Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 667 Finally, the Confession

Chapter 667  Finally, the Confession

Silence hung between them for a moment, charged with a tension that was impossible to ignore.

Klaus felt as if there was something unsaid in the air, something that didn't just relate to the conversation about their past relationship. He looked into Emma's eyes, trying to decipher the complexity of the emotions he saw there. Meanwhile, Emma struggled internally with her own feelings. She wanted to tell Klaus how she really felt, but the fear of rejection paralyzed her, just as it had paralyzed her dozens of times she had tried to find the courage to tell him. They were just friends before, and their friendship meant a lot to her, because Klaus was someone incredible who whenever she needed him, he listened. The thought of risking everything, including their friendship, was terrifying.

Finally, Klaus broke the silence, his voice soft and full of understanding, because he was also fed up with this twinge of doubt in the air. After all, was the feeling he had, the feeling in his chest, real or just something in his head?

"Emma, you know you can tell me anything, don't you? We're friends."

Emma looked at him, her blue eyes meeting his black ones. For a moment, she felt as if she could lose herself in those eyes, but then she gathered her courage.

"Klaus, there's something I want to tell you, something I've been holding back for a long time." She said, clasping her fingers tightly together.

Klaus looked at her curiously, a slight frown showing his interest. "What is it, Emma? You can tell me."

She took a deep breath, feeling her heart racing. "Klaus, I... I like you. Not just as a friend, but in a different way. For a long time, I've felt something more for you."

Klaus was surprised by Emma's confession. His eyes went wide before a soft expression spread across his face. "Emma, I..."

Before he could finish, the door opened and Jayaa walked in, interrupting the conversation at the most delicate moment. He was serious, but immediately a happy smile spread across his face, pleased to see Klaus.

"Klaus, man, it's been ages since I last saw you in person!" Jayaa exclaimed, opening her arms for a warm hug.

Klaus turned away from Emma, his gaze straying to Jayaa. He realized that their conversation would have to wait, at least for now.

Emma lowered her eyes, a mixture of relief, shame and anxiety in her heart.

The embrace between Klaus and Jayaa was warm, full of enthusiasm and joy. As the two friends greeted each other effusively, Emma took a moment to collect her feelings and restore her composure. She knew that she was only dismayed like this when it came to Klaus Park, and that her brother would probably realize that something was going on if she didn't act normally. But at least it felt like a great weight had been lifted off her back. She was relieved.

"Jayaa, it's great to see you again!" said Klaus, smiling genuinely. "I have an interesting proposal for you, but we'll wait until you're settled." He looked at the backpack Jayaa was carrying.

Jayaa looked at Klaus curiously. "A proposition? I'm intrigued. Come on, tell me everything now."

The three friends gathered in the living room, and Klaus began to explain his idea for the guild, sharing his plans and the vision he had for the future.

Jayaa listened attentively, her face turning from curiosity to enthusiasm as Klaus detailed the project's objectives.

Emma was also involved in the conversation, although she couldn't help glancing at him from time to time, capturing Klaus' attention with her gaze and making him blush slightly.

Finally, when the conversation about the project came to a pause, Jayaa turned her attention to Emma. "What about you, Emma? What do you think of all this?"

She found herself momentarily lost in thought, but soon returned to the present. "Um... I think it's an incredible idea. Klaus has a clear vision, and I think this is the opportunity you've been looking for, Jayaa. Think about it, you're already a talented bard and musician, you'll just have to fight in a group and, frankly, with Kaizen's instructions, I believe your group will be in very good hands."

Jayaa listened carefully, his eyes shining. He nodded in approval as Klaus went on to describe how each member of the guild would play a crucial role in forming a cohesive team. The idea of combining players' skills in and out of the game was exciting.

"That's amazing, Klaus!" exclaimed Jayaa when Klaus finished his presentation. "Of course I'd love to be a part of it."

Klaus smiled, pleased with Jayaa's reaction. "I'm glad you're interested, Jayaa. With your talent, I'm sure we can create something incredible."

As Jayaa and Klaus continued to discuss the details of the project, Emma watched the interaction between the two with a gentle smile. She was genuinely happy for her brother and friend, knowing that this opportunity could be a turning point in Jayaa's life.

As the conversation unfolded, Emma began to feel more relaxed and at ease. She got involved in the discussion, offering suggestions and ideas, showing her support for the project, after all she was a guild owner too.

Besides, it was as if the forced pause in her conversation with Klaus had given her the time she needed to organize her thoughts and emotions.

Jayaa, for her part, was overjoyed at the prospect of being part of this project, especially since Klaus was bringing in a huge audience from all over the world. He shared his own ideas about how his skills as a bard could be used to strengthen the team and how he could help during battles.

Finally, when the meeting came to an end, Jayaa looked around, saw that Emma was in the kitchen, and said to Klaus:

"Thank you for including me in this. And once again, I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything about Emma also being selected for the special program. At the time, I thought it would be better that way, because I thought she was into you and you into her. I knew my sister would never have the courage to declare herself, it's not her style, but you? You're the most proactive guy I know." He said and patted Klaus on the shoulder. "It was silly sibling jealousy. I thought that if you hadn't known, you wouldn't have suddenly declared yourself to her, I don't know..."

Klaus looked at him seriously, with a twinge of anger, because this was the first time he was hearing this directly and it didn't even make much sense to him. Still, Klaus took a deep breath, looked at Emma preparing coffee for them in the kitchen and asked:

"What if I liked Emma? Would that be a problem for you?"

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