Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 97: Nooooooooooo!

Chapter 97: Nooooooooooo!

PS: Okay, no need to rest 48 hours. Some changed terms may remain unchanged in this chapter. I didn't check it carefully.

Chapter 97: Nooooooooooo!

The Earth Federation government is called the Federal Government, but today it has developed into a loose coalition of interests, with no substantive supreme leader. The nominal head of the federal government is just a fictionalized, metaphysical concept, a core set of values such as "wealth, power, and democracy".

Based on these values, a federal constitution was created. Thus, like a constitutional monarchy, the decision-maker of the Earth Federation government is called the Prime Minister. The current Prime Minister of the Federal Government is Ronan Marcenas, who has been given many cool nicknames such as "the strongest mascot in the solar system" and "the rubber stamp of shadow" by internet users all over the world and even in the satellite world.

The federal government parliament is a rogue club-like organization that has no political party and will never be disbanded, so even if the Prime Minister wants to make a difference, all he can do is stretch his arms and legs in a limited space, and he can't make too much noise. As time went by, the restrictions on Senator qualifications in the federal parliament have evolved from extremely strict regulations to the current unlimited part-time positions, and can almost be described as no restrictions at all.

For example, the one who is speaking now is Miss Wang, the contemporary head of China's financial family, the Wang family, who is only twenty years old. Prime Minister Marcenas thinks that it's a shame to have a 20-year-old Senator, but then again, do politicians have such a thing as dignity?

When asked about her age, Ms. Wang once responded, "It's a shame that Dr. Lingus would be exactly the same age as me if he were alive." For this statement, the media interpreted multiple meanings such as Ms. Wang comparing herself to Lingus, Ms. Wang having good feelings for Lingus, and Ms. Wang being full of animosity towards Lacus. Lacus was also interviewed about this but declined to comment, and the media similarly interpreted multiple meanings such as Lacus lost her voice in indignation, Lacus was speechless, and Lacus was dismissive.

"In summary, I consider the accusations against Britannia and Colonel Scirocco to be extremely absurd and unjustifiable. The truth is just the opposite; it is Britannia and the Federation army who are the victims in this military exercise, and Misurugi needs to give an explanation for their mass destruction weapon." Miss Wang Liu Mei concluded her remarks.

Immediately after Ms. Wang, Senator Alejandro Corner began to speak, and the content was much the same as Miss Wang's. Mr. Corner, as the future head of the Corner family, finally became a Federation Government Senator under the family's arrangement after spending a few years in the position of foreign minister.

After Corner was the Vist family's person, Vist family is TITANS's second-largest sponsor, this person's solidarity is also expected.

But the next scene completely overturned everyone's perception, because the next speaker, Senator Rhineford, the first major sponsor of TITANS, said, "The arbitrary actions of Colonel Scirocco and Britannia have hurt the feelings of our international friends Misurugi and seriously damaged the Earth Federation's international image, and caused incalculable negative impact. I think it is necessary to take certain sanctions, otherwise it is degrading to the nation and we will be laughing at by PLANT and the Moon."

Rhineford's words were like lighting some fuse, and the situation in the council is boiling up without warning. The rest of the Senators were scrambling to criticize Scirocco and Britannia, as if they were taking credit for something, and the sight of such a strange scene created a sense of unreality in Prime Minister Marcenas' eyes.

In the final vote, the following four resolutions were passed by a huge margin: to impose trade sanctions on Britannia, to further reduce the military expenses of the Earth Federation, to cut a certain percentage of the standing army, and to order Colonel Scirocco to disclose the technology of the Neutron Jammer Canceller within a limited period of time. As for how these decisions are going to be implemented it's Prime Minister Marcenas' problem, Senators don't care about that.

"I feel like the whole world is targeting me." The Prime Minister blanched, "How can Scirocco hand over Neutron Jammer Canceller? This is simply an impossible task, right?"

It is worth mentioning that the three most important protagonists of this criticism meeting - the representative of TITANS, Colonel Scirocco, the representative of Britannia, Senator Schneizel, and the representative of Misurugi, nobody knows who it is but anyway, these people were absent. But that didn't stop the others from getting high on themselves.

On his way back to the residence, Prime Minister Marcenas was worried about how to implement these resolutions, and was told by his servants that his thirteen-year-old son, Riddhe Marcenas, had gone out to play MS again. His son had no sense of self-awareness as the eldest son of the prime minister, and he only fantasized about driving MS every day, which disappointed Marcenas a lot.

When he arrived at the study, his recently recruited staff member was already waiting inside. This staff member actually recommended himself to him, but his eloquence is really good, and the dilemma that Marcenas faced is so difficult, that even though he knows that this person's identity is suspicious, he could not help but employ this person.

He took the transcript of the meeting to that person, and Mr. Chief of Staff read it carefully, asking about some details that only the Prime Minister knows from time to time. After thirty minutes, the two finally discussed the current situation.

"I was trying to limit TITANS, but never thought it would be in this absurd form." Prime Minister Marcenas furrowed his brow, "Put the Senators' overly aggressive performance aside, the point is that Rhineford's actions are completely incomprehensible. Captain Quattro, what do you think?"

Of course, he knew that the other party's true name was not Quattro Bajeena, but after some clever disguises, no one would associate him with the notorious world-class wanted criminal anymore, except for his blond hair.

In order to facilitate the operation, he gave the other party the rank of captain but without real command rights. As the prime minister, he still has this power. If anything happens, Prime Minister Marcenas doesn't mind killing this "Quattro Bajeena" to destroy the evidence. The other side is just a character who was once cheated by a young girl like Haman, he thinks it's easy to deal with such a man and it will never backfire on himself.

"A wise person will distinguish between the primary and secondary conflicts when analyzing a problem." The man we can finally be called Captain Quattro put down the script in his hand, "The conflict between TITANS and the Federation Council in the Earth Federation has now been reduced to a secondary conflict, and the main conflict today is between the supporters and opponents of Misurugi. Although Rhineford and Vist are both supporters of Scirocco, they disagree on the matter of Misurugi, and it is clear that Misurugi is more important to them."

"Misurugi is just a small kingdom." Prime Minister Marcenas remained puzzled, "Does this have anything to do with the superweapon you speculate about? A lunar-level superweapon, are you sure it's not alarmist?"

"It would be irresponsible to make speculation when there is no clear evidence, but His Excellency, you should be able to see this unique and transcendent antagonism above any political alliance. This is not alarmist talk, but the rational, logical conclusion - Misurugi very deeply meddles in the Federal Parliament." Captain Quattro analyzed, "Your Excellency, you can recall if such a sight ever occurred? This similar pattern of rivalry?"

" There was!" Marcenas dawned on him, followed by a coldness that rushed straight from his back to his brain, "It was the same when it came to Queen Marina, it was the same when it came to Lady Lingus, and it was the same when it came to Princess Cagalli! So, it's all Misurugi behind this? It has been operating for so many years?!"

"I'm afraid the truth is just as you think." Captain Quattro said, "At a time of crisis like this, I don't need to say anything about the importance of a trustworthy armed force that is independent of TITANS. A strong-armed force like Londo Bell sitting idle in the universe is a meaningless arrangement, what you need is a force that is directly under your control and has the ability to take initiative."

Marcenas was deep in thought, and Quattro did not speak. He knew the ways of negotiation well, and he understood that talking too much at such times would only have a negative effect. After ten minutes of thinking, Prime Minister Marcenas finally made the decision that he would either be forced to resign or be able to boast all his life, "No money, no people, no weapons, I will only provide the validity of anti-TITANS for you, you have to figure everything out yourself."

"That's enough, thank you for your trust." Captain Quattro did not mince words, "We can pull sponsorship from Anaheim, and I will be responsible for finding pilots, and I think that Colonel Scirocco will also be generous to support us with weapons."

Properly leaking information would help boost the Prime Minister's confidence in him, but of course, he wouldn't tell him the key information like he had already hitched a ride with Britannia through Suzaku Kururugi. After hearing his reliable-sounding planning, it was obvious that the Prime Minister's attitude toward him became much better, so Captain Quattro continued, "Londo Bell sitting idle in the universe is a great waste, so I hope to find a way to make use of it."

"They are not under Scirocco's control, I can think of ways to get them." Marcenas pondered for a moment, "It's just four ships, Londo Bell can be under your control."

On the way back, Quattro still put on a poker face. It was already early in the morning when he returned to his secret base, and it wasn't until he met Nanai that he removed his complicated disguise and put on his sunglasses with a slight smile.

Nanai skillfully gave him a hug and kissed him lightly, "Did something good happen? You smile so happily."

"Is it that obvious?" He touched his cheek, "I really can't wait to see Amuro's expression, huh?"

"Quattro-san, please be aware that there is a child next to you when you're making out with Lady Nanai!" Kamille protested with discontent, "If you claim to be an educator, at least consider the feelings of the educated!"

"Are you still upset about Unicorn?"

"No." Kamille looked upset, "Dr. Lingus is right, I am not qualified to drive Gundam, returning Unicorn to Anaheim is a more correct choice."

Quattro was very curious as to what Lingus had said to Kamille, but there seemed no hope of getting an answer out of Kamille. Kamille was very frustrated after losing Unicorn, he, as an educator, needs to help him boost self-confidence at this time, "Although you have become accustomed to shooting, from my observation, your fighting talent is not inferior to your shooting's, I believe you can use this new MS well."

"I will try to be proficient in The-O!" Kamille was happy to know that the other party really thought highly of him, then he remembered the other person, "Dr. Lingus' rescue operation failed, what happened to him?"

"I don't know." Quattro smiled confidently, "But he must still be alive. He didn't die even after pushing the satellite, he is not likely to die in that kind of scene. I'm doing what I have to do, and I'm sure he is too."

And at this very moment, the man who was missed by Char and Kamille was burying his head in some soft substance that is not appropriate to be described in detail.

"Are you still going to say that you don't like big breasts?" Ange muttered in a disgruntled whisper, "If you don't like it, move your head away."

"Sorry, I like big breasts." Ade immediately replied.

"Well, then I don't have a choice." Ange said some lines that were completely illogical, unintelligible to herself, and could not convince anyone, "Well, I have no choice."

As Ange became more and more tolerant of him, he also seemed to have lost his mind and relied on her indulgence, becoming even more capricious. Both of them were addicted to this ambiguous game, and neither of them wanted to wake up.

"That, about Dr. Yang, don't be too upset." Ange clumsily tried to comfort him, "It's not like you killed him, blame Embryo."

"You're giving me back my lines. It's not unconvincing." He listened to Ange's smooth and powerful heartbeat and inwardly felt a burst of peace, "Even if the first half of my life is very similar to his, he and I are completely different people now, I will never experiment with the girl I like. Maybe it's the influence of Black Technology, maybe his life was too smooth, no matter what, probably from then on, he'd broken."

"Ade is trying hard to deny his relationship with Dr. Yang to make himself feel better, right? Otherwise, he'll be crushed by grief." Ange thought silently, and then her arm wrapped around his head a little harder.

"I was also curious to what the nature of C.C.'s immortality really was, and although I sometimes played rather over the top, I never thought of experimenting on her, not once." He affirmed again, "He and I are completely different people."

Ange knew who C.C. was, in the days in the vault, he had told her all his stories without reservation. She sometimes felt cheap, but what to do? She knew that it was wrong, but she just couldn't control it.

"He's stressing again, the more fainthearted he is, the more he stresses, Dr. Yang's experience is too hurtful to him." Ange thought heartbreakingly, "He's never repeatedly self-justified like this."

Even if she never made it to the last step, she was too familiar with Ade. The temperature of the body or the strength of the embrace is telling her that the other party is weak now. Something that might be sympathy or impulse made Ange say offhandedly, "It's you I like, not Dr. Yang."

Ade froze, never thinking it was Ange who broke the balance first, and subconsciously asked, "You said that you will never like a scum like me unless"

"The world is already destroyed." Ange's voice was soft, "So it doesn't matter if I like you, right?"

He sighed quietly, " So you remember it."

"All remembered." Ange was red in the face and her voice was as small as a mosquito, "I'm just not as smart as you, it's not like I don't remember."

"I'm impressed with your memory." Ade subconsciously changed the topic, "You obviously can punch a Kun to death, I did not expect that" (PS: Kun: an enormous legendary fish, which could change into a roc)

"How long are you going to play with this stunt!" Ange instantly blew up, "You bullied me for being a violent woman, and now you bully me for being uneducated, you're too much!"

Looking at Ange, he could not help but laugh out. After thinking about it and thinking that he seemed to have gone too far, he softly read the other party's name, "Ange."

"Hey?" This time it was Miss Friday's turn to freeze, "Oh, oh, what's wrong?"

"Just give me a little more time." His voice was full of sincere apologies, "Wait until after we get back from the moon, okay?"

" Hmm." Ange pressed his head a little harder so he wouldn't see the look on her face, "It's not even light yet, so you can sleep a little longer."

After that, Miss Friday had a nice dream, and when she woke up, the clock on the wall showed it was almost nine o'clock. She does not remember the content of the dream, but the happy and joyful mood in the dream is still retained in her heart. When she woke up, Ade was still asleep, which was quite an unusual thing for Ade, who had been working extremely regularly lately, and her heart ached a little.

Ange gingerly got up from the bed. After dressing and freshening up, she stood quietly by the bed, gazing at Ade's childlike sleeping face and feeling an inexplicable stirring.

"I wanted to keep the first kiss until you took the initiative." She looked around like a thief and carefully bent down, "The cheek does not count, right? Well ~~~~ doesn't count."

As if after doing something bad, Miss Friday vainly hurried out. Her alertness dropped dramatically, so much that she only realized that there was someone standing by the door when she closed the door to the room.

"Wha um!" She suddenly exclaimed out loud, remembering that Ade was still sleeping, so she immediately covered her mouth, and then asked in a small voice, "I remember you are called Salamanman?"

"Salamandinay." She seemed to see the bruises on the other person's forehead, "Is the Doctor still not up?"

"What do you want?" Ange immediately became alert, "Right, what are you doing guarding the entrance to the room?"

"There is some technical information left over here from before the war, and I thought that the Doctor would need these. According to grandpa, the technological development of the two worlds is very different." She explained, "Since the Doctor isn't up, then I'll just keep waiting."

"How do you know Ade isn't up?" Ange looked at her in amazement. "You peeked?!"

"Because you covered your mouth and whispered on purpose." The other party had a speechless look on her face.

Ange felt a strong sense of malice in the other party's expression, and silently remembered in her heart, "Ade can bully me, but how can you, a character who appeared from nowhere, also want to bully me? I'll take this down, Salamander."

Saying goodbye to the young girl, Ange wandered around the colony. She was curious about this colony, and after chatting casually with everyone, she found that everyone in the colony had great reverence for Relena, the founder of the colony, and had a rather high hatred for Embryo, who had taken Relena captive. But everyone doesn't want to talk much about the details.

After walking for a while, she saw Garrod and Tiffa sitting side to side on a small hill not far away. The youthful and sweet atmosphere made Ange a little envious, but thinking of the promise Ade made, she blushed slightly again.

Unknowingly, Ange found herself wandering into no-man's land very close to the edge of the colony. She turned around and was about to head back when she suddenly drew her pistol and turned to take aim, "Who are you?"

"There's no time to explain." The silver-haired man in front of her could be called handsome, but at that moment, his features were twisting together in pain, "I don't have much time to break free, so listen to me."

Ange did not say anything, her finger steadily on the trigger to maintain a ready stance to fire.

"I killed Ruri, I'm too humiliated to see him, I can't live." The silver-haired man trembled as he pulled a datapad out of his pocket and threw it at Ange, who caught it with one hand. It was as if this simple action took all of his strength, and after doing this, he gasped heavily, "Inside is haha the data of the reactor and -drive, incomplete, that's all I can remember. But he must be able to make up for them."

"Killed Ruri" Ange immediately recalled the story she had only heard shortly, "You're Teletha's brother?!"

"Sousuke was right, using the enemy's weapon is the only way to defeat the enemy, so I hid Villkiss from the moon to right under his nose." Leonard was holding the tree with one hand and the other hand was clenched into a fist hard as if he was restraining something, "I found the last layer he didn't crack, it was the ring."

Ange immediately reacted to what the other side was talking about. Ade played the recording left by Dr. Yang on the island countless times, she could even recite it.

"He left no offspring, so he set Villkiss's DNA lock to his own, so Embryo could never use it again."

"What are you talking about. I can use can" Ange immediately retorted, but her voice gradually went lower. Alarm bells went off in her head, and her instincts told her that she couldn't listen any longer. She subconsciously shook her head and muttered, "Stop, don't say it! After we get back, we can we can"

"I convinced the Queen to rebel together, and your mother agreed." Leonard's face showed a more painful look, "I grew artificial sperm from his stem cells that I had secretly saved to artificially impregnate your mother, and then entrusted her with the ring as well."

" I don't believe it." The young girl's eyes gradually overflowed with shock and despair, her hand holding the gun trembled so much that even her voice was so sharp that it changed its tone, "I won't believe you! Ade said you were a villain, I don't believe a word you say!"

"You can't be with him." Leonard struggled, "He's your father."

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