Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 666 Back to the old temporary home

Chapter 666  Back to the old temporary home

"Sorry again for the confusion," said Emma with a hand on the back of her head, still a little embarrassed, approaching after changing. "I was actually waiting for Jayaa, and when I heard someone at the door, I assumed it was him."

Klaus gave her a gentle smile. "Don't worry, it happens."

Emma then sat down on the sofa, at which point Klaus accidentally admired the clothes she was wearing. It wasn't an elegant outfit or anything, but she still looked beautiful in shorts and a simple T-shirt that highlighted the natural beauty of her bust. Her red hair was now almost dry and was even a little wavier than usual, giving her a relaxed yet captivating air.

Naturally, Emma realized that Klaus was looking at her, so Klaus turned his face away when his eyes met hers, as blue as seawater. Both their faces turned red and for a minute no one said anything at all, just silence hung in the air, with both of them feeling nothing but unease.

However, they both realized that this silence was becoming too awkward, so suddenly they both decided to say something.


"What do you..."

They said at the same time.


"What were you going to say?"

Their eyes met and because of the confusion, their faces became even more flushed.

"You can talk, please..." She insisted, running the fingers of her right hand through her hair and looking away.

Klaus, trying to dispel the tension of the situation, chose not to contradict her. "I only meant to ask: how have you been? Has it been long since you got back from Los Angeles?"

"Los Angeles was great, but New York will always be my home. I've missed it here."

Klaus nodded, taking the opportunity to continue the conversation more comfortably. "And how were your other jobs in Los Angeles? Did you see many celebrities there?"

She laughed. "Well, I didn't see many celebrities in person, but I definitely passed by the places where they hang out. You know, fancy cafés and glamorous parties, the agencies like to take the models to these places. But what really struck me was the landscape. The beaches, the mountains... It's an incredible place. And what about you? Did you like it there?"

"To tell you the truth, I didn't get to enjoy it at all, because right after the tournament I had to go back to New York."

"I see. Well, that's a shame, I would have shown you some places if I'd stayed longer in the city."

"Maybe next time we can go there together." Klaus said it as a joke, laughing, and only then realized what it was about. "I mean..."

"Don't worry, I understand what you mean." Emma replied, already used to this, because during their conversations in this same room in the past, Klaus had said many worse things. "So? Why did you come to see Jayaa?"

"Well, you know, Jayaa is someone I think very highly of and he does have special skills. You see, we're putting together a team for a very special project, something I believe he would be perfect to take part in."

"Team?" Emma asked in surprise.

Klaus nodded, choosing his words carefully. "It's a guild, but not as big as the others, and it doesn't even compare to yours. I want a small team of people with unique and diverse skills. I'm bringing together talented people from different areas, and I believe Jayaa has exactly what we need to succeed."

Emma tilted her head, thoughtfully looking at the window. "That sounds interesting, but why do you think Jayaa would be interested in something like that? He's very reserved about Rise Online, he didn't even listen that much and, before playing with you, he only played because of his girlfriend."

Klaus nodded, understanding Emma's concern: "I think he might find a greater purpose in this project, beyond just playing. He's always wanted to become a singer, hasn't he? He's got plenty of talent, what's always been lacking is opportunities."

Emma was surprised at this point, because she had never thought about it. In fact, as Jayaa is a bard in the game, the class suits him perfectly and if he succeeds as a bard, he'll succeed in the real world too.

"That's amazing, Klaus!" She said, slapping her hands on the coffee table and standing up excitedly.

Klaus noticed the sparkle in Emma's eyes, and it encouraged him to continue. "I believe we all deserve a chance to fulfill our dreams, and this project could be the stepping stone Jayaa needs. Besides, he's a smart player, and his gaming skills could be invaluable to the guild."

Emma nodded with a smile, trying to calm herself down. "That's very noble of you, Klaus. I'm sure Jayaa will be thrilled with this opportunity."

The conversation continued fluidly, and the two began to reminisce about the old days when they shared an apartment with Jayaa. They laughed at funny stories and shared some touching memories. The initial tension had completely dissipated, replaced by a feeling of mutual comfort.

Then, in a moment of silence after a shared laugh, Emma looked at Klaus curiously. "Ah, Klaus, you've reminded me of something... I hear you're dating. So, how has it been? She's from your campus, isn't she?"

Klaus arched his eyebrows and hesitated for a moment before revealing. "Ashley and I broke up minutes after the interview I gave, admitting it was Kaizen. I had never told her and for her, who thought there were no secrets in our relationship, that was a very big blow. She chose to end it and I accepted it without blinking, it was for the best."

Emma listened attentively to Klaus' revelation about breaking up with Ashley and felt a mixture of feelings that took her by surprise. She had kept her own feelings for Klaus carefully under wraps for so long that, in a way, the news of the end of her previous relationship left her with a strange and confused feeling.

On the one hand, she didn't wish Klaus unhappiness, but on the other, there was a selfish part of her that couldn't help but feel a twinge of hope. She mentally scolded herself for this selfish thought, but she couldn't deny that a small part of her still held out hope that, one day, Klaus might see her as more than just a friend.

"Klaus, I'm sorry to hear that," she said, trying to sound sincerely sympathetic. "Ending a relationship isn't easy. Are you all right?"

Klaus smiled at her, grateful for her concern. "I'm dealing with it. It was a difficult decision, but I think it was the best for both of us. Life goes on, right?"

Emma nodded, feeling a whirlwind of emotions. She wanted to comfort Klaus, but she also couldn't ignore the hope that was rising in her heart. So she stood back, her hands clasped on her knees and her heart pounding even more than when she had received Klaus in a towel.

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