Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 82: Demon King vs. Demon King

Chapter 82: Demon King vs. Demon King

In the game, the fight against the demon kings occurred in different events throughout the story mode.

In the last of them happening in the imperial capital, something unexpected happened.

The demon king Desmond betrayed his people and started to fight and kill the other demon kings, leaving only him.

His reason for it was to be the only and the greatest king of all demons.

The great demon king.

Right now part of that event happened in the wrong time and place.

The atmosphere between Desmond and Izel was generating enormous pressure in the archipelago.

The land was roaring.

The waves were pounding hard against the shore.

The sky was darkening to the point that thunder and lightning could be seen.

But only in that place it was happening.

The locals who saw this strange phenomenon only fled when they saw it.

Black colored sparks were manifesting from Desmond's forehead.

"I'm too excited for you to know, Izel."

"Since I came to this country there has been no one who could give me excitement, thank you for giving me back my desire to kill someone desperately."

Izel was just as smiling as Desmond, her hair was moving thanks to her magic power which was darker than night surrounded by a green aura.

But that wasn't magic power, demons possess something that other living things don't have.

That is demonic power.

Magical power is different from demonic power.

According to the laws of magic theories, the magic element surrounding this world is divided into three types.

Starting with the one used by humans, Mana, which is the internal energy of life. Humans and other living beings possess it and use it in everyday tasks without knowing it.

The next one is used by a few, Prana, which symbolizes the energy that the planet releases through the soil and mixes with oxygen.

Humans or monsters having a large amount of magical power is due to this.

Mana is just a switch of a light bulb, while prana is a power plant.

That leaves the pillar of everything that is hidden beneath the earth.

Some call it Ley Lines, others call them Dragon Veins, almost nothing is known of what lies beneath the ground that living beings tread, but those who do know call it, Od.

The Od is characterized by having no form, no one knows anything about it, but it is responsible for circulating the entire planet.

The mana is blue, the prana is green while the Od is colorless.

... But what is the demonic power then?

As for the demons, theirs is called Yoki, yoki is different from mana, it is not known why, it is only known that all demons possess this, but the others do not.

The demon kings were manifesting their Yoki, this caused the ground and the weather to be affected.

Desmond said as his fist filled with energy.

"Try not to die so fast, I want to have fun."

Desmond's right fist came at a high speed against Izel.


Desmond's fist impacted Izel's cheek, the force in that fist was so much that it turned Izel's head.

That was the end of Izel... that's what anyone would believe.

Izel's head returned to its original position after making a puppet-like sound, it was his exoskeleton settling in.

"It was a good fist, but it's still a child's fist. Now it's my turn."

Izel focused her own power not in her fist was in her mouth.

"Spider's Web: Web of Hands."

Out of her mouth came a web which enveloped Desmond, the tips turning into hands and sticking to her body.

"And this?"


Izel smiled and as she did her head back Desmond was lifted up.

Izel's head began to spin around regardless of the sounds similar to puppets rustling.

Desmond was being hit by the trees.

"Do you think this will hurt me you idiot?"

"Of course not. I was just knocking down a bit of a hindrance."

"What do you mean?"

Izel threw Desmond to the ground and said as she laughed.

"The spider hunt begins now."

Izel released Desmond and took a big leap into a nearby tree.

There, she opened her mouth and pulled out a bow made of her web, it was golden in color.

"Desmond-chan, try not to die from weak attacks like these."

She regurgitated and an arrow came out.

She put it into the bow.

"Spider Demon King Special Technique: Silk Arrows."

She released her hand and the arrow went flying straight for Desmond's shoulder.

He didn't move, he wanted to see how strong Izel was.

That was his mistake.

The arrow was aimed at his left shoulder, the moment it made contact, Desmond was sent several hundred yards back.

He was being propelled by the force of the impact.

(What the hell is this?)

(Izel has never been this strong that I can remember, will she get any stronger?)

Desmond's feet were digging into the ground, but due to the force of the impact and the speed at which he was going he was only succeeding in destroying the earth.

It was sweeping away everything in its path.

Every second that passed was almost a meter away.

He grabbed the arrow and tried to pull it out.

His skin was tougher than an armored warship, but still that spider web managed to pierce his skin.

It looked like he had a tourniquet because of the spiral shape his skin took.

He used all his strength to tear it off.

As he did so he stopped, he was a few meters away from reaching the shore where the giant turtle Tameemon had its mouth open to catch Desmond.

As he watched the turtle panic and flee, he turned his gaze to his shoulder.

"It's been a long time since I've been hurt."

A small but deep hole was visible.

His skin looked as if the arrow was still there due to its spiral shape.

Desmond placed his finger and checked the depth of the damage.

"It pierced all the way to the bone."

He grinned wickedly.

He sent his gaze ahead, in the distance was Izel smiling.

"You've been training right, Izel?"

Izel spoke to him, but the distance was so long that only a lip expert could have guessed, she told him.

"We're just getting started."

Desmond prepared to run, his legs parted and with a great momentum that shattered the ground beneath his feet he ran at great speed straight at Izel.

From her mouth three arrows shot out, likewise something happened to her body.

Under her armpits something was happening, it looked like a tumor was forming.

It grew with each passing second.

In less than a minute two arms full of blood came out under her top.

From it, this caused the horns on her head to grow and her muscles to get bigger.

Using her extra hands she grabbed the leftover arrows.

"Let's make this a lot more fun, Desmond-chan!"

Izel took a leap towards the tree beside her and shot the first arrow.

It went flying straight for Desmond's head. He dodged it within seconds of impact.

When it made contact with the ground it generated a huge crater with a depth of more than fifteen meters.

The second arrow was immediately launched at his thorax.

Desmond jumped into the air, but that was also foreseen by Izel.

The third arrow was shot at his heart, but he would not allow it.

He used his hand to launch a powerful attack.


As the Yoki was concentrating on his fist, he launched his attack as if it was a blast of air.

The absolute fist was sent out as a shockwave which impacted the arrow.

It lasted a few seconds before it was destroyed.

It was now headed for Izel who threw a strong web to slow it down so it would crash to the ground.

Izel said to Desmond who was slowly falling to the ground.

"This was a good warm up, don't you think it's time to get serious?"

He smiled.

"You're right."

Desmond's finger pointed at Izel as Izel herself stuck out her tongue.

On the tip of her tongue and finger small particles of Yoki were concentrated.

This was an attack from the game.

"Eat this!"

They both shouted as the black sphere grew to the same size as a softball.

That attack was called..

"Dark Zero."

The rays of prana energy absorbed and corrupted by the Yoki created this attack.

Dark Zero. A powerful attack that can reduce an entire village to ashes.

The attack between the two impacted and generated a strong shockwave which caused the trees and the ground to be hit by the shockwave.

Few small flashes of energy were expelled hitting the small island they were on.

Falling to the ground, Desmond ran to attack.


His fist was imbued in Yoki, this was already a serious attack.


Yoki turned his fist into a black mist that moved like a mollusk.

The fist approached Izel who used a spider web to cover herself.

"Demon King's Web: Spider Barrier."

The web created a wall which completely swallowed Desmond's fist, but that didn't stop him.

"Don't think this shit will weaken me. Idiot."

The rubber-like barrier was beginning to be pushed back by Desmond's fist.


Slowly he was crossing over and his fist was increasing Yoki.


With that war cry, Desmond destroyed Izel's web barrier, his fist coming towards her.

Izel stepped back and threw twelve web barriers, this time they were thicker and bigger.

Desmond, on the other hand, did not back down. He continued straight ahead with his fist covered with a dense black mist.

"You think that's going to work on me! Are you an idiot or what?"

Desmond paused, as if from a throw, he lifted his foot and his hand was backwards.

"No one can stop me now I'm excited, just because you managed to hurt me doesn't mean you're the big deal, you piece of shit!"

The mist fist was thrown and turned into a lion which roared as it headed for the barrier.

A few seconds after the impact, the barrier was destroyed.

Then the next one and the one after that.

"How is that possible?"

Desmond explained to Izel as the lion-shaped fog fist destroyed the barriers.

"I've been all these years training. Overcoming my physical strength, my endurance, my defense and most of all my Yoki."

"I've spent every damn day of my life preparing to kill all of you assholes!"

Desmond showed him that the wound Izel gave him was healing itself.

"I-Impossible, my web is the strongest among my entire tribe, even he told me my web was the strongest."

The last barrier was destroyed.

Izel took a leap into the forest and escaped.

As she jumped from branch to branch she thought.

(I still remember when he was smaller and I could knock him down.)

(Now I understand why Iskandar-chan sent me.)

(Desmond has become strong, if Iskandar were to fight him, no doubt the humans would have noticed his presence and prepared.)

(I must think of a strategy to take him down)

"Why the fuck do you seem to think of something meaningless?"

Before she could react, Izel was caught at her side by Desmond.

He kicked her hard and was sent flying several kilometers to the shore, but still she didn't stop and kept on splashing due to the impact.

Reaching the other end of a larger island.

Her body was disfigured, her bones were broken, but she still stood up and began to regenerate.

Her twisted neck returned to normal, she watched Desmond come running at high speed towards her.

Seeing him with that lunatic smile, Izel remembered her past.

Several decades ago, an amorphous spider was born, it had a humanoid appearance despite having hatched from an egg like its sisters.

Within the demons inhabiting the dark continent, it was normal for any of them to be born with an anomaly, they were excluded from all contact with their kind and tribe.

They were discriminated against.

They were tried to kill them.

Even their own parents tried to eat them.

For that reason they were special.

Izel was the only spider that looked strange, the demons looked at her as if she was a freak.

That made Izel strong on her own.

She managed to become stronger, faster, more dangerous and, above all, more powerful among all the spiders.

One day, while she was eating one of her sisters as they tried to kill her again, someone came towards her.

The moment she tried to look at its face, she looked at the floor.

Izel wondered what this meant.

(Why can't I see its face?)

She could only see feet as black as night.

She tried to lift her face and couldn't despite showing all her strength to do so.

The mysterious "person" in front of her spoke to her in a gentle but distorted tone.

She couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman, old man or child who spoke to her.

"What are you fighting for?"

"Do you have something that motivates you to fight?"

"What do you want to do?"

Izel answered it as her eyes looked at the hard ground.

"I fight to survive."

"I fight to get ahead in this place and not be eaten like the others."


At that moment, Izel wondered, what she wished to do.

She never considered that in her life.

The mysterious "person" said to her.

"You don't know what you live for, you don't know how to live, you don't find an answer to what motivates you to breathe another day."

"You are more than perfect to join me."

"... Who are you?"

"I am... Faiviel, I want you to join my little group that rules this place. I call us as demon kings."

At that moment, Izel was able to lift her face and her eyes met the mysterious figure that spoke to her.

At that moment, Izel cried.

Izel opened her eyes as she saw Desmond almost reach her position.

Finishing regenerating, Izel said.

"What I want to do is..."

She pointed her bow at Desmond and pulled several arrows out of her stomach.

"I want. That weak demons not be discriminated against!"

"I want those who are born like me not to suffer the rejection of their kind!"

"I want to create such an environment to live in, and for them I need Faiviel."

"Desmond, a bastard like you has his reasons for being a demon king because of him, I'll return you home so I know you'll be left in a state where you look like a leather bag!"

The arrows were shot, they were not alone.

A Dark Zero enveloped each one to make the attack that much more dangerous.

Desmond used his demonic fist imbued in both hands to strike the arrows.

"That's all you can do idiot!"

As he approached, Izel took off running into the jungle, she was launching a large amount of arrows at him as she approached.

"I'm not going to lose to an ungrateful asshole like you."

"I don't give a shit. I'll use everything in my favor to win, even if it's meddling"

His gaze focused on an object in the sea, it was the turtle Tameemon, it wasn't that far away, but it wasn't that close either.

Desmond smiled at Izel.

"Right, you're the idiot who values mates."

Izel throughout her life valued comradeship.

She knew that all demons living on the dark continent are carnivores, so it was inevitable that they would eat each other.

But still, Izel managed that even if they could not avoid their instincts, she wanted them to at least live with dignity and then die with pride.

Therefore, Izel believed that murdering your prey for fun was an extremely cruel and merciless thing to do.

Even the monsters that kept her company knew it.

But there was someone who didn't care, someone who killed his entire tribe to show his superiority.

"Hahahaha, the turtle can't escape! What will you do Izel?"

"Will you save him? Will you defeat me? Or maybe...?"

"Hahahahaha, no. Die damn turtle."

Desmond threw a Dark Zero at the turtle, even if he hid, he couldn't dodge the attack that was able to erase part of the sea.

Izel stepped into the middle of the attack, just as Desmond had predicted.


"Shut your mouth and just die."

Despite being under attack, Desmond appeared above Izel.

This time he used two fingers.

"Zero Chaos."

Dark light engulfed Izel, wiping out a small part of the island.

Still, the damage was enormous, Izel floated in the sea next to floating debris.

Tameemon approached, tried to pull Izel out by swallowing him.

He dove as deep as he could.

But it was no use.

Desmond grabbed the turtle's tail.

"Where are you going, asshole?"

With a single yank he flung the turtle to the surface.

It landed on land, due to its large size it tried to escape, it was useless to do so.

Desmond jumped onto dry land and walked over to the turtle.

He stepped on its tail and said.

"Hey, where the fuck are you going with my prey, huh?"

"I'll kill you right now if you don't let go, you have one second to do it."

His threatening tone made Tameemon hide, the openings in his shell closed.

Desmond approached and tried to destroy it, but this monster's defense is on his level as it can sink up to ten thousand meters under the sea, a depth Desmond can't reach.

"Tch, you piece of shit. Drop it I said."

Desmond began to beat with all his power at the turtle.

"I said drop it."

"I'll make soup out of you."

"I'll kill your entire species, your children and grandchildren if you don't."

Tameemon imagined that, Desmond killing his family.

Monsters who cannot speak possess something that those who can speak do not.

Affection for their kind.

Tameemon for a giant turtle is too small, he's an anomaly like Izel.

That is why he is a renegade.

One day he met Izel because she saved him from several monsters.

From that day on they became friends.

Tameemon understood that he will die as Desmond will never stop.

He managed to get a family since everyone was abnormal like him.

But still, even with that reason, he could not abandon his friend.

He blames himself for still being there, he worried about Izel and didn't want to leave her alone.

(There was no other way.)

That was what he thought. He planned to use all his energy to spit Izel to the bottom of the sea, as he planned to leave, he would give his shell to Izel so he wouldn't die.

Tameemon was going to sacrifice himself to save his friend.

"Don't be an idiot."

A voice coming from his mouth told him.

"I'm sure you're planning to do something foolish, don't do it."

"This is my fight, my problem. Not yours or anyone else's."

"Desmond has undoubtedly reached an extremely dangerous state for life on this planet. That guy is capable of killing every living thing just for pleasure."


"He's certainly the most suitable to be called a demon king."

"But do you know something?"

In that darkness.

"He's not the only demon king."

Something began to well up.

"Come on, spill it motherfucker."

"I'll make you soup if you don't."

Desmond's fists hitting the shell evolved.

Slowly cracks could be seen in it.

Desmond was known for adapting to his environment and evolving his body.

He was the most dangerous living being for that reason.

Just as he was about to strike another blow, a small hole opened up, from there an object was thrown and impacted his temple.

Desmond was sent flying several hundred meters.

His clothes were tearing as he was rolling as if he was going downhill.

Before he reached the shore at the other end, he pinned his arms to the ground and held on to the roots, this caused several trees to be uprooted by the force and speed with which he was sent away.

Stopping, he noticed how almost all of his clothes were ruined.


A few footsteps he heard.

His gaze shifted to whoever was causing that.

Desmond showed astonishment.

"That's the first time I've seen you looking like that."

Walking in front of him was Izel who was different now.

She was bigger, more muscular, her skin was now red. His horns grew to half a meter, she had eight eyes now.

Counting the ones she had originally, another four opened on her forehead and two of those under her original eyes.

Bones in the shape of spines protruded from her back, her teeth showed large fangs.

But above all that, she now had six arms.

Izel said to Desmond.

"I rectify myself. I will use all my power to kill you."

Desmond e instead ripped off the remains of the front of his body.

"Do you think I used all my power? I'm only just coming up in power."

They got into combat stance.

"It's time to finish this, with my strongest attack, Armageddon."

The conclusion of the fight between two demon kings came to a climax with no return.

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