Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 152: Interference, and the Eye-Queen Trials

Chapter 152: Interference, and the Eye-Queen Trials

A mild warmth transformed into a searing heat that literally bubbled from underneath her skin. Astrid seethed in pain, unsure of what was causing such a harsh reaction.

Leena, seeing the result, was about to place the stone on the ground. But it wouldn't let her. Just like with Astrid, the stone disappeared into her flesh. However, the alien-like occurrence didn’t affect her in the same way it did Astrid.

Leena’s brows dipped as she nibbled at her lips, but that was all.

Why? Astrid panicked, but then a thought entered her mind like a phantom. Maybe it was to do with her high Constitution?

Astrid wasted no more time and altered the matter within her body, heightening the Constitution to the maximum her Skill would allow her. Instantly, the pain lessened considerably. It no longer bubbled under her flesh, but the starting warmth was brought back. Thankfully.

It was now a gentle heat that swept through her entire body. It felt like she was back at home, sinking into a nice comfortable bath.

I must have reached over the required Constitution limit for the evolution stone. It would have been helpful to know that information before… Astrid thought. It was dangerous to not label things properly!

It took Astrid around fifteen minutes before the heat dwindled, before becoming non-existent. Realising that the process was almost complete, she sunk her mind into her body to investigate.

The sight shocked her. She had never seen her body so… pure before. From her squeaky clean bones, to the widened mana channels in her body, even the red of her blood had a vividness to it that looked almost artificial.

It was as if her entire body was cleansed. Just as she was marvelling at what the evolution stone had done to her body, a horrid stench seeped out of her pores. Black gunk streamed out just like with what had happened to Jonathan.

Astrid turned up her nose as her spine tingled. The feeling of the viscous liquid touching up against her tight clothes made her squirm. Goosebumps formed. In haste, she leapt into a nearby crater and used Psychokinesis to wick away the almost jelly-like liquid.

However, the evolution stone wasn’t finished. After purging her heart from its impurities, the heat appeared once more, and travelled up into her mind.

A buzzing sensation tingled her mind, her thoughts cleared. Then the heat moved to her eye–where her mana container was–only for it to halt before it could do anything.

Astrid broke out of her reverie and just stared into the distance. What the hell just happened?

It was a strange feeling. Like a particular maid that interrupted her just when she was about to finish setting up a glorious prank for her tutor.

Thankfully she wasn’t left completely in the dark.

Integration with the Evolution Stone is only partly complete. Interference met. Unable to advance to the Evolution.

| Synchronisation with the Evolution Stone - 75%.

| 85 added Constitution.

| 50 added Strength.

| 50 added Dexterity.

| 25 added Wisdom.

| 25 added Intelligence.

| All Stamina use is reduced by 25%

Huh? Astrid tilted her head. Interference?

“Pupil, you better not have done anything!” Astrid stomped on the ground and shouted within her mind.

“Huh?” Pupil’s said in a groggy voice as if he had just woken up from a deep slumber.

“You did, didn’t you? Why else would you be tired!”

“No, I didn’t do anything!”

“Then what took away my reward!”

There was a pause, before Pupil continued. “There was a strange feeling coming from your palm…”

“My palm?” Astrid tilted her head in confusion for a moment. What about her palm?

Gazing at her palm, she waved it around in the air. Nothing happened. Then, her eyes widened.

Void Storage. Astrid immediately used the Skill and a black spiralling void opened up within the palm of her hand. White sparkling lights rotated in the middle of a purple-black mass of energy.

Sinking her mind into it, floating within was the book of the Eyeball-Queen. It was already opened–but this time instead of the first page–it was on the second. It wasn’t empty either.

Did the book halt the evolution progress… why? Astrid pondered.

She took a prepared breath then wandered over to the space with her mind connection. The black inked words looked to be scrawled by a child. The only reason Astrid could even read it was because it was similar to her own handwriting.

Ignoring the bad memories of having her tutor shout at her lack of care with handwriting, she read the words on the page.

“Day one-hundred thou–whatever it is. Today I decided to wander through the vast cosmos in search of something fun to do. I ended up reaching a strange jungle land with a tribe of psycho’s and met an odd coincidence. Or is it fate? Nah I don’t believe in that. Anyway, they receive power-ups when I rip out their eyes! How cool…”

Astrid shifted on the spot as she pointed at the air. Oh, is this a diary? The Eye-Queen's diary! Shaking her head, she continued onwards.

“They’ve begun worshipping me like some sort of Goddess. Unlike the other more boring planets I’ve wandered to, I’ve already met some funny people in this one, and the fluffy animals here are damn soft. Like seriously. I’m petting one right now–although it’s dead, it’s surprisingly warm!”

The world beyond… Astrid felt her blood boil. Something about knowing the world was much larger than she once thought filled her with boundless excitement. Had the Migrators also found life out there?

She also likes fluffy things! Astrid smiled. Good, she wasn’t the only one.

“I decided to create a diary with some hidden… tools. I should also probably place some restrictions on it, I figure it would implode my other halfs mind if they delved too far–too fast. Good idea. Although it’s still rudimentary, I’ll spend some time to make sure it helps them. You hear that? I’m helping you, how great am I?”

She’s lost it. Astrid shook her head, but she was curious as to what she meant with the hidden tools. What did that even mean?

And the other half was obviously her. But that would mean she somehow knew that Astrid was going to find the book and open it. No wait, that meant she would have to know that Astrid also had the Psychokinetic Class.

So it’s something like a teacher leaving behind assignments? Astrid thought to herself.

“Day 2. I finally decided on what the first test for my other half would be! If you're wondering why I need to create a test to grant you power, it’s because the laws won’t allow it otherwise. But never-mind that! I have decided to create a game world within the book. I call it - Entertain me game! Okay, I’m still working on the name. But all you have to know is that you will need to fight monsters of my creation! To the death! How fun…”

Next to the finished paragraph were dozens of laughing faces that were scribbled onto the page.

Who’s really the psycho? Astrid sighed.

Finally, all that was left on the page was a scribbled mess of some sort of scribbled mess of a building? Honestly it was near impossible to make out if any ordinary human was looking at it. But Astrid…

Oh it’s a tower! Astrid happily traced along the tower with her finger. They kind of looked like the ones she had always drawn, although they were a little better.

Just as she was admiring the masterpiece, an overpowering psychic energy slammed into her mind. It was impossible to counter. The connection was made with her mind without her being able to do anything about it.

It was as if a ruler had demanded her presence.

You have entered the Eye-Queen’s Trials.

Her mind was sucked into a strange place. It was an arena, like all she had seen before it, but this one was different. Way different–to the point of absurdity.

An enormous platform was on the top of an active volcano. Spurts of molten rock fired out of the volcano, and out to the side of the platform. They continued, hurtling through the air.

Astrid peered over the edge, only to see a world of ruin. Deep scars of both holes and scores like blade marks were etched into the land. It made it near impossible to gain an understanding of where she was, or if it even was a habitable world.

Well it sure didn’t look like it.

Just as Astrid was about to question what she was doing here, what happened next made her mouth gape wide open in sheer disbelief.

An enormous shrouded figure blasted out of an exploding pillar of lava. She held what resembled a small cone, she spoke into it.

“Welcome my other half on entering the Entertain me game! The name is still a work in progress, but the aim of the game is to battle, and survive! So good luck!”

Astrid stood rooted to the spot. Eyeballs spiralled all around the black figure. Even her hair was entirely blacked out, it moved from side-to-side. Stars sparkled underneath each strand of blackened hair. The only thing visible was a set of eerie teeth. Although on closer inspection, they weren’t teeth. It was just a white shadow that resembled a large grin.

It was the Eye-Queen.

“Today you’ll be facing an easy opponent I once fought. Kill it, rip out its eyes–and obtain victory for your reward!”

At the end of her words, her eyes flared a deep purple. Then she blinked, causing a white light to flash the area in a blinding light.

Astrid closed her eyes, and the next moment, a strange monster she had never seen before looked all around.

It was dog shaped and covered in deep purple scales. It also had two tails that looked as if they had a mind of their own. Of course they weren’t normal tails either. Each tail had its own mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth.

“Welcome first contender – Void Hound!” The Eye-Queen was like a presenter as she announced its arrival.

Eyes locking onto her body, the void hound charged at her.

The monster's body blended into the dark areas of the stage. Squinting her eyes, Astrid could see the monster through the light reflection of the surrounding lava explosions.

Astrid sent multiple [Crashes] to its body. Most of them missed, only one hit. The explosion smashed into the side of its body, sending it rolling on the floor, but it quickly recovered.

Snapping back to its feet, it charged once more.

Repeating her actions, the [Crashes] were about to land as Astrid read its previous movements. But what happened next shocked her. There was no telling of its movement, it simply re-appeared in front of her.

The void hound whipped its tail for her throat, the two mouths snapped down at her–but they met her barrier.

Instantly, the first barrier was instantly obliterated. The second offered half a second resistance before the same situation occurred, only the last was able to groan in protest for a couple seconds.

Before the barrier shattered, Astrid dodged to the side, and sent a single powered [Crash] to the monsters still attacking body. Only for it to disappear.

Astrid’s eyes widened as the voidbent metal in her bones leaked out and covered her skin in its entirety.

Covered in a deep purple armour, the monster's tails struck her directly, sending her hurtling through the air. Although there was no outward damage, that wasn’t the same for her internal organs.

Winded, she desperately gulped in heaps of air before the monster disappeared once more.

Astrid snarled and connected to the matter around her in huge amounts. The moment the void hound re-appeared, Astrid [Crashed] the matter.

In an enormous explosion, blood splattered on the floor as the hound slid across the arena.

“What an awesome blow from my other half. Although rudimentary and hardly offering the creativity of my magnificence, it did the job!”

You defeated - Void Hound - level 205!

Extra experience is granted for defeating an enemy many levels above!

You have Levelled up!

Oculus Witch Level 122 -> Oculus Witch Level 125

Voidmare Level 122 -> Voidmare Level 125

Gained 30 stat points.

You now have 991 Intelligence.

“Screw you.” Astrid spat as she wiped the blood from her mouth. “Now give me my reward.”

It seemed like the Eye-Queen couldn’t listen as she ignored Astrid’s words.

Is it pre-recorded? Astrid thought.

“Now for the next stage!”

Her eyes flashed, and two of the void hounds entered the arena.

“C’mon, you didn’t think that would be it, did you?” The Eye-Queen held her hand on her stomach as she boomed out a laughter.

Shit. Astrid readied herself.

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