Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 238: Hidden Plan

Chapter 238: Hidden Plan

"You know them?" asks Buggy, faking his surprise when Oden knows the captured men are from Oniwabanshu.

"How can't I? They were serving my father in the past, but now they serve that bastard Orochi. There are many of them, so I don't know each of them. But I can recognize any of them if I see them. Where did you find them, Buggyjiro?" asks Oden.

"On my way here. They were following me and their gazes were very annoying, so I caught them. I thought they are your men, that's why I caught them without hurting them. I wanted to protest to you previously, I don't know that they aren't your men, sorry," says Buggy.

"No, it's okay, you helped me a lot by capturing them because they are enemies now. But I'm really impressed that you could even sense them. Oniwabanshu's ninjas are known to be very good at hiding their presence," says Oden.

"Is that so? Then I guess they aren't good enough. I can hide my presence better than them, so I guess I can be a ninja too if I want," says Buggy while suppressing his presence.

Oden widens his eyes when he can't sense Buggy's presence even though he is right before him. This is something that Wano's ninjas can't do. Oden doesn't know how Buggy does it and he wants to know, but he won't ask because it must be Buggy's secret skill.

He is right, it's Buggy's secret skill that has been trained for years. Buggy trained it to infiltrate many places for his information gathering. But last year, he reached a new level where he can hide his presence even from O-Haki users.

Buggy can manipulate his O-Haki to mask his presence. He could do it a few months after he could see the glimpse of the future. Maybe it's a unique ability because he doesn't remember Katakuri & Luffy have it.

But it's a good thing for him because it is a very useful ability. He can surround himself with O-Haki while suppressing his presence with the technique that he knows. It will block others' O-Haki, making them unable to sense him.

"So, what should we do with them?" asks Buggy, back to the topic.

"I think trying to make them talk will be useless, but we'll try at least," says Oden.

"Alright, I'll leave it to you then. Pirates like us aren't that good at interrogation," says Buggy.

Oden agrees and he asks his men to place the captured ninjas in the dungeon. Then Buggy & Dela excuse themselves because Oden will need time for the interrogation. The sparring can wait, this is more important.

On their way back from Oden's residence, Buggy grins happily. All of this is his plan and he has succeeded so far. Those ninjas were sent by Deon who has infiltrated Oniwabanshu.

That's right, Deon has infiltrated Oniwabanshu and disguised himself as someone in a high position. He killed a high-ranked ninja that has the same stature as him and then he mimic that person's appearance using his ability.

After he became that ninja, Deon gathered a lot of information while manipulating many things behind the scene. One of his main objectives is to interrupt the communication between Kanjuro & Orochi.

He can't do that with a random position, that's why he disguised himself as one of Oniwabanshu's high-ranked ninjas. This ninja is also one of the few people who can receive Kanjuro's message and send Orochi's message.

With this position, Deon can see the letters' contents and change them as he likes. He has changed a few things to make things to their advantage and destroy the enemies' relationship. The ninjas that he sent were also one of the plans for it.

Deon has changed all of Kanjuro's messages about what happened on Kuri, especially about the sour relationship between the pirates & samurais. He changed them so that Orochi won't know about it and thinks nothing happens to Kuri.

But then his team helps him to spread rumors that something has happened to Kuri. They spread rumors that the samurais there are having conflict with pirates. It makes Orochi & his men curious, so they sent a few ninjas to investigate it.

Deon has told Buggy about it, that's why Buggy has been anticipating it. He searched for them on their way to Oden's residence and caught them. Deon has told him their number and where they were sent, so he could find them easily.

This is all to make Orochi becomes suspicious of Kanjuro and so is the opposite. If the ninjas don't return, Orochi will think that something has really happened to Kuri, so he'll think that Kanjuro has been lying to him.

On another hand, Kanjuro will know that Orochi has sent a few ninjas because Oden will tell him & the Red Scabbards about it. He will think that maybe Orochi doesn't believe his messages and sent some ninjas.

Kanjuro is always the only spy that Orochi planted on Oden's side. His position is high enough and Oden trusts him very much. That's why Orochi never needs to plant another spy there and Kanjuro knows it.

Now after Orochi sent a few ninjas there, Kanjuro will think that Orochi doesn't fully trust him. He will send a message to ask about it but Deon will interrupt his message and change it. Deon will also change Orochi's reply to make them misunderstand each other.

This will destroy Orochi's relationship with Kanjuro and make them distrust each other. This will also make the enemies unaware of what they'll do from now on. This is a big plot to destroy and weaken the enemies who think they have the advantage.

The war has started since the Clowns arrived here, after all. A war of intelligence like this is a usual thing everywhere. So the Clowns have planned it carefully before they arrived in Wano and acted as soon as possible.

So far, everything has gone well and they hope it will keep being like that. They've also prepared if their plan will be exposed at one point. No plan is flawless, after all, so they need to prepare for everything.

Back to Kuri where battles of pirates & samurais are happening everywhere. The Red Scabbards are also fighting the executives. Their battles are on different levels than the normal pirates' battles with normal samurais.

Their battles are affecting their surroundings and destroying a lot of things. That's why they don't fight near the town because they don't want to destroy things. They fight seriously with their real weapons now so their battles are different from the sparring match before.

But in the end, the executives still win the battles just like before. The Red Scabbards return with shame but their fighting spirits get lit up even more. They want to win from the Clowns badly, they haven't given up, and that's good.

Brook also has done well in his battle against Kanjuro. He has damaged Kanjuro's soul a little to not raise suspicion. But the damage is bad enough to weaken him for a rather long time. He will still do it a few more times though because he will still ask Kanjuro for duels.

Anyway, after the Red Scabbards returned, Oden calls them to the dungeon. He doesn't ask them about their battles and immediately shows them the captured Oniwabanshu's ninjas. It makes them surprised, especially Kanjuro who never gets a message from Orochi about this.

Just like what the Clowns hope, Kanjuro starts to doubt Orochi. He questions why Orochi sent these ninjas and starts to get suspicious. Now the Clowns need to play their cards well to keep this plan working.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 262 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 273 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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