Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 239: Hyogoro The Flower

Chapter 239: Hyogoro The Flower

The plan to destroy the enemies' relationship is going well. Deon & his team have done great and the others give good cooperation. Everyone on the crew contributes a lot to this plan to make it succeeds.

This plan won't only destroy the enemies' relationship but also stop their information network which will weaken them as a result. The Clowns will also get a lot of information about the enemies as they've infiltrated the enemies' inner circle.

With everything sets in its place, Buggy finally can be more relaxed. Now he can finally prepare himself for the main war. It's time to show his power and spar with Oden to train himself so he can get stronger.

He goes to Oden's residence to ask him for a spar. But Oden is still busy with the interrogation of Oniwabanshu's ninjas so he can't spar with Buggy. Well, it's his own fault for giving those ninjas to Oden.

"Are you the Pirate Captain that Oden has been talking about?" asks a man from behind as Buggy walks back to his ship.

Buggy has sensed this person, but he doesn't sense any hostility, so he doesn't do anything and lets the man talk. He turns around and sees a big tall middle-aged man with cyan hair that is shaped like a flame.

'Hyogoro!?' thinks Buggy in surprise.

The man in front of Buggy is Hyogoro, the Yakuza Boss. Hyogoro is still gallant unlike his small & wrinkly appearance 20 years later in Udon when Luffy frees him. Buggy is surprised to see him because he has been busy these few days and couldn't come here even after his men came.

"Flaming cyan hair and those tattoos. You must be Hyogoro, the boss of those Yakuza punks," says Buggy.

Hyogoro smiles and says, "It seems you know about me."

"Well, Oden has told me about you, and I have gathered information on my own. There's no way I will not know a figure like you, right?" asks Buggy while smirking.

"So that's how it is," says Hyogoro shortly.

"Then, can you tell me what do you want, old man?" asks Buggy.

"I just come to see you and judge what kind of person you are by myself," says Hyogoro.

Buggy grins and says, "I don't have any problem with that. I'm anticipating it instead."

"Ho, then let's change the location," says Hyogoro.

The 2 of them then leave and go to the bamboo forest in the south of Kuri. They make a distance between themselves and unsheath their sword. Hyogoro's method to judge Buggy's character is by fighting.

"Swords will never lie. I will see what kind of person you are by crossing our swords," says Hyogoro.

"Whatever, I just want a strong sparring partner. Oden is busy so I can't fight him. I heard that you're strong, so don't disappoint me, old man," says Buggy while grinning.

"I will do my best," says Hyogoro as he gets into a stance.

Both of them get ready for a moment before rushing to each other. Hyogoro swings his katana with both hands diagonally from above. Buggy parries it with a sword and uses his other sword to attack from the side.

Hyogoro jumps aside to evade the strike while swinging his sword back to Buggy who dodges by falling to the ground. Then Buggy uses his hands as pedestals to send a kick with both of his legs to Hyogoro.

It surprises Hyogoro who can only use his hands to block the kick reflexively. He gets pushed back by Buggy's kick but he is fine. He only gets some dirt on his hands because Buggy's shoes touch them.

Hyogoro wants to move back to attack Buggy but Buggy has made an attack first. He has rushed to Hyogoro's position and then slashes diagonally from below with his right sword. The experienced Hyogoro evades to the side and sends a horizontal slash using his sword.

Buggy blocks it with his left sword's hilt and strikes with his right sword again. Hyogoro can only jump to the side again to evade Buggy's attack. He has been forced to dodge Buggy's attacks a few times so far.

'This young man is strong. He could block my attacks that used both of my hands just with one hand and he used the other one to attack. When he couldn't use his hands, he used his legs too, so he is very adaptable to the situations. But I don't think that this is his full capability. He seems to hide a lot of his power,' thinks Hyogoro.

"Young man, it seems you are holding back a lot in this fight. You can just use all your power, you know," says Hyogoro.

"Really? But you have been overwhelmed even when I don't use my full power. What will happen to you if I go all out?" asks Buggy.

"Well, I think I'll get defeated instantly, but it's fine. Let me see your full capability even if it's just for a moment," says Hyogoro while holding his sword tightly in front of him.

Buggy thinks for a while before saying, "Fine. Just don't regret it."

After saying that, Buggy spread his legs a little and holds his swords on his sides. He looks at Hyogoro with firm & sharp eyes as if he is looking at his prey. His gaze makes Hyogoro nervous a little and sweats trickle on his old face.

Buggy suddenly appears in front of Hyogoro and the middle-aged man doesn't know when he moved at all. What he knows is that Buggy is in front of him right now and Buggy appears to be very big in his eyes.

Buggy looks very big & tall in Hyogoro's eyes as if he is a giant. He looks down on Hyogoro with intimidating eyes, pressuring the old man's mind. His swords are moving down to Hyogoro with very strong pressure, making the old man can't even lift his sword to block them.

Buggy's twin Kopis Swords keep moving to2ard Hyogoro as if they'll cut him. But then they stop right in front of Hyogoro's face, just 1 mm away from the skin. With widened eyes, Hyogoro looks at the swords, and then he falls to his knees.

In Hyogoro's eyes, the young man in front of him is very big & tall despite his normal stature. He has a domineering aura that makes others look weak. Hyogoro has met some people with such aura like Oden, but Buggy's aura is very different, and he can't describe it other than strong.

"Are you alright, old man?" asks Buggy as he sheaths his swords and extends his hand at Hyogoro.

His question makes Hyogoro comes to his sense again and says, "I-I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

Hyogoro takes Buggy's hand and stands up again. He also sheaths his sword because this fight is over now. Then he looks at Buggy seriously with an indescribable feeling.

"What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?" asks Buggy.

"Is that really your full capability?" asks Hyogoro.

"I have used my full power in that attack. But I can't say I've used everything I have," says Buggy.

Buggy still has many other skills, techniques, and tricks that he can use. That last attack has really used all his power but not using all his abilities. He used all his physical and mental power to create that super strong attack.

But Buggy still has his devil fruit abilities, his swords' abilities, hidden weapons, martial arts, and even some battle tricks. That's why he said he has used his full power but hasn't used everything he has.

Hyogoro smiles bitterly and says, "What a terrifying young man."

"Then, it's over, right, old man?" asks Buggy.

"Yes, it's very clear that you are very strong. As for your character, I can see that you hide a lot of things but I also feel that I can trust you," says Hyogoro.

"That's good then. Make sure you tell that peeping old man about it," says Buggy as he walks away while waving his hand.

Hyogoro is surprised and says, "It seems he knows you're here, Lord Yasuie."

"It seems so. I thought I'm good enough at hiding but it doesn't seem to be the case," says Yasuie as he comes out from his hiding behind some bamboos.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 263 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 274 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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