Aren't you the one who created the opportunity for me?" The person in front of Embryo suddenly fell to the ground with spasms, "Your body is also made by me, the control is of course in my hands, do you really think that I didn't notice your tricks?"

Leonard let out a groan of pain and was unable to speak.

"Villkiss was in the ruins on the moon, why did it go to Arsenal? Why is one of my rings missing? How did the Queen suddenly get pregnant when the old king was sick?" Embryo sneered disdainfully, "The same old tired idea of using my weapon against me, you didn't expect him to come back, did you? What a wonderful coincidence, him and Angelise?"

"Don't " Leonard struggled to make a sound, "Your Highness Embryo, don't "

"I'm going to remote control an important Federation meeting, I don't have time to play undercover games with you. For the sake of your undying devotion to him, I will give you a happy ending." Embryo beat a finger and Leonard involuntarily stood up, "Go and give your life to him."

PS: the recent chapters I'm translating are all around 5-6k words - especially c97, 6.5k+ words plus very long and difficult sentences, it hurts my brain. I need to rest a day to refresh my mind, so the release time of c97 will be 48 hours later.

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