Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 128: Plans and Rest

Chapter 128: Plans and Rest

Chapter 128: Plans and Rest

After separating with the Spiders, Benjamin let Gamora, Groot, and Rocket out of the Soul Realm and no longer bothered with them as he went home.

Having gone home after what feels like a really long time, Benjamin found Natasha, Ophelia, Mors, and Mara along with Hela and Selene wearing maid costumes standing behind the two Deaths.

Anna, Ororo, and Elsa were also present beside Natasha while Janice was there for Ophelia.

Benjamin paused for a moment when he saw Elsa but then remembered that he brought her out from Limbo a while back.

This girl was usually out singing so Benjamin had unconsciously distanced himself from her, fearing that he would suddenly break into a musical. Because of that, he also somewhat forgot about her presence…

Thankfully, it seems she has stopped her habit of singing every now and then. Natasha and the others must’ve scolded her about it.

Benjamin smiled seeing all of them together.

Whether it was the good, the bad, or those high cosmic beings, there were now all smiling while chatting with each other.

This was the sort of peace that Benjamin wanted to see.

“I’m home!”

The girls looked back at him and smiled.

“Welcome back.”

The end.

…Well, of course not.

While the scene seemed like a perfect way to end this story, events continued to unfold in the background.

This was still the calm before the storm.

Meanwhile, in the the Life Foundation’s (not so) secret facility.

Five figures in stealth suits sneaked in through the vents and appeared at an empty room.

Spiderman grinned.

“Man these suits rocks!”

“Shut up! The whole point of stealth suits is ‘stealth’!”

Spiderwoman knocked Spiderman’s head.

Black Cat rolled her eyes.

“You both shut up.”

After making sure the surroundings were safe, Black Cat pressed a button on her brace and a holographic 3D map appeared before them.

There were five blue dots in one room, representing the five of them.

Black Cat quickly issued her orders while highlighting key areas.

“Spiderman and Spidergirl, check the area where Venom was initially contained. See if you can access any computers. Copy everything and grab anything of note.”

Spiderman and Spidergirl nodded.

“Spiderwoman, Silk. You two take control of the security room. I want eyes on everything. Also, secure any footage from the past month till now.”

Spiderwoman and Silk nodded.

Spiderwoman then asked.

“And you?”

“I’ll be checking all the offices and grabbing all the data I can.”

“Just data?”

Spiderman was doubtful.

Black Cat grinned.

“Some personal things might get misplaced~”

The four spiders rolled their eyes.

“Anyway, remember we’re only here to grab information. Don’t make any commotion no matter what!”

Black Cat said in a serious tone.

Several minutes later…


Black Cat groaned.

She quickly shouted in the intercom.

“Who is it!?”

“It was Spiderman!”

“It was Spidergirl!”


Black Cat sighed.

She regretted assigning the two in that area.

It seems that after the two saw the various cells with people inside being experimented on with the other symbiotes, they lost control and ended up causing a commotion.

Now all the symbiotes were loose and started attacking people, causing the facility’s alarm systems to ring out noisily.

Moreover, the noise seemed to have intensified the anger of the symbiotes, causing them to attack even more wildly!

Black Cat quickly regrouped with Spiderwoman and Silk who had already taken control of the security room and they saw the situation with Spiderman and Spidergirl through the monitors.

Black Cat sighed.

At this rate, it would be detrimental to let those symbiotes continue to let loose.

“Alright, that’s it. I’m pulling the plug. Ben!”

“Yo. What’s up?”

Benjamin immediately appeared beside her.

Then, he saw the monitors and couldn’t help but smile wryly.

“Well, I kinda saw this coming…”

Benjamin patted Black Cat on the shoulder and then waved his hand.

Suddenly, the symbiotes attacking Spiderman and Spidergirl froze in midair.

Spiderman saw this and sighed.

“It seems Capt. Freed is here…”

“We are so in trouble…”

Spidergirl also groaned.

As expected, a portal appeared and Benjamin appeared from it along with Black Cat and the others.

Benjamin looked at the two and asked.


“We’re sorry…”

“It’s just…those people…”

Benjamin smiled and shook his head.

“I understand you wanted to help them. But…couldn’t you do it more subtly? Or at least, inform the others first? Felicia would’ve made a proper plan to save them without causing any commotion.”

The two hung their heads in shame.

Benjamin sighed and walked to them, patting their heads.

“Alright. It’s fine to make mistakes as long as you learn from it. Since it has come to this, no need to remain stealthy. Go and grab all the data and information you can find. I’ll contain these symbiotes first. Afterwards, we’ll deal with the Life Foundation.”


The two nodded quickly and went to grab all the data.

Spiderwoman and Silk did the same while Black Cat approached Benjamin.

“Sorry. It was my mistake assigning these two here.”

“It’s fine. Things have been going well for them and they’ve become lax. Since they made a mistake, just let them learn from it. It’s not a big deal.”

Black Cat nodded then grinned.

“Well then, I’ll go misplace a few more things~”

Benjamin chuckled at that.

After containing the other symbiotes, Benjamin thought for a moment.

Will he be able to find hosts for these other symbiotes?

Benjamin shrugged.

Oh well. We’ll deal with it when the time comes.

Benjamin then scanned the place once with his mental strength to make sure that every thing was okay before deciding to leave it to the others.

However, when he scanned just now, he noticed a peculiar object in a sealed vault room.

Benjamin went to that room and easily pried open the vault door.

Inside was a large room with only a single object placed in the center.

A large rock.

No, it wasn’t just any rock…but a meteorite.

The rock contained elements that weren’t present on Earth so it must’ve come from space.

This should’ve been where the Life Foundation found those symbiotes…

However, when did this meteorite fall here?

Benjamin wasn’t aware of any meteorite falling since he arrived to this world.

Was it before he arrived to this world?

Benjamin shook his head.

No matter. In any case, I’ll have to deal with where these symbiotes come from.

…Well, after Natasha and the others give birth…

Benjamin felt that he has been off-world too much lately and wanted to rest for a while.

Besides, that wasn’t the only urgent thing.

He still need to go to the TVA and deal with whatever the System wanted for him to do.

There’s also the matter of finding Heven to look for Odin’s eldest daughter.

He has put it off for a while now due to being busy with other things.

Then there’s the matter with Stephen Strange.

As the Ancient One had told him before, the future had changed a lot and it seems that Stephen Strange has yet to become the Sorcerer Supreme…

What else…

Oh right, I also need to find the Inhumans City at some point…

Also, the matter with Wanda and Pietro’s mother missing somewhere…

…There’s indeed so many things to do…well, I can slowly do these things while waiting for Nat and the others to give birth.

Calculating the time…it should be almost two months now since Natasha said she was pregnant?

It kinda feels longer than that…

[Host, that is because you have been jumping on and off worlds for a while now. Your sense of time had already changed. It is suggested that you take a moment to rest.]

Benjamin nodded.

But that matter with the TVA…was it anything urgent?

[The TVA exists outside of time. What has happened has already happened. What hasn’t happened won’t happen anytime soon. Who knows. Maybe a ‘future you’ has already dealt with the problem so nothing is happening right now. However, the host must still visit the TVA in the future to complete this.]

Benjamin groaned.

This time stuff is a real headache and if possible, he didn’t want to deal with it.

But as the System said, it seems that there is indeed something happening outside of time right now so he should take a visit in the future.

Until then, he can handle other smaller things.

There were still at least seven months until Natasha gave birth.

Although Benjamin decided to rest in this period, he wouldn’t always be idle.

For starters, he had already started the investigation of the Inhumans City before. Benjamin figured he should check in sometime later with Jiaying regarding where the Inhumans City was.

Yes, Benjamin had actually already met Daisy’s mother, Jiaying and her little group of Inhumans hidden somewhere in China.

It happened sometime before Benjamin went to Xandar with Carol.

At that time, Gordon, an inhuman without eyes capable of teleportation, had appeared and took Raina away who was in custody in SHIELD.

Then, he appeared in front of Daisy to take her away as well but Daisy managed to attack him properly due to her training.

Once Gordon was incapacitated, he was brought over for questioning after waking up.

Benjamin was also there and they found out about a group of inhumans hidden in China.

Then, Daisy managed to reunite with her mother Jiaying and since Benjamin was there, things didn’t escalate as they did in the TV series.

There wasn’t anything like what happened in the TV series where terrigen crystals were scattered in the ocean and eventually processed into food and distributed to the whole world.

And so, no panic or major changes happened.

Instead, Benjamin asked them to investigate the location of the hidden Inhumans City.

At this time, there should already be some findings.

But well…it isn’t anything urgent. I’ll just wait till they report to me.

Benjamin shook his head.

Other than that, he still had no idea where to start to look for Wanda and Pietro’s mother.

And as for going to Heven…

Benjamin thought for a moment before nodding.

I should be strong enough now to go against Heven in case I have to. I’ll go ask Thor where it is later on.

After deciding that, Benjamin sighed and went back home.

For now, let’s get some long-overdue rest…

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