Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 151: The Evolution Stones Disappearance

Chapter 151: The Evolution Stones Disappearance

“Is the boy dead?” Brett nudged the young man’s arm with his foot.

“Don’t do that, what if you end up killing him?” Leena dug her elbow into Brett’s ribs.

Astrid chuckled. She glanced at Brett, then back to Jonathan before her eyes snapped back to the assassin. “Holy shit you don’t have an arm!”

“Did you just notice?” Brett sighed and flopped his stumpy arm in the air.

Not realising how funny it looked, Astrid couldn’t help herself as a sadness welled up within her.

“Hey don’t be looking at me like I’m some sort of cripple.” Brett spat.

“But you are.” Astrid said without thinking.

Brett squinted his lips, then a bundle of mana emerged from him. From where the wound began on his arm, a black seeped out from within the still healing wound. It started like drops of water, then it slowly urged down and formed a new arm out of… shadows.

Finished with his creation, he flexed his hand then waved it this way and that. “So strange, I can’t even feel the air.”

“That’s your concern?” Astrid gawked. “Are you sure it’s okay?”

“Ah it’ll be fine.” Brett smirked. “I wouldn’t be the first Wayfarer to lose their arm on the job. Besides, I’ll just save up for a while and get one of those Sanctity healers to heal it right up.”

“Those guys?” Bellona scrunched up her face and flinched, as if she was afraid they would turn up at any moment. “They won’t even go near you.”

Astrid had heard about them, but only in stories. They were holy healers that dedicated their life to the Goddess in meditation. Often going weeks without food or water. It was said they did it to keep their bodies holy for their healing to reach the peak.

Of course, only the nobles had access to their order. And it was a steep price for their services.

Bellona was likely referencing their strange personalities. Of course, they didn’t only just heal the nobles just because they had the most money. It was because they deemed only the noble's bloodline pure enough to receive their help.

They were blessed by the Goddess.

Or so everyone believed. But now with the introduction of the black blobs, Astrid was certain that if word got out, the world would change. It wouldn’t be a good change either. Especially if there was a way to dig out the black blob. Chaos would ensue. Murder would just be the beginning.

Even more so if somehow the rarity of her Classes were leaked. Astrid’s blood turned cold just thinking about it–even if she knew it was impossible.

After all, unexplained anomalies were popping up all over the world. Her previous understanding of how things worked, and how things would now become, was quickly being turned on its head.

This was just the beginning. Astrid grimaced.

“Hey, you do know we are in the middle of an army of monsters, right?” Leena pointed out.

At her words, they all turned to look out at the battlefield around them. Countless monsters were looking in the direction. They easily numbered into the thousands.

Apes beat their chests, driaders twitched their insect legs, mountain golems gazed forward with gem-like eyes. Of course, those were only a few that occupied the large expanse of land.

Died in blood, they stood on the wounded land, and watched.

That was until the ground trembled, it was followed by an intense screaming that was filled with crazed joy.

Hundreds of psycho’s riding on the back of large scaled beasts rampaged forward. Approaching the apes, the beasts slammed their chests in preparation for the battle.

Just as they were about to crash into the hundreds of chest beating monsters, an enormous saw-blade moved at high speed. Only half of the blade was visible to the eye, as the rest was underground, yet it didn’t impede its speed at all. Rather, it only increased the farther it travelled.

Seeing the sudden attack, and with no king to back them up–they escaped in every direction.

Those that were too slow were ripped apart and ground up like livestock. Moments later, and the once bloodied battlefield was void of life. Bar the psychos, of course.

The Great No-Eyed One approached at high speed along with his forces.

“Praise be the Eye-Queen!”

“Rip out my eyes!”

Astrid grinned and ripped out the eyes of those at the front. They were the strongest among them, and had obviously endured the most in the recent war. Bloody wounds from the intense fight were gouged into their skin, yet they didn’t seem to acknowledge their existence. As if the savage cuts were a normal part of their insane life.

Displaying a happy smile at the arrival of her troops, she glanced at Leena, and the others.

Mouths open wide, they stood rooted to the spot as the psycho’s eyeballs floated in the air.

“I, um–can explain?” Astrid fidgeted on the spot. An intermittent chuckle escaped from her mouth.

Since they had to wait for Jonathan to wake up, Astrid explained to them what had happened to her with the psychos.

Brett’s expression turned from horror, to confusion, then to shock, only for it to repeat once more. He wasn’t the only one. Leena couldn’t keep her vision off the hollowed out eye sockets of the psycho vanguard.

Eyeball pulling makes them stronger? It was a difficult situation to grasp. But with portals to other worlds, the System granting strange missions, and alien monsters they had never seen before, it was hardly the strangest sight.

“Nope, it’s definitely the strangest thing I’ve ever seen.” Bellona shook her head in defiance.

“Oh, C’mon, It’s not that bad.” Astrid beamed with excitement and stole another set of eyeballs.

Bellona shivered. “Please stop.”

“Alright then.” Astrid’s shoulders slumped.

Having explained her situation, and with no threats remaining in the area, Astrid glanced at the two stones within her hand.

She wasn’t sure if it was originally meant to be one, or if it was a design choice from the System. So she took a closer look. Maybe the System itself would explain it to her?

Level ??? - Evolution Stone: The once whole evolution stone has splintered from the destruction of time. The evolution stone is capable of upgrading one's physique to the peak of its capabilities. Although it is usable, its efficacy has lowered.

Capable of upgrading one's physique to the peak of its capabilities. What does that mean? Astrid pondered on whether she should use it or not. It hardly seemed like something that would cause damage. After all, it was a reward from the System.

Thankfully, she didn’t need to wait long for her question to be answered.

Life twitched from Jonathan’s body. He took a large gulping breath as he shot his upper body up. Now sitting, he grimaced in pain, only to gaze at his surroundings in confusion, and panic.

“Woah there, you ain’t dead?” Astrid squatted down and slapped his shoulder. Her hand landed on part of the still healing wound.

He seethed in pain. “I–I’m alive?” Despite his less than ideal outward condition, his voice was filled with a renewed vibrance. It was as if he had taken a vitality shot. His body had a strength that he didn’t have before.

“How are you feeling?” Astrid tilted her head. She wasn’t angry that he took part of the reward, he had earned it himself at the risk of death. What was his, she wouldn’t take. No, she was angry that if it wasn’t for her help, he would have been dead.

He made a gamble that he couldn’t save himself from. One had to first have the strength to fight for a slice of the pie. It was the whole reason she pressed forward as she did. She was aware of her powers, and what she could get away with doing.

Jonathan on the other hand relied on pure, Goddess granted luck. It was stupid. He had a loving family–she had seen it with her own eyes. To risk it all…

Maybe she was being hypocritical? Astrid sighed.

“Okay?” Jonathan flexed his body, stretching it, he attempted to find something wrong with it. “Well, pain I suppose.”

“Nothing a potion won’t fix with time.” Getting back to her feet, she gazed off into the distance.

Where was that dumb Avemoth? She was half expecting it to arrive for the stone, as all the other kings and their troops did.

From the mission description, and the Great No-Eyed One’s words, the monster was in the jungle. Anyone would kill for a chance of evolution.

Was it so strong it didn’t need it, or was it held up somewhere unreachable? Whatever it was, she would need the Great No-Eyed One’s help in finding its home.

Whether she could kill it or not was a different problem all-together. But well, it was something to figure out later. For now it was time to read the System notifications she had ignored during the fight.

You have Levelled up!

Oculus Witch Level 118 -> Oculus Witch Level 122

Voidmare Level 118 -> Voidmare Level 122

Gained 40 stat points.

You now have 961 Intelligence.

Astrid turned giddy at the sight of the approaching 1000 Intelligence. It was so close to becoming a reality. In fact, she had already passed that number, but the added Stats from equipment sadly didn’t count toward her milestone.

Skill level up!

Dominating Sovereigns Eye level 4 -> Dominating Sovereigns Eye level 5

Left Eye of Mana level 6 -> Left Eye of Mana level 8

[ Stage 2 ] Void Graviton level 5 -> Void Graviton level 7

[ Stage 2 ] Void Storage level 3 -> Void Storage level 5

[ Stage 3 ] Major Image level 8 -> Major Image level 10

[ Stage 3 ] Mind Domination level 8 -> Mind Domination level 10

[ Stage 3 ] Blinking Reposition level 6 -> Blinking Reposition level 8

[ Stage 3 ] Mind Armour level 10 -> Mind Armour level 12

[ Stage 3 ] Mind Barrier level 13 -> Mind Barrier level 15

[ Stage 3 ] Crash level 11 -> Crash level 13

[ Stage 2 ] Psych Warp level 3 -> Psych Warp level 5

[ Stage 3 ] Psych Domain level 7 -> Psych Domain level 9

[ Stage 3 ] Psychic’s Power level 7 -> Psychic’s Power level 9

[ Stage 2 ] Psychokinesis level 13 -> Psychokinesis level 15

[ Stage 2 ] Anti-Disabling Field level 18 -> Anti-Disabling Field level 19

Experience gained!

Happy at her progress, it was time to consume the evolution stone.

With her mind made up, she didn’t hesitate for a single second more. She tossed the spare stone to Leena. If there was someone deserving of it, it was her.

Throughout all the years, she remained by her side. A loyal friend who would die for her was something that was difficult to come by. To ensure her survival, and to strengthen her abilities. She didn’t have to give it a second thought.

Leena caught it within her hands. She was about to question it, but seeing Astrid’s power, she wasn’t in a position to refuse. For as long as she could, she wished to stay by her side.

Now how does this thing work? Astrid fiddled around with the multi-coloured gem.

Not realising how, it disappeared into her skin.

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