Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 127: Venom

Chapter 127: Venom

AN: Sorry for the delay again. I meant to update earlier this week but was too tired from consecutive long OTs and I also reread from the start...and noticed a few inconsistencies...and some other things I forgot...

An example is that I wrote earlier on that Ned and Harry already knew Peter was Spiderman but then wrote again before that Harry doesn't know Peter was Spiderman...well, I just fixed it so Harry doesn't know from the start as it is easier that way.

Also, there's some characters I forgot to address like Daisy's mom Jiaying, Wanda and Pietro's mom, Raina, Nebula, and Dr. Strange...well, imma resolve those in the next few chapters.

About Odin's eldest daughter, I didn't forget her but didn't know when to best insert it yet.

You might've noticed already but this is me tying up loose ends as this novel is close to finish already.

As sad as it is, my heart and mind is already on my next novels...which are quite a few actually. I still don't know which to focus next but I'll do it after finishing this one.

And so bear with me for a few more arcs as we see how Benjamin's story reaches an end...or perhaps a new beginning.

That's all! Sorry for the long note!


Chapter 127: Venom

Benjamin sped over to where the fight was and found Spiderman, Spiderwoman, Spidergirl, and Silk facing a hulking black figure.

It was Peter, Gwen, Mayday, and Cindy against none other than Venom!

Has Venom finally appeared in this universe?

Benjamin turned to the System again.

Just checking, but this is the right universe this time, right?


Benjamin nodded and looked back at Venom.

It seems that the Life Foundation messed up and this guy was let loose.

As for its host…

[Eddie Brock. AKA Venom - Unaffiliated.]

It’s indeed Eddie Brock.

Benjamin checked through his files and found that the Eddie Brock of this universe was a reporter for the Daily Bugle who seemed to be chasing after some story in the Life Foundation.

He must’ve accidentally stumbled upon Venom at that time.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t control Venom’s hunger and desire to rampage, causing this situation.

While he was thinking, Spiderman flipped onto a building as he shot his webs.

“Man, what is this thing!? It’s like one of those Symbiotes that Capt. Freed has!”

Spidergirl answered while dodging a car hurled towards her.

“It’s Venom! It seems your universe finally has one now! Unlike Capt. Freed’s symbiotes, this one should be weak to high frequencies and fire!”

“Ooh! I have just the thing!”

Spiderman swung away and landed on a roof where he hid his backpack which he was carrying before.

He had taken a few gadgets in the EPD inventory cause…well, just cause he could.

Besides, he was borrowing it not stealing…

Anyway, he fumbled over the gadgets and found a small silver orb the size of a marble.

“Found it!”

Spiderman took it and quickly joined the fight.

Silk saw him come back and rolled her eyes.

“Did you finish your bathroom break? Hurry up and do something if you’re planning on doing something!”

“Take this!”

Spiderman ignored Silk and tossed the orb towards Venom.

Venom grabbed it out of instinct and looked at it.

Suddenly, high-frequency sound rang out from the orb which caused it to wince in pain.


The Venom symbiote started to lose control over itself, occasionally showing Eddie Brock underneath it.

Eddie knew that his chance was here so he quickly tried to control his own arm to tear off the Venom symbiote.

“Arghh! Help me get this thing off!”

Spiderwoman turned to Spiderman.

“Anymore where that thing came from!?”

“Uhh no. I only took one.”

“You took!? Wait, did you even get permission!?”

“We need to get permission?”

“There’s a form you need to fill out! No one takes just one of those things!”

“Why didn’t you take any then!?”

“Does it look like I have pockets in this suit!?”

“Hey! Less talking! More fighting!”

Spidergirl cut in between the two bickering as she shot a web towards Eddie and attempted to pull him out of the Venom symbiote.

Silk also joined it and shot a web of her own to help.

The two Spiderman and Spiderwoman finally stopped bickering and helped out as well.

Seeing these spider people fight, Benjamin sighed.

He didn’t waste any more time and simply used his Telekinesis to control Venom and separate it from Eddie.

Benjamin then approached the group.

“Capt. Freed!”

Spiderman quickly noticed him and exclaimed.

“Alright, the fight’s over. Don’t you guys have school? You know there are others who can deal with this situation right? There’s no need to keep skipping school.”

Silk groaned.

“School’s boring.”

Benjamin shook his head and then turned to Eddie.

“And you. Care to explain where you got this?”

Although Benjamin knew already, he still had to ask.

“Uhh t-the Life Foundation. I was chasing after a story and uhh, stumbled on them experimenting on these…things. I don’t know what they are.”

Benjamin nodded and turned to the spiders.

“Alright, go back to the school. I’ll let someone else handle this.”

Spiderwoman complained.

“Oh come on Capt. We’re already here. Let us do it.”

“Hold on.”

Spiderman realized something.

“You’re asking the Guild to handle this aren’t you?”

“Well, yeah. The Guild’s already monitoring the Life Foundation anyway. But it seems these guys still hid deeply. Anyway, its better they handle it.”

“What are you guys talking about? What Guild?”

Spiderwoman asked.

Spiderman ignored her and complained.

“Come on Capt. Let me do it then! I’m already a member too!”

Benjamin blinked.

“Since when?”

“Uhh, since you told me about it?”

“Felicia let you join?”

“Uhh, does she have to?”


Benjamin rolled his eyes.

“Telling you about the Guild doesn’t mean you join the Guild.”


Suddenly Spiderwoman jumped in between Benjamin and Spiderman.

“Again. What is the Guild!?”

Benjamin turned to Spiderman.

“You explain. I’ll call Felicia.”

But before Benjamin could pull out his phone, Silk intervened.

“I don’t care what the Guild is. We’re already involved. I’m not going to sit this out!”

“That’s right!”

Spidergirl added.

Benjamin looked at the two then at Spiderman and Spiderwoman who also nodded along.

“Fine. But Felicia’s running point. Go and change into your stealth suits.”

Spiderwoman laughed.

“We don’t have stealth suits…wait, do we have stealth suits?”

Benjamin nodded.

“I made one for each of the EPD members when I was bored. Go ask Fury where to get it.”


Spiderman smiled excitedly beneath his mask.

“Alright go. Felicia will pick you guys up. Get changed quickly.”

The spider people cheered and swung away, leaving Benjamin with the Venom symbiote and Eddie Brock.

“As for you two.”

“Uhh…I’m not in trouble…am I?”

Eddie asked hesitantly.

“On account of not being in control, no.”

“Oh good.”

“But you did break into private property.”

“Oh no.”

“But well, that’s only if Life Foundation sues you but I doubt they’ll have the time to do so soon enough.”

“Oh good.”

Benjamin chuckled at Eddie’s changing expression.

“Anyway. You’re free to go.”


“Just one last thing.”

Eddie paused as he was about to turn around.

“Are you satisfied with your current life?”

“...What do you mean?”

“Look, symbiotes with ego like Venom here don’t just bind themselves to anyone. The host has to be compatible with the symbiote. And you just so happened to be quite compatible with Venom here.”

Eddie frowned.

“What are you getting at here?”

“I’m saying that if you are willing, you can join the EPD and I’ll teach you how to control this guy. Uncontrolled, Venom just causes destruction and chaos. But if you can control it…you become another ally against things that normal people can’t deal with.”

Eddie hesitated and fell silent for a while.

After some time, he answered.

“I’m not exactly hero material…”

“You don’t have to be. No one’s born hero material. Not even Captain America.”

Eddie fell silent again.

He sighed.

“I’ll…think about it.”

“That works too. Just come look for me in the EPD when you’re ready. This guy’s waiting for you.”

Benjamin took out an empty canister from a used Untainted Symbiote container and placed Venom inside it for now.

The container should prevent it from dying without a host.

Although…Benjamin still has a lot of Untainted Symbiote in his Inventory, he didn’t plan on giving those to Eddie.

Eddie Brock is more suited to have the Venom symbiote.

Looking at Eddie’s back as he left, Benjamin smiled.

Who knows. Maybe Eddie will become the King in Black someday.

Benjamin then called Felicia and told her about the Life Foundation.

“Alright, I’ll go and send a team in.”

“Oh, about that. The spiders wanted to do it.”

“...Huh? Spiders?”

“You know. Spiderman, Spiderwoman, Spidergirl, Silk…”


“They were fighting Venom and won’t shut up about seeing this through. Anyway, it should be fine if you’re there.”

Felicia rolled her eyes.

“Fine. But you owe me.”

Benjamin chuckled.

“Alright. Oh, how’s Odessa by the way? Has she already infiltrated the Ravengers?”

“Yeah. She’s been sending updates from time to time. She’s already a captain of one of the smaller teams.”

“That’s good. Let me know if she encounters trouble.”

“I will.”

After bidding goodbye, Benjamin ended the call and finally went home to look for Natasha.


In an unknown location outside of time.

Three Kangs discussed amongst themselves.

Pharaoh Rama-Tut Kang frowned.

“That person is back.”

Scarlet Centurion Kang shook his head.

“Moving a universe’s coordinates was a long shot anyway.”

Immortus Kang looked out at the colosseum full of Kang.

“It doesn’t matter. It was either him returning to his universe or him entering the TVA. He chose the former. And thanks to the False Asgardian, He-Who-Remains is no more.”

Scarlet Centurion Kang added.

“It is time. Begin preparing for the incursion.”

Pharaoh Rama-Tut Kang smiled.

“No rush. We have all the time in the world.”

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