Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

Astrid, Maggie, her repair crew, and some Seafarers for protection were under water, fixing whatever they could in the hull of Rebirth. In all, the arc was still in great condition, save for a few cracks here and there.

Astrid couldnt re-create the metal platings, but she could use Psych Warp and her matter control to fill in the gaps further than any normal repair job could hope to achieve. Of course, what she could do, there were others that could do it better.

There was a man named Clark. He was bald with a long, braided beard. He could also control metal as if it was an extension of his arm, just like Leena. But where Leena focused on combat, Clark was an expert in utilising it to repair the arc. He fastened the metal to Rebirth, creating a perfect link. It would last from anywhere between days, to years, depending wholly on what unholy monsters decided to crack it back open.

Because of that, Astrid had more of a supportive role. With being able to see the matter beyond the cracks of the hull, Astrid guided the others, mainly Clark, to repair what needed to be fixed.

Astrid took pointers from Clark. Apparently, it wasnt only the science users that had studied the properties of the unique, and long lost metal of Rebirth. Maggie and her team had also done their research over the years. Namely Clark, who was already on the restoration team long before he joined Maggie. Fusing two metals together, with one of them being stubborn, and mostly unknown, was a difficult task.

Rebirths metal didnt have a melting point. Or if it did, no one on the planet had the capabilities to accomplish the feat. So that meant that other methods had to be implemented.

Clark used a joining method. He used a rare tough metal named Star Iron and created a clasp all around the damaged area. Then, he glued them together, creating a seal.

All Astrid had to do was help guide his hand beyond the hull.

The entire process took the entire day, with the help of Astrid speeding up the process. They resurfaced, taking their breathing apparatus off, and peeling off their wetsuits. Astrids body wasnt touched by water thanks to her Mind Barrier, so there was no need to wear one.

Maggie stood out of her wetsuit, and said, Thanks for the help. Your abilities are quite handy, eh?

Im more surprised at Clarks abilities, Astrid said with newfound respect for the non-damage oriented classes. Maybe she could even implement some of their techniques into the way she used Psych Warp?

Hes been repairing Rebirth for over twenty-years, Maggie said, nodding to the quiet man as he counted his tools. If he wasnt at least that good, I wouldnt have him in my team. Maggie chuckled.

Charlotte told me about your promotion. Good job, Astrid said. Finally managed to bypass the politics?

Bypass them, no, Maggie said with a helpless smirk. With the corruption, we lost quite a few production users. It was actually thanks to Lady Freya that she tore down the archaic rules of the guild, granting me a spot at the table. Bunch of old codgers, the lot of them. If it was up to me, Id turf most of them to the streets.

I hear some of the production heads havent lifted a hammer in a good while.

Most, Maggie corrected with a scowl. It's infuriating considering once upon a time, they were all experts in their own rights. Now, they play politics all day long, stopping others from advancing their craft because theyve turned lazy themselves.

Well, now that youre at the table, why dont you shake it up? Astrid asked with a chuckle.

I cant be hasty. Move too fast, and Ill be thrown out myself. I need to be patient.

Sounds like life on the battlefield, Astrid said with a grin.

Just different battles, thats all, Maggie said.

Astrid said after a moment of silence, Charlotte asked me to tell you to see her before we head into the Dead Seas. Although my mother is confident in her plan, and I believe her, anything can happen.

Maggie nodded. Thanks. Ive been meaning to see her. But with everything going on. Thats no excuse, is it?

If you spot this tale on Amazon, know that it has been stolen. Report the violation.

Astrid shrugged.

Maggie leaned in, nudging Astrids arm with her elbow. What about you?

What about me? Astrid stepped back. Those eyes. Theyre dangerous.

You know, Maggie said with a sly smile. Love.

Astrid shook her head. Love? She thought about it long and hard. She wasnt dense. But honestly, she had never given it any thought. Ordinarily, once she turned sixteen, her mother would give her a list of marriage candidates.

Of course she didnt want to marry. She vehemently refused ever since she was young, much to the dismay of her parents. But so what? She had the power to grab hold of her own future. That was the way of a Sinwen.

She had her family, and the battlefield. She didnt have time for anything else.

Not for me, Astrid said as a matter of fact.

Thats boring, Maggie said with a wink. Anyway, thanks for the help. Oh, and just before you arrived, there was a messenger sent for you. Said youve to return to the Sinwen Manor. Dont know what its for, Im afraid.

Okay, thank you, Maggie, Astrid said, whirling on her heels.

She returned to the manor.



All of her family and friends shouted the moment she opened the doors to the hall. Astrids lips pulled up into a wide smile. Everyone was here. Of course, Astrid knew they were, as she could see their hearts through the thick doors, but she didn't know why they were here. Now she did.

It was her birthday. Give or take a few days.

Happy birthday! Lisa rushed forward with the others as they all hauled Astrid into a tight bear hug. Rob was the strongest. It was starting to hurt. They let go a second later.

Her mother stood with a sweet smile with her hands held at her front. It was as if they werent under threat of extinction. It was the same for everyone else. Their smiles were forced. They all knew what was awaiting them in the coming days, but at least for now, they didnt want to think about it.

Astrids heart warmed. She grinned, then pulled them all into a psychokinetic bear hug.

Astrid. Too. Tight, Brett said, squirming in mid-air.

Astrid laughed, then let them all down. She turned to her mother, then to the pretty pink and white cake that was placed in the middle of the grand table. Candied swords poked out from within and gems and coins lay at the bottom of it. It was her favourite.

Thank you, everyone, Astrid said, glancing around the room.

It was Freyas idea, Brett said, nudging his thumb to the red-haired young noble woman.

Freya waved her hand. I thought it would be a good chance to raise everyone's spirits. Sorry its a bit on the early side, Astrid.

No, its perfect, Astrid said. She rushed forward and embraced Freya.

Freya reciprocated the hug. A second later, she stepped back, and brought out a little package wrapped in red paper, all tied together with a golden rope. It was flat, like a rectangular plate.

Its from everyone, Freya said.

Astrid nodded, and ungracefully ripped open the packaging.

Reminds me of every Winter Day, Eli said, eliciting laughter from all the others in the room.

Astrid was going to respond, but once she realised what it was, a lump formed in her throat. It was a picture. On it, was a life-like painted image of all of her friends and family. She embraced it, tightening her grip, pressing it against her chest.

I love it, She said, wiping a tear from the corner of her eyes.

No matter how far away you may be, her mother said, gently placing her only hand on Astrids shoulder. We will always be with you.

Astrid nodded. It felt like someone was punching her gut, but in a good way.

The rest of the day was spent having cake, and talking to all of her friends. Kreka at one point had invaded the hall, drinking the wine, and devouring whatever was left of the cake while he spewed nonsense about helping Astrid ascend into the great skies above. Everyone laughed. Spirits were high.

But it couldnt last forever. At some point, everyone had left. Brett, Rachelle, Lisa, Losef, and Rob, had returned back to the lower district. They were good at hiding it, but Astrid knew that the fate of Daniel loomed over their heads like a dark forecast. Whether he lived, or died, was currently unknown.

Despite that, they had spent their time to cheer up Astrid. And she needed it. As selfish as it was. She lay on the roof of her bedroom and gazed up at the stars. It was nearing winter, so that meant that it was frigidly cold.

But with the help of her Internal Engine, and her higher Constitution, the lack of heat wasnt much of an issue for her anymore.

Just a few more days, and they would be met with the border of the Dead Seas. What would happen after that was difficult to predict. But somehow, Astrid felt that it wouldnt be as easy as her mother believed.

Just like always, it was going to be a path carved with blood, flesh, and bone.

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