Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

Astrid felt the mana blaze within her container, before it travelled through her Internal Engine, and churned like a high grade fuel. Turning the dial of Overload all the way to 100% was a great burden on her fragile Internal Engine, but she had to release the steam.

It was the only way she knew how to.

Scanning her vision across the water, over 100 white lights greeted her. They were all coming from within the spawn. White. Astrid had never seen it before. Usually she could only see blue or red, denoting their mana containers, or their hearts, but now she looked at something else.

It was their weakness.

Like Daniels path, it not only displayed the faults in their defence, but where they would move next, and what was their dominant arm. In total, her Killing Intent was showing her the best way to kill the monsters. At this moment, Astrid was like an elite veteran who had lived their life on the battlefield. No, it was more than that. She was granted a heightened ability of foresight and deduction. All to kill.

Astrid listened to the information her mind was giving her. Placing her hand on the water, her mana raged forth. Even if the spawn wished to dodge her attack, it was so wide, so expansive, that they didnt get the chance.

From the water, it hardened into metal. The metal shot upwards with over a hundred needles. Each one of them pierced the glowing white illumination as their target.

Against the strongest of the spawn; the offspring, it didnt kill them outright. But it left them paralysed. If not permanently, then at least temporarily until they were healed.

However, the weaker spawn didnt escape unscathed. Each hardened water needle skewered through the weakness in their body, boring through their flesh, and into their undefended brain.

Some of the faster spawn tried to dodge the needles, but Astrid had already predicted where they would move. How they would move. A needle awaited them.

Her mind stung. From her use before, she realised that if she lost focus for even a single second, Overload would consume her mind.

You defeated a Spawn Offspring - Level 373| Extra experience is granted for defeating an enemy many levels above!

You have Levelled up!| Oculus Witch Level 273 -> Oculus Witch Level 283| Voidmare Level 273 -> Voidmare Level 283

You have gained 100 stat points.| You now have 2596 Intelligence.

Her mind felt like it was on fire. If it was only one enemy that she was calculating, then it wouldnt be too hard on her mentally. But there were over 100. The strain it pushed on her mind was a heavy burden to bear.

The moment she finished her attack, she cancelled Overload. And then came the downside of using such a Skill.

Overload Spent.

| You cannot use offensive magic for 5 minutes.

Astrid cancelled the sharp pain threatening to take over her mind, and spun in the air. Her father and the other Seafarers had already made it back to Rebirth. Astrid quickly followed them. Just as she reached the bottom of the arc, she glanced over her shoulders.

The Leviathan was nearing. Was their preparations enough to stop the mythical monster from tearing her home apart? She didnt know. She didnt want to know. Astrid had already lost a brother, and that weight bore down on her heart. She grit her teeth so hard they creaked under the pressure. She glared at the black monster of the abyss.

I swear. I will rip you apart. And not just you.

Her vision turned to the figures floating beside the beast. Somehow, someway, they were taming the Leviathan to do its bidding. And somehow, they had brought the Great Migrators with them.

Ripping her fiery gaze from her destined enemies, she floated to the top of Rebirth. The warriors that they still had were busy rushing around the upper decks, gathering armour, weapons, and potions for the upcoming war.

Not only that, but the kobolds and the other science users were making the last quick adjustments to the new cannons. Kreka named it the Big-Boom. Astrid couldnt wait to see it in action.

Astrid spotted her mother and father and the other Grand Nobles just behind the battlements. Her mother and father were embracing, then looked over at Astrid as she approached.

This story has been taken without authorization. Report any sightings.

Youve grown again, little bird, Uncle Vihaan said with a smile. Despite his grievous wounds, his eyes were bright. A healer was busy healing his wounds, just like with all the other Grand Nobles. He continued, I noticed you aimed for their vitals and didnt give them a chance to escape. If I had known any better, it looks like youve been replaced by a veteran.

Lies, Uncle Vihaan, Astrid said with a sad smile. Noone can replace me.

He laughed. Vihaan stepped forward and grabbed Astrid in a bear hug. Her bones creaked, but she didnt care. His embrace was warm.

Aye, thats true, His voice boomed in her ear.

Youre gonna turn me deaf, uncle. Astrid groaned.

Then something loud struck Rebirth. It ricocheted off the metal plates of the arc, and splashed into the water. A massive explosion followed. The other warriors flinched at the noise.

Astrid peered over the battlements and saw what appeared to be a man in the distance. He was floating. Astrid noticed the golden pauldrons on his shoulders. It was the same armour that Jabari was wearing when he invaded her Trials.

He fired fireball after fireball. Each one of them turned the air around it into a blaze. However, despite the strength of his Skills, the arc shrugged them off.

The man seemed angry. Astrid could practically see his eyes flicker with blazing fury.

Whats his deal? Astrid thought as she placed her feet back on the deck.

How is the preparation for the new cannon going? Her mother spun on her heels, and asked the science users.

It will be ready in under 10 minutes, Lady Astrid, they responded.

We dont have 10 minutes, she said. Make it five.

Yes, Lady Sinwen. Right away.

The science user's fingers moved blindingly fast as they tightened bolts here and there. Or they were loading the shell, and making last minute adjustments. The kobolds couldnt keep up with them. They stepped back, looked at eachother, and shrugged.

I hope you have enough strength left over, Astrid said, looking at the Grand Nobles.

Milana scoffed. When you were still in diapers, we were out in cities fighting monsters youve yet to experience, young Sinwen. Of course we have enough strength. She cracked her knuckles as dark purple ravens floated around her shoulders.

Vihaan laughed. The old hag is right, little bird. Just sit back and watch us.

I love the confidence, Astrid said. But didnt you all run away?

Vihaan cleared his throat. It was a tactical retreat.



Kamron watched as Astrid returned to Rebirth after decimating the spawn. He chuckled. It didnt matter. The Leviathan would create more, but the thing he was surprised at was how fast the little Sinwen was growing.

He had known the girl since she was born. Everyone did. The Sinwens made sure of that. It was a grand occasion. All the noble families came together to give her their good graces.

The little baby had such mischievous and beautiful eyes. Even before she contracted herself with a symbiote. Little did he know that defenceless little girl would turn out to be an unfathomable genius.

Pope, Nathaniel, a Cardinal, turned to Earl Kamron. As did all the others. As did the Seven. They all gazed at his golden masked face. Behind the eye slits, gilded eyes flashed behind a haze of red. His eyes streamed a never ending river of bloodand gold.

His forces had taken a beating. Most of his lower ranked men were slain. The only ones he was left with were standing by his side. Six of the Seven of the Great Migrators, three Cardinals, and two Archbishops.

He gazed behind him and looked up high above. And he had the Leviathan.

How long will it remain under my control? The burden was becoming tiresome.

Kamron touched the blood streaming down his face. The symbiotes were fighting against him. It wouldnt be long before they devoured his bodyand mindentirely. But he had a target he had kept in mind for a while.


What was her secret? Why did the symbiotes perfectly assimilate with her? What technique did she use?

Kamron licked the blood off his cheek. If she didnt have the answer, then he would flay the flesh off her muscles and discover it for himself. Soon, he would find out. The time was coming.

Nathaniel continued, They will reach the Dead Seas in two days' time. We need to defeat them before time runs out. Otherwise

Afraid of a little water? One of the Seven said in mockery. Her name was Mindra.

Nathaniel spat. You know nothing of the Dead Seas. There is a reason we havent travelled there ourselves and why it is called so. Those that go there; are condemned to die.

Not exactly. Kamron smiled, but it was hidden under his mask. Noah.

The Pirate King of Kings, Nathaniel murmured.

Who is that? Mindra asked, looking at Nathaniel.

A mighty warrior that is gifted in water control. She has strength just under the Pope, if I had to take a guess. And she is the only person in history that has made it out of the Dead Seas alive.

We will try and decimate them before they reach the Dead Seas, Kamron said. And if we cant manage that, then we follow them closely behind

He was interrupted by a flash of blue light coming from some sort of cannon. It dampened all the other colours in the world as a speck of black approached like flickering lightning.

The air screamed. And the explosion rocked the entire ocean.

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