Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 83: Infernal Fist

Chapter 83: Infernal Fist

In the game there was a term to call what was happening right now.

Izel's body was growing, her face becoming more wicked, her skin even darkening just like Desmond.

His hair grew and so did the tips of his horns.

Both of them were turned into the pinnacle of endangerment, this was called...

"Majin Mode!"

Was what they both shouted as the sky was dark and lightning from storms struck the clouds.

Izel ran at full speed towards Desmond, using all her right arms she threw a punch at him, Desmond used his arm to cover himself, but Izel's second and third right arm grabbed his arm.

The right main fist went to his face, this blow was so hard that Desmond's head spun backwards.

Within seconds his face returned to normal as the broken bones regenerated.

Desmond said to her as he smiled.

"Not bad Izel, it's my turn now to play rough!"

His fist flew straight at Izel's face.


He shouted the name of his powerful attack, Izel instead shouted back.

"Web Trap."

As the web spat, it caught Desmond's arm and then his body.

"Again these shits"

"This time it's different, you idiot!"

Izel jumped to the top of a tree and grabbed the web.

Desmond's body was dragged into the sky and then as he laughed, Izel shouted.

"Divine Punishment of the Spider Queen!"

Using all her hands, Izel lifted and tossed Desmond as if he were a sack of potatoes.

The force with which he was being lifted, thrown and slammed to the ground was so fast that you couldn't make it out with your eyes.

The ground was creating oversized craters, Desmond became angry.

"You're getting me fed up, Izel!"

He broke the net before falling back to the ground.

"Stop playing around and fight for real"

An object brushed past his ear, but took a small part of it anyway.

Desmond watched an arrow made of spider web had shattered part of his ear, as he looked at Izel, he was shocked.

Izel had shot all the treetops with hundreds of arrows, in her hands she had a few, the bow was even bigger.

She smiled at him and said.

"The real punishment has begun."

Desmond was thrilled to hear that.

"That's what battles to the death are like. Wanting to kill your opponent for real."

He leapt straight at Izel, but Izel used three arrows which traveled faster than the blink of an eye straight at him.

Desmond didn't dodge them, he received them, this caused his body to be pierced, but that didn't matter to him.

Izel jumped onto the branch of another tree and together with his strings of spider threads swung to create more webs and slow him down.

Desmond followed.

As Izel launched her arrows and webbing, Desmond laughed.

"Gajajaja, come on Izel, stop jumping and fight me. I want an exchange of blows."

No matter how much webbing stuck to his body, no matter how many arrows would pierce him.

Desmond grinned as he chased after Izel.

Being about to leave the island to reach the sea, Izel launched a powerful attack.

She gathered several arrows and gobbled them up.

Desmond stepped up and took the blow full in the face.

"Demon King's Web: Queen Spider's Punishing Spears."


The spears were aimed at Desmond, piercing him several times.

His arms, legs, torso, thighs, knees, armpits, and even his face were pierced by the spears.

Seeing Desmond's pierced body, Izel did not hold back.

"Don't think I'll let you die like this, you idiooooooooooooooooooot."

"Suffer my wrath."

Izel launched a flurry of blows at Desmond's bruised body.

The beating lasted about two minutes, after which time, her head was grabbed and thrown to the other end of the island.

Unlike this island, animals lived there.

The animals fled when they noticed Izel rolling towards them at high speed.

Upon impacting the shore, it rolled like a tire as it shredded everything in its path.

Desmond got to his feet, and pulled off his spears.

Like a certain character who took bullets and his rubber body repelled them.

Little by little his body healed.

As his face regenerated, Desmond shouted for joy.

"Damn it Izel. This is one hell of a fight, I'm glad I can do this."

"Thanks for giving me some fun I needed!"

Desmond ran across the sea straight at Izel.

He was laughing like a madman as his feet moved at high speed.


Slowly approaching the shore, Izel stood up.

She accommodated her jaw, twisted arms and gouged out some damaged eyes.

These were regenerating again.

The reason for the regeneration was not explained in the game, players assumed it was because the extra life bar regenerated the damaged parts.

But actually it has an explanation, it is because the first demon king gave them a small part of its power.

No matter how strong or resilient Desmond is, he cannot regenerate damaged parts, the same goes for Izel.

That was only due to the power of the demon king Faiviel.

Desmond got to Izel, he was about to hit her, but she beat him to it.

She gave him a flurry of blows with her six arms.

Desmond's body was bruised mercilessly, but that did not render him immobile.

Once he got his feet on the ground, he kicked Izel's liver hard.

She vomited a large amount of blood unlike him.

Izel was sent backwards, Desmond came up and gave her a strong combination of kicks and fists all over her body.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on, defend yourself, give me your best shot!"

Izel kicked him in the throat, Desmond stepped back, causing the animals nearby to flee in fright.

Stopping, he noticed that Izel had reached his side, but that didn't stop him.



They both released their inner scream as they gave each other an intense thrashing.

Izel's fists were traveling faster than Desmond's.

Their feet were buried in the destroyed ground so as not to fly off into the sky.

The shockwave they generated caused the earth to crack more and more to the point of fracturing.

They fell into a cave, but even in that darkness, Izel did not stop attacking.

She created a spider's web to stop them both, crawling like a spider as she headed for Desmond.

As he stood up perfectly he noticed her presence, he wanted to launch a series of combos, but he couldn't keep his balance.

Izel jumped up and used her legs to cling to Desmond's arms.

Her fingers turned into hands because she deformed her exoskeleton.

"Punishment resumes!"

Izel beat Desmond again who couldn't move, his arms were numb due to the force of the feet grabbing him.

Little by little Izel's hands were stained with blood.

"That's all you got, Desmond!?"

"How disappointing you are."

From her mouth she pulled out some webbed swords, held them up and with a smile said to him.

"It's over, Desmond. Your time has come. dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Izel stabbed the swords into Desmond's shoulders.

This had to be the end of him due to the large amount of blood spurting out.

... It wasn't.

Desmond at first made a scared expression, but it was part of his plan.


Because Izel stopped clinging her feet to him, Desmond managed to catch her legs.

He did a spin that created a small tornado.

It sent Izel flying through the skies.

Izel was spinning at high speed which prevented her from being able to react well.

Desmond jumped up and grabbed her head.

"Time to play rougher."

He threw Izel into a mountain.

As she continued to punch through the mountain, Desmond said.

"I guess I'll use Armageddon. With that attack I'll kill her easily."

Before he could send his arm back, he noticed that the direction Izel was facing led several hundred miles to the beach where Razel and the others were.

He clicked his tongue for a moment.

"I'll use this other one."

He opened his mouth wide enough that he could eat a baby if he wanted to.

The Yoki were gathering there at great magnitude.

That time the size was the size of a basketball.

"Big Evil Zero."

A jet black bolt of energy was sent straight into the mountain.

By the time Izel stepped out to fight again, it was too late.

She used the maximum of her defense.

"Demon King's Web: Spider Sphere."

She coated her body with a large amount of spider web until it looks like a ball.

The moment the black energy beam hit the ball, a large amount of magical power destroyed the mountain.

Little by little the ball was pushed which made the energy beams flow to the sides destroying everything in its path.

The mountain disintegrated to the point that it looked like a computer effect was melting it.

In less than a minute the mountain disappeared in a huge explosion.

Izel, wrapped in the ball, flew away and fell down along with a bunch of animals that fled in panic.

The web melted, Izel coughed the moment it came out.

"Damn... how strong he must have gotten in a short time."

"This is bad, even using my Majin form I can't beat him. I must..."

Squeezing the earth under her hands Izel said words she thought she would never say.

"I must return home and tell Iskandar to help me, it's the only way we can defeat him."

Izel stood up and ran along with the animals straight to the shore of the island to find its friend and escape.

Before long she arrived, as she did so, she was astonished.

"But what"

"Hey, you sure took you long."

She found Desmond sitting on top of Tameemon while holding a fox cub in his hands.

It wasn't the only one, small animals were in the turtle's shell, Desmond told her as he petted one.

"I figured you would run away, since instead of getting more of my fun you would run away."

"I won't allow it, I won't leave any of you alive, that's why I have this insurance."

Desmond lightly squeezed the fox cub's neck.

Her mother stood with other mothers growling at Desmond.

"Izel, you are known as the lover of wild beasts, so are you going to let these pests die?"

"I have no problem killing them."

Despite saying that, a silhouette of a woman appeared in Desmond's head.

He faltered for a moment, but then said to her.

"This is your end, if you don't want me to break everyone's necks in less than two seconds, disable your Majin form and let yourself be killed."

Izel clenched her arms in frustration.

"How much do you hate us so much to want to kill us?"

Desmond replied.

"I don't hate you, I don't care about your lives. All I want..."

For a second, Desmond's mind switched off.

"... That's what I want."

"...You want 'what' exactly? You didn't say."

Desmond was shocked to hear that.

(I didn't say it? I'm sure I did.)

(No, Izel must be buying time or something, I won't let her run away.)

(I'll kill her and then the next one and the last one so that way I'll be the great demon king. After that)

Again Desmond's consciousness switched off, this brought back a memory.

He stretched out his arms, they were small baby-like arms, a woman with long hair was smiling at him.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

Desmond touched his head, he was sweating due to confusion.

(What was that?)

Izel seeing Desmond disconnected from reality, jumped onto Tameemon's back.

In a split second she grabbed the hatchlings and threw them to the shore, she used her webbing so that when they fell they didn't get hit.

Desmond became aware of her presence and quickly got to his feet.

Both, he and Izel were about to exchange a flurry of blows again.


But from Izel's mouth, purple-colored blood was spat out.

(Did I reach my limit?)

Izel's Majin mode was slowly disappearing, Desmond smiled.

"It's my victory, Izel."

He dodged Izel's fist, her extra arms started to fall off as if they were breaking down.

Desmond said to her as his right fist turned red due to the Yoki.

"Now it's the end."

The first came closer to Izel, it was only a second that passed.

Izel thought as she saw that fist coming to her face.

(I'm sorry, everyone, I won't be able to protect you.)

The face of all the creatures she knew came to her mind.

She flashed a warm smile as she closed her eyes.

(Sorry, Iskandar, Faiviel. I'll go first.)

The second passed and Desmond threw his winning punch.


The fist wrapped in a red mist with the face of a demon impacted Izel's face.

Instead of sending him to earth it sent him to the sky.

The heavy impact was shattering her face, but Desmond didn't stop.

He pointed his hands and mouth to the sky to end it.

"Die once and for all, Izel!"

"Infernal Zero!"

Three black beams were directed at Izel, upon impact, a white light coated the archipelago for a few seconds accompanied by an explosion that destroyed half of the archipelago.

Tameemon quickly submerged leaving Desmond in the sea.

Desmond was sunk by the shockwave, but he was still alive.

Half of a small part of the coast was destroyed, this was the power of the fight between two demon kings.

Desmond's power being serious.

A body was falling from the sky, it was scorched.

As it fell to the ground, you could see how her chest was exposed.

In what was supposed to be a heart, was a red stone.

Desmond reached over and embedded his fingers to pull the stone out.

The look on Desmond's face implied to Izel that he always saw her as trash, no, to everyone.

Desmond belittles everyone except him.

"Any last words, Izel?"

"This will be the last time we see each other."

"You... why are you crying?"

"What the fuck are you saying?"

Desmond touched his cheek. Tears were descending from his eyes.

Izel smiled at the sight of those tears.

"I see, even you have a heart."

"Shut up!"

Desmond yelled at Izel, those being her last words before shattering her core into pieces.

The moment he broke it, Izel could feel as if her heart had stopped.

She watched the sky as it returned to normal as her body turned to ash.

"Hey, Desmond-chan, I'm sure you must have something to make you cry. After all, if you were really like you say. You wouldn't be making that tormented face right now."

Desmond's face was distorted from tears.

He wanted to say something to Izel, but his mouth wasn't moving at all.

Seeing his face, she could only think of that boy he trained several years ago.

When Desmond killed his entire tribe, he was found by the three demon kings.

They had returned from leaving Xerxes on the human continent.

The reason for leaving him there was to have sleeping warriors to wake up at the right time and attack.

Izel held Desmond's head as he tried to hit her.

Iskandar said to Faiviel.

"Is this child necessary?"

The mysterious shadow said without turning around.

"He is. Our mission needs him."

Izel trained him since she knew that, like her, her own kind discriminated against her.

That made her grow fond of him, she thought for that reason Desmond would listen to her and return home.

But seeing him cry and not being able to explain it means that deep down he is just a big boy.

"Geez, you're going to make me cry too."

Those were her last words before her head turned to ashes and the wind blew them away.

Desmond was left alone and naked.

But he watched the wind carrying Izel away, Tameemon was crying as he saw everything, he immediately ran to the sea and escaped straight home to report what happened.

Desmond walked straight out of this place.

He wiped his tears as he said to himself.

"One down, two left to go."

The first defeat of the four demon kings left a hole in their ranks.

A few moments ago several things happened.

In the distance I saw a new black, then a slight quake, then an explosion, and now another quake.

Definitely this world is very weird, but it's none of my business weather problems.

"Razel, come here for a moment."

Eli along with the girls called out to me, I immediately stood up as I was burying Leila in the sand.

I wonder what they want?


Majin: This name has different meanings as a spelling, but the one that fits it best is Devil.

Gokuken: Literally, Infernal Fist. It's written as , but it's shortened like this().

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