Power and Wealth

Chapter 106

Power and WealthChapter 106 – The Omnipotent Chief Xiao Dong!

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After taking the two medicines, Minister Lui’s face slowlyregains normal color.

Yan Liang was still holding on to Minister Lui: “How are youfeeling?”

“Much better.” Minister Lui looked towards Dong Xuebing’sdirection and smiles.

Yan Liang, who had narrowly escaped, guiltily said: “It’sall because of me. I nearly...... I......”

“Haha, it’s ok.” Minister Lui was joyful. “It’s normal forpeople to go when the time is up. Furthermore, I am fine now.”

After this incident, no one had the mood to go visit thebureau’s quarters. When Yan Liang’s driver and Minister Lui’s driver arrives intheir cars, Minister Lui left with his guard. Yan Liang looked at Dong Xuebing.He felt grateful, lucky, and a bit shocked. He had only seen Dong Xuebing runninginto a burning room to retrieve some documents and had heard of what DongXuebing had done by others. He did not think much of it. Firefighter? A lifesaverfor any situation? Bullshit. But today, he experienced Xiao Dong’s miraclesfirst hand. Yan Liang really believed Dong Xuebing could help the leaders inany situation. If it weren’t for taking out the asthma medicine out of nowhere,Yan Liang’s future would be gone......

Everyone at the scene was staring at Dong Xuebing. It was asif he was a god.

Yan Liang waved to Dong Xuebing, asking him to go over.“Good job. You got all the credit for saving Minister Lui’s life. How come youcarry so many medicines with you?”

Dong Xuebing made up a story: “Oh, my neighbor also has thisillness, and these medicines are for him.”

Was this really a coincidence? Yan Liang suspects that DongXuebing had noticed he had forgotten Minister Lui’s bag and purposely went tobuy these medications to perform in front of the leaders. But he thought aboutit and felt it was not possible. Even himself, Minister Lui’s student, did notknow that Minister Lui had gotten asthma recently. How would Xiao Dong know?Yan Liang could not understand why and decided to just stop thinking aboutthis. He nodded at Dong Xuebing and said: “Come, ride the car with me back tothe branch.”

Dong Xuebing was flattered and boarded the car with YanLiang. The rest had to walk back to the branch.

In the car, Dong Xuebing, who was sitting in the frontpassenger seat, felt it was the right time. He turned and said: “Chief Yan,tomorrow is the registration for the District Party School Training Course. Istill feel that Guo Shunjie is not qualified to participate. The incident aboutthe meeting notes must be done by him......”

Yan Liang interrupted him: “Ok. Go back and wait for thenews.”

Dong Xuebing’s heart was beating rapidly. Chief Yan......agrees??

The car arrived at the Branch Bureau compound.

Back at the office, Yan Liang picked up the phone and calledPolitical Commissar Zhou. “Political Commissar Zhou? The Party School Trainingcourse spot is given to the General Affairs Office’s Guo Shunjie? I don’t thinkit is suitable. He is still not a Section level officer. How can he attend thetraining course meant for Section level officers? The other staffs will beunhappy.”

Zhou Guoan was stunned and could not react.

Yan Liang did not give him any chance to retort. “I thinkChief Dong from the General Affairs Office is a good candidate. This type ofpeople should be groomed. Let him attend the course.”

Zhou Guoan’s face changed: “Chief Yan, didn’t we agree aboutthis?”

“This is my decision, and it’s final.” Yan Liang did notcare what Zhou Guoan thinks. He owes Xiao Dong favor. If he did not help DongXuebing settle this Party School training course and transferred away, whatwould others think of him?

Zhou Guoan turns pale when he heard the line was cutabruptly. He threw the phone on the table and then grabbed the teacup and threwit against the wall.

Dong Xuebing, someone who entered the branch for less than 3months, had disrupted his plans twice! Zhou Guoan had already spread the newsabout Guo Shunjie attending the training at the Party School, and now he had towithdraw his name? He even had to put up Dong Xuebing’s name for the course? Hewas someone who had purposely provoke him by putting dessert pictures in hismeeting notes! What was Yan Liang thinking? He decided to fall out on his lastday? This was like a slap to Zhou Guoan’s face!

After thinking for a while, Zhou Guoan picked up the phone:“Hello? Chief Yan is supposed to accompany Minister Lui to the branch bureauquarters. Why is he back suddenly? Help me find out what happened.” Zhou Guoanknew there must be a reason why Yan Liang changed his mind last mind.

At the same time, news of Dong Xuebing replacing Guo Shunjieto attend the training course at the district party school spreads throughoutthe branch. Everyone was shocked when they heard of this.

Was this real? In the morning, everyone was still discussingthe end of Dong Xuebing’s career. But in the afternoon, everything had changed.Furthermore, even if Dong Xuebing did not offend Political Commissar Zhou, DongXuebing was just promoted to Deputy Chief, and it should not be his turn. Howcome Dong Xuebing had all the luck?

Xu Yan and Song Shoujie were having a discussion in theoffice when they heard about this piece of news. They were also shocked. Whathappened? The reactions of Yang Yizhong, Pang Bin, Liu Hua, and the rest werethe same as Xu Yan and Song Shoujie. They immediately picked up the phone tocall the staff members who had accompanied Chief Yan and Minister Lui to thequarters. Something must have happened there.

When everyone heard of what happened on the way to thequarters, they understood why...... and they were stunned.

On the way to the quarters, Minister Lui had an asthmaattack and a heart attack. But Chief Yan had forgotten to bring Minister Lui’sbag, which contains all the medicines. When Minister Lui was in grave danger,Dong Xuebing just happens to have asthma medicine with him. He also justhappens to have Nitroglycerin tablets with him. And he just happens to saveMinister Lui’s life.

Everyone was looking at each other speechless.


There were too many coincidences until they want to curse!

No one would ever expect Dong Xuebing to help Chief Yan to putout his fire. He also helped himself to put out his own fire.

When Chief Xiao Dong had rushed into a burning room toretrieve documents, he had shocked many people.

When Chief Xiao Dong dived to save the penalty, he had alsoshocked many people.

When Chief Xiao Dong scored that goal in the final secondsof the soccer match, he had shocked many people.

When Chief Xiao Dong was promoted to the Deputy Chief of theGeneral Affairs Office, many people were shocked.

But this time, the word “shocked” could no longer beexpressed how they feel about Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing could save a penalty, scored a winning goal,and run into a burning office and jump out through the windows on the secondfloor.

Chief Xiao Dong couldn’t be suffering from asthma and heartattacks. When Minister Lui needed these medicines, Chief Xiao Dong could takeit our from his pockets like magic.

Which leader does not like this type of godlike staff?

It would be weird if the branch did not put up the name ofthis godlike staff for the training course.

Firefighter? How can he be called a firefighter?

Slowly, Dong Xuebing had a new nickname. The OmnipotentChief Xiao Dong!

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