Power and Wealth

Chapter 105

Power and WealthChapter 105 – Reversal!

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Dong Xuebing had not used his BACK from Monday to Friday.Without hesitations, he used up all 5 BACK at once!



“Hahaha, this estate is still the same as before.” MinisterLui reminisces about the time when he was living around this area. He points toa part of the estate a distance away. “When I was not assigned with quarters, Ihad rented a place over there. Can you see that Chinese Mahogany tree? It wasnot so tall back then. Every year, Old Xu and I will climb up the roof to helpothers pluck the leaves. Sighed...... so many years have passed. The estate and thetree are still around, but all of us are old.”

Everyone from the branch bureau was following behindMinister Lui.

Yan Liang laughed and said: “You are not that old. I thinkyou are healthier than me.”

Minister Lui laughed and waved his hand: “I am not thathealthy anymore.”

Time had returned! Now it was precisely 5 minutes ago!

Dong Xuebing was also not sure if 5 minutes was enough. Buthe had no other choices. He looked around urgently and stopped in the southwestdirection. He remembers seeing a Golden Elephant Pharmacy at the end of thestreet. After confirming the direction, Dong Xuebing immediately ran withoutsaying a word. He did not care whether his image as a leader. He ran as fast ashe could.

Minister Lui and Yan Liang did not notice Dong Xuebingrunning off to another direction. But Tan Limei, Changjuan and the rest wereshocked.

Where is Chief Dong going? Why is he running off in a rush?Rushing to the toilet? Even if he needs the bathroom urgently, he also does notneed to run so fast.

Guo Shunjie sneered as he looked at Dong Xuebing’s backview. This behavior was not what a leader should have.

Run! Faster! Run!

Dong Xuebing ran down the alley towards the street. How faris it? Still have not reached? Faster! Run faster! There is not enough time!

Dong Xuebing was one of the fastest sprinters in his classwhen he was still studying. He was weak in mid to long distance. He could onlyrun 100 to 200 meters at most. But today, he broke his personal records. Hesprinted more than 300 to 400 meters without signs of slowing down. He needs tosave his career. He must not let Guo Shunjie be promoted! This was his onlyhope!

1 minute passed......

2 minutes passed......

I see it! That’s the pharmacy!

Dong Xuebing was exhausted. 30 meters more...... 20 meters...... 10meters......

Bang! Dong Xuebing pushes a young man, who was walking outof the Pharmacy, aside and dash into the Golden Elephant Pharmacy. He does notknow if asthma medication was a prescribed drug and was not sure if thepharmacist would sell the medicine to him. He does not have the time toexplain. He immediately took out his work pass and banged the counter. “StateSecurity! I need the medication for asthma and heart attack! Now!”

The cashier behind the counter was shocked, and she lookedat Dong Xuebing’s identification.

Dong Xuebing shouted at her: “Hurry up! It is a matter oflife and death!”

The staffs in the pharmacy were stunned for a while, and onestaff in white coat quickly ran to the back to get the medicines.

That staff was quite fast, and she returns with a small boxof medicine and a bottle of Nitroglycerin tablets and Instant-effect JiuxinPills. Dong Xuebing grabbed the medicines and threw 300 RMB on the counterbefore running out. “Thank you!”

“Hey, the medicines do not cost so much. Your change!”

Dong Xuebing did not turn back and ran back the same wayinto the alleyways!

He had no more stamina and was much slower on his way back!

Dong Xuebing gritted his teeth and ran with all his might.Run faster!

It’s been 5 minutes since he used BACK and Minister Luishould be having his asthma attack now! Is there enough time?

5 seconds passed......

10 seconds passed......

After turning at a Hutong, Dong Xuebing could see the peoplefrom the Bureau panicking in the distance!

I reached! I had finally reached!

Yan Liang, who was panicking, was looking at Minister Lui,gasping for air. He had to bear full responsibility. If he knew that MinisterLui had Asthma and had kept his medication in his bag, Yan Liang would neverforget to bring that bag along. It was because he did not know about MinisterLui’s condition and forgot about it and created this mess! Everything was toolate now. If anything happens to Minister Lui, then...... Yan Liang doesn’t evendare to think what would happen! It will definitely not a matter from gettingfired from his job!

Minister Lui’s eyes were rolled up, and only the whites wereshowing. He could not make it!

“Sir! Hang in there! Just hang on for a bit more!” Yan Liangshouted: “Where is the ambulance? Why is the ambulance not here yet?!”

They were inside a Hutong and the road conditions there werepoor with many turns. It will take at least 20 minutes for the ambulance toarrive at the scene. There was also not enough time for anyone to come overfrom the branch bureau with the medicine. There were too many turns and narrowroads. Even if anyone were to fly from the branch......, they could not reach herein 10 minutes! The pharmacy was the only hope. But all the pharmacies werelocated along the streets outside of the Hutong. It will take at least 6 to 7minutes. Minister Lui now...... might not even last more than a minute!

Tan Limei, Zhuang Zhi and others from the variousdepartments were panicking! There was nothing they could do!

That’s it! Yan Liang’s mind was blank! He is finished!

“Chief Dong! Chief Dong is back!” Chang Juan saw DongXuebing running back and she shouted. She immediately explained what happenedto Dong Xuebing: “Minister Lui is having an asthma attack! Chief Dong, whatshall we do?”

Guo Shunjie heard this and shouted: “What can he do? Hurryup and call the ambulance to chase them!”

The other two young staffs from the 6th Bureaushook their heads when they heard what Chang Juan said. They thought tothemselves. Even if your Chief’s nickname was Firefighter, and dares to runinto a burning room and save penalty kicks, but what can he do in thisemergency? This is an asthma attack. What can this Chief Dong do?

Yan Liang looked at Dong Xuebing’s direction and thoughtnothing about him. He shouted to Guo Shunjie and the others: “Medicine! Go andget medicine!”

Guo Shunjie wiped the sweat on his forehead: “They had justleft to get the medicine. They need at least 5 to 6 minutes!:

Yan Liang looked at the dying Minister Lui. “There is nomore time!”

“Minister Lui!”

Everyone there had given up!

Dong Xuebing, who was panting hard, reached in front of everyone:“Haa....... Med...... Haaa...... I have the med...... Haa...... medicine!”

You have?!

Everyone was shocked when they heard what Dong Xuebingsaid!!!

“Where is it? Where is medicine?” Yan Liang immediatelystand up!

Everyone turns to look at Dong Xuebing!

On his way back, Dong Xuebing had torn open the packaging.He reached into his pocket and took out an inhaler with medicine.

Oh god! This is really the medicine for asthma?!

Yan Liang paused for a sec, snatched the bottle of medicinefrom Dong Xuebing and gave it to Minister Lui: “Hurry, take the medicine!Quick!”

The weak Minister Lui place the plastic mouthpiece in hismouth and inhale deeply. He stopped for a few seconds before inhaling again.Slowly, Minister Lui’s breathing slowed down and was back to normal. But hisexpression was still in pain. He was sweating, and his hand was gripping hischest.

Yan Liang and the rest, who had just relaxed, panickedagain. “Oh, no! He has a heart attack!”

One thing after another!

Heart attacks were also fatal!

Tan Limei, Chang Juan and other female staffs were mumblingto themselves: “Oh no...... That’s it!”

Yan Liang was cursing in his heart! “Hurry and call thosebuying medicine to get heart attack medication too! Quick!”

“Haaaa....... It’s ok......” Dong Xuebing reached out to stopsomeone who was about to make the phone call. He was still panting, and hereached into his pocket: “I have the medicine...... Quick-Acting Heart Reliever pills.”

“Ah?!” Everyone was stunned again.

Yan Liang was also shocked. But he did not have time to waitany longer. He quickly grabbed the Quick-Acting Heart Reliever pills and fed itto Minister Lui.

But Minister Lui slowly shook his head and said withdifficulty: “Quick-Acting...... Heart Reliever pills...... is not effective for me...... Ineed...... Muxiang...... Baoxin Pills...... or Nitroglycerin tablets......”


Everyone panicked again!

Yan Liang was about to go crazy

But Dong Xuebing reached into his pocket again: “...... I alsohave Nitroglycerin tablets. Here...... here......”

Guo Oanwei, Tan Limei, Chang Juan and the other staffs fromvarious departments nearly fainted on the spot!

Asthma medicine, Quick-Acting Heart Reliever pills, Nitroglycerintablets...... How come this Chief Dong has everything in his pockets?!

Yan Liang was also speechless!

Guo Shunjie nearly cursed out loud. You are not sufferingfrom asthma or heart attacks! Why are you carrying these medications around?Are you a fucking Doraemon?!




JiuxinPills or Quick-Acting Heart Reliever pills is one of the blood-quickeningstasis-transforming medicinals to relieve angina. It is a type of Chinesetraditional medicine.

MuxiangBaoxin Pills is another type of Chinese medicine for heart attacks.



TraditionalChinese Medicine/Usage Of Prescriptions

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